His One and Only Agape

By musicrider

446K 13.8K 6.7K

(Now Edited) Hi everyone I'm (F/n) katsuki I'm a figure skater like my older brother Yuuri Katsuki. Well in... More

Frist Skate: Yuuri Has a Sister!? part 1
Second Skate: Yuuri Has a Little Sister!? part 2
Third Skate: Back on the Ice
Forth Skater: Unexpected Surpries
fifth skate: The Journal
sixth skate: Secret Practice
seventh skate: Surprise
eight skate: Tough Times
ninth skate: Discoveries
tenth skate: Early Practice
eleventh skate: Training
twelve skate: Day Before Competion
thirteenth skate: Hotsprings on ice
fourteenth skate: Chat Buddies
fifthteen skate: complete the free program
sixteenth skate: the assignments
seventeenth skate: Yuuri qualification
eighteenth skate: Yuri in Skate Canada part 1
nineteenth skate: Yuri in Skate Canada part 2
twentieth skate: Off to the Cup of China
twentyfirst skate: Cup of China Women Short Program Part 1
twentysecond skate: Cup of China Women Short Program Part 2
twentythird skate: Women Free Program Part 1
twenty fourth skate: Women free program part 2
Twentyfifth Skate: Interesting Dinner
twenty-sixth skate: Men's Short Program
twenty-seventh skate: Yuri's Jealously
twenty eigth skate: Men's Free Program
twenty-ninth skate: Time Off
thirtieth skate: Welcome to Russia
thirty first skate: women's short skate part 1
thirty-second skate: women short skate part 2
thirty-third skate: Men's Short Skate part 1
thirty forth skeet: Men's Short Skate part 2
thirty fifth skate: men's free skate
thirty sixth skate: women's free program
I'm back
thirty eighth skate: Returning Home
thirty ninth skate: Training for the Final
Fortieth skate: Welcome to Barcelona Spain
fortyfirst skate: women's short skate
forty-second skate: heartbreak
fortythird skate men's final short program
fortyforth skate: women's final free skate
fortyfifth skate: men's final free skate
fortysixth skate: Celebration
fortyseveth skate: preparations
fortyeighth skate: the exhibition skate
fortyninth skate: the banquet
fiftieth skate: Brother vs. Boyfriend
fiftyfirst skate: Welcome Home
fiftysecond skate: Welcoming Committee
fiftythird skate: Mail
fiftyseveth skate: Planning
fiftyeighth skate: The Sun, The Sand, and The Skaters part 1
fiftyninth skate The Sun, The Sand, and The Skaters part 2
sixth skate: JJ wedding
sixtyfirst skate: Beach Day
sixtysecond skate: Hasetsu Adventures
sixty-third skate: Until the End
Finale Note

thirty seventh skate: Dinner with the Plesetsky

6.6K 193 239
By musicrider

Yuri POV

I smiled as she got her second gold medal. Even though she got hurt she had a lot more strength than anyone I have ever seen.

"Yuri it's time to go or I won't have the food ready." My grandpa said as I went with him.

"Right grandpa I just hope she goes to the hospital first. If not she might get worse." We were practically to the car when I receive a text.

Yuri Lilia is taking me to the hospital to check if my head is alright. It probably takes some time for me to leave so I'll let you know when I get out.

I sigh out of relief knowing she was going to the hospital first. I'm glad she's making the right choice.

"Hey grandpa she's going to the hospital and will let me know when she's out. That gives us time to finish preparing dinner." He smiled as we got in the car and began to drive towards our home.

"I just hope she like Borscht?"

"I'm pretty sure she'll eat it even if she doesn't like it but she does love pirosky a lot. When I gave her the pork cutlet pirosky you made she smiled and enjoy each bite." He smiled knowing that she likes his pirosky.

"Well, I'll make some more for her to eat."

'Well, I guess he likes her a lot now.' I looked out the window and see the snow began falling from the sky.

Time skip

Your POV

"Horray I'm free!" I screamed as I breathe in the cold air.

"You were extremely lucky that you didn't need a lot of stitches but please be careful," Lilia said since she had to translate for me and the doctor.

