The Unknown. One Direction an...

By imytimms

12.1K 204 4

JLS and One direction live together in a house with their girlfriends, wives, children and pets. It is one th... More

The Unknown.
The Unknown- part two
The Unknown-Part three
The Unknown- Part four.
The Unknown- Part five.
The Unknown-Part six.
The Unknown- part seven
The Unknown-Part eight.
The Unknown- Part nine.
The Unknown- Part ten
The Unknown- part eleven.
The Unknown- Part Twelve
The Unknown- Part Thirteen.
The Unknown-Part fourteen.
The Unknown- Part fifteen.
The Unknown- Part sixteen
The Unknown- Part Seventeen.
The Unknown- Part Eighteen
The Unknown- Part nineteen
The Unknown- Part twenty.
The Unknown- part twenty one.
The Unknown- part twenty two
The Unknown. Part Twenty Three
The Unknown. Part Twenty Four
The Unknown- Part Twenty Five
The Unknown: Chapter Twenty Six
The Unknow- Chapter Twenty Seven
The Unknown- Chapter Twenty Eight.
The Unknown- Chapter Twenty Nine.
The Unknown - Chapter thirty.
The Unknown- Chapter Thirty One
The Unknown- Part Thirty Two
The Unknown- Part Thirty Three
The Unknown- Part Thirty Four.
The Unknown- Part Thirty Five.
The Unknown- Part Thirty Six
The Unknown- Part Thirty Seven
The Unknown- Part Thirty Eight
The Unknown- Part Thirty Nine
The Unknown - Part Forty
The Unknown- Part Forty One
The Unknown- Part Forty Two
The Unknown- Part Forty Three
The Unknown- Part Forty Four.
The Unknown- Part Forty Five
The Unknown- Part Forty Six
The Unknown- Party Forty Seven
The Unknown- Part Forty Eight
The Unknown- Part Forty Nine
The Unknown- Part Fifty
The Unknown- Part Fifty One
The Unknown- Part Fifty Two
The Unknown- Part Fifty Three
The Unknown- Part Fifty Four
The Unknown- Part Fifty Five
The Unknown- Part Fifty Six
The Unknown- Part Fifty Eight
The Unknown- Part Fifty Nine
The Unknown- Part Sixty
The Unknown- Part Sixty One
The Unknown- Chapter Sixty Two
The Unknown- Part Sixty Three
The Unknown- Part Sixty Four.
The Unknown- Part Sixty Five.
The Unknown- Part Sixty Six
The Unknown- Part Sixty Seven
The Unknown- Part Sixty Eight
The Unknown- Part Sixty Nine
The Unknown- Part Seventy
The Unknown- Part Seventy One
The Unknown- Part Seventy Two
The Unknown- Part Seventy Three
The Unknown- Part Seventy Four
The Unknown- Part Seventy Five
The Unknown- Part seventy six
The Unknown- Part Seventy Seven
The Unknown- Part seventy eight
The Unknown- Part eighty
The Unknown- Part 81
The Unknown- Part Eighty Two
The Unknown- Part 85
The Unknown- Part 86
The Unknown- Part 87
The Unknown- Part 88
The Unknown- Part 89

The Unknown- Part Fifty Seven

131 3 0
By imytimms

The next morning Imy woke up and got dressed, they all had an hour drive to get to the stadium that One Direction were performing in. Once she was dressed and she had stuffed her hair into a messy ponytail, everyone was waiting around for her. Imy forgot to put her phone on charge over night so she took her charger with her to the stadium. She plugged it in and left it to charge while she was watching the boys do the last practices and then sound check. Before Imy knew it people were starting to enter the stadium. Imy ran back stage and grabbed her iPhone and took a seat with the other girls. Danielle, Chloe, Courtney and Rosie were all already sat in the crowd. While they were waiting for One Direction to come on Imy checked her phone. That is when she realised she had seven missed calls from Amy. Amy had been calling her to let her know about Louie, but as far as Amy was aware Daisy was still in intensive care. Louise would have called her, but she was already enjoying her time with Daisy, and she was also very tired. Imy quickly left and went backstage, while 5 Seconds of Summer were on stage performing. She rang Amy back. 

Amy- "Hello?"

Imy- "Hey you called like seven times?"

Amy- "Yeah, fucking hell what took you so long to answer?"

Imy- "I forgot to charge my phone last night and obviously I have been with the boys while they have been getting ready. What is so urgent?"

Amy- "Louise gave birth last night!"

Imy- "What?"

Amy- "Yeah she went into labour early this morning. We would've rang you straight away, I mean Aston wanted you there, but you would've been asleep and apparently your phone was dead."

Imy- "Shit, that is two months early. How is the baby?"

Amy- "She is in intensive care. They don't know if she is going to make it. Her lungs keep giving way."

Imy- "Shit. I need to get home."

Amy- "There is no point. Visiting times have already ended. Come tomorrow. Leave Ireland tonight."

Imy- "Okay I will be on the first plane home after the show." 

