The Unknown. One Direction an...

By imytimms

12.1K 204 4

JLS and One direction live together in a house with their girlfriends, wives, children and pets. It is one th... More

The Unknown.
The Unknown- part two
The Unknown-Part three
The Unknown- Part four.
The Unknown- Part five.
The Unknown-Part six.
The Unknown- part seven
The Unknown-Part eight.
The Unknown- Part nine.
The Unknown- Part ten
The Unknown- part eleven.
The Unknown- Part Twelve
The Unknown- Part Thirteen.
The Unknown-Part fourteen.
The Unknown- Part fifteen.
The Unknown- Part sixteen
The Unknown- Part Seventeen.
The Unknown- Part Eighteen
The Unknown- Part nineteen
The Unknown- Part twenty.
The Unknown- part twenty one.
The Unknown- part twenty two
The Unknown. Part Twenty Three
The Unknown. Part Twenty Four
The Unknown- Part Twenty Five
The Unknown: Chapter Twenty Six
The Unknow- Chapter Twenty Seven
The Unknown- Chapter Twenty Eight.
The Unknown- Chapter Twenty Nine.
The Unknown - Chapter thirty.
The Unknown- Chapter Thirty One
The Unknown- Part Thirty Two
The Unknown- Part Thirty Three
The Unknown- Part Thirty Four.
The Unknown- Part Thirty Five.
The Unknown- Part Thirty Six
The Unknown- Part Thirty Seven
The Unknown- Part Thirty Eight
The Unknown- Part Thirty Nine
The Unknown - Part Forty
The Unknown- Part Forty One
The Unknown- Part Forty Two
The Unknown- Part Forty Three
The Unknown- Part Forty Four.
The Unknown- Part Forty Five
The Unknown- Part Forty Six
The Unknown- Party Forty Seven
The Unknown- Part Forty Eight
The Unknown- Part Forty Nine
The Unknown- Part Fifty
The Unknown- Part Fifty One
The Unknown- Part Fifty Two
The Unknown- Part Fifty Three
The Unknown- Part Fifty Four
The Unknown- Part Fifty Five
The Unknown- Part Fifty Six
The Unknown- Part Fifty Seven
The Unknown- Part Fifty Eight
The Unknown- Part Fifty Nine
The Unknown- Part Sixty
The Unknown- Part Sixty One
The Unknown- Chapter Sixty Two
The Unknown- Part Sixty Three
The Unknown- Part Sixty Four.
The Unknown- Part Sixty Five.
The Unknown- Part Sixty Six
The Unknown- Part Sixty Seven
The Unknown- Part Sixty Eight
The Unknown- Part Sixty Nine
The Unknown- Part Seventy
The Unknown- Part Seventy One
The Unknown- Part Seventy Two
The Unknown- Part Seventy Three
The Unknown- Part Seventy Four
The Unknown- Part Seventy Five
The Unknown- Part Seventy Seven
The Unknown- Part seventy eight
The Unknown- Part eighty
The Unknown- Part 81
The Unknown- Part Eighty Two
The Unknown- Part 85
The Unknown- Part 86
The Unknown- Part 87
The Unknown- Part 88
The Unknown- Part 89

The Unknown- Part seventy six

33 4 0
By imytimms

It is the end of the week and Imy, Niall, Louise and Aston were home. Everyone was getting ready for Zayn to come home Aston had taken Rosie up to the hospital to get Zayn, while everyone else stayed at the house getting it ready, Louise and Imy were putting their stuff away from their trips and everyone else was tidying the house, Harry was moving all of his stuff out of his room and he was moving into the room next to Shannon and Olly’s, so Zayn could have his room. Aston and Rosie got to the hospital and Zayn was still in the hospital bed and wasn't ready to leave. The doctor entered the room with handfuls of leaflets smiling at Rosie and Aston.

Doctor- So are we ready to go home Zayn.

Zayn smiled and nodded slightly. He was glad to finally be able to go home and be able to recover with his family around him.The doctor took Rosie into a side room to explain everything that she needed to be prepared for to look after Zayn and to make sure that she knows what she is doing. Aston was in with Zayn helping him get his coat on and he then got Zayn into the wheelchair provided for him and then wheeled him round to the room where the doctor had taken Rosie.

Aston- Are we ready then?

Rosie- Yeah I think so.

Doctor- If you need anything we are just a call away and we can come out to you.

Rosie- Thank you very much doctor

Aston- Yes thank you doctor.

Aston reached over and shook his hand and then they left. Aston and Rosie helped Zayn into the car and put his seat belt in and Rosie and Aston got in the front.

Aston- You ok Rose?

Rosie- Yeah, im just so not prepared for this.

Rosie wasn’t talking loud enough for Zayn to hear.

Aston- It will be fine, we are all here to help.

Rosie- Yeah but you guys are never here, you are always out and working.

Aston- We will bring the work to the house; Zayn has to be there for one direction anyway.

