Pretending to be a noob in a...

By Swordmaster7777

24.5K 1.1K 406

As one of the strongest adventurers in the world, I pretended to be a F tier noob, so I can restart my advent... More

[1] A special mission
[2] Deal
[3] Ambush
[4] Not quite according to plan
[5] Awakening
[6] Introduction
[7] Stats checking Sera
[8] Recruitment...Attempt
[9] Lunch
[10] An open quest
[11] The hunt begins
[12] My reasoning
[13] The jaws of the beast
[14] Aftermath
[15] The next day...
[16] Here comes the money...
[17] Bounty
[18] Recruitment attempt no.2
[19] Dinner
[20] Alley
[21] Debt
[22] Lila's story
[23] A gambler's visit
[24] Warning
[25] The noob experience
[26] Fast travel
[27] Veridian
[28] Bargain
[29] Bounty
[30] Cat tails
[31] Hard lesson
[32] Fear
[33] The black market
[34] Money for clues
[35] The rat king
[36] New plan
[37] New look
[38] Setting up
[39] Sending a message
[40] Reply
[41] An exchange with 9 Lives
[42] Catching 9 Lives
[43] Choices
[44] New recruitment
[45] Stats checking Kuroko
[46] Money well spent
[47] Wyndham
[48] How to find a dragon
[49] Dragon sighting
[50] Into the dragon's lair
[51] The dragon girl did not like my choice
[52] How to not ride your dragon
[53] The dragon girl's choice
[54] New recruitment...Again
[55] Rules
[56] Guessing my true identity
[57] Buying a ride
[58] White phoenix
[59] Set sail
[60] Meal in the sky
[61] Luha
[62] One last drink
[63] Gearing up
[64] The lineup of the abyss
[65] The first floor
[66] The 4th floor
[67] Kuroko's story
[68] The 5th floor
[69] Campfire in the abyss
[70] Growth
[71] Roma
[72] Arena rules
[73] Pit boss
[74] Holding my ground
[75] The gladiator
[76] Group stage
[77] Aurelia's fight
[78] Miss dragon and little miss knight
[79] The dragon & the knight
[80] Bruised ego
[82] The swordsman & the knight
[83] Unexpected turn
[84] The next journey
[85] The 6th floor
[86] Sera's story
[87] The grind
[88] The 7th floor
[89] The living vs the dead
[90] Heads up
[91] The 8th floor
[92] The undead champion
[93] Only one champion standing
[94] Back to the surface
[95] Troubles brewing
[96] Tension
[97] Back to the grind
[98] Mamoth
[99] The magnifique
[100] Playing with fire
[101] Tracking
[102] Infiltration
[103] The basement of depravity
[104] Chase
[105] I will be your hero
[106] We saw evil, we came after evil, we conquered evil
[107] Headlines
[108] A hero's welcome
[109] A familiar opponent
[110] Banter
[111] Crossing swords
[112] Turning the tide
[113] L tier challenge
[114] Quarter finals
[115] My true identity
[116] Return of the sword master
[117] Sword meets spear
[118] Qi-Gong
[119] Truth
[120] The star life
[121] Semi finals
[122] Man vs beast
[123] Hear me roar
[124] The finals
[125] Fangirling
[126] Back and forth
[127] Tiger and the serpent
[128] The afterparty
[129] Hangover
[130] Cake walk
[131] The 9th floor
[132] The 10th floor
[133] The magma salamander
[134] The 11th floor
[135] Aurelia's story
[136] Becoming stronger
[137] The 12th floor
[138] Fall
[139] The ice phoenix
[140] Homecoming
[141] Messenger
[142] Fancy up
[143] Bull head and horse face
[144] The king's ball
[145] Center of envy
[146] It's complicated...
[147] Old companions
[148] Two choices
[149] Exchange
[150] Illyria
[151] Un-United kingdoms
[152] Unexpected turn
[153] Notions passed
[154] First order of business
[155] Bet
[156] Setting the rules
[157] Headlines
[158] Gamble of the century
[159] Testing the waters
[160] Back and forth
[161] All in
[162] Showdown
[163] Aftershock
[164] The moment of truth
[165] Math
[166] Preperation for war
[167] A different path
[168] An army of nations
[169] A promise
[170] Final planning
[171] The merfolk's ambush
[172] Dark horizon
[173] The dragonbrone assault
[174] Bombs away!
[175] The shores of Erindale
[176] Ride of The valkyries
[177] Retreat
[178] The demon king
[179] Temptation
[180] Facing our own demons
[181] Chaos
[182] David vs Goliath
[183] The rain of fire
[184] Backstab
[185] Saber of light
[186] Betrayal
[187] The big reveal
[188] A hero's praise
[189] Separate ways
[190] Reunion
[191] New journey
[Hall of honors]

