The Unknown. One Direction an...

By imytimms

12.1K 204 4

JLS and One direction live together in a house with their girlfriends, wives, children and pets. It is one th... More

The Unknown.
The Unknown- part two
The Unknown-Part three
The Unknown- Part four.
The Unknown- Part five.
The Unknown-Part six.
The Unknown- part seven
The Unknown-Part eight.
The Unknown- Part nine.
The Unknown- Part ten
The Unknown- part eleven.
The Unknown- Part Twelve
The Unknown- Part Thirteen.
The Unknown-Part fourteen.
The Unknown- Part fifteen.
The Unknown- Part sixteen
The Unknown- Part Seventeen.
The Unknown- Part Eighteen
The Unknown- Part nineteen
The Unknown- Part twenty.
The Unknown- part twenty one.
The Unknown- part twenty two
The Unknown. Part Twenty Three
The Unknown. Part Twenty Four
The Unknown- Part Twenty Five
The Unknown: Chapter Twenty Six
The Unknow- Chapter Twenty Seven
The Unknown- Chapter Twenty Eight.
The Unknown- Chapter Twenty Nine.
The Unknown - Chapter thirty.
The Unknown- Chapter Thirty One
The Unknown- Part Thirty Two
The Unknown- Part Thirty Three
The Unknown- Part Thirty Four.
The Unknown- Part Thirty Five.
The Unknown- Part Thirty Six
The Unknown- Part Thirty Seven
The Unknown- Part Thirty Eight
The Unknown- Part Thirty Nine
The Unknown - Part Forty
The Unknown- Part Forty One
The Unknown- Part Forty Two
The Unknown- Part Forty Three
The Unknown- Part Forty Four.
The Unknown- Part Forty Five
The Unknown- Part Forty Six
The Unknown- Party Forty Seven
The Unknown- Part Forty Eight
The Unknown- Part Forty Nine
The Unknown- Part Fifty
The Unknown- Part Fifty One
The Unknown- Part Fifty Two
The Unknown- Part Fifty Three
The Unknown- Part Fifty Four
The Unknown- Part Fifty Five
The Unknown- Part Fifty Six
The Unknown- Part Fifty Seven
The Unknown- Part Fifty Eight
The Unknown- Part Fifty Nine
The Unknown- Part Sixty
The Unknown- Part Sixty One
The Unknown- Chapter Sixty Two
The Unknown- Part Sixty Three
The Unknown- Part Sixty Four.
The Unknown- Part Sixty Five.
The Unknown- Part Sixty Seven
The Unknown- Part Sixty Eight
The Unknown- Part Sixty Nine
The Unknown- Part Seventy
The Unknown- Part Seventy One
The Unknown- Part Seventy Two
The Unknown- Part Seventy Three
The Unknown- Part Seventy Four
The Unknown- Part Seventy Five
The Unknown- Part seventy six
The Unknown- Part Seventy Seven
The Unknown- Part seventy eight
The Unknown- Part eighty
The Unknown- Part 81
The Unknown- Part Eighty Two
The Unknown- Part 85
The Unknown- Part 86
The Unknown- Part 87
The Unknown- Part 88
The Unknown- Part 89

The Unknown- Part Sixty Six

91 1 0
By imytimms

Rosie- "They started asking him personal questions, so he went crazy. You should've seen it."

Imy- "I'm sure it will be on youtube." 

Imy took her phone out of her pocket and went onto YouTube and typed in Zayn at Louis Vuitton in the search box. Straight away a video of Zayn shouting abuse at the interviewers came up. The interviewers were all up in his face and they were screaming personal questions at him. Zayn flipped and started shouting back. His hands started to clench and he lifted his fist. Rosie pulled him away. 

Louise- "Well I didn't think Zayn was the fighting type."

Rosie- "They were being so horrible. I felt awful for him."

Imy- "You want to hope management don't see this. They will not be happy."

Rosie- "Why do you think the meeting has been called?"

Chloe- "Shit really?"

Rochelle- "Thought it was a bit random."

Courtney- "Haz thought it was his fault."

Rosie- "Nope it was Zayn's behaviour. Paul reported it and Simon went crazy and got Andy to call an emergency meeting."

Louise- "Well let's hope he comes back okay. Don't want to see Zayn's angry side. Anyway let's watch a film." 

With that they put Endless Love on and all cuddled up on the sofas in the cinema room and wathced the movie with coke and snacks. The night was getting late when the boys returned from their game of golf and the emergency meeting. Louise was already in bed when they returned so Aston joined her in bed, but everyone else decided to stay downstairs and eat more food and have a few drinks. 