They were silent for the rest of the journey home. Once they got home Aston parked the car right outside the front of the house and got Zayn out of the car and put him into his wheelchair. Louis and Liam opened the front door seeing Aston pull up as they were excited for Zayn finally being home after weeks in hospital. Aston wheeled him into the house while Rosie got his stuff. Everyone was in the lounge and they were talking about the weekend, Aston walked in with Zayn and it all went quiet.

Courtney- ZAYN!

Zayn smiled at everyone, but then told Rosie he was tired and just wanted to sleep, he wasn’t ready to socialize with everyone again just yet. And it was getting late, the doctors had to run more tests before Zayn was able to come home. Rosie put all of Zayn’s stuff in Harry’s old room and took Zayn in there and lifted him out of his wheelchair struggling, but she managed to get him into bed. Rosie came out of the room to find Louise, Imy and Rochelle standing there

Rosie- What?

Imy- Rosie you can’t go around lifting Zayn around everywhere, you’re pregnant.

Rosie- I know but I don’t have a choice.

It was at that moment that Louise remembered that Imy was pregnant, she looked at Imy and Imy could see her looking but she didn’t want to talk about it so she didn’t make eye contact with her. Louise left Rosie Rochelle and Imy to talk while she went and spoke to the boys.

Louise- Look Rosie is really struggling with looking after Zayn, she thinks she isn’t going to be able to cope with it/ She has the baby to think about too. So you guys are going to have to help instead of just saying you’re going to help.

Niall- We are helping? If she had told me she was going to lift him up to put him in bed I would’ve helped.

Louise-  I am just saying.

Harry- We know. This is a stressful thing for all of us.

Aston- I think Louise knows that. Just everyone calm down. Zayn doesn’t need this on his first day home.

Everyone nodded at Aston and looked towards the room that Zayn was in. Rosie, Imy and Rochelle joined them in the front room.  They all sat on the sofa talking. Louise looked at Imy and waited for her to make eye contact. Imy finally looked at Louise and Louise raised her eyebrows, signalling for Imy to follow her out of the room. Imy caught on and waited for Louise to get up and walk away. She walked out of the room and into the garden. Imy followed. It was cold so they made their way to the garden house which was heated. They sat on the chairs and Imy waited for Louise to talk.

Louise- So?

Imy- So?

Louise- Have you told him?

Imy- Yeah. Told him the same day that I told you!

Louise- How did it go?

Imy- Really well. He was really happy.

Louise- And how are you?

Imy- I’m okay. Finally coming to terms with it all.

Louise- So everything is okay?

Imy- I don’t know. Haven’t organised an appointment or anything yet. No-one even knows. Have you told Aston?

Louise- You asked me not to tell anyone, so no.

Imy- Thank you Louise.

Louise- Just wondering, when are you going to tell everyone?

Imy- I don’t know. Guess when we know everything is good. To make sure that everything is going to be okay before I tell everyone I am pregnant.

Louise- That is fair enough.

Louise and Imy sat in silence and then they both started laughing.

Louise- This is awkward. Shall we go back?

Imy nodded and they made their way back into the house. When they got into the main house Aston and Niall were working together to move Zayn from his bedroom to the downstairs bathroom. He was unable to sleep so Rosie had run him a bath to help him to relax and therefore helping him to fall asleep. They lifted him out of the bed and into the wheelchair. Niall wheeled Zayn into the bathroom and then worked with Aston to put him into the bath. They walked out of the bathroom and left Rosie cleaning him. In the front room they all sat in awkwardness.

Imy- Was that awkward for you Niall?

Niall- Nah we have all seen Zayn naked before.

Courtney- That is some information I never needed to know.

Harry- We are all open Courtney. Obviously you never come on tour.

Courtney- I have never seen that side of tour.

Marvin- Aren’t you worried about what they do on tour?

Aston- We’d do the same if you weren’t all so boring.

Louise- Watch it Aston, I would rather you didn’t walk around naked.

Louis- Well we are open. I would strip off now if I could, but it is a bit cold, everything might seem small.

Everyone’s eyes grew wide as Louis spoke. They all started laughing and Louis stood up and started unbuttoning his trousers. Chloe quickly jumped up and buttoned his trousers back up.

Ch-loe Not in here Lou.

Everyone started laughing again and it wasn’t long before they could hear Rosie calling for some help. This time Harry and Liam went to the bathroom to help Rosie get Zayn out of the bath. Zayn was now tired so they wheeled him back to his bedroom and helped him into his bed.

Liam- Night Zayn.

Zayn- Night guys. Thank you, I am sorry for being an inconvenience.

Harry- Don’t be so stupid Zayn. We are going to be here for you throughout the whole of this, right up until when you are back on that stage singing.

Zayn smiled at his bandmates and then Liam and Harry left the bedroom. Rosie got changed into a one of Zayn’s tops. She turned the light off and turned on the bedside lamp before climbing into bed next to Zayn. Zayn wrapped his arm around Rosie and then rested his other hand on her belly.

