A Tale Of True Demons - Book...

By Akira_Insanity

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Indra Otsutsuki lived his life with peace and joy, spending his time blissfully alongside his father and brot... More

I: Tale Of The Sun, The Moon And The World
Chapter 1: Tale Of The Sun And Moon
Chapter 2: What Is Going On In A Child's Mind
Chapter 3: The Child In White
Chapter 4: These Sudden Questions
Chapter 5: Expect The Unexpected
Chapter 6: A Lesson Of Emotions
Chapter 7: Teaching Her The Basics
Chapter 8: No One Should Ever Stand Alone
Chapter 9: These Two Dunces
Chapter 10: Ink And Water
Chapter 11: A Simple Favor
Chapter 12: A Moment With Strangers
Chapter 13: Nothing Stays Forever
Chapter 14: Tale Of The Little Drunkard
Chapter 15: The Risk Of Being Discovered
Chapter 16: These Two Adorable Dunces
Chapter 17: New Bonds And New Dangers
Chapter 18: A Very Important Discussion
Chapter 19: The Day Only Gets Weirder
Chapter 20: Just The Three Of Us
Chapter 21: Diabolical Plan Commence
Chapter 22: Operation Sneak Her Out
Chapter 23: What Is This Feeling?
Chapter 24: Tragedy Of Broken Bonds
Chapter 25: Getting Ready For The Big Event
Chapter 26: A Weird Way To Start The Day
Chapter 27: The House Of Horrors
Chapter 28: A Human's True Mask
Chapter 29: The Star Lovers
Chapter 30: Not According To Plan
Chapter 31: A Night To Remember
Chapter 32: Morning Begins With Surprises
Chapter 34: Can't You Give This Boy A Break?
Chapter 35: The Day Is Cold, Dark And Dreary
Chapter 36: The Mending Of Broken Bonds
Chapter 37: Three Days Later
Chapter 38: More Strange Things To Come
Chapter 39: Getting To Know Each Other
Chapter 40: The Weirdness Never Ends
Chapter 41: Turns Out They Are Real After All
Chapter 42: The Boy In White And The Beast
Chapter 43: After Everything That Happened
Chapter 44: The Real Meaning Of True Power
Chapter 45: Coping With All That Misery
Chapter 46: Your Beloved Little Brother
Chapter 47: Together Again, Together Forever
II: War Of Heart And Mind
Chapter 48: Three Years Later
Chapter 49: Path To Becoming Successor
Chapter 50: Being The Son Of A Sage
Chapter 51: How They Go Through With It
Chapter 52: Taking Care Of Everybody
Chapter 53: A Day With A Bad Start
Chapter 54: The Day Gets Even Worse
Chapter 55: If He Wasn't Aggravated Enough
Chapter 56: A Really Bad Day For The Prodigy
Chapter 57: Watching Over The Prodigy
Chapter 58: Morning With The Bird And Albino
Chapter 59: Together By The Muddy Pond
Chapter 60: A Day Ruined By Strangers
Chapter 61: Questioning His Rigorous Ways
Chapter 62: Snake Oil Or Medicine Seller

Chapter 33: What Is Wrong With This Monk?

147 4 0
By Akira_Insanity

Lightly pressing a white cloth against the dark mark on his head, Indra lightly hissed at the touch.

"Sorry, young Lad!" Apologized the blond monk before him. "I'll try to be more careful this time!"

"That's alright!" The boy reassuringly said with a kind of smile.

As the young brunette simply sat still on a stool, the older male then continued to treat his bruise on his upper right forehead. The sound of a light wooden clattering noise soon caught the boy's attention and made him turn towards the source. Indra then found the familiar brunette monk nearby standing before a large wagon and what he can assume is neatly placing the short bamboo stalks he was carrying on a big pile within said vehicle.

As soon as the younger monk was finished, there was a brief moment his mismatched eyes were met with his dark onyx ones. All Indra did was gave him a friendly grin and a light wave. The monk however just shot him a glare before letting out a huff as he spun himself and began walking away.

The young brunette felt a bit ashamed for his action as he dropped his hand and narrow his brows into a worried gaze.

"Is he always like this? Or he's just in a very bad mood today?"

