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The next morning...

Freed POV

I woke up next to Minerva in her bed. I got out of bed and changed into my clothes. I kissed goodbye before leaving her room. Sorano was out in the living room.

"Oh- uh- hey, Sorano..."

"Fun night last night, huh?"


"You guys are so great together!"


"I'm glad Minerva found someone like you. You're a good man. Good for you two!"

"I- I got to go. Nice seeing you again, Sorano."

Ah, shit.

Did I make a mistake?

I love her with all my heart,

but if we don't want the same things,

then what's the point?

Did I make a mistake?

Minerva POV

Okay, I am a mess. I locked myself in my room and cried about Freed for a week. Sorano had to kick the door to get me out of my room.

"Minerva! Oh- you're alive."

"On the outside, but I feel dead inside."

"What happened? Did someone die?"

"Freed broke up with me."

"Oh. Oh, Minerva...I'm sorry."

"I thought we were doing so well."

"What happened?"

"He doesn't want kids."


"And he says I love Athena, and he doesn't want to be the reason why I can't have her."


"I still can't believe it!"

"Okay, well. I'm sorry you had to go through this. You stink- a lot. You haven't been out of your room for a week! It would be best if you had a two-hour bath."

"Are you serious?"

"For the love of Sabertooth, yes. You're a wreck, and you need sanitation. I love you, and Freed loves you, but you shouldn't be like this! You are the Minerva Orland, and you are never like this!"

"Well, everyone has their downsides. What are you saying?"

"I'm saying, this is not you. As your best friend, I will not be that sympathetic, soft friend for you because you need tough love. You are the strongest member of Sabertooth and have been through hell. There's no way a breakup can take you down."

"Love is my weakness."

"Okay, you know what? That's it. You are getting a shower."

Sorano dragged me out of my room and took me to the bathroom. She turned on the water and tossed me in there.

"What the hell!"

"Trust me, the first way to move on is gaining back good hygiene and sanitation."

The water soaked into my skin and clothes.

"Okay, fine. I'll take a shower. Now, will you please leave?"

"Yes! It worked."

"Yeah, yeah, congrats."

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