The Unknown. One Direction an...

By imytimms

12.1K 204 4

JLS and One direction live together in a house with their girlfriends, wives, children and pets. It is one th... More

The Unknown.
The Unknown- part two
The Unknown-Part three
The Unknown- Part four.
The Unknown- Part five.
The Unknown-Part six.
The Unknown- part seven
The Unknown-Part eight.
The Unknown- Part nine.
The Unknown- Part ten
The Unknown- part eleven.
The Unknown- Part Twelve
The Unknown- Part Thirteen.
The Unknown-Part fourteen.
The Unknown- Part fifteen.
The Unknown- Part sixteen
The Unknown- Part Seventeen.
The Unknown- Part Eighteen
The Unknown- Part nineteen
The Unknown- Part twenty.
The Unknown- part twenty one.
The Unknown- part twenty two
The Unknown. Part Twenty Three
The Unknown. Part Twenty Four
The Unknown- Part Twenty Five
The Unknown: Chapter Twenty Six
The Unknow- Chapter Twenty Seven
The Unknown- Chapter Twenty Eight.
The Unknown- Chapter Twenty Nine.
The Unknown - Chapter thirty.
The Unknown- Chapter Thirty One
The Unknown- Part Thirty Two
The Unknown- Part Thirty Three
The Unknown- Part Thirty Four.
The Unknown- Part Thirty Five.
The Unknown- Part Thirty Six
The Unknown- Part Thirty Seven
The Unknown- Part Thirty Eight
The Unknown- Part Thirty Nine
The Unknown - Part Forty
The Unknown- Part Forty One
The Unknown- Part Forty Two
The Unknown- Part Forty Three
The Unknown- Part Forty Four.
The Unknown- Part Forty Five
The Unknown- Part Forty Six
The Unknown- Party Forty Seven
The Unknown- Part Forty Eight
The Unknown- Part Forty Nine
The Unknown- Part Fifty
The Unknown- Part Fifty One
The Unknown- Part Fifty Two
The Unknown- Part Fifty Three
The Unknown- Part Fifty Four
The Unknown- Part Fifty Five
The Unknown- Part Fifty Six
The Unknown- Part Fifty Seven
The Unknown- Part Fifty Eight
The Unknown- Part Fifty Nine
The Unknown- Part Sixty
The Unknown- Part Sixty One
The Unknown- Chapter Sixty Two
The Unknown- Part Sixty Three
The Unknown- Part Sixty Four.
The Unknown- Part Sixty Five.
The Unknown- Part Sixty Six
The Unknown- Part Sixty Seven
The Unknown- Part Sixty Eight
The Unknown- Part Sixty Nine
The Unknown- Part Seventy One
The Unknown- Part Seventy Two
The Unknown- Part Seventy Three
The Unknown- Part Seventy Four
The Unknown- Part Seventy Five
The Unknown- Part seventy six
The Unknown- Part Seventy Seven
The Unknown- Part seventy eight
The Unknown- Part eighty
The Unknown- Part 81
The Unknown- Part Eighty Two
The Unknown- Part 85
The Unknown- Part 86
The Unknown- Part 87
The Unknown- Part 88
The Unknown- Part 89

The Unknown- Part Seventy

74 3 0
By imytimms

Imy- "She can't do that. If Zayn finds out then it will break him."

Louise- "Yeah but he won't find out will he..."

Imy- "Louise you cannot agree with what she is doing!!"

Louise- "She is our friend, we have to support her. Just smiled and pretend nothing happened." 

Imy shook her head, confused at why Louise was agreeing with Rosie. Louise smiled and walked back out of the bathroom. Imy followed her out and took her seat back at the bar. Niall leant over and whispered in her ear. 

Niall- "What happened in there? Rosie came out like ten minutes ago, I guessed she was the reason you both went to the toilet?"

Imy- "Yeah, but then she was okay, just needed the toilet, and then yeah I needed the toilet, but refused to let Louise leave."

Niall- "Are you sure that is it?"

Imy- "I am sure. I promise. Hey baby, I was thinking, maybe we could have another child. Let's wait until Noah is a year old, but then we can try, I don't want a large age gap, like me and my sister. I think him being nearly two years old when we have another baby, will be perfect."

Niall- "Really?"

Imy- "Yes!"

Niall- "That is perfect baby. I love you." 