"I will can we go back to the hotel I'm sure my brother is worried sick." She nodded and wave for a cab to pull over. I pulled my phone out and began to text to Yuri.

Yuri I'm out and guess what I got stitches also my head hurts.😀🤕

I waited for a bit and as soon as the cab pulled up I received a message. I got in since Lilia said she doesn't slide and read Yuri's message.

That's good to hear my grandpa and I will pick you up I'll knock on your door to let you know I'm there. He sent as my heart seem to speed up.

Alright I'm kinda nervous.😶

Don't be you'll be fine I'll be there when you need help. I smiled and felt like a warmth had spread through my chest.

Thanks Yuri I don't know what I'd do without you. I'll see you soon. I sent and closed my phone so I wouldn't be rude to Lilia in the car. It was very weird so I looked outside and watch the city lights as we pass by.

"Moscow sure is pretty I wish I could stay and explore the whole city a bit more," I said out loud.

"Maybe when the final is over you can come back and explore it with you coach," Lilia suggested but the thought of that made me sad.

"That's the thing I don't think he'll be my coach next year. I'm sure he'll be back on the ice and he'll be focus on his career than help a weak girl like me." I know for sure that Viktor only took this season off for my brother. I'm guessing it's because of that night which Yuuri has no memory of what happened.

"Well if you need a coach for next year you can call me I only agreed to coach Yuri this year. I don't know if he would want me to coach him again for next year." I smiled.

"He might the time we talk he does respect you and Yakov a lot. Only he expresses it in his own way which is his rebellious aditutted." She holds in her laughter knowing it was true about Yuri.

"Well, I guess you helped him try to control that temper. He keeps telling us your very close friend and I guess he doesn't want you to hate him." She said. I feel happy to know he accepts me as a friend but I'm also sad that I'm just a friend.

'So I'm only a friend I shouldn't expect much after all.' I looked out the window again and see were almost at the hotel.

"A word of advice when you hide your feelings don't let them see your eyes. It's pretty obvious what you think just by looking at them." Lilia said which caused me to flinch. As we arrive she paid the driver and we went in and got in the elevator. The dead silence was really uncomfortable to be around.

"Am I that obvious with my feelings?"

"At first I wasn't sure but when he talks to you your eyes seem to gain life. It only happens to be around Yuri which is why I didn't ask around you. You care about him to the point you wouldn't tell him just to save his career." She said her eyes seem to warm up not like the first day we met.

"Yeah I do care about him a lot I want him to be happy so I'll sacrifice my happiness for him. So as long as he's happy then I am too even if I end up broken." She pulled me in to hug me which I was grateful.

'I guess Lilia accepts me since I don't intend to hold Yuri back. All I want is just to be at his side even if I'm just a friend.'

Yuri POV

We finally arrive at the hotel to pick her up. I told my grandpa that I'll go and get her hopefully she's alright. As I got in the elevator I saw the piggy at the elevator apologizing to everyone for the unexpected hugs yesterday.

'He's a strange one no doubt about it but I do respect him in a way.' I got in the elevator and press the number for moya malen'kaya mysh'. As I waited I looked at the time it wasn't late it was bearly 8. As the doors open I went to her door and knocked three times.

'Come on Yuri don't be nervous it's not a date though I wish it was.' Her door open and I saw she changed her clothes.

"Oh hey, Yuri come in I just need to finish something." She said as she opens her door up for me. Her outfit looked amazing almost too good to be true we're practically matching like other couples do. I went inside and closed the door making sure no one knows I'm here.

"So how's your head?" I asked as I see her room all neat and organize her suitcase on the bed and her things packed. 

"The doctor said that I should take it easy for a few days." She said as came out of the bathroom with her makeup bag.

"Seriously does he know you will train in any condition your in." She laughed knowing it true.

"True but I'll take a day off to rest you forgot I have Viktor as my coach. So he probably saw the accident or Minako told him about it. Plus if they know what happen then my family will know and so will the whole town."

"You got a point so your leaving tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I didn't want to be in a rush for tomorrow so when you knocked. I only need to pack the small things and that's it. So I'm ready when you are." She said with a smile the same smile that makes me feel all warm inside.

"Alright let's go my grandpa is waiting for us in his car." She nodded got her bag.