"Beleieve me, whenever he meets someone new, there is not one time that either he or the other ends up with a black eye or worst!" The monk sighed, his eyes and concentration not taken away from his work. "In other words, yes! That kid has always been as compulsive as this."

"Oh, I see!" The brunette quietly breathed out. "Anyways, if I may ask, it was you guys who performed the Kabuki theatre of the Star Lovers last night, right?"

"Why yes, I'm glad you noticed! So, did you enjoy the play?"

"Indeed I have!" Raising a hand to rub the back of his neck, the boy then awkwardly continued "Although, romance is not really my favorite kind of story, but I loved how accurate your portrayal was of the tale. And my favorite was of course the music, the sound of the shamisen indeed made the play more realistic."

Twisting his head over his shoulder, the blond then shouted "You hear that Bro, he says your music was amazing!"

In spite of the fact he was being praised for his wonderful musical talent, he however rudely clicked his teeth and simply ignored them. The blond just rolled his eyes out of his bad attitude before turning back to continue treating the boy's bruise.

Lightly placing a soft patch above the dark ugly mark, he then drew himself away and announced "There, all done!"

Lifting his hand to touch his now patched up bruise, Indra smiled "Thank you!"

Letting out a chuckle, the man then grinned as he rubbed the back of his neck "Not at all, kid! I was just simply doing my-"

"Hey, you!"

Both the monk and the boy jolted a bit by the sudden booming voice. Simultaneously whipping their heads to see, they then found a familiar man who looked to be way older than the very two monks Indra has met before. And judging by his bald head as well as the same dark robes as the younger two, he too is presumed to be a monk himself.

"Quit slacking around! Remember, we have a job to finish!" He continued.

"S-Sorry Master!" The blond stuttered in his apology before quickly getting up from his half-kneeling position and scurrying away.

Averting his dark eyes towards the young boy awkwardly shifting in his stool, with his eyebrow raised, he asked "And who might you be?"


"Let's just say you know who has thrown a bit of a tantrum!" Replied the blond monk in the boy's stead from out of however, carrying a small pile of wooden planks within his arms.

"Again?!" Groaned the adult monk as he slapped a hand over his face. Dropping it back to his side, he then looked back at the boy then added "We are deeply sorry about him, it's just that he-"

"No, it's fine!" Indra cut him of with both his hands raised. "Like I said, I bumped into him, so I completely understand him for being angry!"

"And like I said..."

The brunette then felt a hand on his head. It was soon revealed to just be the blond monk himself, his free began ruffling his hair while the other still carried the planks.

"Just because the fault is yours, doesen't mean he has the right to abuse you like that!"

"What are you standing around there for? Get back to work, you fool!"

"Sorry, Master!" Was all the blond said before once again, running off.

"Hurry up, will ya! The sooner we finish up, the sooner we leave this village!"

Now this caught the boy's attention.

"Wait, you guys are leaving?"

Dropping his head to meet eyes with the boy, the bald man then responded "Of course! We are monks after all, we travel all over the land and either cleanse or bring good fortune to the villages we visit. And we monks aren't as ordinary as you think, because we are highly trained in the arts of purification and theatre."

"In other words, your purification rituals are in the form of music or dances, right?" Curiously asked Indra. "Like the Kabuki Theatre last night!"

Shockingly, this made the older monk let out a laugh and ruffle the boy's hair.

"I'm impressed, I have expected youths such as yourself to forget learning our ways, guess I was wrong!" Pulling his hand away, he continued "Well, as I have mentioned, I too must go back to work." Turning away, he began walking away whilst adding without looking back at the brunette "Now run along home, young lad!"

As Indra watched the adult's form disappear from behind a corner, he then finally remembered the very reason why he went to the village in the first place.

Slapping a hand over his mouth, he gasped "I can't believe I forgot, I still need to find Shiro!"

Hopping off the stool, he was about to push his heels into a sprint. That's until there appeared the bad timing for his childish curiosity to kick in when his attention was caught by the very wagon filled with those small bamboos. His mind was screaming at him to immediately go and find the dog, but as always, his curiosity was sadly louder.

So he approached the vehicle and carefully took one of the stalks that sat atop the pile, making sure that none of the bamboos would turn into an avalanche and end up burying him in the process. Not only because he didn't want to end up getting scolded for the fault, but he too do not wish to cause trouble for these monks, even if one of them was a hot-headed jerk. Closely inspecting it, he then began slowly and continously lifting the thing up and down.

