The Unknown. One Direction an...

Von imytimms

12.1K 204 4

JLS and One direction live together in a house with their girlfriends, wives, children and pets. It is one th... Mehr

The Unknown.
The Unknown- part two
The Unknown-Part three
The Unknown- Part four.
The Unknown- Part five.
The Unknown-Part six.
The Unknown- part seven
The Unknown-Part eight.
The Unknown- Part nine.
The Unknown- Part ten
The Unknown- part eleven.
The Unknown- Part Twelve
The Unknown- Part Thirteen.
The Unknown-Part fourteen.
The Unknown- Part fifteen.
The Unknown- Part sixteen
The Unknown- Part Seventeen.
The Unknown- Part Eighteen
The Unknown- Part nineteen
The Unknown- Part twenty.
The Unknown- part twenty one.
The Unknown- part twenty two
The Unknown. Part Twenty Three
The Unknown. Part Twenty Four
The Unknown- Part Twenty Five
The Unknown: Chapter Twenty Six
The Unknow- Chapter Twenty Seven
The Unknown- Chapter Twenty Eight.
The Unknown- Chapter Twenty Nine.
The Unknown - Chapter thirty.
The Unknown- Chapter Thirty One
The Unknown- Part Thirty Two
The Unknown- Part Thirty Three
The Unknown- Part Thirty Four.
The Unknown- Part Thirty Five.
The Unknown- Part Thirty Six
The Unknown- Part Thirty Seven
The Unknown- Part Thirty Eight
The Unknown- Part Thirty Nine
The Unknown - Part Forty
The Unknown- Part Forty One
The Unknown- Part Forty Two
The Unknown- Part Forty Three
The Unknown- Part Forty Four.
The Unknown- Part Forty Five
The Unknown- Part Forty Six
The Unknown- Party Forty Seven
The Unknown- Part Forty Eight
The Unknown- Part Forty Nine
The Unknown- Part Fifty
The Unknown- Part Fifty One
The Unknown- Part Fifty Two
The Unknown- Part Fifty Three
The Unknown- Part Fifty Four
The Unknown- Part Fifty Five
The Unknown- Part Fifty Six
The Unknown- Part Fifty Seven
The Unknown- Part Fifty Eight
The Unknown- Part Fifty Nine
The Unknown- Part Sixty
The Unknown- Part Sixty One
The Unknown- Chapter Sixty Two
The Unknown- Part Sixty Three
The Unknown- Part Sixty Four.
The Unknown- Part Sixty Five.
The Unknown- Part Sixty Six
The Unknown- Part Sixty Seven
The Unknown- Part Sixty Eight
The Unknown- Part Sixty Nine
The Unknown- Part Seventy
The Unknown- Part Seventy One
The Unknown- Part Seventy Two
The Unknown- Part Seventy Three
The Unknown- Part Seventy Five
The Unknown- Part seventy six
The Unknown- Part Seventy Seven
The Unknown- Part seventy eight
The Unknown- Part eighty
The Unknown- Part 81
The Unknown- Part Eighty Two
The Unknown- Part 85
The Unknown- Part 86
The Unknown- Part 87
The Unknown- Part 88
The Unknown- Part 89

The Unknown- Part Seventy Four

51 2 0
Von imytimms

Everyone returned with their food and it was still the same awkward silence.

Harry- Urm, I take it, it didn’t go well boys.

Marvin- Didn’t go well? Aston has managed to get Management to drop us and now we need to find another manager ASAP.

Aston- Don’t out all the blame on my ALL of you got angry in that meeting.

JB- We wouldn’t have have the meeting if it wasn’t for you in the first place Ast.

Oritse- Look forget about it, they have dropped us and there’s nothing we can do we are just gunna have to try and get signed to someone else.

Marvin- Who else even is there?

Aston- Look if we just tell everyone that management have dropped us im sure people will approach us! Don’t worry guys we will find someone.

Marvin- AST LISTEN TO YOURSELF 'we will find someone' we will? Ast there was nothing wrong with our management in the first place. I mean yeah they weren't the best, and they don't do as much as we would like but they have got us to become famous worldwide. We have had a wide number of number ones and albums and all of our tours have been sold out within minutes and if it wasn't for management that might not have all happened and you have gone and ruined it all.

Aston- Go on Marv just keep digging the hole for me, maybe I can crawl in it and you can fill it back in.

