Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

    Lu Laiwang nodded and said yes, such a gratifying little girl, let alone the countryside, even if you can't find a few in the city, although there is a saying that she may not be beautiful when she was a child, but only from the eyes and mouth of this little girl Judging from my little face, I'm sure I won't be ugly in the future.

    The big one is also clever, not stage fright, and not afraid of people, and it's good to be able to mix well when he grows up.

    How could he only have a son?

    Although it is fate that both men and women are reborn in their homes, and he is in the same pain, but if he also has such a gratifying little girl, he feels that he has a lot of work every day.

    When he came here today, he thought about it in his heart. If there is a little girl in this family who is not very spoiled, he will take it back and raise it as a relative. But now, looking at the atmosphere in the family’s house, it’s obviously Treating the two girls as eyeballs hurts. If he robs others' girls, he will be really discouraged.

    Lu Laiwang forcibly endured the itch in his heart and started talking about business: "The commune has conducted a rigorous visit to investigate and deal with the seizure of the river channel and the random construction of the river channel a while ago. , Has already taken serious treatment of their village. According to our materials, you discovered this incident first, the peasant brother, and you were the first to bring people to deal with it. The commune here decided to send me to give you a commendation. "

    Ye Mi hasn't gone to school yet, and she doesn't understand these literary things. She thought she was going to give a certificate to Ye Laosan: "Are you going to give a certificate to my dad? Dad, don't post your certificate. Such an adult can still get a few awards, and then teach my sister badly. When I go to school and post me, my sister will just look at me."

    She really thinks Ye Laosan can bring bad Yeyu.

    Lu Laiwang laughed loudly: "It's not a certificate, it's better than that. I will give your family a real reward!"

    "First give your family a place in the city's top five families, and then allow your family to raise one pig and four chickens. More than ten catties of rations per month, and ten more catties of meat at the end of the year."

    Ye Laosan is not rare for those things. He doesn't want to spend more time raising pigs and chickens, so he wants to divide more money and meat. The previous things add up to him. Not as powerful as the last two paragraphs. Hearing that at the end of the year, I could divide more meat and more food in normal times, Ye Lao San had a heartfelt smile on his face.

    "This, this is really, thank you for your leadership, thank you for the commune." The

    captain knew his brilliant ideas, but Lu Laiwang didn't know.

    He watched Ye Laosan look dumbfounded when the things in front came out, and when the food and money came out in the back, he could understand, and his simple smile came out.

    What a simple peasant brother.

    He had a better impression of Ye Laosan’s family in his heart. He originally planned to sit here for half an hour, but then he just sat there for more than an hour before reluctantly touching Ye Mi’s head, and walking twice. He walked to Ye Heping's house, the only one who suffered a work-related injury.

    Ye Yu Yemi's sister Hua's little face was never forgotten in his heart.

    Before entering the door, people from far away heard Sun Zhaodi and Ye Ping cursing across the door.

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