"It's heavy!"

Shaking it a bit, he knew all too well that the shoots are always taken out whenever the bamboo was prepared like this, so he could only assume that they filled the container to the brim with a powdery substance. Being the curious child he was, he then lifted the bamboo high above his head and...

"I wouldn't do that if I were you!"

The sudden voice startled Indra, making him nearly drop the object in his hands. Spinning himself to see, his dark eyes were soon met with steel blue ones.

"You didn't shake it, did you? Because if you did, it takes only ten seconds for that thing to explode!"

Upon hearing this information, as well as the slightly panicked voice of the blond, the brunette to panicked a bit, frantically tossing the bamboo stalk in his hands.


That's when he heard chuckling coming from the monk, making him pause from his actions and look at him.

"Don't worry, I was just kidding!" He laughed as he reassuringly waved a hand. The laughter suddenly died down into a serious tone when he added "But seriously, those things are extremely dangerous, especially towards little kids."

Hearing this made Indra breathe out a sigh of relief with a hand on his pounding chest.

"If I recall, these things are called fireworks, right?"

"Eeyup!" Replied the monk as he crossed his arms above his chest. "Master invented those things typically for display or in celebrations, the festival from last night for example."

"You mean those exploding lights we saw in the sky?"

"That's right!" Drawing his face close to the boy, he raised one hand to cup one side of his mouth and whispered "I'm not supposed to be telling this to anyone, but you seem like a smart kid, so I'll let you in to a little secret. These things contains a combustible chemical called black powder that causes a spectacular explosion when ignited. But that's what also makes these things very dangerous, they can both cause explosions and fires." Pulling himself away, he then continued "And our fears became a reality all because of three troublemakers. The fault may be theirs, but the responsibility is ours for mishandling. And here we are, repairing the damages the fireworks caused. But thankfully, nobody got hurt!"

Indra's body then jolted, because he knew all too well what the monk meant by three troublemakers.

"Well, that's unfortunate!" He awkwardly exclaimed, a large sweat drop appearing at the back of his head.

Releasing a breath, the monk then added "Anyways, I should really be going back to work, don't wanna end up getting an earful from Master again!" Spinning himself, he then began walking away and said without looking back at the boy "Just don't place them near fire or cause a spark, then you're fine!"

The moment the young man was now out of his sight, Indra placed the bamboo stalk back on the pile. The very moment he took a step, he then suddenly heard a soft crumpling noise beneath his foot. He looked down to investigate, he soon found a small piece of parchment on the ground below his sandal.

Kneeling down to retrieve it, he then took a closer look at it, the boy had one brow raised at the blank piece of paper. That's when he turned it to check if there were something in the other side. To his surprise, there was, it also made him realize that the piece of paper he was holding was actually a sketch of what looked to be of seven people, a family perhaps.

Specifically, there was what he assumed was the father, the mother, two tall boys and two small girls. However, what actually caught his eye was the boy that stood in the very middle of the supposed family. He immediately recognized him as the dark brunette jerk of a monk himself.


Startled once more by the sudden voice, it too made the brunette lift his head from the sketch towards the source. He soon found himself being face to face with none other than the monk boy himself, talk about timing. But what actually confused Indra was that he was able to notice the furious look in his blue and green eyes, his tightly clenching teeth, and his utterly pissed tone.

"You little thief!"

As soon as the older male seethed those very words, realization finally hit him.

Looking down at the paper in his hand then looking back at the monk, the younger male quickly stretched the hand that held the parchment out towards him and frantically said "This...This is a misunderstanding! I-"

As expected from a compulsive brat the same as he, whom is unwilling to listen, the monk snatched the paper from his hand.

But the part that actually scared him was when the taller male grabbed on to Indra's collar and seethed "I knew you were trouble the very moment I laid eyes on you!"

"W-Wait! Please, listen!"

"I'm not interested in hearing anything you're gonna say, you little brat!"

Another bad timing then occurred when his reflexes kicked in as he raised his two hands to push the older male away.

"Please, stop!"

But what Indra honestly didn't intend to was push enough force to send the the other boy falling to the ground.

