The Unknown. One Direction an...

By imytimms

12.1K 204 4

JLS and One direction live together in a house with their girlfriends, wives, children and pets. It is one th... More

The Unknown.
The Unknown- part two
The Unknown-Part three
The Unknown- Part four.
The Unknown- Part five.
The Unknown-Part six.
The Unknown- part seven
The Unknown-Part eight.
The Unknown- Part nine.
The Unknown- Part ten
The Unknown- part eleven.
The Unknown- Part Twelve
The Unknown- Part Thirteen.
The Unknown-Part fourteen.
The Unknown- Part fifteen.
The Unknown- Part sixteen
The Unknown- Part Seventeen.
The Unknown- Part Eighteen
The Unknown- Part nineteen
The Unknown- Part twenty.
The Unknown- part twenty one.
The Unknown- part twenty two
The Unknown. Part Twenty Three
The Unknown. Part Twenty Four
The Unknown- Part Twenty Five
The Unknown: Chapter Twenty Six
The Unknow- Chapter Twenty Seven
The Unknown- Chapter Twenty Eight.
The Unknown- Chapter Twenty Nine.
The Unknown - Chapter thirty.
The Unknown- Chapter Thirty One
The Unknown- Part Thirty Two
The Unknown- Part Thirty Three
The Unknown- Part Thirty Four.
The Unknown- Part Thirty Five.
The Unknown- Part Thirty Six
The Unknown- Part Thirty Seven
The Unknown- Part Thirty Eight
The Unknown- Part Thirty Nine
The Unknown - Part Forty
The Unknown- Part Forty One
The Unknown- Part Forty Two
The Unknown- Part Forty Three
The Unknown- Part Forty Four.
The Unknown- Part Forty Five
The Unknown- Part Forty Six
The Unknown- Party Forty Seven
The Unknown- Part Forty Eight
The Unknown- Part Forty Nine
The Unknown- Part Fifty
The Unknown- Part Fifty One
The Unknown- Part Fifty Two
The Unknown- Part Fifty Three
The Unknown- Part Fifty Four
The Unknown- Part Fifty Five
The Unknown- Part Fifty Six
The Unknown- Part Fifty Seven
The Unknown- Part Fifty Eight
The Unknown- Part Fifty Nine
The Unknown- Part Sixty
The Unknown- Part Sixty One
The Unknown- Chapter Sixty Two
The Unknown- Part Sixty Three
The Unknown- Part Sixty Four.
The Unknown- Part Sixty Five.
The Unknown- Part Sixty Six
The Unknown- Part Sixty Seven
The Unknown- Part Sixty Eight
The Unknown- Part Sixty Nine
The Unknown- Part Seventy
The Unknown- Part Seventy Two
The Unknown- Part Seventy Three
The Unknown- Part Seventy Four
The Unknown- Part Seventy Five
The Unknown- Part seventy six
The Unknown- Part Seventy Seven
The Unknown- Part seventy eight
The Unknown- Part eighty
The Unknown- Part 81
The Unknown- Part Eighty Two
The Unknown- Part 85
The Unknown- Part 86
The Unknown- Part 87
The Unknown- Part 88
The Unknown- Part 89

The Unknown- Part Seventy One

75 2 0
By imytimms

Rosie turned back to look at Harry, who was staring at the ceiling, while putting his cereal in his mouth. Rosie sighed and took the seat that Zayn had just left, and Harry tried to avoid all contact. After a few moment Rosie coughed and got Harry's attention. Harry looked back up from his bowl and smiled.

Rosie- "Was I in the wrong?"

Harry- "Yes!"

Rosie- "I thought so."

Rosie sighed and got up. She walked back up the stairs and knocked on Imy and Niall's bedroom door. When they answered she opened the door and then slowly closed it behind her. Imy looked up from the bed and then sighed. She sat up in bed and waited for Rosie to say something. However Rosie stood by the door in silence. Niall looked around the room awkwardly.

Imy- "Rosie?"

Rosie- "I told him!"

Imy- "What?"

Rosie- "I told Zayn. Last night when I was drunk. I told him."

Niall- "So it was you?"

Rosie- "Yeah."

Niall- "Good because I thought it was me. I got so drunk, I don't remember anything. I was starting to blame myself."

Rosie shook her head and Niall breathed a sigh of relief. Imy laughed at her husband and then looked back at Rosie.

Rosie- "Well I just came to say I am sorry for blaming you. I am going back to the cottage now, hopefully to fix up my marriage."

