Chapter 52

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52.Chapter 52

    I have experienced hell-level high schools and elementary schools that are part-time and part-time. Ye Yu adapts like a fish in water. In just a few days, he has left his name in the elementary school.

    First, she was Ye Laosan’s daughter. Ye Laosan personally sent it to her on the day of school. The other teachers and classmates in the school were very curious about her. They wanted to know what she looked like for several days in a row. After class, Ye Yu’s classroom was surrounded by a lot of students from other production teams. Everyone wanted to know if Ye Laosan’s little girl who was able to photograph people’s brains with a brick was also the same as her sister. , Beating is quite powerful.

    From this look, there is nothing unsurprising.

    Yeyu looks so good that Yelao San Ye Mi does not look like Ye Lao San Ye Mi.

    This is too pretty.

    After they went back, they told their parents that Ye Laosan’s little girl in Daliushu Village was pretty good-looking. Some of them were precocious. Those who knew that boys would marry a girl would tell their parents about the future. Looking for someone as beautiful as Yeyu, the parents were very curious to hear that, some came to the school to take a look at Yeyu. After returning, I thought that their son might be a bachelor for a lifetime.

    Where can I find another girl who is as handsome as Ye Yu?

    Secondly, Ye Yu is not an ordinary child. She has traveled from now on. She has just finished the college entrance examination. Even if history and politics do not have to be forgotten all the year round, she still has a solid grasp of the three main subjects of language, mathematics, and English. With just a few simple words, adding and subtracting within twenty, it's not difficult for her at all.

    When other children need to count and count with their fingers, Yeyu, who can accurately tell the answer without counting, seems so outstanding; when other children are stumbled by a simple quotation, Ye Yu, who can read a text fluently in Mandarin, which is not inferior to his teacher, is simply a genius.

    Both Song Shu and Sun Shasha felt that Ye Yu could skip the first grade and go to the third grade.

    The content of the first grade is too simple for her. To bury such talents in their class, they themselves feel that it is quite a delay to their children.

    Now that they have such an idea, they will naturally consult with other teachers. As more people know, the news will naturally spread, first in Daliushu Village, and then through the tongues of the women in Daliushu Village. When we arrived in other villages, everyone knew that Ye Laosan in Daliushu Village probably had green smoke from his ancestral tomb. The little girl who gave birth to this girl was handsome and smart, even the teacher couldn’t help boasting. of.

    Ye Laosan’s family has a lot of beautiful scenery for a time, so many families with children want to come to Mengfei to ask for advice, how do they teach their children, how can they be so smart, and Ye Laosan’s sorrowful and walking are all the wind.

    He just waited for the school teacher to come to him and tell him about skipping Ye Yu.

    That afternoon, Ye Laosan was helping Meng Fei to wash rice, preparing to make dinner. He heard someone knock on the door of his house. Looking up, Song Shu and Sun Shasha were standing at the door carrying two paper bags. Quickly shake the water in his hands: "The two teachers are here, come in and sit in and sit down, I am preparing to help the child and her mother make dinner, you first go to the main room and sit for a while, girl, your teacher is here, hurry up Pour two glasses of water for the teacher!"

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