Bucky's Baby

By SharonDavis419

16.5K 627 63

James "Bucky" Barnes was a broken man. He never saw himself as a family man; what could he offer anyone? All... More

Last will and testament
Congrats! It's a girl
Baby's first day out
Baby's first steps
Planning baby's 1st birthday and Eveanna's secret past
Bucky's first away mission
Dolly's 1st birthday
More Presents
Dolly's park adventure
Dolly makes a new friend
Dolly asks hard questions
Dolly's first day of school
Dolly gets bullied
Innocence meets Mischief
Loki and the little Midgardian
Loki breaks a promise; for a good reason
Home again
The birth of Eveanna
Interrogation of Zemo
Rumlow... You are not the father
Loki's little Midgardian
Growing up
I'll cry if I want to
Anything for love
The rise of the machines
When the past comes calling
You kidnapped the wrong girl
You kidnapped the wrong girl part2
Weird Science
Who do I look like? Princess Peach
Soul bound to Loki
Dolly and Loki date
The Claim
Good Morning
New job
Can I marry your daughter
Will you be mine
Blast from the past
The past comes knocking
You have her eyes
A summons from Asgard
Confronting Odin
A walk in the Asguardian gardens
You're hired!
School Tour
Hot for teacher
Nobody can keep a secret
Loke din lille dritt
Everything circles
A note from the Author
Wait he said what...
Dolly and Loki's very first date
Author's note #2
Wedding Games
Wedding Bells
Wedding Banquet
The Honeymoon&a surprise visitor
An Asgardian baby check up
Drama in the schoolhouse
Call the Midwife
Welcome to Niflheim
Follow the Yellow brick road
The Void and its residents help Dolly
Welcome to the world
Epilogue:7 years later

A night in the Palace

119 6 2
By SharonDavis419

Frigga showed Everyone to their rooms, "Loki's chambers are just down the other side of the corridor."
Dolly blushed and Loki smiled, "Should you require anything of me during the night."
Bucky frowned and Steve rolled his eyes. Nat leaned forward, "Good to know. If we can't find our daughter in the morning."
Dolly blushed, "Nat it happened 1 time! 1 time."
Frigga smiled, "This is the sweet we use for visiting royal families."
Dolly and Nat looked around, "This is beautiful your grace."
Frigga chuckled, "Please my old wind bag of a husband might require formality, but I am just Frigga."
Logan sat in a chair, "You really are too good for him søt blomst."
Frigga blushed, "Oh don't start your flirting now I'm still mad about your last visit to Omnipotent City."
Logan smiled, "I was invited by Hercules... It would have been rude."
Frigga sighed,"I know, but it was still disappointing you didn't come visit us."
Dolly whispered, "What is Omnipotent City?"
Loki chuckled, "It is a place where all the Gods ago to meet and make decisions; it is also nitrous for it's vast orgies."
Everyone's eyes went wide and Logan grinned.
Frigga blushed, "Any way... Nat and Dolly I will have dresses made and waiting for you in time for the feast tomorrow."
Nat and Dolly both looked surprised. Nat spoke up, "Frigga that is-"
Frigga laid a hand on her arm, "It is a present from the mother of the groom to the mother of the bride."
Nat blinked, "Thank you."
Frigga turned to leave, "I'll have super brought up too you. Loki?"
Loki kissed Dolly's cheek, "I'll join you later. I want to show you the gardens."
Loki and Frigga left leaving the Barnes family to themselves.
Logan sat forward, "You really put the old man in his place. I am proud of you."
Dolly smiled. Logan looked over to Bucky who still seemed to be brooding. Logan stood, "I know I am new to the mix and my word won't hold weight, but from what I can see you're a damn good man and a damn good father."
Bucky looked up, "Dolly is the reason I have all the good things in my life."
Dolly went over and hugged him tight, "Daddy I could not ask for a better father."
Bucky wiped his eyes and just held her.
Logan sighed, "I never knew Eveanna, but I can tell you raised her daughter right, "Logan looked over to Steve and Nat, "All three of you did good."
Steve smiled, "Thanks Logan."
A knock on the door altered them food was here.
Frigga walked with Loki.
Frigga sighed, "I like her. Oh she is just as you described when you asked for the ring."
Loki smiled, "She is... She is the only person; outside of you of course, to see me for me and not like a monster."
Frigga paused and brushed his cheek, "I should have done better my son."
Loki kissed her palm, "I was not an easy child mother... I am sorry."
Frigga smiled and kept walking, "You did keep me on my toes."
In silence they walked on, "Her family... Do they treat you well?"
Loki sighed, "After New York they should shun me and keep her away, but they accept me because she loves me," Loki chuckled, "No doubt they'll end me quickly should they feel I have messed up."
Frigga let a breath go, "You'll be a good husband... And father."
Loki stumbled, "Mother?"
She simply winked and kept walking.

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