 L- Ast don't say stuff like that!

Aston- Well, I know I have done wrong and everyone else just wants to keep reminding me. I WILL FIND US A NEW MANAGEMENT, BY THE END OF THE WEEK AND I WILL SORT THE MESS OUT THAT I MADE. Now if you don't mind imp going out for a drive to get away from you lot. You coming?

Aston looked at Louise.

L- Yeah let me just get my coat and I will meet you out the front.

Aston went and got the car and waited out the front of the house for Louise. Louise joined Aston in the car and he sped off out the drive and down the road.

Louise- Babe I know you’re angry about all this but please slow down, I don't really want to die in a car crash.

Aston pulled into an empty car park, parked up turned off the engine and he collapsed onto the steering wheel.

Aston- I have ruined JLS. This is all my fault, if I had just agreed to go to the stupid photo shoot we wouldn't be in this mess.

Louise- You know you have done wrong and so do the boys, but like Reesh said there is nothing you can do about it now, you have been dropped I’m sure there are so many better managers out there! I will help you find one, I will contact some people and find out about the best management around here ok? 

Aston- Okay, I’m sorry for tonight, I just feel like the pressure is always on us to make everyone else happy and I’m fed up with it all Lou you know. There is never a time where I can spend time with my family in my house just the three of us.

Louise- I know what you mean but it’s nice to have everyone else there if it was just the three of us all the time it will become too quiet and then you wouldn't like it.

Aston-  But we never have any family time.

Louise- Well how about this weekend I book us a trip to London, my treat? Me you and Daisy, private plane, private car the lot?

Aston- Really?

Louise- Yes, I agree there has been so much happening lately that we have had no time to ourselves and I’m sure if there is any progress with Zayn we are only a phone call away. But that doesn't mean we can just run away from all of the problems, we still have to find a manger before we leave.

Aston- Yeah yeah I know that, I don't think the boys would let me go to another country without finding a new management first.

Louise and Aston spent the next hour sitting in the car talking, just spending time together, just the two of them which they haven't been able to do for months. The rest of the JLS boys decided that there weren't staying at the house tonight as they didn't want to upset Aston even more so they went to the cottage where Rosie said they could spend the night as she was staying at the main house with everyone. Imy and Rosie were in Imy's bedroom sat on the bed talking about what had happened earlier at the hospital.

Imy- So are you really going to have an abortion?

Rosie- No, me and Zayn spoke about it, and I know he is off his face of all of the drugs that they have given him the past few days, but he said he wants to keep it.

Imy- Is it not going to be too soon after Grace? I’m sorry I shouldn't have asked that, if you two want the baby you have the baby, I think it will be a great way for you two to get back together and hopefully just as Zayn fully recovers you will have a beautiful child.

Rosie- No its fine and yeah I know, I can’t wait, I just hope Zayn still feels the same way after he's recovered.

Imy- I’m sure he will.

The next day Louise and Aston were lying in bed trying to find a new management for JLS. Louise had phoned a few people but none of them were right for JLS.

Louise- Let’s face it, management were able to schedule EVERYONES tour and album writing and dance rehearsals so you were all back at the same time and no other management will do that, should I try ringing management and see if they will have you back?

Aston- You can try but there is no way they will take us back after they made it clear yesterday that they had taken us of their contract.

Louise- Well let me see what I can do!

Louise went into the en-suite bathroom and phone modest! Aston stood on the other side of the door listening...


'Hello Modest! Management. How can I help'

'Yeah hi. Is Steve or Paul there please?'

'Please can I ask who is speaking?'

'It is Louise, Louise Merrygold.'

'Oh didn't the boys tell you about yesterday?'

'Yes they did and that is why I am phoning, so can I please talk to someone?'

'Yes hold on one second and I will put you through to Paul.'

(Paul was the main manager that signed JLS when they found fame,)


'Paul listen about yesterday I don't suppose it can all be forgotten, can it?'

'Louise, I understand this is hard on the boys, trust me we didn't want them to go.'

'Then why did you?'

'If they think they can work by themselves without us then they can. They can come back. but they're the ones that walked out.'


'Yeah they all decided it was for the best if they tried on their own, because they don't think we do enough promoting for them.'

'So they choose to walk out?'


'But all of the boys are moaning that Aston made you drop them? And now he needs to find a new management. God I am so confused.'

