Voltron's Fire: The Phoenix i...

By Rubyrose645

172K 3.4K 539

Everything changed that day. I was taken from those I loved, all because of what skills I possessed. I lost s... More

Prologue: a chance meeting
The Rise of Voltron PT. 1
The Rise of Voltron PT. 2
The Rise of Voltron PT. 3
Some Assembly Required
Return of the Gladiator
Fall of the Castle of Lions
The Pain of a Secret
Taking Flight
Suspicious Rebels
Return to the Balmera
Crystal Venom
Collection and Extraction
The Black Paladin
Across the Universe
Shiro's Escape
Robeast and Fear
Greening the Cube
Killer Cube
Eye of the Storm
The Ark of Taujeer
Space Mall
The Blade of Marmora
Trials and Truth
The Belly of the Weblum
Scaultrite Tracking
Stayin' Alive
Best Laid Plans
Changing of the Guard
Red Paladin
The Hunted
Hole in the Sky and a piece of the truth
A Strange Reality
Tailing a Comet
What is this?
The Phoenix Rises
The Truth
The Gala PT. 1
The Gala PT. 2
Departure: A New Paladin
Code of Honor
Black Site
Begin the Blitz
A New Defender
The Prisoner
Blood Duel
Kral Zera
The White Lion
Omega Shield
Razor's Edge
Monsters and Mana
The Colony
The Black Paladins
All Good Things
Defender of All Universes
A Little Adventure
The Road Home
The Way Forward
The Ruins
The Journey Within
The Last Stand Pt. 1
The Last Stand Pt. 2
The Last Stand Pt. 3
Know Your Enemy
Heart of the Lion
Trial by Fire
Lions' Pride Pt. 1
Lions' Pride PT. 2
Launch Date
The Prisoner's Dilemma
Battle Scars
The Grudge
The Genesis
Clear Day
Knights of Light, Pt.1
Knights of Pight Pt. 2
Knights of Light Pt.3
Uncharted Regions
The Zenith
The ashes of yesterday

Who am I?

2.1K 42 5
By Rubyrose645

The night was sweet and the sky full of stars. In a white room, a couple, a doctor and two nurses were hard at work.

The woman on the bed was screaming in pain, pushing as hard as she could to deliver.

"I see the head! Keep pushing!" The doctor said as the woman took a deep breath and pushed again.

Her husband was standing by her side as she clutched his hand in hers.

"You can do it, Kalila! You can do it!" He said, encouraging her to keep pushing.

The woman, Kalila nodded and pushed as hard as she could.

"You're doing great Mrs. Fiammenta. Just one more big push!" The doctor said.

Kalila pushed one more time arching her back as the pain left her with one last cry.

The room once filled with screams of pain, were now filled with cries of life.

Kalila and her husband smiled at the loud healthy cries as their new baby arrived into the world.

"Congratulations you two. You are now the proud parents of a beautiful baby girl." The doctor said happily as he washed the baby girl.

The couple smiled, Kalila not even feeling the pain of childbirth as the doctor handed her her first-born child.

The baby was, as her parents said, as beautiful as a flame. Her skin was a healthy pink and her small strands of hair being as red as fire.

Kalila gently rubbed her baby's head, her tears of both pain and joy streaming down her cheeks as her husband did the same.

"What should we call her?" Kalila's husband asked.

Kalila smiled, "I know the perfect name for our daughter." She said, "Solaris."

"Why that name?" Her husband asked.

"You once told me about your home. It was called Solaria, right? I want her name to be a reminder of you and who she is. Isn't a perfect name, Kane?"

Her husband smiled and nodded, "Yes, my love, it is a perfect name."

The doctors and nurses smiled as the couple discussed their child's name.

A new life was brought into the world. One that would help change the universe.

My eyes shook as I slowly opened them, taking in the soft lighting of my room.

I felt a little weak, but otherwise, just fine. I sat up, ignoring the sharp pain in my head. I took a couple calming breaths before attempting to stand.

My bare feet touched the cold floor making my shoulder shiver in the cold.

I shakily stood up, holding onto the wall for support as I grabbed my cloak.

Wait.. I was in my room. My cloak was hung on its hook. And my boots were off.