Realizing his mistake, panic began to surge through the young brunette as he panickingly apologized "Oh no, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to-"

He was cut off from his words when he had failed to see the fist landing on his left cheek, hard enough for a bruise to appear. It was soon revealed to be none other than the brunette monk himself. Afterwards, the monk then grabbed him by the neck and slammed his back against a nearby wall, causing the boy to let out a pained whimper.

"Not so cocky now, you little brat?!" He sneered, tightening the hand around the boy's neck.

Even if it's just one hand, the grip was surprisingly strong, strong enough to block the air from entering his lungs. The hand on his neck only tightened by the second, causing the young male to place both his hands on the elder's wrist. He didn't knew if it was just a hallucination due to the lack of oxygen, but he could've sworn in that split second, he saw the maniac from last night in place of the monk.

Whatever the case, whether the older male really intentionally did it or not, his lungs were practically screaming for air and his hands were slowly dropping from the senior's wrists. His vision too was beginning to blurr and his eyelids were feeling very heavy.

"That's enough!"

The brunette monk suddenly felt himself being yanked away by the back of his collar, making his hand slip away from the boy's neck. As soon as his windpipe was freed, Indra sucked in as much air as he could and began coughing with whilst using both hands to lightly rub the pain on his cheek and neck. His legs felt wobbly and weak and basically gave up on him, that's until he felt arms around him, keeping him from falling to the dirt.

"Are you alright, kid?"

Lifting his head a bit, he soon found out that it was the blond monk himself who supported him. He was going to respond, only to be interrupted when...

"This is the last straw!"

Turning towards the source, he too found the bald monk holding on to the young one's collar.

"Have you lost your mind?! You nearly killed that child, and at what cost?! All because he just took your stupid picture?!"

Loudly clicking his teeth, the boy just shoved the adult away, making him let go of the boy. And with that he sprinted away, Indra's dark worried eyes following him as his form disappeared into a nearby woodland.


"Honestly! That's twice in one day already, can't that kid give me a break?!" Sighed the blond monk as he carefully placed another patch on the young brunette's left cheek.

Stepping away a bit, the young man's brows narrowed into a worried gaze when when he saw that the boy before him had this grim expression on his face with his head hanging down low. He immediately understood why the child was acting such way, plus the fact he had one hand lightly rubbing his neck. Feeling a large hand comfortably resting on his shoulder, Indra finally snapped back into reality and lifted his head to meet eyes with the monk.

"Look, we are very sorry about him. You see, the kid's been through a lot. So please, don't blame him for lashing his anger out on you."

The blond was a bit surprised when he found the brunette shaking his head, it was as if he was trying to tell him no.

"No, it's alright! I completely understand, that's why I really need to talk to him."

Letting out a groan, the monk sighed "Not this again, kid! You know that-"

"It's no use!"

Hearing this made the two males, turn to see, finding that it was the bald monk whom said that with his arms crossed over his chest and his back leaned against a wall.

"If that boy would've just stopped and listened to your reason, then this wouldn't have happened to begin with. I believe that is enough for you realize that he is simply not the type to sit down and chat with."

Being the stubborn boy he was, Indra retorted "That doesen't mean I can't try! Besides..." The image of the monk's furious sapphire blue and emerald green orbs starring right his dark onyx ones then appeared in his mind. "I know that look in his eyes!"


There tightly curled into a ball with his back against a tree was the familiar brunette monk. He felt as if he badly wanted to be as small as possible from the entire world as he wrapped his arms around his bending legs and his face was now hidden from within his crossed arms. Lifting his face from his arms, his mismatched eyes narrowed dangerously to glower off at a random part of the woodland he was currently in.

"I know you're there, so quit hiding and show yourself already!"

Nothing happened, but only for a few seconds, because soon after, there appeared from behind a nearby tree was an all too familiar young boy. He had this awkwardly look on his face with both his hands behind his back as he nervously shifted in his place. If he wasn't as upset enough as he was now, then seeing this boy standing before him only worsened his mood.

"Why are you here?"

Taking in a deep breath, Indra gathered up what little courage he had to lift his head and bent his upper body a bit into a deep bow.

"I...I would like to appologize for taking your parchment!"

The monk however, as expected, remained silent as his eyes intensely glared daggers on the younger male, his lips curved into a deep scowl.