Upstairs in their room Louise was getting into her pyjamas, which was really one of Aston's t-shirts and some shorts, while Aston stripped down to his underwear. They both climbed into bed and just as they got ocmfy Daisy woke up and started crying. They both sighed. Louise went to get out of bed but Aston pulled her back. 

Aston- "Just wait, lets see if she will stop. You can't keep running to her everytime she cries."

Louise- "Aston she isn't a toy that is just going to run out the batteries and stop making a noise. I can't just leave her." 

Aston slowly loosened his grip and let Louise get out of bed. Just as she got up Daisy stopped crying. Aston laid in bed with a massive smirk on his face. 

Aston- "Told you."

Louise- "Come on, that never happens. She must have heard you." 

Aston just smiled and stared at the ceiling. 

Louise- "What?"

Aston- "Well I was thinking if Daisy was to have a brother or sister they should be close in age."

Louise- "I understand, but not yet."

Aston- "So we will be having more?"

Louise- "I don't know. Lets just see what happens. It wasn't planned with Daisy." 

Back downstairs Zayn and Rosie were leaving to go back to their cottage. The walk home was silent, something was obviously bothering Zayn. When they reached the cottage Rosie went straight to the kitchen and started making herself a cup of tea. The kettle finished boiling and she poured herself a cup of tea when Zayn came walking downstairs, suitcase in hand. 

Rosie- "What are you doing?" 

Zayn placed his suitcase on the floor in the front room and went over to Rosie. He held her face in his hands and kissed her forehead. 

Zayn- "I love you Rose."

Rosie- "I love you too. Zayn what is going on?"

Zayn- "Just know that I am so sorry." 

Rosie looked at Zayn confused. She watched him walk back to the front room. She followed him. He silently picked up his bag and walked out of the cottage and to his car. He placed his suitcase in the boot and then walked round to the driver's side of the car. Rosie dropped her cup of tea, realising that Zayn was going to leave without saying anything. She ran to Zayn's side as he opened the car door. Zayn shook his head and pulled his hand away from hers. Rosie tried to grab him again but Zayn got into the car. He closed the door and Rosie slammed her fists against the car window. Zayn started the car and looked at Rosie and mouthed 'I love you' before driving off and leaving Rosie standing outside the cottage. 

Rosie ran back into the cottage and threw herself onto the sofa and put her head into a pillow before screaming. Her mind was asking a variety of questions, none that she had an answer for. At the main house Zayn had seemed fine with everyone else and they all seemed to be having a great time, but as soom as they left he changed and then he just left. Rosie laid on the sofa crying for the rest of the night.

Three days later Imy, Rosie, Louise and Courtney were meant to be going shopping for some girly time, as they boys were looking after the children, they planned on taking them to a play area that they had hired out for a few hours. Courtney arrived at the house and her, Imy and Louise all waited for Rosie. They were meant to meet at the house at midday, it was now half one. 

Imy- "Has someone tried ringing her?"

Louise- "I have, twice. Her phone is off."

Courtney- "Shall we just go round and see what is going on?" 

Louise and Imy agreed and they all got into Louise's car and drove to the cottage. From outside everything looked normal apart from the missing car, but everyone thought that was just because Zayn had gone out. Courtney got out of the car and approached the door. She knocked twice, but there was still no answer. Courtney peered into the cottage, through the window, to see if she could see anyone, however the place looked empty.Courtney got back into the car and told everyone that she thought the cottage was empty. 

Imy- "Maybe she forgot. Someone ring Zayn." 

Louise, Imy and Courtney all got out of the car, it was a really hot day, too hot to sit in a car waiting. Louise got her phone out of her bag and started to dial Zayn's number, but there was a loud bang from inside the cottage and someone screaming. Louise quickly hung up and the three girls quickly ran to the door. They banged on the door but no-one answered. Worried, Courtney rang Harry and told him to come to the cottage quickly. Harry and Louise agreed to come over as soon as they could. 

When they arrived Courtney explained everything and they both looked at each confused. Harry tried to open the door but it wouldn't move. He grabbed a rock from the floor and smashed the window next to the door, which allowed him to put his hand through and open the door from inside. Once the door was open they all ran into the cottage and everything was trashed. Everyone was confused and shocked. They started walked around the cottage, looking for whoever screamed. Imy and Louise found Rosie in the bathroom, washing blood off of her hands. Imy looked at Louise confused, and Louise carefully approached Rosie.

Louise- "Rose?" 