Imy hung up and went online to book a flight back to New York. She returned to her seat just in time, she watched the last 5 Seconds of Summer songs and then One Direction came on stage. They started their set and when they finished everyone is the crowd screamed. The boys thanked all of their fans and then they disappeared. Paul came into the crowd and helped Imy, Danielle, Courtney, Chloe and Rosie out of the crowd. Fans shouted for pictures with them and they took a few before going backstage. They all jumped on their partners and congratulated them on their first stadium tour. Once they were all in one changing room Imy informed them about her plans. 

Imy- "Guys I need to go back to New York."

Liam- "Why? We have a few more days here before we return?"

Imy- "Louise gave birth last night and the baby is very unwell. I need to be with my bestfriend."

Niall- "She gave birth?"

Imy- "Yeah at about 4 o'clock this morning. I can't get hold of her to make sure the baby is okay, and to make sure she is okay!"

Danielle- "GO!"

Niall- "Am I coming with you?"

Imy- "No you need to see your family Ni. I will be back tomorrow night. I will meet you at your parent's."

Niall- "I don't want you going alone."

Imy- "I am old enough to look after myself. Look I will be back before you know it. I am going to make sure she is okay and then I am going to come back here. I will take our present for her as well." 

Niall nodded and gave Imy a hug. Imy gave him and kiss and then said goodbye to everyone else. 

Niall- "Please be careful."

Imy- "I will be fine. I love you."

Niall- "I love you too!" 

Imy said goodbye again and then Paul had ordered her a limo and she took Niall's Jack Wills hoodie and grabbed a pair of ray bans. She put the hoodie on and put the hood up and then put the sunglasses on. She faced the floor while walking to the car. Once at the airport Imy walked into the airport, she put her head down while loads of paps took pictures of her. 

Pap: "Why are you leaving Niall?"

Pap: "Have you broken up?"

Pap: "Has something happened at home? Why was Louise put in an ambulance?"

Pap: "Imy over here. Stop being rude and have pictures with your fans." 

Imy hurried to the terminal and got onto the private plane that Niall had organised for her. She landed at the airport in New York and she was once again harasses by the paps. This time they were asking Imy about Louise more. She got into the limo and asked to go back to the house. Olly and Shannon were out so Imy grabbed the baby grows that they had bought for baby Merrygold. She then drove her Range Rover to the shop and grabbed Louise some flowers, some chocolate and some magazines. She then got back into the car and drove to the hospital.

When she reached the hospital she asked the receptionist what room Louise was in. It was now midday in New York and Imy had text Niall telling him that the plane home was at 11 at night in Ireland, so she would be back early hours of the morning. She walked down the hallway and then lightly knocked on the door that Louise was behind.

Louise- "Come in." 

Imy slowly opened the door and she looked in to see Louise sitting up in bed and there was a small cot next to her. Louise had her hand in the cot and she was singing softly to the baby in the cot. Imy smiled and walked towards her. 

Imy- "Hey." 

Louise looked up and smiled, she thought it would've been a nurse that was knocking at the door. Louise took her hand out of the cot and gave Imy a hug. Imy handed her over all of the stuff and Louise thanked her. Imy stood over the cot and then looked at Louise. 

Imy- "Amy made it sound like she was really unwell."

Louise- "She was when she was born. She recovered so quickly, we were all surprised. They didn't think she would've survived."

Imy- "She is so beautiful." 

Louise smiled and Imy looked at the identity bracelet on the baby's wrist. She read the name and then looked at Louise.

 Imy- "Daisy Mae Merrygold. A beautiful name for a beautiful baby."

Louise- "She is a beauty. How did you know that I had given birth?"

Imy- "Amy rang me, because you obviously didn't want to."

Louise- "I have been sleeping and spending time with my babe. I also didn't want to drag you away from Ireland."

Imy- "I wanted to be here. Amy made me think she was dying. I needed to make sure you were all okay."

Louise- "Yeah I should tell Amy she is okay. Yeah we are all okay. She can go home soon, well by home I mean travelling already."

Imy- "Oh yeah you should be on tour. Will she be okay to travel?"

Louise- "Doctors think so. Aston said we should stay at home, but the doctors were certain that she is okay to travel."

Imy- "I'd trsut them. Where is Ast anyway?"

Louise- "On tour. I told him to go. We are getting a private jet to Mississippi while they are there, then we will be travelling with them."

Imy- "At least you won't miss all of the tour."

Louise- "Good because I was looking forward to this tour." 

Imy smiled and then asked Louise if she could have a cuddle with Daisy. Louise nodded and Imy carefuly lifted the small baby out of the cot. She took a seat on the chair and she sat singing softly to Daisy. Louise grabbed Imy's phone and took a picture of her holding Daisy. 

Louise- "Aston sang to her the other day, it isn't as good when I sing to her."

Imy- "Niall will be the same with Noah. He will sing to him and then when I sing to him it will sound awful to him and he'll hate it."

Louise- "But he will love you. You know he will."

Imy- "Yeah and she loves you."