"It's alright if you don't want to forgive me" the boy continued as he lifted himself back up to stand straight. "The truth is, I honestly feel very uncomfortable whenever I make someone upset and leaving them like that without apologizing. It's just that I-"

"If I say I forgive you, will you go away?"

Hearing this made young Indra release a deep breath, realizing that the monk's two companions were indeed right, this kid was one tough nut to crack. However, he has already gone this far, so there's no way he's backing down now.

"Not really! Just because you're saying that you forgive me, doesn't mean you really do forgive me" He simply stated, receiving a furious pout from the monk. "How about this? Is there anything? I mean anything I can do in retribution?"

Realizing the mistake in his words, he mentally scolded himself and expected the elder to just simply ignore him. And that's what he exactly did, not responding to him, not even a glare. It was due to the fact that his face was now hanging low, allowing his bangs to overshadow his eyes.

"Look, I now how you feel-"

"The hell you think you know how I feel!"

Finally hearing something coming out of the elder had honestly startled him. But the part that made his body jolt a bit was when the older brunette stood up from his position and slowly stomped towards the boy. This of course came as a shock for the young boy, but it soon turned into a bit of fear when he noticed the elder closely approaching him.

For some reason, he suddenly had this urge to step back. The dread bubbling up inside of him ended up intensifying when he felt hard wood behind him, and it took him only a few seconds for him to realize that his back was now against a tree. But what he failed to notice was that it was already far too late for him when a hand was slammed against the tree's trunk a few inches to the right side of his head, and it took a moment for him to realize that it was none other than the monk himself.

He may not know whatever the elder had in his mind, but all he knew was that he was trapped by both the tree and the older one. But what actually startled him was when he grabbed his chin and forced him to look up at him, due to the height difference, hopefully. As soon as Indra's dark eyes were met with his mismatched ones intensely starring down at him, he suddenly felt his cheeks becoming hot.

"You'll do anything in retribution you say? Well then..."

The hand on his chin then slipped from his chin, the monk's touch sending shivers down his spine. That's until he noticed his large hand slowly and terrifyingly nearing his throat. The memory of earlier's traumatic events then flashed through his mind, making his entire body shudder at the very thought as well as nervously gulp down the saliva forming in his mouth.

But unlike earlier, he was prepared this time. If this is how he can ease the tension between him and the elder, then so be it, even if it means he needed to suffer like that once more. However, everything suddenly changed when the monk's hand dropped to grab on to his wrist instead.

Then in a blink of an eye, the older male then spun them two, resulting in their roles being switched, startling Indra a bit. That meant the monk's back was now pressed up against the trunk with him now trapping him against the tree. Still holding on to the young male's wrist, he then grabbed his other one and for some reason drew both of his tiny hands close to his own neck.

"Go ahead, strangle me!"

Was there something wrong with his ears or something, or did the boy who strangled him earlier asks him to strangle him back?

"You heard me!"

The monk then placed the boy's tiny hands around his throat, dropping his very own back in his sides.

"Get back at me! I strangled you, so, wouldn't it be fair if you payback at me!"


"That's what you want, right? For things to be fair and square between us" the monk said in such deep voice, sounding like he was trying to tempt the boy with his eyes once more glowering down on him. "Or maybe, you really just want to get your revenge."

This information made Indra's breath hitch and his eyes to widened in shock. It was rather true, the very thought of sweet revenge does satisfy the young boy. However, the very thing that actually held him back was that if he needed to get that sweet revenge, that meant he needed to make someone suffer.

"Well, what are you waiting for, kid? Do it!"

His hands were shaky, but he had already managed to curl his fingers a bit and tightly secured both his hands around the older boy's neck. Indra knew this was wrong, very wrong, especially for him. Alas, the monk did say so, right? This wasn't against his will of course.

So that means it wouldn't hurt if he'd just curl his fingers a bit tighter until the monk ends up...

"No!" Indra yelled as he pushed himself away from the older male. Placing a hand against his now thundering chest as he took in heavy breaths, he apologized "I'm sorry, but I can't do that, I just can't!"

The monk however just remained motionless as he starred at the now exasperated boy with a completely emotionless gaze.

Releasing a breath, he then sighed "I knew you never have the guts to do it!"

He then slid himself to drop into a sit against the tree.

