~𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 39~

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^what the application looks like^

chapter 39

Nathan's POV

"Wait, will ya!" Zane rushed towards the door.

Once he opened the door, I saw that it was the other four.

Sofia was dressed in black jeans with a navy blue hoodie and grey sneakers that had white and black on it. Isaac wore a white hoodie with black jeans and high top sneakers that were black, white and blue. Xena wore a black hoodie with black ripped jeans and grey, low top sneakers. Emma wore a white jacket and a yellow, long sleeved shirt that had black and white stripes across it, denim jeans, and black snow boots that had grey fur on top of it.

Jane was already dressed in a white shirt and denim jean as she laid her white sneakers next to the key rack. Zane and Lucas were dressed yet so they were still in the black t-shirts they slept in along with black shorts. I was also fully dressed in a black hoodie and jeans as I scrolled through pictures of arm tattoos on my phone.

"Morning guys" Jane greeted.

"Good morning" Emma greeted back. "I'm assuming you already—"

"Printed out the sheet? Yeah, it's covered" Jane cut her off.

"Where's the other twerp?" Lucas asked.

"Oh, she's at her fencing class" Sofia answered. "I swear, you can never tell her anything when it comes to that sport. So what about Nora?"

"She went with Lori to do some...studying" Jane answered.

"What's the point, she's already going to school" Isaac pointed out. "Besides, isn't she like eleven or twelve?"

"Yeah, well, I guess she wants to get a head start" Jane laughed. "You could say we can't tell her anything when it comes to that either."

"It's like they're twins" Zane said.

"Or worse, soulmates" Lucas grimaced.

Sofia sighed, flopping onto the left side of the long couch horizontally. "I'm just glad she found a friend, inside and outside of school. That way, I'll have more time to myself."

"You and me both." Isaac slouched onto the white chair on her left.

"Well, now that we're settled down, let's start with what we came here for" Jane put a white sheet of paper onto the table. "Are you ready to start filling it out, Emma?"

"God, I've never been this nervous before." Emma repeatedly pulled on her curling pointer fingers as her hands shook ever so slightly. "Maybe I should reconsider this."

"Wait why? I thought you said you wanted a job"

"I do, but...the more I think about it, the more I think about the things I can screw up on" Emma mumbled.

"You won't, shortie" Isaac reassured.

"That's easy for you to say" Emma ranted. "You're already good with....whatever it is you do at your work setting. But for me, it's nerve-racking because I only need to do one thing before everything gets, gets, screwed over. I-I could say something they don't like, I-I could add too much sugar to the cookies and someone gets a tooth ache, someone might get food poisoning because I rushed to make them, gasp or worse, I could end up burning down—"

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