Time skip

"Yurachka you finally arrive with your girlfriend," Grandpa said which caused her to blush.

"We're not dating." We said at the same time.

"Alright let me introduce you guys grandpa this is my friend (F/n) Katsuki. Little mouse this is my grandpa Nikolai Plisetsky." I said as I notice that she realized something important.

"Hey wait I remember you. Your that guy I help when I arrive at the airport." Little mouse said while I was confused.

"Well, what a small world to think the sweet girl that helped me is my grandson's friend," Grandpa said which confused me even more.

"Wait you guys met? How the heck did that happen?" I asked as I open the door for her to get in the back. As we all got in grandpa started the car. At the same time, I got my answers.

"Well, when I arrive I found a hat and I looked around for the owner and he happen to ask for it back. To think we ran into each other without knowing." Little mouse said as grandpa laugh with her.

"Indeed even when I saw you skate I wasn't really sure you were the same girl but that smile you have is hard to forget. I can see why Yurachka couldn't stop talking about you." Grandpa said as I panic about what he might say.

"Okay, that's enough let's just get home," I said while blushing red and he smiled and began to drive.

"Alright, no need to get embarrassed Yurachka," Grandpa said while I sigh knowing little mouse is going to ask about my nickname.

"So um is Yurachka a nickname for you Yuri?" She asked as I blushed more.

"It's a nickname that my grandpa calls me and sometimes Yakov when he's proud of me."

"Aww just like how I call little kitten sometimes." She said as smiled.

"I'm not a kitten I'm a tiger get it right,"I said as she tries to hold her cute giggles. As we arrive home I helped her out by opening the door and making sure she didn't fall since I don't want her to get hurt.

"Welcome to our home it may not look nice but it home," I told her as she smiled. As she came in she smiled looked around.

"I think it looks cozy almost reminds me of my home in a way." She said as she removes her hat and unzips her jacket.

"Yurachka why not show the young girl around while I set the table," Grandpa said as he removes his hat and jacket.

"Can I help in any way I would feel bad if you hurt yourself?" She asked as grandpa smiled at her.

"It's quite alright your our guest."

"But your an elder so that means you should take care of yourself more. You don't know what might happen to you." She said as she places her hat and jacket on the couch neatly.

"Oh, you don't need to worry about that please relax." I know from experience that if you try to argue with her one way she was going to win.

"I can relax back home when my midterm exams are over this coming week." She smiles at him as I did as well.

"Come on grandpa you should be relaxing. I'll make sure she knows how to properly make your Borschk." I told him as he sighs and went to relax.

"Hey, Yuri is this Borschk?" She asked from the kitchen.

"Yeah why?"

"I can die happy now!" She yelled happily.

"I guess she does like Borschk," Grandpa said as I went in the kitchen.

"Here let's serve it together." She nodded as I teach her how to prepare it.

Your POV

After having such delicious dinner with Yuri and his grandfather. I grab the plates and began to wash them and let them dry.

"I can't believe you, our guest, ended up clean before us. It's such an embarrassment." His grandfather said.

"Don't be I wouldn't feel right just doing nothing. Plus I'm used to cleaning since my family owns a hot spring I'm used to washing and cleaning." I explain to him. We began talking but I notice a picture on the side table.

"And who's this adorable boy," I asked as he looked at the picture frame.

"Oh that Yurachka when he first started to skate." He said as he handed me the picture.

"Well, I got to say he has that same glare whenever he gets annoyed." He laughed knowing how true it was.

"Yurachka ne pozvolyayte etoy devushke idti ili bol'she ne piroski dlya vas." He said in Russian but since I'm still learning I couldn't catch what he was saying.

(Translations: Yurachka don't let this girl go or else no more pirosky for you.)

'I wonder what he told to Yuri in Russian?'

"Dedushka ne delayet eto nastol'ko ochevidnym!" Yuri said as he blushed.

(Translation: Grandpa don't make it so obvious.)

"Yuri, what's wrong your not getting sick are you?" I checked his temperature.

"Ah no I'm fine it's just my grandpa said something very embarrassing that's all." He said as he looked away.

"Oh before I forget I must thank you for helping my grandson. I must say you would make an amazing coach in the future." His grandfather said as I smile.