Niall kissed Imy, and they could hear Louis and Chloe mutter in disgust down the table. Niall pulled away and raised his middle finger towards Louis, who sighed in disbelief and pretended to cry. Everyone shook their head at his immature ways. After eating their food, everyone headed back to their separate houses. Imy, Louise, Niall and Aston all went back to the main house. They all decided on watching the inbetweeners, as everyone planned on watching the second one in the cinema the next day. During the movie Louise text Imy, so that they could talk about Rosie. 

*Text conversation*

'Do you think she is putting the plan into action now?'

'I don't want to think about it! But yes.'

'I can't believe she is doing this. She can't lie to him.'

'That is what I said in the bathroom. She can't do it. There is noting we can do about it though.'

'I know. That is what sucks.' 

*End of text conversation*  

Aston- "Are you two texting each other?" 

Imy and Louise looked at each other and laughed. Aston and Niall raised their eyebrows and looked at each other. 

Aston- "Why don't you just talk to each other?"

Imy- "Because we are watching the movie!"

Niall- "Can't do both!"

Louise- "Niall please, girls can multi task."

Niall- "So can guys, on special occasions."

Louise- "What occasion is that?"


Niall laughed and hugged Imy, she laughed and hugged him back. Aston and Louise caught on and started laughing too. Back at the cottage, Rosie and Zayn were catching up on some television that they had missed because of the meal. They were watching Hollyoaks when Rosie looked over at Zayn and then grabbed the remote and turned the tele off. 

Zayn- "What are you doing?"

Rosie- "Just thought there was something more important we could be doing." 

Zayn looked at Rosie confused, but before he could question anything, Rosie straddled him, grabbing his face and kissing him viciously. Zayn pulled away and went to say something to Rosie, but she grabbed his face again and started kissing him again. Eventually Zayn gave up and started kissing her back. Zayn picked Rosie up and carried her to the bedroom. In the bedroom they started to undress each other. Rosie laid on top of Zayn naked and started to grind against his body. Zayn stopped her, which resulted in Rosie sighing and pushing herself off of Zayn. 

Zayn- "I just want to get a condom! Don't get upset. I'm not stopping!"

Rosie- "No!"

Zayn- "What? I don't want another baby. We need to be careful."

Rosie- "I mean no, you don't need one. I prefer it without it, and I am on the pill. Nothing to worry about."

Zayn- "The pill isn't 100%!"

Rosie- "Just kiss me. Don't ruin the mood." 

Zayn smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind Rosie's ear. Rosie smiled and lowered herself back onto Zayn and they started where they finished. After they finished Rosie collapsed next to Zayn on the bed. Zayn kissed her forehead and then said good night. Rosie said good night and then watched Zayn fall asleep. When she heard the small snores coming out of his mouth, she smiled at herself and then took her phone off of the bedside cabinet. 

'Done it. Now just to wait and see if the miracle happened.' 

Rosie sent the message to both Imy and Louise, before smiling again and falling asleep, with a smile on her face, knowing she had pulled her plan off. If it worked once, she knew it would work again. So if it didn't happen this time, she had another chance. Rosie fell asleep quickly, a smile on her face the whole time. Back at the main house, Imy and Louise were in their separate rooms, but they both received the message from Rosie. Imy and Louise sighed, and shook their heads before texting each other to find out whether they both got the message. 

*Text conversation*

'Yeah I got it too.'

'What is wrong with her?'

'I don't know, all I know is that this is going to have a bad ending.'

'Yeah when he finds out...'

'When he finds out? Who is going to tell him? No-one else knows the plan.'

'I accidently told Aston...'

''Thank god for that, I accidently told Niall. Well it wasn't really an accident. Well that is four of us that know. Niall is going crazy. He spoke to Zayn while we were in the bathroom, about more children, and apparently Zayn said he didn't want anymore children, for a good few years. He was too shocked about Grace, and he said he wanted to build the bond with her first, before entering another child in the equation.'

'Aston overhead that conversation. What has Rosie got herself in for?'

'I don't know. But Zayn will eventually find out, everyone always finds out the truth. Remember Olly Murders?'

'Don't want to see that argument. Anyway I am off to sleep. Goodnight.'

'Sleep? It is like ten?'


'Eww. Goodnight!" 

Imy and Niall could hear Louise and Aston laugh from their room next door. The two of them shook their heads. Imy turned onto her side, to face Niall. He smiled down at her. Imy smiled back, before pulling a silly face. Niall laughed and kissed Imy's forehead, before looking into her eyes. 

Niall- "You look so beautiful when you pull that face."

Imy- "You are such a cheese. I am going to miss you when you return to tour."