[81] The final showdown

55 5 0
By Swordmaster7777

The fervor in the air was palpable as the crowd slowly hushed in anticipation, their eyes eagerly glued to the center of the coliseum. The host, a tall and robust man with a deep, bellowing voice, took center stage, his vibrant purple robe billowing in the light afternoon breeze.

"Ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages," he began, his voice reverberating through the grand coliseum, "we are here today to witness the final match of the prestigious Roma annual tournament!"

The crowd erupted in a roar of approval, clapping, whistling, and stomping in excitement. The host raised his hand, signaling for quiet. "First, hailing from the royal kingdom of Ayre, renowned for her swordsmanship and a princess with an undefeated record in this very arena, the golden whirlwind... Alicia!"

A loud cheer erupted from the crowd as Alicia stepped forward, her golden hair gleaming in the sunlight, her sapphire eyes sparkling with a playful boldness. She waved at the crowd, her youthful energy radiating throughout the coliseum.

"And in the other corner," the host continued, his voice a thunderous boom that seemed to shake the very ground beneath them, "a contender who has proven his mettle and stunned us all with his prowess. He defeated pit bosses and seasoned fighters alike to stand here today. The phoenix who rose from the ashes, the enigma, Chang!"

The crowd's cheers reached a fever pitch as I stepped forward, meeting Alicia's gaze. This was it. The final match.

The host's echoing introduction still hung in the air as Alicia strode forward, her armor catching the sunlight and casting a vibrant glow. The corners of her mouth quirked up in a playful smirk, her sapphire eyes twinkling with uncontained mirth. "Ne, ne, handsome boy," she called out to me, her voice carrying over the excited murmurs of the crowd. Her hand rose in a mock salute, her wink as dazzling as the sunlight bouncing off her golden hair. "Don't lose too quickly, okay?"

Laughter rippled through the crowd at her audaciousness. I couldn't help but return her smirk with a grin of my own. My words resonated through the coliseum, a counter-challenge to her audacious proclamation, "That's my line, princess."

The crowd roared in response, their anticipation for the match rising. As we locked eyes, a silent agreement passed between us. This was going to be a fight to remember.

With a swift movement of my hand, I adjusted my limiter. An almost imperceptible hum buzzed from the device as it accepted the command, shifting me from the S to the SS tier. A rush of power flowed through my veins, raw and untamed, like a river breaking through a dam. The corners of my mouth twitched upwards. The thrill of combat, the anticipation of an honest challenge, was an intoxicating brew that few could resist.

The crowd fell silent as they registered the change in my aura, their excitement shifting to an awed silence. The silence was deafening as all eyes turned towards me. The tension was a palpable force in the air, pressing heavily on everyone present.

And then, the horn sounded.

It was a jarring sound, slicing through the tension with the subtlety of a thunderclap. The moment the horn echoed through the coliseum, Alicia moved. With a startling burst of speed, she charged at me, her armor glinting in the harsh sunlight. Her sword was a silver blur in her hands, slicing through the air with a deadly precision that spoke volumes of her skills. A cloud of dust kicked up behind her, marking her path towards me. The crowd roared in approval, their anticipation reaching a fever pitch.

It was time for the final fight to begin.