Rosie- How are you?

Zayn- I feel like shit Rose. I feel like I am annoying everyone. They have to be here to help me at all times. I feel completely useless and that everyone hates me because of that. I feel like it is causing you more stress and the little one doesn’t need that stress.

Rosie- You need to stop thinking like that. We would help anyone, but everyone is so happy to look after you. You’re Zayn Malik for fucks sake. You are one of the nicest people and everyone is happy to help you. We knew it was going to be stressful. Baby is going to be fine.

Zayn- I’m not even going to be able to get to the hospital and stand for the birth

Rosie- You will be up and walking long before then. We will have to fit and well as soon as possible. Thinking negative will make everything worse. Please Zayn smile.

Zayn- I do love you Mrs Malik.

Rosie- I love you too. Let’s sleep now.

Rosie kissed Zayn’s lips and then they rolled over and went to sleep. In the front room everyone had decided to watch a movie. They decided on watching The Hangover. They grabbed duvets, food, drink and their partners. Imy rested her head on Niall’s shoulder and fell asleep. Niall ran his hands through her hair and smiled down at his wife. He couldn’t believe that Imy was four weeks pregnant and they had only just found out. By the end of the movie everyone had fallen asleep with their partners in the cinema room.

Around four in the morning Imy woke up with serious pain in her lower abdomen. It felt like cramps so Imy slowly got up and walked around the house, silently, to try and move the cramp. It didn’t move so Imy grabbed some painkillers then a hot water bottle. She walked up to her and Niall’s bedroom and got into bed. She rested the hot water bottle on her belly and spread out across the bed, trying to get comfy.

Imy- Come on baby don’t cause me problems already.

Imy finally got comfy and then fell asleep. The next time she realised the pain was in the morning when she was woken up by Niall.

Niall- When did you come up here?

Imy- Sometime this morning. I had cramp so needed to spread out.

Niall- Fair enough. How is baby?

Imy- Baby is fine.

Imy smiled at Niall and Niall kissed her belly.

Imy- I need a drink, give me a minute and I will be back.

Niall nodded at Imy and Imy got out of bed, grabbed her dressing gown and walked downstairs. Rosie was in the kitchen cooking breakfast. Imy walked to the glass cupboard and got out a glass. She filled it with juice and put the kettle on for Niall.

Imy- How is he?

Rosie- He said he felt like a burden but I think he is okay. I think he thinks we all hate him, but I told him otherwise.

Imy- Idiot! We are here for him happily.

Rosie- He knows that.

Imy- Good. He has you cooking breakfast I see.

Rosie- Yeah, like his little bitch. I see you’re making Niall coffee.

Imy and Rosie laughed at how they were the ones making breakfast when it should be the other way around. Imy poured Niall’s coffee and then said goodbye to Rosie. She went back upstairs and handed Niall his coffee. She then told him she would be back as soon as she had spoken to Louise. Imy found Louise with Aston in the cinema room. Imy coughed to get their attention. Louise and Aston turned around and looked at Imy.

Imy- Erm Louise can I talk to for a second?

Louise looked at Imy confused but nodded. She stood up and left Aston and then she walked to where Imy was standing. They went into the indoor swimming pool room and took a seat next to the pool. They could hear Noah and Daisy crying, but Niall and Aston got hold of them. Imy took a seat and started fiddling with her nails.

Louise- What is wrong?

Imy- I got cramps this morning, I am still suffering with them now.

Louise- And?

Imy- And my breast tenderness has gone and I went to the toilet this morning and it just wasn’t right. Something isn’t right.

Louise- What do you mean?

Imy- I think there is something wrong with the baby. I don’t know what. What if I am experiencing a miscarriage?

Louise- What makes you think that?

Imy- I have the symptoms and genetics in my family show that I am at risk. That is why I was so worried about having Noah. What if it happens to me?

Louise- Have you got cramp now?

Imy- Yeah and I bled this morning. I am so scared I am having a miscarriage.

Niall- What?

Imy and Louise turned around to see Niall and Noah standing in the doorway.

Imy- Niall what are you doing here?

Louise- We were having a private chat.

Niall- Miscarriage?

Imy- It isn’t definite. But I am worried.

Niall- Well let’s organise a meeting now and have it checked out.

Louise- Niall calm down you are stressing her out more.

Niall- I am stressing out.


Niall- I am so sorry I am just worried. I will do whatever you want.

Louise- I agree you should go to the hospital, it will put you at peace. I promise it’ll all be fine.

Imy took a deep breath and agreed with Niall and Louise. Niall rang the hospital and they organised a meeting for Imy in the afternoon. Louise left Imy and Niall to talk. Aston asked her what was going on and Louise felt bad lying to him so she told him. Aston was shocked that Imy and Niall were having another child already, Noah wasn’t even one yet, and there was a few months until his and Daisy’s first birthday. 

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