The Unknown. One Direction an...

By imytimms

12.1K 204 4

JLS and One direction live together in a house with their girlfriends, wives, children and pets. It is one th... More

The Unknown.
The Unknown- part two
The Unknown-Part three
The Unknown- Part four.
The Unknown- Part five.
The Unknown-Part six.
The Unknown- part seven
The Unknown-Part eight.
The Unknown- Part nine.
The Unknown- Part ten
The Unknown- part eleven.
The Unknown- Part Twelve
The Unknown- Part Thirteen.
The Unknown-Part fourteen.
The Unknown- Part fifteen.
The Unknown- Part sixteen
The Unknown- Part Seventeen.
The Unknown- Part Eighteen
The Unknown- Part twenty.
The Unknown- part twenty one.
The Unknown- part twenty two
The Unknown. Part Twenty Three
The Unknown. Part Twenty Four
The Unknown- Part Twenty Five
The Unknown: Chapter Twenty Six
The Unknow- Chapter Twenty Seven
The Unknown- Chapter Twenty Eight.
The Unknown- Chapter Twenty Nine.
The Unknown - Chapter thirty.
The Unknown- Chapter Thirty One
The Unknown- Part Thirty Two
The Unknown- Part Thirty Three
The Unknown- Part Thirty Four.
The Unknown- Part Thirty Five.
The Unknown- Part Thirty Six
The Unknown- Part Thirty Seven
The Unknown- Part Thirty Eight
The Unknown- Part Thirty Nine
The Unknown - Part Forty
The Unknown- Part Forty One
The Unknown- Part Forty Two
The Unknown- Part Forty Three
The Unknown- Part Forty Four.
The Unknown- Part Forty Five
The Unknown- Part Forty Six
The Unknown- Party Forty Seven
The Unknown- Part Forty Eight
The Unknown- Part Forty Nine
The Unknown- Part Fifty
The Unknown- Part Fifty One
The Unknown- Part Fifty Two
The Unknown- Part Fifty Three
The Unknown- Part Fifty Four
The Unknown- Part Fifty Five
The Unknown- Part Fifty Six
The Unknown- Part Fifty Seven
The Unknown- Part Fifty Eight
The Unknown- Part Fifty Nine
The Unknown- Part Sixty
The Unknown- Part Sixty One
The Unknown- Chapter Sixty Two
The Unknown- Part Sixty Three
The Unknown- Part Sixty Four.
The Unknown- Part Sixty Five.
The Unknown- Part Sixty Six
The Unknown- Part Sixty Seven
The Unknown- Part Sixty Eight
The Unknown- Part Sixty Nine
The Unknown- Part Seventy
The Unknown- Part Seventy One
The Unknown- Part Seventy Two
The Unknown- Part Seventy Three
The Unknown- Part Seventy Four
The Unknown- Part Seventy Five
The Unknown- Part seventy six
The Unknown- Part Seventy Seven
The Unknown- Part seventy eight
The Unknown- Part eighty
The Unknown- Part 81
The Unknown- Part Eighty Two
The Unknown- Part 85
The Unknown- Part 86
The Unknown- Part 87
The Unknown- Part 88
The Unknown- Part 89

The Unknown- Part nineteen

160 2 0
By imytimms

"Don't hurt me." They shouted. Niall and Harry's mouths dropped, as did the knife that Louis was holding. Justin Bieber was stood infront of them. Jutin had been to the house a few times before but him and Louise had argued badly. Justin tried to beat Olly up when he found out that Shannon and Olly were seeing each other. When Louise intervined and tried to calm Justin down he turned around and hit her aswell, so she told him to never return again. "Louise is going to kill you if she sees you here Justin." Harry said. Justin stared at Harry and started to speak, but his words were slurred. Obviously he was drunk. "What---what---what are you---you talking---talking about?" Justin finally said. Harry laughed and shook his head. "Obviously to drunk to understand us ayy." Louis whispered to Harry nudging his arm. "What do we do?" Louis shrugged his shoulders. Niall finally became part of the conversation. He told Harry and Louis that they couldn't kick Justin out now. The paps would be everyone and it wouldn't be good for everyone. Both Louis and Harry agreed.

