The Unknown. One Direction an...

By imytimms

12.1K 204 4

JLS and One direction live together in a house with their girlfriends, wives, children and pets. It is one th... More

The Unknown.
The Unknown- part two
The Unknown-Part three
The Unknown- Part four.
The Unknown- Part five.
The Unknown-Part six.
The Unknown- part seven
The Unknown-Part eight.
The Unknown- Part nine.
The Unknown- Part ten
The Unknown- part eleven.
The Unknown- Part Twelve
The Unknown- Part Thirteen.
The Unknown-Part fourteen.
The Unknown- Part fifteen.
The Unknown- Part sixteen
The Unknown- Part Seventeen.
The Unknown- Part Eighteen
The Unknown- Part nineteen
The Unknown- Part twenty.
The Unknown- part twenty one.
The Unknown- part twenty two
The Unknown. Part Twenty Three
The Unknown. Part Twenty Four
The Unknown- Part Twenty Five
The Unknown: Chapter Twenty Six
The Unknow- Chapter Twenty Seven
The Unknown- Chapter Twenty Eight.
The Unknown- Chapter Twenty Nine.
The Unknown - Chapter thirty.
The Unknown- Chapter Thirty One
The Unknown- Part Thirty Two
The Unknown- Part Thirty Three
The Unknown- Part Thirty Four.
The Unknown- Part Thirty Five.
The Unknown- Part Thirty Six
The Unknown- Part Thirty Eight
The Unknown- Part Thirty Nine
The Unknown - Part Forty
The Unknown- Part Forty One
The Unknown- Part Forty Two
The Unknown- Part Forty Three
The Unknown- Part Forty Four.
The Unknown- Part Forty Five
The Unknown- Part Forty Six
The Unknown- Party Forty Seven
The Unknown- Part Forty Eight
The Unknown- Part Forty Nine
The Unknown- Part Fifty
The Unknown- Part Fifty One
The Unknown- Part Fifty Two
The Unknown- Part Fifty Three
The Unknown- Part Fifty Four
The Unknown- Part Fifty Five
The Unknown- Part Fifty Six
The Unknown- Part Fifty Seven
The Unknown- Part Fifty Eight
The Unknown- Part Fifty Nine
The Unknown- Part Sixty
The Unknown- Part Sixty One
The Unknown- Chapter Sixty Two
The Unknown- Part Sixty Three
The Unknown- Part Sixty Four.
The Unknown- Part Sixty Five.
The Unknown- Part Sixty Six
The Unknown- Part Sixty Seven
The Unknown- Part Sixty Eight
The Unknown- Part Sixty Nine
The Unknown- Part Seventy
The Unknown- Part Seventy One
The Unknown- Part Seventy Two
The Unknown- Part Seventy Three
The Unknown- Part Seventy Four
The Unknown- Part Seventy Five
The Unknown- Part seventy six
The Unknown- Part Seventy Seven
The Unknown- Part seventy eight
The Unknown- Part eighty
The Unknown- Part 81
The Unknown- Part Eighty Two
The Unknown- Part 85
The Unknown- Part 86
The Unknown- Part 87
The Unknown- Part 88
The Unknown- Part 89

The Unknown- Part Thirty Seven

155 2 0
By imytimms

The next morning Aston and Louise arrived home and no-one was awake. Louise walked to the kitchen and started to make herself a cup of hot chocolate. Aston went for a shower. Louise took her hot chocolate upstairs and sat on the bed waiting for Aston to come out. She grabbed a towel and some clean underwear and some clean clothes and waited. Aston walked out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist. Louise placed a kiss on his cheek before walking into the bathroom and locking the door. She jumped into the shower. While she was showering Aston got dressed and walked to the room next door. He knocked on the door and then opened it. Imy and Niall were sat in bed together talking about their plans for the day.

Aston- "What are you doing today?"

Niall- "Going to start and finish Christmas shopping and then we are coming home to pack for Disney."