I reached for the stone on my head, only to find it wasn't there. I panicked for a moment before noticing it on my desk next to my closed sketchbook.

Then I remembered that I passed out on the bridge. I sighed as I figured that the group carried me to my room.

I put on my cloak, slipped on my boots and picked up my sunstone, braiding my hair in a waterfall braid and attaching my stone to secure it.

I walked out of my room and towards the bridge, feeling everyone's flames on the other side of the door.

I took a deep breath before letting it out and walking through the door.

Everyone suddenly took notice of my presence as the door opened. They gasped amd ran towards me, Pidge wrapping her arms around my waist.

"Phoenix!" She cried, "We were so worried when you passed out like that."

I smiled and gently patted down her fluffy dirty blonde hair.

"I'm okay. I just used my abilities too much. How long was I out?" I said.

"You were unconscious for about an hour and a half." Shiro said.

I chuckled, but my chuckles quickly turned to harsh coughs that brought me to my knees as my body shook.

"Phoenix! What's wrong?" Lance asked as everyone crowded around me.

I couldn't answer him as my coughs didn't let up until a minute or two later.

I took in deep breaths and pulled my hand away from my mouth, my eyes widening as I saw black stain my palm.

Everyone gasped as they saw the black in my palm. I sighed and wiped the black stain on my cloak.

"Solaris, what was that you coughed up?" Coran asked scared about the black stain.

I was silent for a moment, before whispering my answer.

"What was that?" Coran asked.

"It was ash." I said.

"Ash?" Shiro asked confused.

I nodded solemnly, "Yeah. When I overuse my abilities, I cough up ash. It's a bad side effect sadly. But it doesn't hurt me, it's just a sign that I need to rest."

"So, what caused you to pass out like that?" Lance asked.

"Speaking of which, you still haven't told us what those abilities you have are." Keith said from his corner leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

I looked up at my friends and nodded, pushing Pidge away as they all opened their ears.

"I guess I should start at the beginning." I started walking over to Allura's podium and sitting on the small steps.

"I am not fully human, I told you that before I passed out. I also told and showed you that I could create flames. When I was born, I was born with my bright green and magenta eyes and fire colored hair. When I was little, I found out that I could create flames at will, and see them within people."

"What do mean by see them within people?" Allura asked confused as were the rest of the group.

"There is a flame within every living thing. Call it what you want, the soul, the spirit, the mind. It's all in your flame." I explained.

"So, you can see people by looking at this flame?" Lance asked.

I nodded, "Yeah, that's how I was able to sense the robeast back at the Xanthroium cluster base. There was something inside it. It wasn't alive, but its flame held so much hatred and malice."

"So, do we have all these flames?" Hunk asked, "What does mine say about me?"

I smiled and changed my vision, "A bright yellow flame that glows with kindness, but is also cautious about dangers with immense strength to protect others. When your friends are in danger you become headstrong, driven and single-minded. That part showed when you were so persistent in helping the Balmerans."

Everyone was surprised by the detailed description of our yellow paladin friend.

"That.... That's actually pretty accurate now that I think about it." Lance said as he thought over my words.

"What does mine say?" Pidge asked excitedly.

I shook my head, "I should explain everything first before getting to that." Pidge looked down disappointed, but nodded and listened as I continued.

"As I was saying, I could see these flames for as long as I can remember. And for some strange reason, I don't how I can, I can reach others' flames and conmect them with my own."

"What does that mean?" Shiro asked.

"I don't really know myself, but, I just concentrate on finding a life and my will to help them, then I just... find it. Every flame I've ever encountered, I was able to see them so clearly. And when I find them, I was covered in fire and my hair was the same. I don't why that happens."

"So you can connect to these flames. What does that have to do with you passing out like that?" Keith asked.

I sighed, "When I connect to a flame, my flame connects to it as well. Allura, remember on the Balmera when you helped heal it? Did you feel anything other than the Balmera?"

Allura thought for a moment before gasping in surprise, "Yes, I remember feeling warm and safe. Was that..." She trailed off.

I nodded, "That warm feeling was me. I connected to the Balmera's flame and gave it pieces of mine. My energy went into it. I've only done it a few times in my life, but each time I became weak and coughed up ash."

"Wait, so that warm feeling I had in the Green Lion back on Olkarion, that was you?" Pidge asked. I nodded again.

