Pretending to be a noob in a...

By Swordmaster7777

24.3K 1.1K 406

As one of the strongest adventurers in the world, I pretended to be a F tier noob, so I can restart my advent... More

[1] A special mission
[2] Deal
[3] Ambush
[4] Not quite according to plan
[5] Awakening
[6] Introduction
[7] Stats checking Sera
[8] Recruitment...Attempt
[9] Lunch
[10] An open quest
[11] The hunt begins
[12] My reasoning
[13] The jaws of the beast
[14] Aftermath
[15] The next day...
[16] Here comes the money...
[17] Bounty
[18] Recruitment attempt no.2
[19] Dinner
[20] Alley
[21] Debt
[22] Lila's story
[23] A gambler's visit
[24] Warning
[25] The noob experience
[26] Fast travel
[27] Veridian
[28] Bargain
[29] Bounty
[30] Cat tails
[31] Hard lesson
[32] Fear
[33] The black market
[34] Money for clues
[35] The rat king
[36] New plan
[37] New look
[38] Setting up
[39] Sending a message
[40] Reply
[41] An exchange with 9 Lives
[42] Catching 9 Lives
[43] Choices
[44] New recruitment
[45] Stats checking Kuroko
[46] Money well spent
[47] Wyndham
[48] How to find a dragon
[49] Dragon sighting
[50] Into the dragon's lair
[51] The dragon girl did not like my choice
[52] How to not ride your dragon
[53] The dragon girl's choice
[54] New recruitment...Again
[55] Rules
[56] Guessing my true identity
[57] Buying a ride
[58] White phoenix
[59] Set sail
[60] Meal in the sky
[61] Luha
[62] One last drink
[63] Gearing up
[64] The lineup of the abyss
[65] The first floor
[66] The 4th floor
[67] Kuroko's story
[68] The 5th floor
[69] Campfire in the abyss
[70] Growth
[71] Roma
[72] Arena rules
[73] Pit boss
[74] Holding my ground
[75] The gladiator
[76] Group stage
[77] Aurelia's fight
[78] Miss dragon and little miss knight
[80] Bruised ego
[81] The final showdown
[82] The swordsman & the knight
[83] Unexpected turn
[84] The next journey
[85] The 6th floor
[86] Sera's story
[87] The grind
[88] The 7th floor
[89] The living vs the dead
[90] Heads up
[91] The 8th floor
[92] The undead champion
[93] Only one champion standing
[94] Back to the surface
[95] Troubles brewing
[96] Tension
[97] Back to the grind
[98] Mamoth
[99] The magnifique
[100] Playing with fire
[101] Tracking
[102] Infiltration
[103] The basement of depravity
[104] Chase
[105] I will be your hero
[106] We saw evil, we came after evil, we conquered evil
[107] Headlines
[108] A hero's welcome
[109] A familiar opponent
[110] Banter
[111] Crossing swords
[112] Turning the tide
[113] L tier challenge
[114] Quarter finals
[115] My true identity
[116] Return of the sword master
[117] Sword meets spear
[118] Qi-Gong
[119] Truth
[120] The star life
[121] Semi finals
[122] Man vs beast
[123] Hear me roar
[124] The finals
[125] Fangirling
[126] Back and forth
[127] Tiger and the serpent
[128] The afterparty
[129] Hangover
[130] Cake walk
[131] The 9th floor
[132] The 10th floor
[133] The magma salamander
[134] The 11th floor
[135] Aurelia's story
[136] Becoming stronger
[137] The 12th floor
[138] Fall
[139] The ice phoenix
[140] Homecoming
[141] Messenger
[142] Fancy up
[143] Bull head and horse face
[144] The king's ball
[145] Center of envy
[146] It's complicated...
[147] Old companions
[148] Two choices
[149] Exchange
[150] Illyria
[151] Un-United kingdoms
[152] Unexpected turn
[153] Notions passed
[154] First order of business
[155] Bet
[156] Setting the rules
[157] Headlines
[158] Gamble of the century
[159] Testing the waters
[160] Back and forth
[161] All in
[162] Showdown
[163] Aftershock
[164] The moment of truth
[165] Math
[166] Preperation for war
[167] A different path
[168] An army of nations
[169] A promise
[170] Final planning
[171] The merfolk's ambush
[172] Dark horizon
[173] The dragonbrone assault
[174] Bombs away!
[175] The shores of Erindale
[176] Ride of The valkyries
[177] Retreat
[178] The demon king
[179] Temptation
[180] Facing our own demons
[181] Chaos
[182] David vs Goliath
[183] The rain of fire
[184] Backstab
[185] Saber of light
[186] Betrayal
[187] The big reveal
[188] A hero's praise
[189] Separate ways
[190] Reunion
[191] New journey
[Hall of honors]