Aston- "No way same. So what is the actual date that we are off to Disney on?"

Imy- "Not tomorrow but the day after. So the 20th."

Aston- "Oh right okay. Well I am going to see if Louise is ready to go shopping. Have a good day." 

Aston left the room and walked back to his and Louise's room. Louise was now dressed in a dress and thick tights. She was having her hair done. Once they were done Louise and Aston said goodbye to Harry and Louis, who were now in the front room playing FIFA. Louise got into the car and Aston got into the passenger seat. They drove to the biggest mall around and started their Christmas shopping. They only had two days before they were off to Disney. Therefore they had little time to pack. 

Back inside the house Imy had just got out of the shower and was getting dressed. Niall was already dressed and he was watching the news. Imy put a dress on with thick tights. She was doing her make up when she stopped and stared at Niall. She had managed to empty the bucket out this morning before he woke. 

Imy- "Niall I need to go to the pharmacist today."

Niall- "I agree."

Imy- "How can you agree when you don't even know Niall."

Niall- "I do Imy. I heard you being sick last night."

Imy- "And you didn't want to help me no?"

Niall- "I was and then Louis appeared so I left you. Then when you were sick in here I sat up but you were already asleep."

Imy- "So what do you think?"

Niall- "I hope that you are pregnant. Seriously think that would be perfect for us."

Imy- "But a summer wedding is what we want. If that happens I will have a massive bump, I'll be ready to give birth. I don't want a massive bump in a wedding dress."

Niall- "If you are then we will bring the wedding forward." 

Imy smiled at Niall. By this time she had put her hair in a bun and she was ready. She grabbed Niall's hand and they walked downstairs. Everyone else within the house was now ready and they were all going shopping for Christmas as well. Imy and Niall got into Niall's car and they drove to one of the biggest malls. They wouldn't be surprised if they bumped into any others there. 


Louis and Chloe arrived  back home first. They hid all different presents around the house and they then started to pack. Everyone was excited for the trip to Disney World and it was nice that management allowed them to have a while off before they started touring. After they had packed everything they needed Chloe and Louis worked together to get all the presents they had bought wrapped up so that no-one could find what they had been bought. Soon many of the others were back from shopping. Everyone hid in their own rooms wrapping up presents and packing. Whenever someone wanted to go into another room they would knock on the door first and for once they all waited for a reply before going in. 

Louise and Aston were now home and they were left upstairs packing and wrapping while Imy and Niall cooked everyone chicken nuggets, chips and eggs. Tomorrow was going to be a lazy day where the last few wrapping bits are done and they were going to finish putting decorations up. They decorations hadn't been up for long and they weren't all up because everyone had been busy and other things were going on. Louise and Aston finally joined everyone and they all ate dinner talking about Disney World and how excited they all were. Then tour conversations were started. All tours started in May, practices started in March. Imy had been taken off of dancing for Union J as their tour coincided with One Direction's tour, who she was also dancing for. However if she was pregnant then she wouldn't be dancing for long.

Oritse- "So did anyone invite Shannon or Olly to Disney?"

Louis- "Yeah, Shannon said no because Justin wasn't invited and Olly said he couldn't he is doing album stuff so he wouldn't make it. He said he will be here for Christmas though, he has all of our presents."

Louise- "Good thing we bought him stuff today then hey." 

They all finished dinner and decided to have a quiet night in. Everyone piled into the cinema room. Zayn, Rosie, Courtney and Harry cuddled up on one sofa with the heated blanket. Imy and Niall were sat on the floor with a few duvet covers. Aston, Louise, Marvin and Rochelle were on another sofa with a duvet. Liam, Danielle, Louis and Chloe were sat on one of the massive moon chairs that were placed on either side of the sofas. JB, Abbey, Oritse and Natalie were sat on the other. Shannon walked in later through the movie and took a seat next to Imy. Shannon was going to be house sitting while everyone was in Disney. No fans or paps knew about everyone going to Disney so they were hoping to sneak out so that they could have a few days away alone without hassle. 