"Yep, that was me conversing with Gaia. That's the name of your Green Lion, Pidge."

"Our lions have names?" Hunk asked.

"Yeah, they all have their own flame and I've been able to connect with them since my father passed away."

Everyone went silent as I mentioned my father. They all knew it was a sore subject for me to talk about.

"These flames... what can you do with them?" Lance asked.

I smiled, "You're a product of what I can do with them, Lance." He backed up in surprise, "You heard me. When the Castle was under attack by Sendak back on Arus, you were supposed to to be dead before Pidge, Keith and Allura came in to help us. When Shiro was off fighting Sendak, I conmected my flames to yours, giving you a little more time to survive until we could get you into a healing pod."

Everyone stared at me in shock as I told them this story.

"You saved my life." Lance gasped as he took in my words.

I nodded, when I looked up I was taken back by Lance's sudden hug as he lunged at me.

He held me tight, squeezing me to the point where I couldn't breathe.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." He said, tears beginning to stream down his cheeks and land on the fabric of my cloak.

I smiled and hugged him back.

"It's okay. I wanted to do what I could." I said back.

Lance pulled away a couple minutes later, red tear stains on his cheeks.

"This gives us a good reason as to why the Galra wanted you." Allura said, "If you can heal, then the Galra would want you to do so to their soldiers."

Pidge looked to be deep in thought when she looked up towards me, "Wait, what happens when you use too much of your abilities to connect with flames?"

I looked down. I had never thought about that before, and personally, I didn't want to think about it.

But... what would happen to me if I overuse my abilities?

"I don't know." I said.

Everyone looked at me worried about my quiet answer, and they too were scared.

I shook my head of my depressing thoughts and looked up with a smile.

"I'll be just fine." I said reassuringly, "I promise I won't overuse my abilities. I want to fulfill my father's final wishes."

"His final wishes?" Keith repeated.

"Yeah, before he died, my dad wanted me to do a few things for him after he passed. He asked me to do three things for him."

"What were they?" Hunk boldly asked.

I fiddled with my fingers nervously, "The first thing he asked me to do was to fight for the greater good. The next was to find Voltron. I don't know how he knew about Voltron, but he told me to find it. And the last thing was...." I was in near tears when I thought about my father's last request, "He asked me to send him off with a smile."

Everyone gasped when I told them my father's last request.

"How can you smile when your father is dying?" Keith asked.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I think he didn't want his last moments to be seeing his daughter in tears. I didn't feel like smiling then, but I did. For my father, a man who sacrificed himself for me to survive."

Everything was quiet again. Not even the sound of a breath was heard.

A few more moments of silence passed before it became awkward. So I decided to break it.

"Well, let's get back to a happy topic. How about I continue telling you guys about your flames?" I said happily trying to ease the tension.

Pidge nodded excitedly, "Yeah, do mine first, please?" She asked.

I laughed as my vision changed again to show me her green flame.

"Pidge has a bright green flame that flickers with life and has a inquisitive nature that's always wanting to know more." I explained making Pidge smile with glee, "However, you have trouble bonding with others. You tend to keep personal space and very private. But underneath all that privacy, you're actually quite sassy, excitable, curious and playful."

Pidge smiled happily at me, "That really sounds like Pidge." Shiro said laughing.

"I doubt you can tell anything else from my flame. I already know who I am, I'm the cool sharpshooter!" Lance said striking a pose.

I looked over at his blue flame amd saw much more than he thought.

"Lance, your flame is indeed bright, but it hides so much more. Your flame is very complex. You can be egotistical, cocky, confrontational, and arrogant at times. And other times, you are friendly, kind, reflective and show great intelligence. In battle, I always notice your flame flickering wildly, showing that you have tactical skill and situational awareness. But your outgoing personality allows you to connect with others more easily. However, you can't control your emotions so well, so it's hard to read you by your outward appearance."

Everyone looked at an equally shocked Lance.

"Wow, man. I never thought you were that complicated." Hunk said.

Lamce chuckled nervously and scratched the back of his head sheepishly.

"Neither did I really." He said through his nervous chuckles.

"Who's next?" I asked. Shiro raised his hand volunteering to be next.