Imy nodded at Rosie and then watched her walk out of the room. Rosie then went into Louise and Aston's room and said sorry to them, before leaving the house and making her way to cottage. When she arrived at the cottage, Zayn was already putting his bags in the back of his car. Rosie rushed over and grabbed his hand.

Rosie- "Where are you going?"

Zayn- "To see Grace for a while. I need to get away from all of this."

Rosie- "What about me?"

Zayn- "We obviously aren't working anymore. We just lie to each other and argue all the time. I am going to leave for a while and then we can talk and sort everything out and see what is best for us."

Rosie sighed, but let Zayn carry on packing up the car. Once he had finished packing Zayn pulled Rosie in for a hug and kissed her forehead. He pulled away and looked into her tear filled eyes. His eyes were also starting to fill with tears.

Zayn- "This isn't it Rose. We just need some time apart, because all we keep doing is lying to one another. We aren't in a good relationship anymore."

Rosie- "I know."

Rosie sighed and cupped Zayn's face. Zayn looked into her eyes and sighed, before covering her hands with his.

Rosie- "Please can I kiss you one more time?"

Zayn nodded and Rosie got on her tiptoes and planted a kiss on Zayn's lips. They soon pulled away when a tear fell onto their lips. Zayn wiped Rosie's tears away and kissed her cheek before climbing into his care and starting the engine. Rosie looked at Zayn and Zayn stared back. He blew her a kiss before driving away.

Zayn and Rosie hadn't been in contact with anyone for nearly a week and no-one really knew what was going on. One Direction had a meeting at the studio at 2 to write some material for their new album and no-one was able to contact Zayn to know whether he was coming or not.

Niall- "I don't understand why he won't talk to us, it's not like we have done anything."

Louise- "Niall maybe he is embarrassed. His so called wife tricked him into thinking she wasn't trying to get pregnant, when really all she was trying to do was get pregnant without telling him."

Niall- "Yeah but he should know that we are here for him, we always will be and we always have been. He needs to mkae sure that he gets his act together and started returning our calls, otherwise he isn't going to be able to turn up to the studio and people are going to start talking and there's going to be loads of rumours...and it is all Rosie's fault."

Aston- "We know Rosie has done wrong, but she is still our friend. Look Niall as long as you boys turn up to the studio, it doesn't matter. Four is better than none. Also our whole lives are rumours, everyone says what they want to be try and we have to try and not let it affect us. Don't worry about what everyone else says, we know the truth and what's really happening and that is all that matters. Okay?"

Niall- "Okay, I get what you're saying. I just need to know if he is okay more than anything."

Imy- "Niall try googling him and going on the news tab. You know stories of all of you are getting posted every few minutes. I am sure there's something on there about Zayn somewhere."

Niall grabbed his iPad and googled Zayn's name and straight away he found pictures of Zayn with Perrie and Grace walking around a theme park. Imy could see over Niall's shoulder that they were fine and that no-one had anything to worry about.

Harry- "So what happens when all of the paps starting asking us questions about Grace and Perrie?"

Liam- "Well it's not really our place to say is it. Just wait until Perrie and Zayn had told everyone, if Rosie doesn't tell the public first."

Louise- "Why would Rosie do that?"

Harry- "Louise look at her tweets, she is going crazy. They are all about Grace."

Aston- "These past few days have all been crazy and over the top. I mean if Rosie is pregnant then would she have been drinking so much the other night?"

Oritse- "You have a point there Ast! Does anyone know if she is truly pregnant? Has she carried out a test? Maybe she is just playing a game with Zayn, because he didn't tell her about Grace!"

Imy- "Reesh it's not a game. She told me and Louise when we went out for the meal last week that she wasn't okay about Grace being Zayn's first child and that she wanted to make sure that Perrie didn't steal Zayn from her by making sure that she gets pregnant, that way Zayn would have to stay by her side."

Oritse- "Why didn't you tell him?"

Imy- "Because we didn't think it would all happen this quickly, maybe we should have done but it's a bit late now and it's not our fault, so don't try blaming us for not telling Zayn!"

Oritse- "WOAHHH! I didn't mean it like that haha. I was just asking, I didn't say you should have."

Aston- "Can we change the conversation now? I am sure it will get sorted in its own time."


Later on that day, when the boys had gone to the studio, Aston, Marvin, Oritse, JB, Archie, Rochelle, Daisy and Noah were all in the indoor pool, while Imy and Louise were in the gym, talking about Rosie and Zayn again, whilst on the running machines.

Louise- "Do you think if we did say something, all of this wouldn't be happening right now?"

Imy- "No you can't blame yourself. We didn't make Rosie do it. We didn't make her tells us, it is not our fault, so don't feel like it is. Either way it would've happened sooner or later!"

