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You can read or skip this part. So, the notes about these ships. This is another disclaimer: I don't expect half of these ships to happen in the manga/anime. This is my Fairy Tail universe revolving around the pairs.

-Mirajane x Laxus: I pray they get together. Many prefer Freed x Laxus or Cana x Laxus, but I am a massive Miraxus fan. I find them so cute together, and the scenes they have are the light of my world.

-Gildarts x Cassandra: Gildarts will probably not end up with anybody, but it would be nice to see him getting over his ex-wife even though he may be over her. Cassandra is a character I made up because she would make this series more sense.

-Cana x Lyon: I don't think these two will ever happen. I find them cute if they would've interacted. The two unexpected pair you never thought of. Again, my imagination. Gray and Cana would've been adorable as kids but of course, Gray and Juvia for life.

-Natsu x Lucy: Oh, come on. These two are the OTP. I think I'm speaking for the majority.

-Happy x Carla: I'm not a big fan of these two. I lowkey like Carla and Pantherlily better, but the exceeds with no one. I needed an excuse for why Happy would be absent.

-Sting x Yukino: These two are one of my favorites. I loved them ever since she slapped him.

-Gray x Juvia: I would've been in love with these two if Juvia wasn't obsessed with Gray. I would've liked it if Juvia had a giant crush on Gray but wouldn't show it. She and he would heavily flirt with each other and not realize they were crushing on each other. He blushes at her comments but is quiet. But this Gruvia is how the show ended with. I also love the friendship between Gajeel and Juvia. I wish they have scenes together.

-Romeo x Wendy: People either like them or hate them. Yes, they are shipped because they're the same age, but I like them together a lot. I can see them being insecure about her image, and Romeo would tell her you're beautiful just the way you are. I find them so cute together.

-Evergreen x Elfman: So cute! They already act like a couple, and even a married one. I think they're semi-canon, and I hope they become official soon. I don't know what their kids would look like.

-Levy x Gajeel: So cute together, but I get bored with Canon ships for fanfiction. I like whatever Hiro Mashima does for these two.

-Lisanna x Bickslow: I'm confused about how these two were created, but I'm down for it. I think they're pleasant together, and Bickslow would be cute around Lisanna. I don't know. I like them, but I can see why people don't ship. Their fanart is so good. It makes me ship them even more. There was this one fanmade comic I saw about Bickslow's backstory, and it was so sad but so good!

-Erza x Jellal: I honestly don't know about these two. They're cute, but I prefer Simon and Erza. Since he's dead (rip), they're cute. I don't see how they are so big, but I wouldn't mind someone explaining why they're good. I don't know the whole story, but I know they somewhat grew up together, and he turned evil because of Zeref. The fanfiction makes me like them more than the anime, but that might be because I skip some seasons.

-Kagura x Rogue: Once again, confused about how they were created, but I like them. Their characters seem to work together, so that's why I like them. I don't think they'll be canon in the anime.

-Freed x Minerva: One of the ships I made for this fanfiction. Minerva would be the extroverted one, and Freed would be the introverted one. I can see Minerva being shy around him, and the same with Freed. They would be like "It's just a one-time thing," but they would have a spark. Call me crazy for shipping them, but hey.

-Kinana x Cobra: Nice! I don't know how their relationship is, but it's good! It kind of weirded me out that Kinana was the snake, and Cobra only wanted to hear his best friend. But they seem good.

-Hisui x Cobra: I would love for these 2 to happen, but I know it won't happen. I feel like they would be absolutely adorable if they were together.

-Zeref x Mavis: Aren't they the epic love story??

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