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(Week 35)

Bickslow POV

"Why are you feeling down?"

Laxus hands me a beer. We were hanging out while taking care of his kids. He was helping me out practicing parenting.

"I've been worried these past few weeks with the baby so close to term. Like last week, I thought Lisa was going into labor because she felt pain. Thankfully it was only Braxton Hicks."

"Ah, yeah. Those are quite annoying."

"It's not just that. I got scared of the baby."

"Pfft. You? Scared of the baby?"

"Yeah, I know. I don't feel like I'm ready to be a dad. Have you had that panicky sense of: Oh, my god. I'm going to be dad feeling?"

"Well, no. I always knew I wanted kids. Every time I imagined who it would be with, it was Mirajane. I was heartbroken when I discovered Mira had a miscarriage with our first child, but that caused us to confess."

"Nah, you guys would've gotten together anyway. You guys are meant to be! Plus, you were always in love with her."

"Sure, but it was a clear sign. I'm going to be honest with you, Bickslow. And you might not like it."

"Bring it on."

"You'll never feel like you're a dad. You know when you're a father."

"Okay then. When did you know you were a father?"

"Let's see, Mirajane needed an emergency C-Section for Adrian, which meant I couldn't be with her. I waited in her recovery room until they brought her and Adrian in. Mirajane was still under anesthesia, so I held Adrian for the first time. He looked just like Elfman. He was this small baby that was as big as my forearm."

"Or you just have big arms."

"Do you want me to console you or not?"

"Sorry, sorry. Continue."

"Anyways. All of a sudden, he grabs my finger with his whole fist. And he squeezed it- so tight. And that's when I knew."

"Oh, wow. That is a sob story."

"You'll see, man. You'll see."

"No, I believe you. I don't know if I could be a good father to my daughter."

"Bickslow, you will probably be the best dad I've seen. You would take her to every birthday party, dance with her, make food for her, get her ice cream, and always cheer her up when she is sad. You would spoil her rotten and also humble her. Don't think your past will mix with her because it won't. You're Bickslow, and you're a pretty damn good person."

"Thanks, Laxus. I needed that."

"Anytime. Hey, you know. We're not as close to each other compared to Evergreen and Freed."

"What do you mean?"

"You know. You, Evergreen, and Freed are like three peas in a pod. Freed and Evergreen are some of my closest friends, and you are too. But we aren't as close in the Thunder Legion."

"Oh, I guess you're right. But maybe because the Thunder Legion was created for you."


"Damn, the Thunder Legion and the Take-Over siblings."

"Works pretty well for me."

"And Freed is with my ex."

"We're all related. Except for Freed."

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