Rosie quickly spun around, a smashed photo frame in one hand and the other hand was covered in blood. She dropped the frame and ran up to Louise and burst into tears. Louise hugged Rosie and waited for her to calm down before leading her back to the front room and sitting her down. Imy grabbed Rosie a glass of water and handed it to her, while Louis banaged up her hand and made sure that it wouldn't get infected. Once Rosie calmed down, everyone sat around her and looked at her questioningly. She sighed and placed the glass down, on the coffee table that Harry had picked back up. 

Rosie- "He left!"

Harry- "Who?"

Rosie- "Santa! Who the fuck do you think?"

Louise- "Zayn left?"

Rosie- "Mm-hmm."

Louis- "Why?"

Rosie- "I don't know. He didn't say anything apart from I'm sorry and I...I love you." 

Rosie started crying again and Courtney put her arm around Rosie's shoulders. 

Imy- "He seemed okay at the house when we were having drinks though." 

Rosie- "I know. He seemed shitty when he returned from that meeting, but as soon as someone mentioned drinks he was okay. What happened at the meeting?" 

Harry looked at Louis, and Louis stared back. They shrugged their shoulders. They had all been sent out of the room while management spoke to Zayn alone, but they doubted they would've made Zayn leave. They weren't that awful were they? Surely they would've mentioned it? Rosie looked confused. 

Rosie- "If he loves me then why did he leave with no explanation?"

Louise- "I don't know, but I am going to find out. Did he take his phone?" 

Rosie nodded and Louise took her phone out of her bag again and called Zayn. It rang a few times before going to voicemail. Louise shook her head and tried again. Once again it went to voicemail. Harry told her to stop, he would try. He dialled Zayn's number and waited. Zayn finally answered, sighing as he picked up the phone. 

Zayn- "What?"

Harry- "Where are you mate? We are meant to be taking the kids to the play area, remember?"

Zayn- "I can't make it Harry. Rosie and I are spending some alone time together."

Harry- "Bullshit mate. We are with Rosie and she said you left the other night. Now where are you and what are you doing?"

Zayn- "I can't tell you. Management are pissed off with me enough, they won't let me tell you. I am sorry. Tell Rosie I love her." 

Before Harry could ask anymore Zayn hung up. He put his phone on the chair and looked at the group of people staring at him. 

Harry- "Well whatever reason he has left, it has to do with management."

Louis- "Shall we ring them?"

Imy- "Don't be stupid Lou, they never tell us anything."

Harry- "She is right. They won't tell us anything. Why were they angry at him?"

Rosie- "He got angry at the paparazzi and nearly punched one of them."

Louis- "They wouldn't send him away for that. Harry put one of them on the floor once and all they said was not to do it again as it affects his image."

Harry- "Mmm. None of this makes sense."

Rosie- "You weren't the one he has left."

Louis- "We kind of are. We are meant to be planning a new tour."

Rosie- "I am his wife for fuck's sake. He left me without telling me anything. Your fucking tour can wait."

Courtney- "Rosie calm down. Louis she has a point, but you really need to calm down Rose. We will sort this out, we always do." 

Everyone decided to head back to the main house and see if anyone else knew what was going on. They all got in their cars and headed back to the house. Everyone was still around, waiting for Harry, Louis and Zayn to return to go to the play area. When everyone was in the same place Harry asked if anyone knew what was going on. Niall looked at Harry and sighed. 

Niall- "I don't know why he had to leave, but Zayn seemed pretty gutted in the car on the way home from the meeting. He recieved a text and as soon as he read it he frowned. He sighed and replied to the message before chucking his phone on the floor of the car."

Rosie- "So what happened?"

Niall- "I don't really know. A message came up on his phone from an unknown number." 

Rosie sighed and looked at everyone. No-one really knew what to do, they all just stared at each other. Louis got out of his seat and grabbed his phone to call management, he'd had enough. Managment told Louis that Zayn would have to explain to them all, as it was his place to say. They explained that Zayn would tell them when he was ready and it wasn't their place to say. Louis thanked them and hung up. 

Louis- "The bullshit that comes out of that boy's mouth. He is allowed to tell us where he is. Management said that it is his choice to tell us. No-one else's." 

Rosie- "Fuck this." 

Rosie grabbed Louis' phone and called Zayn. Zayn answered, once again sighing as he answered.

Zayn- "What?"

Rosie- "It is me. DO NOT HANG UP."

Zayn- "Rose?"

Rosie- "Yeah?"

Zayn- "I am so sorry."

Rosie- "Zayn where are you? What is going on?"

Zayn- "I have a child Rose."

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