"It's not that I'm saying that you're a wimp or anything, all I can say is that you're just too kind. And it makes me think, what are you really? Are you strong? Or are you weak?" Raising his legs to rest his elbows on his bent knees, he continued "You're just like them."

Finally calming himself down, Indra's brows then narrowed in worry. He didn't know whether to feel either shocked or sad, because this is by far the first time he has ever heard the hot-blooded, absolutely zero chill young brunette monk boy say those words in such low and depressing tone. He hesitated at first, but he slowly made his was beside the monk and plopped down to sit by his side, a few meter distance away of course for either to give him space or safety from his unpredictable mood swings.

Eventually, an awkward silence surrounded between the two. But it only lasted a few seconds until the monk for reasons let out a loud frustrated growl, startling the younger male a bit.

"Oh, for goodness sake, just ask me already!"

This left the boy confused for a moment, making him shoot the older male that same look.


"Don't you dare change the subject! I know you're curious about the sketch, so just ask already so that we can get this over with."

"Are you sure? Wouldn't it hurt your feelings if I-"

"Oh, for the love of God! You're such a pain, you know that! The very moment I inhaled your scent, I always knew you were annoying, but I never expected you to be this annoying."

He swears to God, Indra could feel one if his eyes twitch, he's the one to talk for annoying. Unlike the monk however, the young boy still made the effort to kindly smile.

"If that will make you happy, then very well!" He deeply sighed as turned to look at the other male. "Can you tell me about that sketch of yours?"

"First of all, I lost the ability to feel happy a long time ago!" The older brunette sneered, causing the boy to have a small bead of sweat drop from the back of his head. "And second, the sooner I give you an explanation, then the sooner you'll leave me alone, that's all. It's not like I want you to know or anything."

Too feeling slightly annoyed by this monk's bratty attitude made Indra pout.

Eventually, this awkward aura surrounding them two suddenly dropped into a heavy depressing one when the older male explained in a low tone "They're my family, well, were my family so to speak. And all I can say is that they're gone."

"How about that blond companion of yours? Didn't you call each other bro-"

"Just because we call each other brother, doesn't always mean we're really biological sibblings" the dark brunette explained with one hand waving dismissively. "It's a thing for us monks, calling our fellow monks brother. That's all!"

Indra hesitated at first, but he managed to ask out of curiosity "How did they...you know?"

The monk too was hesitant, but the monk managed to reply "They were killed by d-...by bandits."

The tale the elder just told may have been short, but it was honestly sad enough for the brunette's brows to slightly narrow and shoot him a melancholic stare.

Noticing this, the monk's compulsive side was back when he furiously snapped at him with a red irk mark popping at the back of his head "Quit starring at me like that, you brat!"

The young boy however, only let out a chuckle "I hope that makes you feel better!"

This left the older male both puzzled and irritated in the same time

"The hell is that supposed to mean?"

Simply giving the monk a kind smile, Indra then tilted his head to look up at the clear blue sky then softly explained "You just made me realize how lucky I am, you have no family left, you were not even spared a single parent or sibbling. But me, I still have my little brother and father, who I just practically yelled at for reasons. However, the one person I did lost was actually my mother."

Shockingly, this made the monk look at him with what looked to be a surprised hint in his eyes.

"It also made me realize that he was actually right, simply settling down and having a simple chat would ease up some building tensions. I don't know about you, but it sure did made me feel better. And I hope it also helped you out, even just a little bit at the very least."

The monk was about to open his mouth and argue with the boy, alas, for some reason, he suddenly lost the urge to do so upon seeing that kind look on that boy's face. That's when he realized, it was quite shocking to now know how this kid, whom he abused all morning and nearly traumatized was actually the first, and may probably be the only person who showed him such kindness, even if it felt extremely irritating at first.

"However..." Indra said as he stood up from where he sat. "If you really want to be left alone, then I think it's best if I should leave now. I'm sorry for bothering you any further."

And with that, he began walking away.

"I only came here to appologize after all, so I'll just leave you to-"

What interrupted Indra was when he suddenly felt a hand tightly gripping on to his wrist. Turning to see, he was surprised when he soon found that it was none other than the monk himself. He couldn't tell what was going on nor what he was currently feeling right now, for the monk once more had his head hanging low and his bangs were completely covering his eyes.

"Earlier, you said you know how I felt. What did you mean by that?"