Louise- "I know she does! I love her."

Imy- "So how was labour?"

Louise- "Shit. I fucking hated it. It may have been worse because I was premature, but seriously it is the worst pain ever. Cannot wait for you to go through it, you will cry."

Imy- "No I won't."

Louise- "I did, so you will."

Imy- "Okay maybe I will."

Louise- "Ha-ha, how long are you back for?"

Imy- "I leave at 6 tonight."

Louise- "Aww so just for a few hours." 

Imy nodded and then looked at the time above Louise's door, it was already two in the afternoon. She gave Daisy to Louise and Louise started to feed her. 

Imy- "I am going to head back to the house. I need to grab some more things, and I really need a costa. Like more than anything."

Louise- "You bitch. I want costa."

Imy- "Well that sucks because I am going to get one and you aren't." 

Imy laughed and said goodbye to Louise and then she got into her Range Rover. She drove to the house and grabbed her last few bits before she drove to Costa. She drove through the drive thru and she grabbed herself and Louise a chocolate creamy coller. She then took the drink back to Louise.

Louise- "I love you."

Imy- "I know. I am the best best friend ever!"

Louise- "I wouldn't take it that far."

Imy- "Shut up you bitch!" 

Louise laughed and Imy said goodbye again.

Imy- "Take it easy. I will see you in Japan."

Louise- "You too. Don't force that little boy out yet. I want to see him being born."

Imy- "Yeah we should be back before he is born. We are only on tour for two months right?"

Louise- "Right!" 

Imy gave Louise a hug and then she got back into her car and drove to the airport. One of the security guards lead her to where the private jet was waiting. It was only 3 in the afternoon in New York and by the time she landed in Ireland it was 9 in the evening, flying via private jet was so much quicker. Imy was met by a limo outside that took her back to Niall's parent's house. She knocked on the door and Niall answered. His eyes grew wide when he saw her. He grabbed her and spun her around. 

Niall- "I didn't expect you home yet! How is Louise?"

Imy- "Well here I am.Louise is fine. Baby is fine. Everything is fine. Now shall we go back to that flat of yours?"

Niall- "Yes!" 

Imy smiled nad Niall informed his family and the others that he was tired and that he wanted to be alone while Imy wasn't around, as they didn't know she had come back.

Louis- "Well who was at the door?"

Niall- "Just a fan. I slammed the door on their face and they ran off screaming."

Chloe- "Great now the fans are going to be coming around."

Courtney- "Just don't answer the door."

Harry- "It isn't that easy they will find a way in."

Rosie- "Well lock the doors, turn out the lights. We will have an inside camp out." 

Zayn- "Good idea baby." 

Niall's family started turning out all of the lights and lighting candles and telling ghost stories. Niall laughed and grabbed some stuff and then met Imy in the limo. They drove to the flat and they laid in bed watching Frozen together. 

Niall- "Let it go. Let it go."

Imy- "Niall shh you are ruining the movie."

Niall- "You don't like my singing?" 

Niall pouted at Imy. 

Imy- "Of course I like your singing, why do you think I fell in love with you?"

Niall- "Because of my gorgeous looks."

Imy- "Psst you wish." 

Niall started tickling Imy. She started laughing and Niall ended up on top of her, propping himself up on his elbows. 

Niall- "I love you, you know that right?"

Imy- "Of course I know that. You tell me enough."

Niall- "I just like to remind you." 

Niall lowered himself and kissed Imy. She smiled into the kiss and they carried on kissing. Imy cupped Niall's face and the kiss got more heated. Imy pulled away and looked at Niall. 

Niall- "Are you okay baby?"

Imy- "Yeah just can feel Noah that is all."

Niall- "Is he okay?"

Imy- "Yeah can just feel him moving, it is a weird feeling. It means so much having a living thing inside of you."

Niall- "So this is it, this is us and this is how you have always wanted it to be?"

Imy- "I have always wanted this. Me, you and a baby. I wouldn't change any of it. The way it happened, the way we are. I love everything and I promise that nothing will ever change it."

Niall- "Good because without you I would be lost. I love you and Noah more than my own life."

Imy- "And we love you more than anything." 

Back in New York Louise was on the phone to Aston. 

Aston- "How is Daisy?"

Louise- "She is perfect, just dressing her in the newborn clothes, they drown her. She is wearing a top and it looks like a dress. Imy bought some premature clothing in so it is okay."

Aston- "Imy came home?"

Louise- "Yeah Amy rang her and she was worried so she came home as quick as she could."

Aston- "Bless her. I can't wait to have you guys here. You and Daisy mean more to me than my whole life and being without you is killing me."

Louise- "We love you too. She cannot wait to see her daddy and have him singing to her again. We both love you more than anything. We will be on own way to Mississippi tomorrow."

Aston- "Good, cannot wait to see you both. I love you and I have to go. Sleep well baby. Goodnight. Give Daisy a kiss from me."

Louise- "I will do. Night gorgeous. I will see you tomorrow. I love you!" 

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