~𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 59~

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chapter 59

Nathan's POV
I threw on a white t-shirt and black jeans before exiting the bathroom. As I got out, I noticed Sofia putting on blue sneakers as she wore a beige hoodie with black joggers.

I huffed. "Since when were you a tomboy?"

"Since forever" Sofia answered. "I don't go a lot of places anyways."

That's when Logan ran into the room, dressed in a grey shirt and light denim jeans while holding his red sneakers in hand.

I started putting Logan's sneakers on him while Sofia sat next to me on the bed.

"Alright, we're all dressed" Sofia said. "Now are you gonna tell me where we're going?"

I sighed. "We're visiting Vincent's apartment."

She furrowed her eyebrows at me all of a sudden.

"Vincent, the guy who dropped off Logan" I clarified.

"Ooooh" Sofia said. "Why though?"

"That I won't tell you" I answered.

Sofia pouted.


I got up from the bed, walking out of the room and entering the living room. I unlocked the house door next, seeing Vincent standing behind it.

"Good morning" Logan grumbled.

"It's nice to see you again, Vincent" Sofia greeted.

"Likewise" Vincent greeted back. "So, shall we go?"

Vincent stepped to the side, Logan grabbing Sofia's hand as they walked away first. Vincent then turned to me after I closed the door, giving me apologetic eyes once he noticed the stern glare on my face.


"You have a lovely office apartment" Sofia complemented.

"Yeah, thanks—anyways, I need to have a little chat with Sin" Vincent spoke. "So you two can...do whatever you want until we're done."

Logan pulled at the bottom of Sofia's hoodie, making Sofia look down at him.

"Sofia, can we watch Space Surfers?" Logan asked.

"Sure, whatever you want, Logan" Sofia answered. "I'll even teach you how to use a phone, too."

Logan gasped. "You will?!"

Sofia smiled, booping his nose with her pointer finger. "It's only for emergencies, okay?"

Logan nodded, pulling her towards the white couches near the left side of the door.

Vincent and I then walked towards his office room as Sofia and Logan started watching the adventurous cartoon. I was the first one to step in and once I heard the door lock behind me, I crossed my arms.

"Um...are you upset with me?" Vincent asked, visibly fidgeting in his position.

I turned to him with the darkest glare on my face.

"Right, sorry I asked" Vincent apologized. "I know you said not to contact you about reports anymore unless it's serious—it isn't, but it's an urgent request."

"Oh?" I ushered him to continue.

Vincent let out a shaky breath. "You remember the file about H.T.B?"

"I thought that case was closed" I said. "And why're you asking me about this? It was Asher's case."

"It was...but it seems it was deeper than we thought" Vincent answered.

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