Niall- "I know. It is going to be hard, being away from you and Noah. But isn't for long. You know that. It is our shortest main tour. JLS are doing a longer tour, I think that is going to be harder for Louise, she is left without Aston for longer."

Imy- "Come on Nialler, you know that 8 months is longer enough, alone, with a child that is currently teething. I need you!"

Niall- "I know baby. If I could I would be staying here with you. But I can't, I am sorry." 

Imy nodded at Niall, before closing her eyes and resting her head on his chest. Niall started tangling her hair around his fingers. Imy smiled and laid still, while her husband carried on playing with her hair. 

Imy- "You know you are going to miss our baby's birthday, don't you!"

Niall- "I'm not. I will be back here, so will the other bous. I am not missing Noah's first birthday!"

Imy- "How will you be here if you are performing?"

Niall- "We aren't, I promise. That is one of our break days, we made sure. I wouldn't miss my little man's birthday. Can't believe our baby boy is 5 months old tomorrow."

Imy- "I know it has gone so quickly. The fact Daisy is almost seven months, and she already has three teeth."

Niall- "I know. It all happens so quickly. So baby number two?"

Imy- "When you return from tour we will try for number two!" 

Niall smiled at Imy and then they both decided on opening Netflix and watching Tangled together in bed, before drifting into a deep sleep. The next morning Imy and Niall were first awake, so they got out of bed and went downstairs to cook themselves, Louise and Aston a full English breakfast. Aston and Louise came downstairs, with Noah and Daisy in their arms. Niall took Noah off of Louise, so that Louise could help Imy to dish up the fried breakfast. Luckily for Pugly and Pistacchio there was enough bacon and sausages spare for them both to enjoy the breakfast too. Imy and Louise took the plates of food out to the kitchen and placed them on place mats in front of Niall and Aston. They placed Noah and Daisy in their highchairs, so that they could eat their breakfast too. They were both eating some harder foods now, and htey were both okay with eating cold sausages. So once Imy and Louise cooled the sausage down they placed them, in very small chunks, in front of Noah and Diays, so they could feed themselves without chocking. After sorting Noah and Daisy out, Imy and Louise were able to sit down at the table and eat their breakfast. 

Aston- "Wow, I don't think I am ever going to get used to it being so quiet in this house."

Niall- "I know. Weird isn't it."

Imy- "Yes. Remember when EVERYONE lived here! Like all 18 of us basically, well 16 because Liam and Danielle didn't live here."

Louise- "No still 18 because Olly and Shannon lived here."

Imy- "Wow. There was a lot of us."

Aston- "There was indeed. Now we live in this MASSIVE house for four of us."

Niall- "This is why we need more children."

Aston- "That is what I thought Niall."

Louise- "Or we need more friends. OR we have more parties!"

Imy- "I like that idea more!"

Niall- "Oh you would say that!"

Aston- "Agreed."

Imy- "We should have party tonight. We could get the nanny to look after these two at her house and then we can have a massive party here. Everyone can come!"

Louise- "Yes! Shall we get inviting people?" 

Imy nodded and after everyone finished their breakfast they worked together to invite everyone that they knew. After inviting everyone they worked to make sure that the house was spotless and that everything breakable was moved, to minimise the risk of something being broken. Louise locked all of the glasses in a cabniet and hid the key. Imy cleaned the bathroom, all three of them. After everything was clean, Louise looked at the time and it was nearly five o'clock. They had told everyone to arrive at the house for about 8. So Louise and Imy went upstairs so that they could choose their outfits. Niall and Aston say downstairs, eating crisps from the bowls of food that Louise and Imy had already put out and they were playing FIFa. Imy and Louise both agreed on playsuits that were similar, but different colours. They both got their make-up and hair done, before going back downstairs. Aston and Niall both looked at Imy and Louise shocked. Imy smiled and kissed her husband. Aston picked Louise up and spun her around, before placing her on the floor and kissing her. 

Louise- "This we look good Imy."

Imy- "I think so too." 

They both laughed and shuffled the boys up the stairs so that they could get themselves ready. By half eight people had started to arrive. The house was full. There was all of One Direction, all of JLS, their girlfriends and wives. 5SOS had come. The Saturdays were there too. Olly and Shannon were around, somewhere. The Vamps were walking around the garden, Niall was like their tour guide, showing them where everything was. Showing them how big the house was. By 10:30 there were so many celebrities in the house that Louise and Aston couldn't even name everyone, and make sure that everyone was okay and that everyone was making themselves at home. Louise, Imy and Rosie were in the kitchen grabbing and doing shots together. Rosie necked her shot back and then shook her head at the taste. Imy and Louise laughed and necked their shots back too, similarly they shook their heads because of the taste. They done a few more shots, and then started talking about Zayn. 

