Pretending to be a noob in a...

Autorstwa Swordmaster7777

24.5K 1.1K 406

As one of the strongest adventurers in the world, I pretended to be a F tier noob, so I can restart my advent... Więcej

[1] A special mission
[2] Deal
[3] Ambush
[4] Not quite according to plan
[5] Awakening
[6] Introduction
[7] Stats checking Sera
[8] Recruitment...Attempt
[9] Lunch
[10] An open quest
[11] The hunt begins
[12] My reasoning
[13] The jaws of the beast
[14] Aftermath
[15] The next day...
[16] Here comes the money...
[17] Bounty
[18] Recruitment attempt no.2
[19] Dinner
[20] Alley
[21] Debt
[22] Lila's story
[23] A gambler's visit
[24] Warning
[25] The noob experience
[26] Fast travel
[27] Veridian
[28] Bargain
[29] Bounty
[30] Cat tails
[31] Hard lesson
[32] Fear
[33] The black market
[34] Money for clues
[35] The rat king
[36] New plan
[37] New look
[38] Setting up
[39] Sending a message
[40] Reply
[41] An exchange with 9 Lives
[42] Catching 9 Lives
[43] Choices
[44] New recruitment
[45] Stats checking Kuroko
[46] Money well spent
[47] Wyndham
[48] How to find a dragon
[49] Dragon sighting
[50] Into the dragon's lair
[51] The dragon girl did not like my choice
[52] How to not ride your dragon
[53] The dragon girl's choice
[54] New recruitment...Again
[55] Rules
[56] Guessing my true identity
[57] Buying a ride
[58] White phoenix
[59] Set sail
[60] Meal in the sky
[61] Luha
[62] One last drink
[63] Gearing up
[64] The lineup of the abyss
[65] The first floor
[66] The 4th floor
[67] Kuroko's story
[68] The 5th floor
[69] Campfire in the abyss
[70] Growth
[71] Roma
[72] Arena rules
[73] Pit boss
[74] Holding my ground
[75] The gladiator
[76] Group stage
[77] Aurelia's fight
[78] Miss dragon and little miss knight
[79] The dragon & the knight
[80] Bruised ego
[81] The final showdown
[82] The swordsman & the knight
[83] Unexpected turn
[84] The next journey
[85] The 6th floor
[86] Sera's story
[87] The grind
[88] The 7th floor
[89] The living vs the dead
[90] Heads up
[91] The 8th floor
[92] The undead champion
[93] Only one champion standing
[94] Back to the surface
[95] Troubles brewing
[96] Tension
[97] Back to the grind
[98] Mamoth
[99] The magnifique
[100] Playing with fire
[101] Tracking
[102] Infiltration
[103] The basement of depravity
[104] Chase
[105] I will be your hero
[106] We saw evil, we came after evil, we conquered evil
[107] Headlines
[108] A hero's welcome
[109] A familiar opponent
[110] Banter
[111] Crossing swords
[112] Turning the tide
[113] L tier challenge
[114] Quarter finals
[115] My true identity
[116] Return of the sword master
[117] Sword meets spear
[118] Qi-Gong
[119] Truth
[120] The star life
[121] Semi finals
[122] Man vs beast
[123] Hear me roar
[124] The finals
[125] Fangirling
[126] Back and forth
[127] Tiger and the serpent
[128] The afterparty
[129] Hangover
[130] Cake walk
[131] The 9th floor
[132] The 10th floor
[133] The magma salamander
[134] The 11th floor
[135] Aurelia's story
[136] Becoming stronger
[137] The 12th floor
[138] Fall
[139] The ice phoenix
[140] Homecoming
[141] Messenger
[142] Fancy up
[143] Bull head and horse face
[144] The king's ball
[145] Center of envy
[146] It's complicated...
[147] Old companions
[148] Two choices
[149] Exchange
[150] Illyria
[151] Un-United kingdoms
[152] Unexpected turn
[153] Notions passed
[154] First order of business
[155] Bet
[156] Setting the rules
[157] Headlines
[158] Gamble of the century
[159] Testing the waters
[160] Back and forth
[161] All in
[162] Showdown
[163] Aftershock
[164] The moment of truth
[165] Math
[166] Preperation for war
[167] A different path
[168] An army of nations
[169] A promise
[170] Final planning
[171] The merfolk's ambush
[172] Dark horizon
[173] The dragonbrone assault
[174] Bombs away!
[175] The shores of Erindale
[176] Ride of The valkyries
[177] Retreat
[178] The demon king
[179] Temptation
[180] Facing our own demons
[181] Chaos
[182] David vs Goliath
[183] The rain of fire
[184] Backstab
[185] Saber of light
[186] Betrayal
[188] A hero's praise
[189] Separate ways
[190] Reunion
[191] New journey
[Hall of honors]

[187] The big reveal

27 2 0
Autorstwa Swordmaster7777

As my eyes fluttered open, the world around me was a blur of unfamiliar shapes and colors. There was an ethereal quality to the room, suffused with the soft, golden glow of early morning sunlight pouring through the windows. I groaned softly, feeling the twinge of pain in my side as my senses gradually returned.

