Chapter 44

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The sudden high temperature on the cub and the sharp drop in temperature just now did not seem to have any effect on his body. He can run, jump and eat, but at first he looked dull Yes, Arnold and the others thought that this sudden "high fever" had burned the brains of their precious cub, even though he always looked blank for a long time on weekdays.

    Seeing that they were chatting and chatting, they were almost making themselves stupid, afraid that they would take him to do some weird checkups again, Song Changan, who found out that he was ridiculously fat for the first time, touched his belly and was forced to stand up and behave Your own energetic and healthy body.

    Song Changan struggled to get out of Arnold's palm, and when he got his wish, he stood on the table and looked around at everything within two meters of him. First, he found his carrot pillow not far away, and he picked it up and hugged it In his arms, for some reason, he always had the feeling that the pillow suddenly became smaller.

    Song Changan: This must be an illusion.

    He didn't know what he was looking for, he just wanted to find something, until he saw someone walking over with his small rice bowl, he finally knew what he was looking for.

    He is looking for something to eat.

    Song Changan: "..."

    He looked down at his belly, it looked fine when he was standing up, he didn't look too fat except a little round, but when he sat down This picture is a bit exciting.

    Song Changan looked at the small bowl that was getting closer and closer to him, and then looked at his stomach, couldn't help crying from the bottom of his heart, he is so fat, is he still so hungry?

    But when the carrots and corn in the bowl completely entered his field of vision, he still rushed in without hesitation. After all, he has the strength to lose weight when he is full!

    It is not advisable to go on a diet to lose weight, he must rely on exercise!

    Song Changan, who set a weight loss plan for himself in just one minute, stood in the bowl and ate happily. He should have been lying down, but considering his own face, he felt like lying down Spreading himself into a pie makes it easy for people to discover the fact that he has become fat, so he can only feel wronged and eat standing up.

    Arnold looked at the little back of the cub standing there from behind. He felt the cub's resistance when the cub wanted to come down just now. He didn't know what happened, so he could only stop himself from thinking about it.

    He stretched out his hand to touch the cub's back. The little golden ball looked back at him, took a bite of the corn kernels in his hand, and looked at him dully. After a while, he took a very stiff step aside. Arnold's fingers Just landed in the void.

    Arnold's fingers hung in the air awkwardly, and the cub had already turned his back and continued to nibble the corn kernels, but he didn't look at him.

    The warmth and softness touched by the fingertips disappeared in an instant, and Arnold felt lost in his heart. He didn't know the reason why the cub resisted him. He knew that he was willing to sit in his palm at the beginning, but why did he suddenly change his attitude.

    Arnold, who had never been alienated by the cub before, turned cold in an instant. He withdrew his hand and didn't know what he was thinking, with a hint of worry in his eyes.

    What the hell happened to the cub?

    The cub was the center of everyone's attention. Even if his small movements were not obvious, everyone present would notice him. Everyone looked at Arnold strangely, wondering why the cub suddenly avoided him.

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