Chapter 58

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Hardin's POV:

After few breathes later from our post euphoric state, Tessa's head is still on my shoulder, her breathing is heavy and warm against side of my neck and her one hand is gripping on my biceps and the other is ruffling with the hair on back of my neck. The hot water around us is calm and the mount of bubbles has been reduce, only few heaps are floating. I rest my both hands on small of her back and enjoying the feeling of my skin is still inside and attached to hers warmth and giving her time to recover.

Few minutes later, after our sedated mood her breathing slows down, she raises her head up and puts her plams on my chest. My hands move to her hips and I help her detach for me by lifting her body from my groin. I feel the sudden affect of her warmth around me leaving and if we would in the shower I could've seen the evidence of my orgasm seeps from between her legs instead now it's mixing with the warm water and making it more filthy around us.

Placing her on my lap again, I rest my back against the acrylic behind me and pull her naked body closer to mine by her perky round ass, literally touching our bare chest with eachother. Her breast are handful and soft as cotton balls against my solid as a brick ones. I remove one of my hand from her ass and bring up in between our stomach to her tits and gently pinch her nipples in between my thumb and index finger. She moans in response and I place my hand back onto her ass again after I gave a kiss on her mouth.

She rests her elbows on my shoulder blades and her fingers goes into my hairs, tugging and scratching my scalp. I close my eyes in relish from her massage while I knead her full flesh of her ass with my hands, roughly.

"Thanks for coming" I say, eyes are still closed.

"I always cum, don't I?" She says and I hear a hint of smile in it, when I open my eyes and there she's smirking at her cheeky joke.

"Not that cum word I'm talking about, but I'm glad you came," I remark to this naughty girl on my lap. "I'm speaking about you coming here, in Chicago to meet me," I add.

"You know that I didn't come here especially to meet you. I came for my friend's wedding that's all," she states with an eye roll.

"Whatever you say, but you came, stayed and spend some time with me here, all to thanks to your boring and annoying ass friends," I tease her.

"Hey!" She takes handful of my hair and pull backward much harder than ever. Fucking Ouch! "Don't talk about my good friends like that, only because of them I'm here," she scolds me like a little child I am.

"Okay, okay Theresa, I won't," I pat on her ass under the water.

"Good. Don't ever do that. You're more annoying or maybe more than all of them combine if so," she warns, defending her so called good friends. Okay, not so called, they are good but some of them are... okay like her waiter friend. I can't fucking stand that guy.

"Yeah?" She nods her head proudly. "You pulled my hair so hard, that for a second I thought you will rip them off and make me bald," I bring out my hand from the water, only for running my fingers over my hair and put back on her butt cheeks again.

"I thought you liked when I pull your hair harder." She says and swirls the ends of my hair around her index and middle fingers.

"I do like it," of course I like, actually I love it more when she pulls hard while we've sex, it's like when she tugs it from the roots, it sends a electric flow straight into my dick and make me crazy. "But it was pretty fucking hard this time. And I'd say that you must do that more often when we fuck." I imply.

"Sure," she softly laughs and tugs my hair, gently this time.

"Speaking of your annoying friends.." She glares at me, "I mean 'good friends'," I correct myself. "How is Landon? Is his ass still engaged with that baker woman?" Wait what was her name, Nadia...?

"Nora, she's a pastry chef not a baker," she corrects me, "And yes they're still engaged and happy. Last week they went to Washington and meet their families. And also celebrated Abigail's one year birthday, they call the little girl as Abby, isn't that the cutest name ever?" She smiles at the name of my little step sister.

"Yes, it is," I nod. "Why didn't you go? You could've visited your home town, your mother, her boyfriend and his daughter. You obviously miss Karen and now her baby is there too, you should have," I kindly advise and move my hand up and give her a little back scratch.

"I was busy with in between college and work but I'm going there on the first week of December. I wasn't going to tell you this because of my mother," she pauses and I raise a brow at her for to resume, "But now I'm telling you anyway, so..." she takes a breathe and continues, "She is going to marry David and they're arranging a small wedding at the church, I think? She didn't tell me any more details other than the wedding date and also told me to invite Landon, Karen and Ken," she tells me.

"Carol getting is married with David?" Damn. Good luck with that woman, man. I want to say this to David. "Why didn't she invite me? I'm her favorite person. Or you're here to give me my invitation for that wedding?" I ask even though I know her answer.

"No, the invitation is upto hers. I don't know why she didn't invite you, maybe you should ask her." She tells me and register from what she just said. "Please don't ask her that or she will kill me, literally." She shakes her head and a single hair strands falls on her face from her messy nest.

"I won't, don't worry baby," I say and tuck her hair behind her ear. Maybe I should ask Carol just to annoy her or I should actually convince for letting me be there as Tessa's guest or maybe as Landon's. Then I've to ask Landon to get me a invitation and Carol won't say no to him or maybe she would, bluntly. Damn I don't know.

It will take a lot of efforts to do that and I will do all of those shitty things but in the end that difficult woman won't just agrees with my thoughts and me in generally. So there is no fucking use to ask her. Though I'd love to attend an another wedding with Tessa. Actually there are two more weddings are coming and from us to attend. Which should pursue her into thinking more about our confused relationship and give a thought about spending her life with me.

"Carol is getting married, Landon and maybe Vance and Kimberly will soon too. There are so many weddings are coming. Why don't we add another one to that list, what do you think?" I suggest.

"What?" She tilts her head in confusion but few seconds later she gets it what I am thinking about. "No no no, you're not taking this into that marriage stuff again." She shakes her head firmly, making more hair strands fall from her nest.

"I so am. Why not? We should get married too," I bring my hands from her butt cheeks to up on her redden cheeks.

"I'm not going to talk about on this topic with you again, so stop." She removes her elbows from my shoulders but puts her palms on my chest to create some space.

I know why she always gets all stressed about this shits, whenever I bought it on to the surface. If a year ago she didn't find my manuscript the way she did, things might get different with us and perhaps we would've been living together in the same state instead of different.

"I didn't mean for you to be embarrassed publicly by me writing the book." I say and move my hands down from her face to on her hips.

"Don't worry about it, what's done it's done. I'm happy for you Hardin." Smiling, she cups my jaw with her small hands and rubs her thumbs on my cheeks.

"But I'm sorry-"

"Shhh," she interrupts. "I said I don't mind now, so stop it, okay?" She requests and I nod because there is nothing else for me to say other than how really sorry I am for what my book is going to cause her, so I give in easily at this.

Her one thumb moves on my chin and other one up to my brows, caressing the hair there. "I miss your rings though. Specially the lip one." She tells me and traces her thumb over my bottom lips.

"Yeah?" I ask, barely moving my lips.

"Hmm," she hums and leans forward to brush her lips against mine.

I should think about putting the rings back on then, they are in my drawer here. But I don't want more metals on my face, it's like I'm hiding and I don't want me, the new me to hide anymore. Though maybe only the lip one for this woman, I will wear it.

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