Niall took Justin to his room, as Imy was asleep downstairs. He left Justin in bed and then walked into Louise and Aston's room and quietly woke Aston. Niall explained what had happened and Aston agreed that Justin should stay at the house for the night. Justin passed out on Niall and Imy's bed, so Niall walked back downstairs to join Imy on the sofa.

The next morning everyone was awoken by a scream. Niall and Harry ran upstairs to Niall's room where Olly and Shannon were stood over Justin. Shannon had sick all down her pyjamas. Justin was apologising and trying to rub the sick off of Shannon. "Just leave it Justin. You are making it worse." Olly said. Niall coughed and everyone turned to stare at him. "I came in here to find Imy and Justin was here. I woke him up then he was sick all over me. So I screamed." Shannon told Niall and Harry. They both stared at each other and started laughing. Shannon sat on the floor and Olly ran to the bathroom and grabbed a cloth and a towel to clean the sick for of the floor. 

Once everything was clean and Shannon had gone for a shower Olly and Justin decided to talk about everything. "Look Olly I am sorry. About everything." Olly smiled and shook Justin's hand. "Look I don't forgive you for doing what you done, especially not to Louise, but I am not holding a grudge. We will be civil but we are not friends." Justin nodded. "So this is the question. Why are you here?" Olly and Justin spun their heads round to see Louise and Aston stood in the door.

Olly excused himself and left Louise, Aston and Justin to talk. "I said why are you here?" Louise started to get annoyed. She really disliked Justin. He put his head in his hands and shook his head. "I honestly don't know. I just ended up here last night." Aston went and sat at the end of Niall and Imy's bed. "Why here? Why not back to your own house?" Justin rolled his eyes. "My house is having work done on it, so I'm not living there anymore." Louise laughed and was about to leave when Aston spoke to Justin again. "Where are you staying?" Justin shrugged his shoulders. "I was staying with Selena, and our dog Gomez, but I travelled far from her's last night when I went out with my friends, and this was the nearest place I knew. That is why I am here." Louise laughed again. "Don't worry I am leaving soon. I do want to apologise as well though." Aston smiled and looked at Louise. She smiled slightly. "Look Justin stay for breakfast, then go, yeah? Next time you want to come and apologise you should ring and be sober." Louise said. Justin nodded and gave Louise a hug. She smiled and hugged him back.


After breakfast Louise, Imy and Natalie went for the final dress fitting. They had all been on strict diets to make sure they didn't put on any weight. Louise's and Natalie's dressed fitted perfectly. However from Imy being stressed and on a strict diet she had lost some weight and the dress didn't fit. Louise didn't fit. "Can you sort it by tomorrow?" She looked at the dressmaker. The dressmaker thought about it then nodded. Louise and Imy sighed with relief. They then left and returned home. They were going to pick up Imy's dress later that day. Justin had gone by the time they were home and everything was back to normal. 

That night Aston was staying with all the boys in the cottage and all the girls were staying in the main house. They were all going out for drinks that night before going their serperate ways. "So I think we should toast good luck to Aston." Niall said. All the boys high fived and laughed. Imy slapped his arm and turned to face Louise. "We should definitely toast good luck to Louise. She has to deal with all of us all of the time, especially you and Aston." She turned to Niall and stuck her tongue out. Niall put his arms around Imy's waist and pulled her in. "I am not Louise's responsibility. I am yours." Imy laughed and Niall placed a kiss on her forehead. Olly coughed and turned to Louise and Aston who were also hugging. "We toast the best to both of you." Everyone cheered. Everyone was about to leave when Imy and Niall presented Aston and Louise with wedding presents. There was a group photo of everyone on holiday. Mr and Mrs towels and Mr and Mrs Merrygold bath robes.

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