'Honestly Loiuise they came in for a meeting yesterday and about half hour later Aston got up and said that we didn't do enough of them and then the rest of the boys agreed. They all walked out so we just assumed they were working on their own now.'

'Okay thanks Paul. I'll go speak to them and find out what is happening.'

'Okay speak soon. Bye.'


*End of Phonecall*

Louise came off of the phone. She was confused after hearing Aston didn’t make Modest! drop JLS. Louise walked back into the bedroom and told Aston that everything Paul had said.

Aston- Look, I know I walked out first but the rest of the boys followed, it’s not all my fault, and if they said we can go back why don’t we?

Louise- Look it’s not something I can make decisions with you, you need to sit down with the boys and talk about this, do you want to go back to management that you think don’t promote you enough?

Aston- Honestly I don’t know, I mean they were good for the first few years but now we need more, we can’t just keep doing the same things over and over every year.

Louise- Well what else do you want to do? You have made a film, had TV shows, you have 6 albums, 12 singles, multiple awards, own perfumes, you have your own books, there is nothing else for you to do is there?

Aston- I don’t know I just feel like there is more for us to do.

Louise- We can go to space and do a tour on the moon, Louise Joked.

Aston- You are so random, I do wonder about you sometimes.

Louise- Me too! Look you go and wake the boys up!

Aston woke up the other boys and they all went downstairs and spoke about everything that has been going on. They all decided to leave everything until Louise and Aston returned from their trip to London. They were due to fly to London, via private plane later that afternoon. Imy and Niall were also due to leave New York to return to Ireland to see Niall’s family, so they could met Noah for the first time and to tell them about Zayn, as they had been in contact a lot. They all made sure that everyone knew that they would be on their phones ready if anything happens with Zayn. Niall, Liam and Harry were sat in the front room with Louise and Imy.

Niall- You know Imy and I will be on the private plane as soon as any of you text about Zayn.

Liam- We don’t expect you to come home.

Imy- But we will.

Louise- Me and Aston will too.

Harry- Yeah well we will tell you guys everything. You will have constant updates.

Imy, Louise and Niall all thanked the others and then went upstairs to pack their last few things. Imy, Niall and Noah were the first to leave. They said goodbye to everyone and then got into the car that was taking them to the airport. Imy put Noah’s car seat in place and then sat next to Niall. They held each other’s hand and Niall squeezed her hand.

Niall- I am so excited to get away and see my family and friends, and for them to meet this little man.

Imy smiled at her husband and then looked at Noah. She was excited to get away from everyone and be with her little family. Imy rested her head on Niall’s shoulder and started to fall asleep. She didn’t sleep for long when they arrived at the airport and made their way to the private plane that would take them to Ireland. While they were on their flight Louise, Aston and Daisy started their journey to London. They were already on their private plane and they were talking about what they were going to do while they were in London.

Louise- I really want to have dinner on a cruise under the London eye.

Aston- Well I really want to go to a theme park

Louise- Daisy won’t be able to get on anything. She is only 9 months old.

Aston- We can go to LEGOLAND that is more child orientated. She will love it.

Louise- Well I think we should also go visit the shard and go to the sea life centre

Aston agreed with everything. They were only staying in London for the weekend. They would be returning to New York on Tuesday, the current day was Friday. They planned on going for the dinner on the cruise on the first night. They landed in London at 5’o’clock and a car picked them up from the airport and took them to the hotel they were staying in. They were staying in the Mayfair hotel. They unpacked everything and then they all got changed. Louise put a dress on with heels and Aston wore a suit. Louise changed Daisy and put her in a cute dress and placed a headband on her head. She looked adorable. They made their way out of the hotel and got into the car and drove to where they would get on the cruise. Aston had hired the whole cruise out so that it was just him, Louise and Daisy. There was bottles of wine in ice and juice and milk for Daisy. Their food was divine and everything was perfect. The cruise stopped under the London eye and they laid on the top of the boat, Daisy stayed inside in her carry seat because she was asleep. Louise and Aston looked at the stars and spoke about everything. For one moment everything seemed perfect and they were happy to be alone.

Meanwhile Imy, Niall and Noah were at Niall’s family house eating a meal that Niall’s mum had cooked. They were all loving Noah and showing him fuss. Niall asked his family to look after Noah while he took her to the bar he went to a lot when he was younger. He had organised to meet some of his old friends so that they could all meet Imy. They both left Niall’s family house and made their way down to the wagon wheel. They went into the bar and met Niall’s friends. Niall introduced Imy and everyone got on really well. Soon enough Niall’s friends left, and left Imy and Niall together.