Niall kissed Imy's cheek while everyone was watching Elf. Imy looked at him and raised her eyebrows. He looked at her stomach and then back to her face. He batted his eyelashes a few times and then shot Imy a large smile. Imy chuckled and stood up.

Louis- "Where are you going?"

Imy- "I need a you want to come?"

Louis- "Ew no thanks. Bad enough that I was there when you were sick last night."

Louise- "You were sick?"

Imy- "Yeah I don't know what it was but I am fine now. Anyway please let me go to the toilet otherwise I am going to wet myself." 

Niall stood up and grabbed Imy. He picked her up in a bridal carry and looked at everyone else. 

Niall- "Quick she is going to piss herself." 

Niall ran out of the room carrying Imy. everyone was laughing behind them. Niall ran up the stairs and into the bathroom. He put her on the floor and then walked back out of the bathroom. He closed the door and stood guard. 

Downstairs the movie had come to an end and everyone was sat around talking. 

Louise- "So was she being really sick?"

Louis- "There was enough to make me feel sick. She was being pretty loud as well."

Aston- "Well what is wrong with her?"

Oritse- "She just said she was alright..."

Marvin- "Wait didn't you tell me that she was having cravings and eating lots after our meal?" 

Courtney nodded. Marvin's eyes grew wide and then everyone else caught on and their eyes grew wide as well.

Courtney- "I knew it. I said it. I said she was pregnant. I said it to Niall but he thought I was joking."

Louise- "But why didn't she tell me?"

Louis- "She thought you would be angry and that you would be upset that she was pregnant at the same time as you."

Louise- "Are you kidding? This is amazing. I can have someone to go through it with. Then she can be scared when she sees what I got through with birth."

Courtney- "We aren't even sure she is pregnant yet guys. It might be a false alarm."

Oritse- "That is debatable. I doubt it. She has all the symptoms."

Louise- "mmm, but I had no symptoms so how do you know she is pregnant?"

Shannon- "Guys just wait until she tells us. Shall we watch another movie?"

Aston- "Lets watch a scary movie."

Harry- "Oh but I hate scary movies."

Rosie- "Harry you wimp. What scary movie?"

Chloe- "How about the conjuring?"

Louise- "Yeah that has that Annabelle doll in it that I was telling you about Ast."

Aston- "Lets watch that then." 

JB got off of the sofa and put the movie into Netflix and they started to watch it. Upstairs Imy was sat on the toilet lid holding the pregnancy test. She had her eyes closed and she was looking up at the ceiling. Suddenly the past came flashing back.


Imy sat on the toilet seat staring at the ceiling. She was scared about the result. She was not ready for a baby at all. She was especially not ready to have a baby with someone when their relationship was going downhill rapidly. Imy finally plucked up the courage and looked at the pregnancy test. It read positive. Imy sighed and tears streamed down her face. She walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom of the little cottage. She wasn't going to tell Liam until she decided on an outcome. 

*End of flashback* 

Imy looked at the pregnancy test. A smiled spread across her face. This time was going to be so different. She calmed herself down and put some water on her cheeks to make it look like she was crying. She put the test behind her back and opened the door. Niall spun around and looked at her. Imy shook her head and sighed. Niall gave her a hug and kissed her forehead.

Niall- "It is okay. We can try again."

Imy- "I was so sure we were going to finally have a baby. I was so ready for this."

Niall- "Seriously baby there will be a time."

Imy- "What if I can't have children."

Niall- "You have been pregnant before, it will be fine. We will have our own family soon."

Imy- "Do you want a baby?"

Niall- "More than anything."

Imy- "Will it make you happy?"

Niall- "So happy. It'll mean that we are finally becoming a little family. A marriage and a baby is just perfect."

Imy- "Promise?"

Niall- "Promise." 