[79] The dragon & the knight

57 4 0
By Swordmaster7777

The host, a stout man with a booming voice, appeared on the field, raising his hands to hush the crowd, "Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the second round of our semi-finals!" His words reverberated throughout the packed arena, excitement palpable in the air.

"Now, it is my honor to introduce our first contestant!" he bellowed, "From the Kingdom of Ayre, the ninth princess herself, a formidable swordswoman who won her way here through sheer skill and determination, please welcome, the delightful Alicia!"

The crowd roared, a wave of cheers and applause spreading like wildfire. Alicia stepped into the ring, her petite frame in sharp contrast with the grandeur of the coliseum. Despite her size, her confident smile, playful eyes, and the way she held her sword radiated an intimidating aura.

"And facing her," the host continued, his voice filled with enthusiasm, "is a woman whose strength is as fiery as her spirit. The dragonborne adventurer who has crushed her opponents with the might of a dragon, let's hear it for the sensational Aurelia!"

As Aurelia emerged, the crowd erupted into a deafening cheer once again. Her dragonborne form, majestic and powerful, commanded awe and respect. Her red eyes gleamed with fierce determination, a smirk gracing her lips as she locked eyes with her opponent.

"The horn will sound any moment now," the host concluded, "May the best warrior win!"


As the horn's echo died out, Aurelia and Alicia leapt into action, their figures mere blurs against the backdrop of the roaring crowd. Alicia, quick and nimble, darted around Aurelia, her sword a shimmering silver streak. Aurelia, in contrast, moved with a raw, imposing power, her every step shaking the ground beneath her.

Alicia initiated the first strike, her sword slashing through the air towards Aurelia. But with a swift movement, Aurelia deflected it, her armoured tail flicking with alarming speed. The impact sent Alicia skidding back, but the young princess was far from beaten. A challenging grin spread across her face as she quickly regained her footing.

Aurelia, now in her element, charged forward, belching a stream of fire from her maw. But Alicia was prepared. Using her smaller size to her advantage, she agilely dodged the fire, her nimble movements leaving her unscathed.

With enough distance put between them, Aurelia began to transform. Alicia's eyes widened, her sapphire eyes shone with excitement and anticipation. "Now this is getting interesting," she said, brandishing her sword with newfound resolve. "I've always wanted to spar with a dragon."

Aurelia, now towering above in her full dragon form, looked down at the young princess. Her voice, deep and resonating, filled the arena. "Be careful what you wish for, little princess. Dragons aren't known for playing nice." She smirked, her eyes gleaming with a fierce determination.

The entire colosseum became their battleground, the two powerhouses moving with such speed and ferocity that their forms were a blur. Aurelia's dragon form was an impressive sight, her massive wings creating gusts of wind each time they flapped. Her tail whipped through the air, each strike aimed at Alicia, who darted around with surprising agility.

Alicia moved like a wisp, her petite form deceptively agile. She was as swift as lightning, her sword a streak of silver that matched her armor, as she parried, ducked, and dodged Aurelia's attacks. Occasionally, she managed to land a hit, her sword clanging against Aurelia's scales, sending sparks flying.

Aurelia countered with fire, a great plume of flames bellowing from her mouth, turning the arena into an inferno. But Alicia was quick, rolling out of the way, barely singed. She used these moments to retaliate, lunging at Aurelia with a battle cry, aiming for the gaps between her scales.

Their battle was intense, the crowd held captive by their display. Every clash, every blocked attack, every near miss drew gasps and cheers. The raw energy between them was palpable, electrifying the atmosphere, keeping everyone on the edge of their seats.

"Is that all you've got, princess?" Aurelia taunted, a wild grin splitting her dragon form's face as she narrowly avoided Alicia's relentless onslaught.

