Pretending to be a noob in a...

By Swordmaster7777

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As one of the strongest adventurers in the world, I pretended to be a F tier noob, so I can restart my advent... More

[1] A special mission
[2] Deal
[3] Ambush
[4] Not quite according to plan
[5] Awakening
[6] Introduction
[7] Stats checking Sera
[8] Recruitment...Attempt
[9] Lunch
[10] An open quest
[11] The hunt begins
[12] My reasoning
[13] The jaws of the beast
[14] Aftermath
[15] The next day...
[16] Here comes the money...
[17] Bounty
[18] Recruitment attempt no.2
[19] Dinner
[20] Alley
[21] Debt
[22] Lila's story
[23] A gambler's visit
[24] Warning
[25] The noob experience
[26] Fast travel
[27] Veridian
[28] Bargain
[29] Bounty
[30] Cat tails
[31] Hard lesson
[32] Fear
[33] The black market
[34] Money for clues
[35] The rat king
[36] New plan
[37] New look
[38] Setting up
[39] Sending a message
[40] Reply
[41] An exchange with 9 Lives
[42] Catching 9 Lives
[43] Choices
[44] New recruitment
[45] Stats checking Kuroko
[46] Money well spent
[47] Wyndham
[48] How to find a dragon
[49] Dragon sighting
[50] Into the dragon's lair
[51] The dragon girl did not like my choice
[52] How to not ride your dragon
[53] The dragon girl's choice
[54] New recruitment...Again
[55] Rules
[56] Guessing my true identity
[57] Buying a ride
[58] White phoenix
[59] Set sail
[60] Meal in the sky
[61] Luha
[62] One last drink
[63] Gearing up
[64] The lineup of the abyss
[65] The first floor
[66] The 4th floor
[67] Kuroko's story
[69] Campfire in the abyss
[70] Growth
[71] Roma
[72] Arena rules
[73] Pit boss
[74] Holding my ground
[75] The gladiator
[76] Group stage
[77] Aurelia's fight
[78] Miss dragon and little miss knight
[79] The dragon & the knight
[80] Bruised ego
[81] The final showdown
[82] The swordsman & the knight
[83] Unexpected turn
[84] The next journey
[85] The 6th floor
[86] Sera's story
[87] The grind
[88] The 7th floor
[89] The living vs the dead
[90] Heads up
[91] The 8th floor
[92] The undead champion
[93] Only one champion standing
[94] Back to the surface
[95] Troubles brewing
[96] Tension
[97] Back to the grind
[98] Mamoth
[99] The magnifique
[100] Playing with fire
[101] Tracking
[102] Infiltration
[103] The basement of depravity
[104] Chase
[105] I will be your hero
[106] We saw evil, we came after evil, we conquered evil
[107] Headlines
[108] A hero's welcome
[109] A familiar opponent
[110] Banter
[111] Crossing swords
[112] Turning the tide
[113] L tier challenge
[114] Quarter finals
[115] My true identity
[116] Return of the sword master
[117] Sword meets spear
[118] Qi-Gong
[119] Truth
[120] The star life
[121] Semi finals
[122] Man vs beast
[123] Hear me roar
[124] The finals
[125] Fangirling
[126] Back and forth
[127] Tiger and the serpent
[128] The afterparty
[129] Hangover
[130] Cake walk
[131] The 9th floor
[132] The 10th floor
[133] The magma salamander
[134] The 11th floor
[135] Aurelia's story
[136] Becoming stronger
[137] The 12th floor
[138] Fall
[139] The ice phoenix
[140] Homecoming
[141] Messenger
[142] Fancy up
[143] Bull head and horse face
[144] The king's ball
[145] Center of envy
[146] It's complicated...
[147] Old companions
[148] Two choices
[149] Exchange
[150] Illyria
[151] Un-United kingdoms
[152] Unexpected turn
[153] Notions passed
[154] First order of business
[155] Bet
[156] Setting the rules
[157] Headlines
[158] Gamble of the century
[159] Testing the waters
[160] Back and forth
[161] All in
[162] Showdown
[163] Aftershock
[164] The moment of truth
[165] Math
[166] Preperation for war
[167] A different path
[168] An army of nations
[169] A promise
[170] Final planning
[171] The merfolk's ambush
[172] Dark horizon
[173] The dragonbrone assault
[174] Bombs away!
[175] The shores of Erindale
[176] Ride of The valkyries
[177] Retreat
[178] The demon king
[179] Temptation
[180] Facing our own demons
[181] Chaos
[182] David vs Goliath
[183] The rain of fire
[184] Backstab
[185] Saber of light
[186] Betrayal
[187] The big reveal
[188] A hero's praise
[189] Separate ways
[190] Reunion
[191] New journey
[Hall of honors]

[68] The 5th floor

69 4 0
By Swordmaster7777

Several hours later, we woke up. With a lazy stretch I sat up and spoke up:

"Alright girls, time to move on to the next floor."

Lila was the first one to respond, rubbing her eyes as she just woke up. "Master, if you think it's best, then I'll trust your decision." She said in a soft, drowsy voice, offering a small smile of encouragement.

Kuroko's eyes gleamed with anticipation, the teasing air from the night before replaced with an eager curiosity. "Adventure, here we come! I'm ready to snatch up any treasures down there. Let's push our limits indeed!" She exclaimed, her hands curling into enthusiastic fists.

Sera, the tsundere elf, crossed her arms over her chest, her expression stubborn. "I guess we have to, if we want to become stronger. It's not like I'm doing this because you suggested it or anything," she mumbled, her cheeks reddening ever so slightly.

