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Lyon POV

What the hell am I doing? Cana and I are kissing. No, I can't do this to Meredy.

"I'm so sorry. It's the stupid pregnancy hormones. I'm so sorry, Lyon. Everything is making me horny. The hormones make me want to kiss my reflection."

"All good..."

Why did the kiss feel so right? THINK LYON, THINK! You like Meredy, you like Meredy.

"I need food."

"What do you want?"

"Ice cream with hot sauce!"

"Damn it, Cana."

Two weeks later...

"Happy three-month anniversary!" I shout when Meredy comes into the bedroom.

I covered the bed with rose petals shaped like a heart. There were candles, music, champagne, and teddy bears.

"Oh my goodness, Lyon! This is so romantic!"

"Anything for you, Meredy. Listen. I love how you're supportive of the baby, always there for your friends, humble, sweetest, and gorgeous. That is why...I love you."

"I love you too!"

I swept her off her feet and kissed her away. Are three months too early to say I love you? Maybe. But we know each other, and it feels like the right time.

(Week 25)

Cana POV

Ugh, I can't do anything. Cassandra said I'm experiencing carpal tunnel syndrome. That means normal swelling and fluid retention. And I'll be having this until I give birth. I can barely do anything now. I have to shake my hand every time it goes numb every five minutes. I need help.

(Week 28)

"You're rocking this pregnancy, Cana! Third trimester already!" Cassandra announced to Lyon and me.

"Yay, me."

"Oh, shoot. I forgot I had an event for Lamia Scale."

"You can go- it's just a regular appointment."

"You sure?"

"I'm sure. Now go before you get kicked out!" Lyon ran out of the hospital, and Cassandra faced me.

"How are you feeling, dear?"

"I hate this, all of this. I shouldn't have done this. I can't do anything!"

"Calm down, honey. Are you talking about the pregnancy or that Lyon isn't your boyfriend for your pregnancy?"

"I- uh. I guess both. Being pregnant sucks, and it sucks that I can't have Lyon!"

"I can assure you, things will get better."

"How do you know? It's not like you're a psychic or fortune teller. I'm sorry, that was rude."

"No, you're right. I have pretty good intuition, and I've had a patient who's been in this kind of situation. Most of my patients who weren't dating the baby's father ended up being with them because of the baby. The baby is where all the connections happen. It makes most families stronger. You know, like Mirajane and Laxus. After their miscarriage, it got them together, and now they're married and expecting."

"Yeah, I guess. Congratulations again. You'll be my mom soon!"

"And you're going to be a mom!"

"I think that's making you sound old."

"I've always been the old one. So, you love him?"

"Always have been. I'm too late- he and Meredy love each other."

"I'm not trying to break anybody up, but I think he still loves you. And sooner or later, he's going to realize that."

"You think?"

"I know."

(Week 32)

This is not a good feeling. My body is aching, and my uterus is tight. I think I'm going into labor. I took my phone and called Lyon.

"Cana? Are you okay? It's 4 in the morning..." I heard Lyon groaning.

"I think I'm going into labor."

"What?! Okay, okay. Can you go to the hospital by yourself?"

"No, my body is killing me."

"Okay, just breathe. I'll be right over."

I waited for ten minutes until the pain deepened.

"I'm here! Let's go!"

Lyon and Meredy were at my place. He carried me to the hospital. Wendy checked me out.

"Good news, you're not in labor!" Wendy stated.

"Why does it feel like I am?"

"It's called Braxton hicks. It's sporadic hardening or tightening of the uterus-and they come more often as the pregnancy progresses, false labor."

"Oh, thank Mavis. I am not giving birth at 4. Sorry for waking you up, Meredy and Lyon."

"No, it's all good. Better to be safe than sorry." Meredy comforted. "Hey, why don't Lyon live with you? In case anything like this happens again."

"What?!" Lyon and I shout.

"I'm sorry- I thought it would be helpful."

"I mean, I guess. But living with me is a pain. And no guys are allowed at Fairy Hills."

"Then why don't I live with you? I'm good at house cleaning. I'll be happy to take care of you." Meredy offered.

"You would do that?"

"Yeah! I'll do anything for you to be comfortable and safe."

"That would be great. Thank you so much."

"No problem! Will you be okay with it, Lyon?"

"Uh- yeah, go for it."

(Week 35)

Meredy and I have been living with each other for three weeks now. She is the best. No wonder why Lyon loves her. Meredy would cook, clean, and sing for me! I'm falling in love with her.

"Hey, Cana?"

"Yeah? What's up, Meredy?"

"Can I ask you something personal?"

"Of course, what is it?"

"It's just, do you love Lyon? I think Lyon still loves you, and I'm sure you love him."

"What makes you think that? I'm only the carrier of his child."

"I don't know, I can feel a connection from you guys."

"I can assure you, Lyon loves you. And I wouldn't do anything to change that."

"Thanks, that makes me feel better."

Is it noticeable that I love Lyon? I haven't interacted with him for a bit. I try my best to hide my feelings. Meredy doesn't deserve this treatment. Screw you, Lyon. After more than five weeks, I won't have to see him again.

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