I stared kindly at his black flame. Normally black is considered evil, but this one wasn't cold, but instead was very warm and inviting.

"Shiro has a black flame with a purple outline. It shows me that he is a natural born leader. But he's also very concerned at times and is very kind. Despite how serious and straightforward he can be, he can be silly just like the rest of us and patient. He suffers from PTSD because of his time in the Galra prisons, and is kind of disgusted by his prostetic Galra arm."

Shiro unconsciously clutched his metal arm as I explained the last part. Everyone frowned but deep down, they were all grateful to know more about their leader.

"How about the hothead, Keith?" Lance smirked and pointed towards the boy in the corner.

I chuckled and looked over towards the bright red flame inside of Keith.

"Keith was very interesting to figure out, to be honest." Keith lifted his brow in curiosity, "Like your Red Lion, you are hotheaded and temperamental, which makes you hard to work with. But that's understandable since you have trouble opening up to others besides Shiro. You have a strong sense of justice and never back down from a fight, but that also gives it the impression of stubbornness. You're quick-witted and calm at times, but you jump into things without thinking properly and miss crucial details in a planned mission. Underneath all that, you're actually just as playful and funny as the rest of your teammates."

"No way, this guy? Funny and playful?  You must be reading that flame wrong." Lance dismissed.

I laughed at his denial, "Nope, all my descriptions of flames are completely solid and accurate."

Allura stepped up, "What can you tell about me?" She asked.

I smiled at her bright pink flame flickering softly in an imaginary wind.

"You're a very caring and altruistic individual who wants to do right by the people of the galaxy and was incredibly committed to your diplomatic and military duties as the daughter of the king, and appear to define your mission by the same standards and care that your father did." I explained.

Allura smiled at the mention of her father.

"What about Coran?" Hunk asked, "What does his flame say about him?"

Coran shuffled nervously as I made eye contact with his flame.

"Though he comes off as kind of a ditz at times, Coran is a man of great experience, and comes from family line which has served the royalty of Altea for generations. Coran is very concerned for the well being of us all, and is often trying his hardest to ensure that they are adequately fed, rested, and at peace." I said.

Coran loosened up a little and slumped his shoulders.

"That sounds like Coran, all right." Keith said, chuckling at his own words.

Everyone turned back to me, "You said the lions have names and flames, right? What are they?" Pidge asked.

"Yeah, you called the Green Lion Gaia. And when we first met, you complained about Pidge calling him Kitty Rose." Keith said.

I frowned, setting my hand on my hip, "First off, the Red Lion is a girl. And second, that isn't her name."

"Wait, wait, wait, the Red Lion's a girl?" Lance exclaimed shocked like the rest of the group.

"Yeah, only the Black and Yellow lions are male. The others are female, and yes they all have names. The Black Lion is Konrad. The Yellow Lion is Bouloren. The Green Lion is Gaia. The Red Lion is Fiore. And the Blue Lion is Aquamos."

They all gasped as I said the Lions' names. I laughed at their reactions, until I started coughing again. I retracted my hand and saw mkre ash in my palm.

I sighed and began walking out of the room.

"I should rest a little more. I promised Bouloren that I would rest after helping him." I said.

"Wait, how did you help the Yellow Lion?" Hunk asked.

"I connected to his flame, gave him a little power boost. That helped give way to his special ability." I said smiling. I waved goodbye, but was stopped again by a wavering hand.

I turned around and saw that Keith was holding me back.

"Hold up," he said, "One more thing. Why do you hide your right eye?"

I flinched at the question, reaching my hand up to my hidden eye.

"I was hurt and it left a scar. One that reminds me of the day my father died." I said. I swiped the hair covering my right eye away and showed everyone the scar over my eye.

There was a large scar that covered my eye, but didn't hurt the eye itself so I could still see out of it.

It was almost like a burn scar but was a straight line across my eye from my hairline to the bottom of my cheekbone.

They all stared at me as I walked away back to my room. I took off my cloak, shoes and sunstone before laying down to sleep.

As the rest of the night went by, I dreamt of my family and saw what my brothers were doing.

They were fighting over the last piece of cake for desert. I remembered when I would fight with my dad for the last piece of desert.

I felt so relieved that I explained my abilities to my teammates. It was good to let that off my shoulders.

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