Lila, who was sitting in a plush chair by my bed, snapped to attention when she noticed my stirring. Her eyes widened, relief washing over her as she jumped to her feet, her chair scraping against the floor with a harsh sound.

"Master, you're awake," Lila said, her voice barely above a whisper. A warm smile touched her lips, lightening the heavy worry etched into her features. Her eyes, brown like polished mahogany, sparkled with tears she refused to let fall.

In her simple, black maid's dress, she seemed almost out of place within the grandeur of the room. The dress accentuated her petite figure, its simplicity serving to highlight her natural beauty rather than detract from it. Her short, black hair was neatly pulled back, the neat bob framing her face and highlighting the concern in her eyes.

"Lila..." I managed to croak, my throat parched. I watched as she immediately reached for a jug of water, her movements quick and efficient. She poured a glass and held it out to me, her hands shaking slightly.

"Here, Master, drink slowly," she advised, her voice soft and comforting. She helped me to sit up a bit, supporting me while I took small, careful sips. It was easy to see the relief flood her face as I managed to keep the water down.

"I...What happened, Lila?" I finally asked, my voice still rough, but stronger. "Where am I? The last thing I remember..."

"You're safe, Master," Lila interrupted gently, settling back into the chair beside my bed. "You were unconscious after the battle, but we managed to bring you back. You're in the royal infirmary. The healers have been working around the clock, and you've been unconscious for a week."

A week. I closed my eyes, processing the information. A week since the battle, since...everything. I had a lot of questions, but right now, I was grateful for the reassurance and presence of Lila. Her quiet strength, her loyalty, her warmth, these were the things that gave me comfort in this moment of disorientation.

"Thank you, Lila," I murmured, reaching out to give her hand a reassuring squeeze. Her face flushed a delicate pink at my touch, her eyes flickering down before meeting mine again. The depth of her feelings was there, barely concealed, but now was not the time to address it.

"Where's Elandra, Lila?" My voice was just a shadow of its usual confident tone. I felt weak and drained, but I needed to know.

Lila's face paled a bit, her brows knitting together. She took a deep breath before responding, her voice barely above a whisper, "Queen Elandra... she was gravely injured, Master."

My heart sank. I felt a chill run down my spine as Lila continued, "She's been under the care of the best healers since the battle. She took a severe blow, much worse than yours."

"But she is a fighter, Master," Lila's voice quivered slightly, but she quickly regained her composure, "And she has been asking about you frequently. She will be delighted to know that you're awake."

A lump formed in my throat. Elandra, the powerful, indefatigable queen, laid low by a treacherous strike. It didn't seem real. "I...I need to see her, Lila," I managed to croak out.

Lila nodded solemnly, "Of course, Master. As soon as you are able, I'm sure she would like to see you too."

Before I could speak up again, the girls burst into the room.

"Boss!" Sera was the first to burst into the room, her stern tsundere face breaking into a rare smile as she saw me awake.

Kuroko, ever the feisty one, quickly followed her. "Boss, you sure know how to scare a girl," she quipped, her eyes sparkling with relief.

Nia, her caring and flirtatious nature shining through, was next. She leaned over me, her hands tracing comforting circles on my arms. "Chang, you have no idea how relieved we are to see you awake."

Isolde sauntered in next, her dominating and shameless personality muted by the circumstances. "Chang, you really do love to make us worry," she stated, her red eyes softer than usual.

Yuki, her tails flicking anxiously behind her, walked in last. "Chang," she began, her voice a mere whisper, "we missed you..."

And finally, a thunderous noise could be heard outside. The flap of the tent opened, revealing the majestic form of Aurelia. Her scales glistening under the sun, the Dragonborne made her way inside, her towering form causing the ground to tremble slightly. She gave a low growl, her golden eyes filled with relief. "You made us worry, Boss," she said, her voice a resonating rumble.

As I looked at their worried faces, I felt a warmth spreading through me. I wasn't alone. Despite everything, this was my family and we would face whatever was to come together.

"I appreciate your concern for me girls, but I will be fine." I said as I slowly got up from the bed, Lila helped me up. "I need to see Elandra, there are something I need to tell her."