Aurelia, the fiery and prideful dragon, looked at me with a determined glint in her eye. Using her fake name, she said, "Fine, but remember that we won't hold back, Chang. If you want us to push our limits, be prepared for us to surpass them." Her tone was challenging, but the corner of her mouth curled up in a competitive smile.


Stepping into the fifth floor was like stepping into a different world. It was a sprawling expanse filled with massive, lily pad-covered ponds that reflected the dim, ethereal glow of luminescent moss that clung to the cavernous ceiling above. The moss created an illusion of a night sky, speckled with thousands of tiny green stars.

The ponds themselves were of varying sizes, some merely a few meters across, while others were large enough to be considered small lakes. They were interconnected by a labyrinth of rock steps that winded like snaking paths through the water. The clear water in the ponds revealed a multitude of creatures moving just beneath the surface, some seeming to glow in the soft light.

Despite the apparent tranquility, the occasional ripple and the movement of shadows in the water hinted at unseen perils lurking beneath. Aquatic vegetation of strange colors and forms thrived in and around these ponds, creating a strangely beautiful, yet alien landscape.

Tall, twisted stalagmites rose from the ground in some areas, mimicking bizarrely shaped trees, while stalactites hanging from above echoed the shape of sharp icicles. A light mist hovered over the surface of the water, adding to the mystical allure of the place.

It was an underwater kingdom in a cave, brimming with life and danger in equal measures. The sights and sounds of this aquatic ecosystem were truly a testament to the diversity of life and the range of ecosystems that the Abyss was home to.

The moment we stepped onto the rocky path, a sense of danger immediately filled the air. The serene waters around us started to ripple ominously, as if a storm was brewing beneath the surface. Suddenly, monstrous figures leapt out of the ponds surrounding us. The creatures bore a striking resemblance to eels, but their bodies were twice the size of a man. Their scales shimmered a sinister blue under the eerie glow of the luminescent moss around us.

Instinctively, I toggled my limiter to A-tier, feeling a surge of power course through my body as I prepared to confront the oncoming threat. Drawing my sword, I slid protectively in front of Lila, her wide, frightened eyes reflecting in the blade's polished surface.

The aquatic monsters lunged towards us, their razor-sharp teeth glinting menacingly. With the grace of a seasoned warrior, I parried their onslaught, my sword dancing in deadly harmony with their vicious attacks. I didn't just repel them – every counter was a killing strike, my blade finding their vulnerable points with lethal precision.

Bodies of the fallen monsters littered the stony path, their sightless eyes staring blankly into the depths of the abyss above.

While I was protecting Lila, the rest of our party was hardly idle.

Sera, our elf blood mage, was the embodiment of calm amidst the chaos. Her long, silver hair flowed freely as she danced around the battlefield, her movements as graceful as they were deadly. With a flick of her slender fingers, she manipulated the blood within the fallen monsters, turning them into lethal weapons against their still-living counterparts. Her emerald eyes glowed in the luminescent light, reflecting a resolute determination that was as beautiful as it was terrifying.

Kuroko, the cat beastkin rogue, moved like a shadow, her agile body darting between the aquatic monsters. The sparkle in her golden eyes was mischievous, even as she struck with lethal precision. Her dual daggers danced in her hands, their sharp edges slicing through scales and flesh with ease. Every movement she made was a symphony of agility and precision, the embodiment of a true rogue.

Aurelia, the azure dragon, was a sight to behold. She stood firm, her eyes blazing with an inner fire. With a fierce roar, she released a torrent of magical energy from her hands, instantly turning a cluster of approaching monsters into piles of ash. Her magic, fueled by the raw power of her true draconic nature, was a force to be reckoned with.

Despite the water-based attacks from the fish men seemingly positioned to dampen Aurelia's fiery assaults, they underestimated the raw power of her flame. With a deafening roar, she summoned a wave of fire that erupted from her palms, the crimson and gold flames dancing and coiling like a living entity.

The fish men, taken aback, immediately retaliated by sending high-pressured jets of water towards her. For a moment, steam clouded the field as the fire and water collided. But to their disbelief, Aurelia's fire did not extinguish. Instead, it burned brighter, the flames licking the water and consuming it in its heat, generating more steam that filled the surrounding area.

With a triumphant roar, Aurelia pushed her palms forward, sending the fire surging towards the fish men. Their water jets were overwhelmed, evaporating under the intense heat of the dragonfire. They recoiled, their scales charred and smoking, as the fire washed over them.

Aurelia stood tall amidst the steam, her silhouette illuminated by the glow of her own fire. Her eyes blazed fiercely, a dragon's pride evident in her stance. Her flames had not only overcome the counter but had proven their dominance, instilling both awe and fear into anyone who witnessed the spectacle.

"Amazing, Aurelia!" Lila applauded first, her eyes gleaming with admiration.

"Damn, you really showed them," Kuroko chimed in, a grinning widely.

Sera, despite her usual cool demeanor, had a smirk of approval on her face. "That was indeed a sight to behold."

Aurelia basked in the praise, puffing up her chest with a satisfied smirk. "Well, what can I say? They were no match for my flame."

I laughed lightly at her cockiness. "Remember Aurelia, humility is an excellent teacher," I said, trying to temper her pride with some wisdom.

Her smirk softened a bit, but she still looked immensely pleased with herself. "I suppose so, Chang, but let's not forget who just roasted those fish men to a crisp."

The atmosphere lightened a bit as we all laughed, the previous tension from the battle dissipating.

"Good job girls." I complimented. "Alright, let's set up camp for now."

Q: Have you camped in the wilderness before?

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