Chapter 78

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The golden hair ball curled up into a ball on the man's right chest, just like when he was first discovered, only two small gray ears were left softly curled up there, golden You can't even see the pink tail in the fluff, it only rises and falls with the steady breathing.

    Song Changan's sleeping position as a little golden silk bear has always been very casual, and it's common to walk around with his limbs spread apart, but yesterday Arnold picked him up from his shoulders and put him on his body, he crawled and almost rolled down again,? ? After being held down by Arnold, he shrank completely.

    Probably only when he maintains this sleeping position, Song Changan will settle down.

    Arnold reached out and touched the hair on his back lightly. Seeing it collapse and return to its original shape little by little, he felt inexplicably happy.

    In fact, he has already woken up a long time ago, but he didn't move, not because he was afraid of waking Song Changan, after all, it is difficult for him to wake up when he falls asleep, unless he wakes up by himself, Arnold just wants to Continue to maintain this moment of time.

    At this time, he should have gotten up to deal with his military affairs when Changan was not awake, but now the situation is getting more and more urgent. He has already spent a lot of time taking care of Changan, but he doesn't know when He is about to leave, that day is not far away, so the time spent together like this is extremely precious to him.

    Arnold lay there and let his thoughts go, until the little golden bear on his chest suddenly trembled, stretched his limbs and crawled two steps aside in a daze, and his round body rolled down directly.

    Song Changan who had just woken up: "!!!!!!"

    Arnold compromised him quickly with sharp eyesight and hands, and planted his head in Arnold's palm. After getting up, he climbed up Arnold's shoulder with some fear.

    The thin white translucent nails on the pink paws hung firmly on Arnold's body, allowing him to crawl back easily.

    Song Changan sighed cautiously while lying on the original place, as if he was still awake, he looked around with his small ears up, and then slowly narrowed his eyes again.

    Arnold looked at the place where he climbed up, leaving several shallow white scratches, which didn't make Arnold feel the slightest pain, but he could clearly notice that Chang An's claws had become sharper.

    Originally, he couldn't leave marks on Arnold's body even with his teeth, but now he can do it with his small fingernails. When Arnold cut Chang'an's teeth yesterday, he also found that the hardness of the small pale yellow teeth had increased a little.

    Arnold has been watching his growth from the limp little cub with no lethal power at the beginning to the limp little cub with a slightly improved force value, but this is not enough.

    Chang'an has no ability to protect himself. Even in human form, in Arnold's eyes, he is still a small animal with little strength.

    Arnold only hoped that after he left, Quick and the others could protect him.

    Song Changan finally woke up after lying there leaning against him. Only then did he realize that he was on Arnold's body, and he looked at Arnold quite curiously.

    In the past, regardless of whether he slept in a small basket or on a bed, except for the last accident, when he got up, Arnold had basically packed up and dealt with things, and he was still lying on the bed today?

    Song Chang'an crawled onto Arnold's neck in a fluffy manner, and approached him with two claws on his chin.

    Arnold: "Good morning Chang'an, what do you want to eat today?"

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