Rosie- "I done it though girls."

Louise- "We...We...We know. Look we can't talk about this now because we will say something we regret."

Rosie- "You think I done bad?"

Imy- "Yes!"

Rosie- "Nice and subtle Imy."

Louise- "Well you asked. We told you. You know what we thought, said it in that place."

Imy- "That place?" 

Imy, Rosie and Louise all started laughing. Louise was right they were all too drunk to be talking right now. Instead they decided on carrying on the party and joining everyone else back in the main front room, where the party was. During the party Niall and Aston got extremly drunk, simialr to how they got at Imy and Niall's wedding. Niall and Aston were walking around the house, making everyone dance, and they were taking selfies together. Imy and Louise were trying to keep them under control, but they had both had a bit too drink as well, so it was difficult. Later on in the night Niall, Aston, Liam and Zayn all went into the garden, so that Zayn could smoke. While out in the garden Aston and NIall were talking about their second child. 

Niall- "Don't you want child two Zayn?"

Zayn- "Yeah mate, jus...not yet." 

Aston and Niall started laughing, to a point where they were both laying on the floor, rolling around. Liam and Zayn looked at them. Zayn was drunk so he couldn't so anything about them, apart from laugh along, even though he didn't understand. Liam hadn't drunk much, so he helped the two boys off of the floor and sat them down. He disappeared into the house and grabbed Aston and NIall a cup of water. However he got caught up with Danielle and the 5SOS boys, leaving Aston, Niall and Zayn outside. 

Zayn- "Whaaa....whaaa was so funny?"

Aston- "You don't want a bubba, but Rosie (Aston pointed towards the house, to where Rosie was dancing with Louise, Courtney, Harry, Mollie, Rochelle and Marvin) she wants a baby badly." 

Zayn looked at the bous and started laughing. 

Niall- "Whaat's so funny?" 

Niall started dragging out all of his words. 

Zayn- "Rose don;t want a baby. She wants a baby 'cos I have Grace, not real baby. Just jealous."

Niall- "She'll get her way though." 

With that Niall stood up and walked back into the house to find Imy, who was running around the house with Marvin and Luke. Niall grabbed her and pulled her to the side. 

Niall- "There is my beautiful wife."

Imy- "And there is my handsome husband." 

They kissed in the corner of the hallway, before Aston pulled them apart. He looked at Niall and started laughing. 

Aston- "Zayn is looking for you confused." 

NIall started laughing along with Aston. 

Imy- "What did you do?"

Niall- "We told Zayn that Rosie wanted a baby, and that she would get her way. Then guess what!! WE WALKED AWAY!" 

Aston and Niall thought they were hilarious and started crying with laughter. Imy was shocked, but totally intoxicated so she laughed along, before jumping on Niall's back and making him run around the house. Louise jumped on Aston's back and they raced Imy and Niall around the house. Niall fell over, Imy landing on top of him. Aston didn't stop running and tripped over Niall, falling flat on his face. Louise landing on top of him. They laid on the floor laughing. 

Louis- "BUNDLE!!!" 

Everyone ran to the pile on the floor and jumped on them all. They bundled on the floor, a massive pile of drunk messes. Eventually the party came to an end. By 4 in the morning the only people in the house were JLS, their other halves, One Direction, their over halves, Olly and Shannon. They all collapsed in their separate rooms. Louise, Imy and Zayn had all sobered up after the bundle, they had to make sure that everyone was out of the house. They were all downstairs, picking up the cups that were on floor in the front room, while everyone else was in their bedrooms, sleeping. 

Zayn- "Hey Imy, do you know what Niall was on about when he said Rosie would get her own way about having a child?"

Imy- "Nah, Zayn you know what he is like drunk. And please stop asking me these questions. I have a headache and I am still durnk. Need sleep."

Zayn- "But what does it mean?"

Louise- "Zayn leave it and ask him tomorrow. I am still drunk and I don't want to hear you complain. Go bed. Night." 

Louise dropped the bin bag that she was holding and walked up the stairs, silently. Imy and Zayn started laughing at her sudden reactions. Then they decided to go to bed. They said goodnight to each other and walked to their separate rooms. Zayn got into bed with Rosie, who stirred as he got into bed. 

Zayn- "Hey Rose, do you want to have a child?"

Rosie- "Noooooo. Don't be stupid. I don't want a child, but I am going to have one anyway. I know I will."