"Yes, Master." Lila's soft voice acknowledged my words, her caring eyes filled with a mix of relief and concern. She quickly stood from her seat, offering me a supporting hand as I made an attempt to rise from the bed.

The girls watched me worriedly, their expressions shifting from relief to anxiety again. "Boss, you should rest..." Sera began, her brows furrowing.

"Master, you need to take care of your health too," Lila chimed in gently, concern echoing in her voice as she helped me steady myself.

Brushing their concerns away with a wave of my hand, I reassured them, "I appreciate your concern, but I need to do this."

Seeing the determined look in my eyes, they all fell silent.

"Lila, lead the way," I said, standing tall, despite the slight ache that gnawed at my body. Lila nodded and helped me towards the door.

"Girls, stay put. I'll be back shortly," I promised, a hand raised in a gentle bid for their understanding as I left the room with Lila to visit Elandra.

Lila's gentle hand guided me through the quiet corridors until we reached Elandra's chambers. The room was softly lit, a testament to Elandra's refined tastes - the faint glow of magic lamps casting gentle shadows onto the exquisite artwork that adorned the walls.

Lila carefully opened the door and helped me inside, the room was scented with an ethereal fragrance of blooming lotuses, soothing to the senses. At the room's center lay Elandra, her form serene and undisturbed under the rich, lavender bedspread. Her long golden hair was spread out like a halo on the pillow, making her look almost ethereal.

"Please leave us be, Lila," I requested, my voice barely above a whisper. She gave me a worried look, but a nod from me set her at ease and she quietly exited the room, leaving us in solitude.

I moved closer to Elandra's bed, pulling a nearby chair to sit beside her. Even though her eyes were closed and her breaths were steady, giving an impression of a deep slumber, I knew she was awake. We've fought countless battles together, and I had grown to understand her beyond what others perceived.

"You are awake, aren't you Elandra?" I said, my tone teasingly light. I saw the corners of her lips twitch slightly into a soft smile - the one she reserved only for me - even before she opened her eyes. It warmed my heart to know that she was not as severely injured as we had feared.

"I am here to apologize to you," I began, my voice faltering under the weight of the guilt I harbored.

Her lapis lazuli eyes fluttered open, brimming with gentle curiosity. "What for, my dear?" She managed a small smile, her hand reaching out to touch mine - a reassuring gesture that somehow gave me the courage to continue.

"I...I am the one who told Asus to stab you," I confessed, the words hung in the air, heavy and remorseful. A moment of silence followed my confession. Elandra's gaze never left mine, her expression unreadable.

Then, to my surprise, her soft laughter filled the room. "Oh, Chang," she said, her tone tinged with warm amusement. "I already knew that."

"You did?" I blinked, taken aback.

"Of course," she continued, "You have your own ways, unconventional as they may be. I trust you, and I knew you had a reason behind your decision." Her fingers gently squeezed mine, reinforcing her words.

My voice dropped lower, maintaining the confession's sincerity. "I told him to stab you to make it look more real," I admitted, my gaze locked onto hers.

Elandra's smile didn't falter. "I know, Chang," she murmured. "To make Asus appear loyal to his father, to maintain his cover. It was a necessary deception."

Her understanding left me in awe. "You're not angry?" I asked hesitantly.

She shook her head, her golden curls shimmering in the soft light of the room. "No, Chang," she replied, squeezing my hand gently. "I'm not. You did what you had to do, and it was the right decision. Asus is a valuable ally, and you kept him in play. I would have done the same."

Her calm acceptance of my strategy and her unwavering faith in my decision-making left me humbled and grateful. Our bond, I realized, was truly unshakeable.

"The past...," I began, my voice barely above a whisper. "It was Asus. He was the one stoking the fires of war between the beastkin and elves. He's a master of manipulation and deceit, always ready to fan the flames."

Elandra blinked, surprise flashing across her face for a moment before she nodded, taking in the information. "That's... quite the revelation. But how did you...?"

"I made a deal with him, Elandra," I interrupted her, knowing I had to lay out the entire truth. "I promised him help in defeating the demon king... his father. In return, he has to keep out of Pangu's affairs for the next century."

Elandra remained silent, considering my words. "It's a dangerous gamble, Chang. But if it buys us peace and time to heal from this war... Then it's worth it. I trust you made the right call."

"I did what I believed was best for our world," I admitted. "And I stand by my decision, no matter the risk."

"Then I stand by you, Chang," Elandra affirmed, her hand reaching out to mine. "Whatever the future brings, we face it together."

"Thank you Elandra." I smiled.

"Anytime my love." she smiled back.

Q: What do you think will happen next?

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