Imy smiled and grabbed Niall's hand and handed him the test. He looked at her confused and then looked at the test in his hands. He looked back at Imy and then at the test and then back at Imy. A massive smile spread across his face. He dropped the test and grabbed Imy's face. He kissed her and they both smiled into the kiss. Imy pulled away from the kiss and smiled at Niall again. 

Imy- "You are going to be a great dad."

Niall- "Oh my shit. We are going to be parents. I am so ready for this."

Imy- "Niall Horan I love you."

Niall- "I love you too."

Imy- "I will get in contact with Amy and book an appointment. I don't want to jinx everything. We won't tell anyone unless they ask okay."

Niall- "Alright baby." 

Niall kissed Imy again before they entwined their hands and walked downstairs. Just as they were about to walk into the cinema room a scary part of the conjuring came on. Niall swung open the door and Harry jumped and screamed. Everyone laughed at Harry before turning their attention back to the movie. Once the movie finished, and Harry jumped a lot more, they all sat around talking.

Harry- "Can we play truth or dare?"

Louise- "How old are we? Ten? Seriously we need to go to bed."

Harry- "I don't think I can sleep. Can we play for a while?"

Liam- "Aww little Harry is scared."

Harry- "Yeah fine I am scared. Just for a while, please."

Louise- "Fine. Come on guys."

Shannon- "Nah I am going to bed. I don't fancy being ten again."

Zayn- "I agree. Me and Rosie should go back to the cottage anyway. Imy, Niall text us tomorrow." 

Imy raised her eyebrows and Niall shrugged. Zayn and Rosie left the room. Marvin and Rochelle decided to head back to their new home down the road. JB and Abbey decided to go to bed and then Liam and Danielle decided to head back to Danielle's place. So now it was Imy, Niall, Louise, Aston, Harry, Courtney, Louis, Chloe, Oritse and Natalie. Harry started it off.

Harry- "Niall, truth or dare?"

Niall- "Truth."

Harry- "Is Imy pregnant?" 

Imy looked at Harry and then at Niall. 

Niall- "Yes she is. We don't want to jinx it though so lets not tell everyone okay."

Louise- "Congratulations you two."

Louis- "Told you didn't I."

Imy- "Thank you. And I know Louis. You can see the future obviously."

Louis- "I know. Psychic Louis Tomlinson."

Niall- "Anyway now that is that out. Aston truth or dare?"

Aston- "Dare."

Niall- "I dare you to strip off into your boxers and run outside and shout that the night time is your favourite time and you want to run outside naked." 

Aston looked at Niall with wide eyes. Everyone knew they would be plenty of paps outside and Aston knew that if he did that then he would be on the front of most, if not every, newspaper in the world. Aston begged Niall to change his idea but Niall wouldn't give in.

Aston- "What is my forfiet?" 

Everyone looked at each other. Suddenly a sly smile crept onto Louise's face. Aston shook his head and Louise smiled more. She whispered into Niall's ear. 

Niall- "Your forfiet is to call Dr Sunateup, on loudspeaker, and tell him that you are having problems down below when you are having sex." 

Aston looked more shocked now. He was stuck. Be everywhere in the morning for being in the nude or be embarrassed whenever he sees Dr Sunateup. 

Aston- "Fine." 

Aston stripped off and stood in front of everyone in his boxers. Louis whipped out his phone and recorded Aston walking out of the cinema room and walking to the front doos. He place his hand on the door knob. He breathed in deeply and swung the door open. Aston stood on the doorstep and screamed that he was naked and that he loved the night time. Everyone was laughing and Louis was still recording him. It was too funny. Camera flashes flashed everywhere taking pictures of Aston for tomorrow. Aston closed his eyes and walked back into the front room, Liam closed the door. He fell onto the sofa and laughed. Although he would be everywhere he knew it would be funny and it was entertainment for a while.

Louise- "Put some clothes on." 

Louise threw Aston's clothes at him and smiled. Aston pulled his joggers back on and sat on the sofa topless. The game soon came to an end and everyone finally went to bed. 

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