The moment Alicia was within striking distance, her blade lashed out like a viper. I sidestepped the attack, my own sword meeting hers in a powerful clash. The impact reverberated through my arm, but I stood my ground, pushing back with equal force. She moved back, her shield coming up defensively as I advanced, our roles now reversed.

For a moment, we danced in a deadly ballet, our movements synchronized as if we had trained together for years. I attacked, Alicia defended. She countered, I parried. Her shield was a formidable defense, blocking each of my attacks while her sword was a deadly offense, pushing me back.

Despite her defensive style, Alicia was aggressive, often using her shield as a weapon. It was a solid, heavy thing, capable of withstanding powerful blows and dishing out its own punishment. It also gave her an added advantage of balance, something I had to be mindful of as we exchanged blow after blow.

Our blades met again and again, the metallic clash ringing out in the silent arena. Each strike I landed was matched by Alicia, her movements precise and calculated. Yet, each clash, each exchange, was an opportunity, a brief moment of vulnerability. And I was waiting for that moment.

Throughout the fight, I noticed a pattern in Alicia's attacks. When she swung her sword, she would follow it up with a shield bash, using the momentum to bolster her attack. It was a powerful combo, but it had one fatal flaw. For a brief moment, when transitioning between her sword and shield, she was open.

I feinted a strike, hoping to draw out her combo. As expected, Alicia swung her sword, following it up with her shield. But instead of blocking, I sidestepped, dodging her shield bash. With a quick spin, I was behind her, her defenses now facing the wrong direction.

Without missing a beat, I struck, my sword aiming for her exposed side. The crowd held their breath as my blade whistled through the air, the finale of our duel hanging on this single strike.

As our swords clashed and sparks flew, our voices joined the symphony of battle.

"Is that all you got, handsome boy?" Alicia called out, grinning wildly even as she blocked my attack.

"Hardly," I retorted, pushing against her defense and forcing her a step back. "I've only just begun."

Alicia chuckled, "Bold words for someone on the defensive."

"Well, I'd hate to disappoint," I shot back, lunging forward in a swift attack that Alicia barely managed to deflect with her shield.

The fight went on, the two of us exchanging both blows and banter with equal ferocity. Alicia was unyielding, a wall of steel that repelled every attack. But I was relentless, a storm that would not be quelled.

"You've got skill," Alicia admitted grudgingly as she deflected yet another of my attacks. "But this princess is not so easily defeated!"

"You've got spirit, I'll give you that," I conceded, my sword meeting hers in a shower of sparks. "But I don't intend to lose either."

"Then, let's see who falls first!" she challenged, charging at me with renewed vigor.

"Let's," I agreed, meeting her charge head-on. Our battle cries echoed in the arena, the promise of a fierce battle to come.

"Golden Aegis!" Alicia cried, raising her shield high above her head. A radiant light seemed to pour from her, enveloping her in a shimmering aura. The golden light flashed outwards, blinding everyone watching for a brief moment. When the light faded, Alicia stood strong, her shield shimmering with the same golden light.

"Blade of Radiance!" I declared, lifting my sword to the sky. Light gathered at its tip, coalescing into a bright, pulsating mass. With a swift downward arc, I released the energy which shot forward, illuminating the arena with its brilliance and making a beeline towards Alicia.

She met my attack head-on, her golden aegis absorbing the force of my strike, but the impact sent her sliding backwards. She dug the heels of her boots into the ground, halting her backward slide. Her eyes flashed with determination, exhilaration visible in her expression. "Is that all you've got?" she taunted, a broad smile on her face.

"Not by a long shot," I responded, matching her grin with my own.

We charged towards each other once again, the air electric with anticipation. Her aegis clashed with my radiant blade, the sound echoing through the arena. The crowd was on their feet, their cheers and shouts providing a deafening backdrop to our dance of war.

Fire met ice, light wrestled with darkness. It was a clash of power, a test of skill and resilience. The onlookers watched with bated breath, fully invested in the outcome of this monumental face-off. This was a contest of titans, and only one could claim victory.

Q: Is there ever a time you pretended to be a noob but you were actually a pro?

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