"I'm glad to help Yuri any time he's helped me out a lot too. I guess it's the only way I can thank him." I said as my heart seem to beat a bit faster.

"I see well then Yurachka keep doing what your doing. After all she is Vasha ledyanaya printsessa." He said as Yuri blush.

"Da, dedushka."

"Well then shall I take you kids back it's pretty late." He was about to get up I stopped him.

"It's alright Yuri and I can take a cab. After all, you should rest I hear a lot of crazy things happen at night." I told him as he smiled.

"She does have a point don't worry grandpa we'll be fine plus I don't want you to get hurt," Yuri said as I smile at how caring he is towards his grandfather.

"Alright but make sure you take her back to her room safely. I don't want my favorite skaters getting hurt or in this case more hurt." He said as he patted Yuri's head.

"I'll call a cab give me a minute alright," Yuri said as he began to dial a number. Which left me alone with his grandpa.

"Also before you leave take these for breakfast in case we don't see each other." He said as gave me a paper bag. I sniffed and smiled.

"Let me guess pirosky's." He nodded as I hugged him.

"Thank you me and my brother will enjoy them." He nodded as Yuri came back.

"Okay well we better get going the cab should be here any minute. I'll call you later alright grandpa." He said as I put my hat and coat on.

"I really enjoy tonight's dinner Mr. Pletsetsky you an amazing cook. I hope next time you could teach me how to make it."

"Of course and please call me grandpa since your the same as Yurachka it won't bother me." He said as I smile.

"Okay um, grandpa." It felt weird calling him that but he smiled which was fine with me.

"Okay, you ready malen'kaya mysh'?" Yuri said as he opens the door.

"Ah yes well then until next I'll see you soon." I bowed to him and got my bag and the bag he gave me.

"Good luck to you at the final I'll be cheering for you." He said as I nodded.

"Thanks, I won't let you down." I smiled as I follow Yuri to the cab.

Nikolai POV 

"Yurachka you've grown up so much and it's all thanks to her," I said out loud as I saw them drive away. I went back inside and see the dishes are all dry and spotless. I could see my own reflection.

"I hope you ask her out because I want to call her my granddaughter as soon as possible." I went to my room and got ready for bed.

'I hope Yurachka can express himself more to her.' I got in bed and fell asleep instantly. I guess she was right to rest my age is catching up to me.

Yuri POV

I paid for the ride and help her inside we had our heads covered so no one could see us. I'm glad we did even though it's not 11 there were still many people walking around. We got in the elevator and pressed her floor first so I can spend some more time with her.

"Tonight was fun wasn't it." She smiled and nodded. As she hugs the bag grandpa gave her.

"Yuri thank you this was one of the best days I have ever had. I just wish I didn't have to leave tomorrow I really like Moscow. It's such a beautiful city and I didn't get to explore it much." She said as I smile.

"Well, maybe next time I show you my hometown." The door open and I walked her to her room.

"That sounds like fun," she got her key and open the door but turn around.

"Yuri um can you tell me what moya malen'kaya mysh' means. I know malen'kaya mysh' means little mouse. So what does moya mean?" She asked as I smiled.

"I'll tell you next time right now you need to get some rest you had quiet a day," I told her as she sighs.

"Alright, I guess we'll see each other in Barcelona. Good night Yuri." She said as she went into her room.

"Good night little mouse." I was about to walk away until she turns around again. It confused me at first but I thought she was going to see her brother. I was so glad I was wrong about that. She kissed my cheek and went back in her room. I touch where she kissed me and smiled.

'She's making it harder for me not to kiss her lips.'

Your POV

I kissed Yuri!!!!

I hope this won't affect our relationship. I really am in love I just hope he feels the same for me one day.

Hey, guys it me sorry for the late update. Let's just say I had to pack for a trip and no this isn't my idea of going. So before I had to leave I finally got to edit this. I also want to say I won't be able to post the next chapter this upcoming week. Cause, where I'm going their internet access, is poor like really bad. So I want to tell you guys so you won't think I have forgotten. I will be working on the next chapter while over there and edit it too. Thanks for reading this and I'll see you guys in the next chapter. Bye🖐😄

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