Louise- "I just hate it when everyone is like this. I mean when we all go out for dinner now we all seem to seperate and we don't seem to be as close as we were. I just miss the old times when shit like this wasn't happening."

Imy- "There was never a time that something dramatic didn't happen. But I know what you mean, but it's because everyone is growing up and going their own ways, even the boys are working harder every year and touring for longer, which means we don't get to see them each other as much anymore. Why don't I phone everyone and we can arrage a night out like the old times and we can hire out a club?"

Louise- "Yeah but Rosie and Zayn won't be there."

Imy- "Well I will see what I can do."

With that Louise put her headphone back in and started her running machine again, as she wasn't able to run and talk at the same time. Before she could run anymore, Aston ran into the gym, soaking wet. He picked Louise up, getting her all wet, as well as all the equipment around them. Louise screamed as Aston picked her up, not knowing what was going on. Aston put Louise down, laughing after seeing her revenge planning face. He started to run, slipping on the wet floor, giving Louise an advanatge to run ahead. She got Aston to follow her. She ran into the garden. Aston wasn't sure what was going on but he followed Louise anyway, to try and get her wet again.

Louise- "You want to play this game?"

Louise picked up the hose pipe, ready to get Aston with the freezing water.

Aston-"NO! NO! NO! I'm sorry lets not do this now!"

Louise- "Oh you don't want to play now?"

Louise turned on the hose pointing the end straight at Aston. It hit him straight in the face, he ran backwards trying to get out of the way of the water. Louise was laughing and by this time Imy was stood at the door filming. Aston kept trying to walk back begging Louise to turn the water off, he took one more step back not looking and didn't realise how close to the pool he was he feel in backwards falling into the cold pool. Louise turned off the hose still laughing at what Aston had just done.

Louise- "And that my friend is why you don't mess with me."

Aston- "Well I fucking know that now, don't I! Fuck me that pool is cold, I won't be doing that again anytime soon."

Louise- "Well I'm glad to hear that. And watch your language, there are child around!"

Louise smirked, running away as Aston made his way out of the pool.

Aston- "Hey Lou I'm not finished yet..."

Louise- "Oh yes you are, you're not coming in here soaked!!!"

Aston- "You want to bet?"

Before Aston could move Imy had managed to shut the back door so Aston wasn't able to get in.Aston being Aston climbed up the side of one of the fences of the garden and managed to get himself onto the top of the kitchen as there was no room above it. He walked along the roof to find that the window of the en-suite, in his bedroom, was open. He climbed through it quietly running back down the stairs looking for the girls. Louise and Imy knew that Aston would find a way back in sooner or later so they managed to get some water guns and they hid in the behind the bar in the bar room.

Imy- "Are you sure he will be able to get back in?"

Louise- "Shh, yes. There are windows open, he will climb through them, he isn't stupid."

Imy- "Okay, okay. So what is the plan? We just get everything wet?"

Louise- "Yeah he got me! I don't care about the house, everything will dry. Aston needs learn not to mess with me haha."

Imy- "Come on let's move, he won't come in here..."

Aston- "Won't I?"

Aston crept up behind them, not realising they had water guns, to hug them and get them wet. As he spoke Imy and Louise turned around and fired at Aston. He ran towards the kitchen and cupped his hand under the tap and got some water but he wasn't able to throw it at the girls over the table.


Then Aston realised that the girls wouldn't follow him out the front because of the paps. So he ran towards the front door closing in behind him laughing. Then he realised what he had done, he was now locked outside, soaking wet looking like an idiot with all the paps taking pictures from the other side of the security gate.

Louise- "What is he doing out there?"

Imy- "Haha, come look through the window, he is getting paped so badly and he can't run anywhere."

Louise- "Haha. Watch this! Stay there!"

Louise ran upstairs into Shannon's old room which was directly above the front door. She got her water gun and started to get Aston out the window. He tried to hide behind one of the trees by the front door but Louise was still able to get him. Louise suddenly come to a stop as she starred out in front of her. Aston paused and looked to where she was looking to see two police cars pull up onto their drive way. Both confused, Louise come back down the stairs, Imy was already waiting at the bottom of the stairs as she had also seen the police pull up. Louise shrugged her shoulders and opened the front door, giving Aston a towel. All three of them stood there watching the police get out of the cars and make their way towards the house.

Aston- "What the fuck have you gone and done now?"

Louise- "Don't look at me, I haven't done anything!"

Both Louise and Aston looked at I

Imy- "Don't look at me..."

Police- "Aston Merrygold? Louise Merrygold? Imogen Horan?"