This in truth surprised the young brunette. A few moments ago, this monk wanted nothing to do with him and simply wanted him to go away, even tried scaring him by showing off his wild side. Plus, the fact that his two very companions claimed that he is not the type to simply chat with.

Now, it was as if the young monk is now begging for them two to chat a little longer. Indra couldn't help but smile at the very thought of it. So he opened his mouth and was ready to tell him, that's until...

"There you are!"

Hearing the sudden voice had startled both males, causing the older one to quickly pull away and turned towards the source. Their gazes soon landed upon a familiar blond monk standing nearby.

"W-What the hell, Brother?!" Angrily yelled the brunette monk as he shot up from where he sat and stabbed a finger right at the young man. "Don't you dare pop out of nowhere like that, you nearly gave me a heart attack!"

The man's blue eyes then noticed the young boy standing rather surprisingly close towards his brunette companion.

"Well what do you know, I was afraid that I'd come to find the kid with a black eye. But what I didn't expect was finding the two of you finally getting along pretty well" he laughed as he rested both his hands on either sides of his hips. "I'm very sorry for ever doubting you kid, it looks a lot like the wild beast can be tamed after all."

With a large red irk mark popping out of the back of his head, the young monk furiously sneered with a fist waving in the air "Shut up, Brother! And who you callin' wild beast?! What the hell are you even doing here anyway?!"

"Obviously! I came here to tell you that we're already finished in repairing the village's damages."

Hearing this news honestly shocked the young monk, but the surprising part was that it was seemingly not in a good way.

"That means you guys are leaving now, are you?"

Turning to see, he was left even more surprised when he found the brunette boy has this hurt look in his eyes. It puzzled him at first, but he soon realized something. Was the idea of him leaving this soon really matter to this boy? He doesn't know why, but all he knows is that he finds it very irritating.

But at the very moment, he was far too tired to argue, so he just simply crossed his arms over his chest and angrily huffed.

"Anyways, while I was looking for you two, I actually found a friend along the way."

This bewildered the two brunettes at first, that's until the sound of rustling bushes nearby then caught their attentions. A few seconds later, there hopped out a familiar little mutt Indra had been so desperately searching for all morning.

"Shiro!" Happily exclaimed Indra before quickly running towards said pup.

In spite of the fact the fact he now has a bandaged and injured left paw, that didn't stop the little guy from happily running towards his beloved human. Picking the little dog from the ground and drawing it close to his face, the boy lightly giggled when little Shiro cheerfully licked his nose.

"I've been looking everywhere for you, where on earth have you been wandering off to?"

The dog only barked happily once more and continued licking his master.

"I found the poor guy lost in the woods. So I patched him up a bit and definitely did not expect that you were his owner" the blond explained whilst crossing his arms over his chest.

That's when he found something rather odd, it's not quite noticeable, but he had managed to notice that his compulsive companion had this weird look on his face as he watched the giggling boy and his dog at a far distance with one hand awkwardly rubbing his arm and looked to what he can only describe were a light blush on both his cheeks. Then for some strange reason, an evil grin was plastered across the blond monk's lips.

Gliding his way by the brunette's side, he then whispered as he nudged an elbow on the younger one's shoulder "You know, I could convince Master to stay a little bit longer!"

Hearing this made the boy's cheeks suddenly become pink and furiously pulled the young man's ponytail, causing him to close one eye and yelp in pain.

"The hell are you talking about, bastard?!"

"Just admit it you little twerp, you just wanna spend some more time with him" the blond glared through clenched teeth.

"Shut up, Brother!"

"That's not very necessary, you know!"

This caught the attentions of both monks, making them turn to see to find the brunette boy standing before them with the dog in his arms.

"I have finally found what I have been looking for, which means I should really be heading back now."

With that, young Indra then began walking past the two monks.

"Besides, you guys have been here long enough, and you really need to leave. After all, I don't want any of you to end up angering your Master because of me."

Pulling himself out of the young one's grip, he then shot the brunette a glare.


The only response he got was a growl before the blond too began walking away, following the young boy probably. This made the young monk roll his eyes in annoyance and loudly clicked his teeth.


And with that, he too followed the two from behind.



Gunpowder, also known as black powder to distinguish it from modern smokeless powder, is the earliest known chemical explosive.

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