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A few hours later...

"Dr. Marvell! He's dead," The nurse claims.

"No. No! NO! I can't let him die!"

"Someone call Dr. Dreyar-Clive."

"No, I got it. Time of death...8:42."

I slammed the tools on the table and ripped my gown and gloves.

"DAMN IT! DAMN, IT!" I cried.

I left the operating room and went into a supply closet. The door opens.

"Dr. Marvell."

"I'm coming."


"This is my second failed neuro case in a row."

"Both were traumas."

"I'm a trauma surgeon! And I killed both of Romeo's loved ones!"

"No, you didn't. You did everything right. The human body is complicated."

"I can't go. I can't look at Romeo the same."

"You have to own up to it. The least you could do is tell Wakaba."

"I will. I need a minute."

"Okay then. They still love you."


Cassandra left, and I wiped off my tears. I went and found Wakaba.

"Is he okay?" He asks.

I burst into tears.

"Oh, my Mavis. He didn't make it."

"I'm so sorry!"

"Damn, that old crone."

"I got the glass out, but his blood pressure was crashing. We tried to save him, but he flatlined for too long. I truly apologize."

"Don't worry, child. I'm fine, but I'm worried about Romeo."

"I will tell him. It's just- this was Romeo's second loved one to die."

"I know, child. You did nothing wrong. We're all humans, and humans die in crazy ways. Macao had to die from a freaking glass bottle."

"I know he was your best friend."

"Yeah, he was. He wanted to see Romeo get married and start a family, but he knew as long as Romeo was happy, he could die in peace."

"He didn't get to see that."

"Well, yeah. But I bet the old crone has seen everything he needed to see. He's probably watching us and yelling at you to tell Romeo."

"I know. I'll tell him."

"No, not about his death. Your love for Romeo. It's clear there's still love."

"What! Your best friend just died, and you're telling me to confess to his son?"

"It's my wish."

"Damn it, Wakaba."

"Go before I kick you out of here!"

"Did Cassandra make you do this?"


"Fine! I'll go." I changed into my regular clothes again. There was still about 30 minutes of the concert. I went backstage and told security who I was. I was let in, and there he was, singing his heart out.

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