Aston, Louise and Imy- "yeah?"

Police- "Can we come in please?"

L- Is everything alright?

Police- "Please Mrs. Merrygold."

Louise nodded and moved out of the way of door and let the police in. By now Marvin, Rochelle, Oritse and JB were in the front room. Imy, Aston and Louise joined them. Four police officers stood in front of them.

Imy- "What's happened?"

Police- "You might want to take a seat."

Everyone looked at each other confused, but they all sat down.

Police - "At lunchtime today a car drove off of the edge of a cliff. After two hours of cutting two people out of the car we realised that the driver was Mr Malik. He was driving in this direction, with a young child in the back. Unfortunately the child was pronounced dead at the scene. Mr Malik however is in a coma and the doctors are doing everything they can to keep him alive, but we have to suggest that you don't get your hopes up, and it would be a good idea for you all to visit him."

Everyone looked at one another, all shocked. Imy and Louise had their hands covering their mouths and tears filled everyone's eyes. No-one really knew what to say, and everyone remained silent for ten minutes before the police spoke again.

Police- We are sorry to tell you this.

Aston looked at the police officers and sighed. He got off of the sofa and walked up the stairs. Louise shook her head and rested her head on Imy's shoulders.

Marvin- What happened?

Police- We aren't 100 percent yet, but there was no obvious obstacles in the road. Right now we are viewing it as attempted suicide. We would like to look around Zayn's room and see if there is any evidence of suicidal thoughts. We are appealing for witnesses that may have seen what happened before we come to any conclusion.

Rochelle- Suicide? That isn't Zayn!

Everyone was confused.

Louise- None of Zayn's stuff is here anymore. He lives down the road in a cottage.

Suddenly everyone stopped talking and thought back to Rosie and the One Direction boys, who currently know nothing about what had happened.

Imy- Have you informed his wife?

Police- No we were hoping she would be here.

I- She is at the cottage, shall I ring her?

The police officers agreed to ringing Rosie and bringing her to the main house, before they started investigating the cottage. Imy rang Rosie and told her that there was something important happening and that she needed to get to the house now. Rosie agreed and made her way to the house. When the police explained what had happened Rosie collapsed to the floor and started to cry. Louise, Rochelle and Imy ran to her side and comforted her. They all sat on the floor crying. The police left them to grieve while they checked the cottage for any suicide evidence. They said that they would call everyone if they got any new evidence. Aston returned from downstairs, his face puffy and red, obviously he had been crying. Everyone sat in the front room in silence, the only noise was people sniffing and small crying noises.

Oriste- I think we should make our way to the hospital.

Everyone agreed. They got their shoes in silence and walked out the front door and into the parked cars. Paps were snapping pictures of them, but no-one commented on what was happening. They drove to the hospital in silence, everyone refusing to talk. They were all trying to understand what had happened. Marvin had tried ringing the One Direction boys but no-one answered, so he left them a voicemail. When they arrived at the hospital they were all asked to wait in the family room as Zayn was currently being looked after by the doctors. Perrie was in the family room. She was in tears. Imy sat with her and comforted her.

Perrie- My baby.

Imy hugged her and said she was sorry for her lose. Everyone remained silent, no-one knew what to say and what was appropriate. Occasionally people would open their mouths to say something, but shut them before anything came out. Calum came to meet Perrie shortly after.

Perrie -I'm sorry guys I can't be here.

Louise- Its okay, go Perrie. You have had a big shock and a massive lose

Imy- I'm sorry we didn't get to know Grace.

At the mention of Grace's name, Perrie collapsed into Calum's arms in tears. Calum rubbed her back and cried along with her.

Calum -Keep us updated with Zayn yeah?

Everyone nodded. Perrie said goodbye and that she would be in contact soon, then they left. Aston rang everyone else, such as Olly, Courtney, Shannon and Chloe. The door of the family room had been left open and not ten minutes after Perrie left, everyone heard people running down the corridor, screaming and shouting for someone to help them. Marvin looked at the door to see the One Direction boys looking around confused. Liam noticed Marvin and ran to the room, the other boys following.

Liam- What the fuck has happened.

Imy- Zayn drove his car off of the edge of a cliff.

All four boys slide down the wall and onto the floor, placing their heads in their hands.

Louise- Grace was in the car and she died from impact. Zayn is in a coma, but they said that we should come and say our goodbyes because they don't think he is going to make it. They aren't sure what caused him to go off the cliff either.

