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July 11, X794

Lisanna POV

It took me a few weeks before I left my house. While I was on my break, I picked up on songwriting. Now that I think about it, I don't know why I took Bickslow's statement so seriously. We weren't dating, so I shouldn't be sobbing over him. I feel like a different person now.

"Hey, Lisanna!" Mirajane says as I walk downstairs. "I made you some breakfast."

"Thanks, Mira. I go by Lisa instead."



"Okay, then. How are you feeling?"

"Fine. I thought about things, and I feel different now."

"In a good or bad way?"

"Good. I'm going back to the guild today."

"Want me to walk with you?"


"Is there anything else you're changing?"

"Nope, just my name."

"Have you talked to Elfman?"

"Nope, and I don't want to."

"He's sorry."

"I don't want to talk to him."

"Okay, Lisa."

I told everyone I went by Lisa instead of Lisanna. Everyone respected my decision.

"Hey, Lisa," Natsu obnoxiously said.

"Hey, Natsu."

"Why are you Lisa now?"

"Because I want to?"

"Are you okay?"

"Of course I am. How is Lucy?"

"She's doing fine. Are you sure you're okay? You've been gone for a while."

"I'm fine. I just needed a break."

"From what?"

"I needed time for myself. Now, if you excuse me, I have to work."

"Uh, okay."

Bickslow POV

Lisa instead of Lisanna. Did I affect her that much? I was drinking my beer when Natsu came up to me.

"Yo, Bicky."

"What's up, Dragneel?"

"What have you done to Lisanna?"


"You did something. Were you guys dating?"

"No, we only hung out."

"Then why is she all, "call me, Lisa."?"

"I don't know. I only told her we shouldn't see each other."

"You did what?"

"I didn't want her to be in love with me."

"She's in love with you?"

"I asked her if it was love or a sacrifice. I ended things so she could find a better man. I know I'm not good enough for her."

"Do you love her?"

"I'm afraid to."

"Why. Why?"

"It's a touchy subject for me. Look, I know you care about Lisanna, but so do I. I knew she would be head over heels for me if we went out again. Ending things affected me, too."

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