Chapter 80

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Chang'an, everyone has been calling him that.

    When Song Changan heard his name unexpectedly that day, Song Changan subconsciously turned his head away, and Arnold and the others knew his name through this.

    People around him used to call him that, so Song Changan remembered at this moment that he had never mentioned his last name. Because of habit, he never felt that something was missing.

    He sleeps in the same room with Arnold every day, let the other party take care of his daily life, play with him and watch him sleep, but he doesn't tell the other party anything, Song Chang'an only feels that he is a scumbag now, only enjoying other people A scumbag who pays for granted.

    For this reason, although Song Changan wanted to escape from the bottom of his heart, still looked directly into Arnold's eyes, and made a simple self-introduction as calmly as possible.

    He really took a lot of determination to tell Arnold his biggest secret.

    Song Changan smiled flatteringly, he had kept it a secret for so long, and he didn't know if Arnold would be unhappy.

    There are still tears in the corners of his eyes, his face is flushed after crying, but he is already smiling brightly, just with a little bit of fear, just like him on weekdays It was too much trouble, and I was afraid that Arnold would be angry.

    Arnold touched his cheek subconsciously.His mind was full of the words Chang An said before. He moved closer, and hugged his waist from behind: "Changan , do you know the name of the capital star?"

    He spoke very slowly, looking at him with that kind of surprised and clear eyes, Song Changan shook his head slowly, no one would deliberately tell him something about this world He has no interest in it and has no way to learn about it. He doesn't even know the name of the planet under his feet.

    Seeing the blankness in his eyes, Arnold said softly: "Its name is Earth."

    Song Changan subconsciously raised his head to look at him, making sure that he was not deceiving himself, and then looked at his feet in confusion.

    Here is the earth?

    It turns out that he didn't come to another world, but came to the earth after who knows how long?

    Song Changan couldn't help but squeeze Arnold's hand even tighter. He didn't know what he was afraid of. His mind was full of past events. Are his relatives and friends gone?

    Arnold saw his panic-stricken eyes flushed, and leaned over to touch his forehead: "This is not the real Earth, but we always remember where we came from, so we named our capital star as 'Earth'. name."

    "We can't find our way home, Chang'an." Arnold's voice rang in Song Chang'an's ear, with unspeakable pain and gratitude in his cool voice.

    The body of the boy in his arms is soft, with a warm and heart-melting heat. Arnold was attracted by his appearance the moment he saw him on the first day, and he also knew that his inside was as soft and lovely as his appearance .

    He always thought that Chang'an was the treasure this world gave him, the only cub, the only hope. He didn't know where he came from, but he brought vitality to this population that was destined to decline.

    It wasn't until this moment that Arnold understood why his Chang'an was hope.

    He is the treasure that the earth gave them, from the battered home they lost.

    Those voyages may have hoped to regain their homeland at the beginning. During the long journey, they stopped at countless places and made countless marks, just for a "way home".

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