Niall let out a small cry, causing Imy to crawl onto the floor next to him, pulling him in close and running her hands through his hair. Eventually everyone was sat in the family room, waiting to hear something from the doctors. Everyone was sat with their partners, comforting them. Finally a doctor came into the room and sat on a chair and looked at everyone.

Doctor- Zayn took a seriously impact and he is in a very serious condition. We are unsure about what is best for Zayn right now, but I think it is best if you all say your goodbyes. Just in case. He can still hear you all, he just cannot reply, move or make any form of contact. His brain is dying.

Everyone sighed, but nodded.

Doctor- Who would like to go first?

Everyone looked at one another. Niall stood up, Imy looked up at him from where she was sat on the floor. Niall nodded and walked towards the door. He stopped in the doorway and looked at Imy.

Niall- Please come with me, I cannot do this alone.

Imy looked at the tears falling down her husband's cheeks. She nodded and got off of the floor and walked towards Niall. They entwined their hands and followed the doctor down the corridor and into a private room. The doctor left them in the room. Zayn laid on the bed and he looked fragile and the equipment he was connected to looked intimidating. He was connected to a ventilator, which helped him to breathe as he wasn't breathing on his own. He was also connected to four IV's. The IV's were supplying him with medication and fluids. Liquid nutrition was being given to him through a nasogastric tube in his nose. Blood pressure cuffs were left on continuously to take his blood pressure automatically. Niall looked away from the sight in front of him. Imy took a deep breath before pulling a chair up next to Zayn, she had to stay strong for Niall, even though the sight of Zayn made her feel nauseous. Niall saw that Imy was sitting down next to Zayn, so he joined her. He took Zayn's hand in his and started to talk to Zayn. He reminded Zayn of all the good times they had shared, one on one and as a band. Both Imy and Niall shed a few tears and they both said their goodbyes, before getting up and kissing Zayn's forehead, and then leaving.

One by one everyone else visited Zayn and done the same thing. Lastly Rosie went into the room. Louise, Imy and Courtney had all offered to go in with her, but she shook her head and said that she needed to say her goodbyes alone. They all nodded and watched Rosie walk into the room. When she walked in, Rosie was shocked at the sight of her husband. She covered her mouth with her hand and closed her eyes, tears already streaming down her face. She pulled herself together and took a seat next to Zayn's bed. She grabbed his hand and kissed it.

Rosie- The police said that they think it was attempted suicide because there was no other car involved and no distractions in the road to cause you to drive off the edge of the cliff. But I know they are wrong, don't I. Zayn please I really need you. Remember that day we first met, when I invited you all to the opening of the club my uncle owned? You were checking me out the whole night, and you hadn't long ended with Perrie. You said you didn't want a relationship, and neither did I. But something just clicked. We just seemed to fit together. We were together 5 months and you asked me to marry you. It was honestly the best moment of my life. I was going to marry the guy of my dreams. You were, not wait, you are the only person I ever want to be with. You are perfect for me and you make me the happiest. When we decided to get married on my birthday I was even happier. It was going to make my birthday perfect, and it did. You mean so much to mean Zayn, please don't leave me. The reason you drove off of that cliff was because of me, wasn't it? You text me saying you were on your way home with Grace because you missed me. I thought it was then that I should tell you that I was pregnant. We are having our own child Zayn, they need to know their dad. I don't know what happened next, but something must have happened and you must have steered off of the cliff. Maybe it was suicide because you didn't want another child, but I know you Zayn. That isn't something you would do. Maybe you lost control of the car, I don't know. But I need you right now. I am thinking of aborting the baby, now that you have lost Grace, I don't think it is fair. Wait have the others told you that Grace died on impact? I am so sorry baby. Please Zayn please make a full recovery. I need you. We need you. You complete me. You complete one direction. Nothing will ever be the same without you. No-one will get on, we will all argue. We need you. I can't plan my husband's funeral. We should be planning the rest of our lives. I am so sorry for everything these past few days. I promise that as soon as you wake up everything will be back to how it should be. I have been a prick but I need you to get better, I need you to make me, me again. I need my loving, beautiful, perfect and funny husband back. I need you Zayn Malik. I really fucking need you. I love you so much.

Rosie rested her head on Zayn's chest and started to cry. She just wanted Zayn to be okay, she wanted him to be better and well and then everything could start to get back to how they were. Rosie laid with her head on Zayn's chest for another fifteen minutes, when suddenly one of the machines that Zayn was attached to started to beep. Doctors and nurses came running into the room and started to talk to each other. They took the breaks off and started wheeling Zayn out of the private room. Rosie asked them what was going on, but no-one was listening to her. One nurse took her out of the room and back to the family room, where everyone was still waiting. Now all they could do was wait.

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