Zayn- "But not right now. You are on the pill, so you can't get pregnant. Yet. Maybe soon though."

Rosie- "The pill? Hahahaha. I'm not on the pill. I lied to Zayn about it but shh. Good night." 

Zayn looked at Rosie, and before he could say anymore she was snoring. He shook his head and rolled over in bed and looked at the door. He sighed and laid in bed thinking. He couldn't believe Rosie lied to him. 

The next morning Rosie woke up, with an awful headache and she felt sick. Zayn was already awake, after a restless night. He came into the room, with two painkillers and a glass of water. He handed them to Rosie.

Rosie- "Thank you baby."

Zayn- "Yeah don't mention it. I will meet you back at the cottage." 

Rosie looked at Zayn confused. 

Rosie- "What is wrong?"

Zayn- "What do you think is wrong?"

Rosie- "I don't know. Did I kiss someone else last night? Oh Zayn I am so sorry. It meant nothing."

Zayn- "No I wish you had kissed someone else last night! No instead I found out that you have been lying to me! On the pill are you Rosie? You know I don't want a child and yet you were willing to lie to me so that you could have a child and make it look like an accident. Just because you are jealous of Grace and didn't like the fact someone else made me happy. You're a jealous pathetic child." 

Zayn walked out of the room and slammed the door shut. Rosie took the painkillers and walked out of the room and to Imy and Niall's room. She swung the door open, luckily Imy and Niall were only watching television. 

Imy- "Morning Rose."

Rosie- "Do not morning me! Did you tell Zayn about my plan?"

Imy- "What, no?"

Rosie- "Well he knows, so if it wasn't you, then it was Louise. Obviously can't trust any of you." 

Rosie stormed out of the room and down the hall to Louise's room. She swung the door open again, once again she was lucky that they were only watching tele. She slammed the door shut, causing Aston to wake up. 

Louise- "Rose?"

Rosie- "What right do you have to tell Zayn my plans?"

Aston- "Please stop shouting. I have a fucking headache."

Rosie- "Answer me Louise. What did you tell Zayn last night?"

Louise- "Look I don't remember much, but I definitely didn't tell him anything. Why would I? It isn't my business to tell."

Rosie- "Well if it wasn't you, then who was it?"

Aston- "We don't know. Imy?"

Rosie- "She said she didn't. Look I don't know whose fault this is but Zayn hates me. Just wish one of you would admit to telling."

Louise- "Rosie honestly it wasn't us. Imy and I were downstairs talking to him last night and I remember the whole conversation, nothing was mentioned about your stupid fucking plan."

Rosie- "Then who was it?"

Aston- "Go and find him and ask him!" 

Rosie sighed adn walked back out of the room, slamming the door behind her. She stormed down the stairs adn found Zayn and Harry sitting at the breakfast bar, talking about the night before. Harry looked up to find Rosie standing behing Zayn. Harry raised his eyebrows and Zayn turned around to face Rosie. 

Zayn- "What?"

Rosie- "I don't understand Zayn!"

Zayn- "What don't you understand? You told me you were on the pill so we could have unprotected sex and get pregnant because you wanted to get back at me because of Grace!"

Harry- "Woo. What?"

Zayn- "Leave it Haz!"

Rosie- "Zayn I didn't want you to find out like this."

Zayn- "Well what was I going to find out? How was I going to find out?"

Rosie- "When we had the baby!"

Zayn- "Are you even pregnant?"

Rosie- "I don't know yet. I haven't taken the test."

Zayn- "What were you going to tell me?"

Rosie- "That the pill wasn't 100%"

Zayn- "So you were going to carry on the lie?"

Rosie- "No I would've told you eventually, when you fell in love with our baby. Understand that I am sorry Zayn. I just wanted us to have a child, not just you having a child!"

Zayn- "No Rosie because I am not ready! We were planning on not having children yet, not until Grace came into my life!"

Rosie- "Please Zayn."

Zayn- "No Rose!" 

Zayn stood up and started to walk out of the room. Rosie grabbed his arm and made him face her. 

Rosie- "Just tell me who told you!"

Zayn- "You did!"

Rosie- "Me?"

Zayn- "Yes you. I heard you shouting and blaming Imy and Louise. You need to go and apologise and then you need to get out of my way."

Rosie- "What?"

Zayn- "We are going on a break from each other Rose. Maybe even forever!"

Rosie- "Wait you lied to me and now I've lied to you, surely we are even!"


Rosie let go of Zayn's arm, and watched him walk out of the house.

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