"Shut up, lizard!" Alicia shot back, her voice echoing defiantly across the coliseum. She was panting heavily, her sword movements growing slightly slower, but she was far from backing down. "This fight is far from over!"

"Oh, I'm shaking in my scales," Aurelia retorted sarcastically, laughing at Alicia's determination. Her laughter roared across the coliseum, booming louder than any cheer. "You're going to have to do better than that!"

Alicia growled in frustration, her teeth gritted. "We'll see about that!" she yelled before launching herself at Aurelia with renewed vigor. Her sword clashed against Aurelia's scales, creating a shower of sparks and a loud, resounding clang that echoed throughout the coliseum.

Their words continued to clash as much as their weapons, each determined to get the upper hand, each determined to come out on top. The audience was eating it up, loving the intensity of their banter as much as their fight.

Aurelia reared her head back, gathering energy within her throat, her scales radiating an intense heat. With a deafening roar, she released a torrent of azure flames towards Alicia. The audience gasped, their excitement palpable as the flames roared across the arena, filling the air with an intense heat that could be felt even from the distant seats.

Despite the imminent danger, Alicia remained calm. With a swift movement of her hand and a yell of "Golden Aegis!", she conjured a massive shield made of pure, radiant gold. The shield shimmered in the sunlight, an imposing sight against the onslaught of the azure flames.

The impact of the flames against the shield created an ear-splitting roar and a dazzling display of light and fire, the blue of the flames contrasting with the bright gold of the shield. Heatwaves radiated from the point of contact, distorting the air around them. But Alicia's golden aegis held strong, effectively blocking Aurelia's devastating attack.

The audience erupted in a roar of excitement at the sight, their cheers echoing throughout the arena. The determination on Alicia's face was visible even from a distance, her stance unwavering against the torrent of flames. She was clearly putting all her might into maintaining the golden aegis, her brow furrowed in concentration, her teeth gritted in determination. And then, as the flames finally subsided, Alicia stood there, untouched, her golden shield slowly dissipating into shimmering light. The entire coliseum burst into applause at the sight, their cheers echoing across the battlefield.

Seeing Aurelia momentarily staggered, Alicia's eyes flashed with determination. With a swift, fluid motion, she launched herself forward, using her momentum to hurl her massive golden shield towards the dragon.

"Aegis Slam!" She cried out, her voice echoing throughout the arena. The shield, glowing with a bright, ethereal light, crashed against Aurelia with a powerful impact, sending the dragon stumbling backwards.

Taking advantage of Aurelia's disorientation, Alicia didn't stop. She kept on the offensive, her body a blur of motion as she executed a complex series of sword strikes. Her sword danced in her hands, a silvery whirlwind that was almost too fast for the eye to follow.

Alicia's strikes were a combination of quick, precise jabs aimed at Aurelia's vital points and sweeping, powerful arcs designed to keep the dragon off balance. The sound of clashing metal echoed through the arena as she expertly wielded her weapon against the powerful dragon.

The crowd watched in awe as Alicia, a petite figure in comparison to the huge dragon, displayed her remarkable skill and agility. Her movements were so fast and precise that they almost seemed like a choreographed dance, a testament to her years of rigorous training and exceptional talent.

The final swing of Alicia's sword echoed through the stadium, a sharp note of finality that reverberated through the stunned silence. The broad side of her weapon crashed into Aurelia's side with a resounding smack, sending the dragon sprawling on her side. The ground quaked under her weight, dust billowing up in a thick cloud around her.

Alicia swiftly retreated a few steps, her sword held ready in front of her as she watched Aurelia closely. The dragon did not stir.

In the awed silence that followed, the only sound that could be heard was the heavy panting of the young swordswoman, her chest heaving as she struggled to catch her breath after the intense battle.

After what seemed like an eternity, the referee finally stepped forward, raising his arm to signal the end of the match. "Alicia is the victor!" He announced, his voice booming across the arena. The crowd exploded into cheers, the deafening roar of applause echoing off the walls of the coliseum.

Aurelia's massive form lay still on the dusty ground, unconscious but alive. Her chest rose and fell slowly, the only sign that she was not defeated but merely downed for the moment. She had lost the battle, but in the grand scheme of things, it was just a single fight, and the fierce dragonborn was far from finished.

Q: Who do you think will win?

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