Imy- I love you so much

Niall- Think you have drunk too much.

Imy- No I just love you so much.

Niall- I love you too.

Imy- Good. Your friends are so nice.

Niall- I know and they are so impressed with you. You always make a good impression don’t you.

Niall picked Imy up and spun her around. He placed her back on the floor, grabbed her hand and they walked out of the bar. They made their way down to the nearest beach and laid under the stars thinking about everything.

Niall- Can you believe that we made a beautiful little boy?

Imy- I am still so shocked now. I just want a little girl now!

Niall- Then let’s start again.

Imy- But if it isn’t a girl I will be so disappointed. Just wait a year and then we will try again.

Niall- Thank you.

They laid under the stars for a couple more hours before heading back to Niall’s family house, which is where they were staying. They planned on spending one night alone in the Horan Cottage since they hadn’t been there since before their wedding. They planned on leaving Noah with Niall’s brother, sister-in-law and their son for the night while they spent some time together. During the days they planned on spending the day at a castle and they planned on going on a road trip. 

Back in New York Rosie, Chloe, Louis, Harry and Courtney were at the hospital with Zayn. He had started to make a lot of process. He was able to talk a lot better now and now the doctors were trying to encourage him to feed himself. They placed a bowl of food in front of him and handed him the fork and spoon. He was eating spaghetti bolognaise. Everyone stood around him, waiting and watching. Zayn looked at the fork and spoon. He tried to pick them up, but he struggled. Everyone tried encouraging him, but it made him become frustrated and annoyed.


Harry, Louis, Chloe and Courtney all looked at each other and nodded. Rosie stayed in the room with her husband and made sure that he was okay. Zayn tried to pick the fork up again, failing once again. He became more and more stressed. Eventually he became so stressed that he kneed the hospital table that was over his bed, tipping the food off and it landed on the floor, spreading across the floor. Rosie started picking up it up but Zayn started shouting at her.


Rosie- Don’t take it out on me,


Rosie- You are overreacting Zayn. It is going to take a long time.


Rosie sighed and walked out of the hospital room. She met the others and they all made their way back to the main house, which seemed a lot quieter without Imy, Niall, Louise and Aston. Rosie text Imy and Louise to tell them about Zayn’s progress and his slight anger issues.

*text conversation between Imy, Rosie and Louise*

‘Hey guys thought I would let you know that Zayn is talking better now and he is able to shout. I would know that because he got stressed at being unable to feed himself. He shouted at me and threw his food across the room.’

‘Why did he start to get angry at not being able to feed himself?’

‘I don’t understand. He knew he would struggle at first.’

‘Yeah I know. He seemed okay at first but then he started flipping out. He told me to leave. So I did. He is worried about picking up a microphone again.’

‘Like that is important at the moment. Niall said that they will wait for him to be fully recovered until any of them pick up a microphone again.’

‘I will tell him that when I see him tomorrow. I think he is worried he will be replaced.’

‘He could never be replaced. No offence but One Direction would be nothing without Zayn. He completes them, with his high notes.’

‘Niall disagrees with you Louise ;)’

‘I’m sure he does!’

‘Anyway how are your trips going?’

‘Yeah London is so beautiful at night!’

‘Same with Ireland. I love it here. We are heading to the Horan Cottage at some point this weekend. Anyway I have to go, Noah is crying. Night guys. Love you.’

‘Night. Have fun with Zayn tomorrow Rosie. Love you both.’

‘Love you both too. Will text you tomorrow!’

*End of text conversation*

Rosie turned her phone off and looked at the picture of her and Zayn on their wedding day that was on the bedside cabinet, and sighed. She picked the picture up and held it close to her body. She smiled and then looked at the picture again.

Rosie- I love you so much baby. We are going to get through this together.

Rosie looked down at her little belly and smiled. She realised that she had to be strong for Zayn and their baby. The bump hadn’t developed but she knew it was there. She needed to make sure Zayn was well enough to experience the first scan, something he never got to do with Grace. Perrie had decided to wait for Grace’s funeral. She wanted Zayn to be able to attend and the police were planning on speaking with Zayn the next day to find out what really happened that day, if he could remember.




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