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September 20, X796

Lisanna POV

Okay, Lisanna. You got this. Everyone says it's fantastic, so I shouldn't be scared. Dinner is all set, my outfit looks fine, and the bedroom looks romantic. He should be here any minute.

The door opens.

"Lisa, I'm home!" Bickslow shouts.

He sets his keys and bags on the coat hanger.

"Woah, what is this?"

"I made you dinner!"

"Wow! Steak and fries? My favorite!"

"Eat quick because I have something else for you."

"Yes, ma'am."

He sat down with me at the dinner table. I tried to be touchy with him while we were eating. Once we finished, I set the plates in the sink.

"Wait here," I told Bickslow and went upstairs.

"So what's this surprise?"

"You'll see in a second!"

I prepared myself for the next step.

Bickslow POV

"You can come upstairs now!" Lisanna yelled.

"Okay then. You're scaring me a little," I say while walking up the stairs.

I opened the door to see candles, rose petals, music, and Lisanna wearing lingerie and lying on our bed.

"Happy second anniversary!" She shouts.

"What is this?"

"It's our second anniversary, and I'm letting you sex me up."

"Are you sure about this?"

"I thought about it. I want to do this with you."

I stared at her before taking my helmet and stripping myself to my tank top and pants. I climbed on top of the bed to hover over Lisanna. I tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear. She grabbed my head to smash our lips together. She slides my pants down, revealing my boxers with my member sticking out. She removed my tank top before I kissed her neck and lay flat on the bed.

Lisanna POV

Okay, it's about to happen. You can do this. Bickslow laid me flat on the bed while kissing my neck. It's going to happen. I shut my eyes for a few seconds.

I couldn't feel anything, so I opened my eyes and looked up. I saw Bickslow putting on his tank top.

"Hey, what's up? W-why didn't you do anything?"

"Lisa, you were so stressed. Your hands were in tight little fists, you were shutting your eyes, and I think I heard you crack a tooth. You're not ready for sex."

"What? Yes, I am."

Bickslow glanced at me.

"Okay, maybe I'm not ready for sex. I just wanted to give you the intimacy you haven't had in years."

"Oh, Lisanna. You're so cute."

Bickslow cupped my chin and pecked my lips.


"Sex is great, but I've never had such an amazing connection with someone until I met you. And I prefer the person instead of sex."

"You mean that?"

"No. I only said that to make you smile and make your eyes shine the way it does."

I smiled at his joke.

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