Believe Me

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This oneshot was requested on tumblr.


It was subtle and they thought you couldn't hear them.

"She's just with him for the money. I mean didn't she get pregnant after three months of knowing him?"

"I think just two months. I remember when Ruben started posting her on Instagram."

"Wow, in that case what a gold digger."

"And that dress she wore, like what was she thinking?"

"Right. I would never wear a dress that revealing if I was carrying a child, so unclassy."

It was funny how these fancy events sometimes worked, you thought. People would come up to you and Ruben, congratulating Ruben on his success with Manchester and you on your six months pregnancy. People would smile and be polite but as soon as you turned your back on them the whispers began. This time whilst you occupied yourself in the ladies restroom.

"Anyway it is a matter of time before Ruben will leave her."

"Right, he hasn't even proposed to her yet and she's carrying his child for god sakes."

You kept quiet whilst eavesdropping from your toilet booth. Once the two girls, complete strangers to you, left the restroom, you spilled out of the toiletbooth with tears in your eyes. You were quick to wipe them away though, knowing Ruben was waiting for you to return.

"There you are." He said as you returned from the restroom, make up in tact. "Ready to go?"

"Yes let's go home." You lead the way to the car.

"Should we pick up some McDonald's on the way?" Ruben said, whilst helping you fastened your seatbelt over your swollen belly.

You frowned "You don't eat McDonald's Ruben."

"I know." He chuckled. "But you do and you didn't seem to like the dinner they were serving tonight, so I thought..."

"I'm good Ruben. Let's just go home."

Silence fell in the car. Ruben looked to you with furrowed brows, but made the choice to ignore your foul mood. Perhaps he thought you were just tired from the long night. At least he was.

"Home it is." He said and put the car into drive.

Too bad for Ruben that your foul mood followed you home. You took forever in the bathroom removing your make up. But also shifting in the mirror yet to remove your, apparently, too revealing dress.


Ruben suprised you in the doorframe. He was already dress for bed, wearing his gray sweatpants and a white t-shirt.

"Yes?" You didn't turn away from the mirror to look at him.

"I made you some sandwiches downstairs, if you'd like to have them before bed?"

You turned your head in suprise. "But I said I wasn't hungry?"

"I know what you said." He smiled. "But I also know that what you said wasn't the truth."

"Ruben." Somthing came over you, a warm feeling spreading warmth all over your body. Ruben knew you better than you knew yourself sometimes.

He stepped into the bathroom, leaning against the wall behind you, meeting your gaze in the mirror.

"Why are still wearing that dress?" He frowned.

You lowered your head and shrugged your shoulders.

"Y/N" He said, pushing himself off the wall. "What's wrong?"

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