My Water Lily (Might Gai x OC)

Por wingsofwriting

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Kira was taken from her home at a young age and forced to grow up fast as she was taught jutsu but punished w... Más

Chapter 1: Escape
Chapter 2: Protect them!
Chapter 3: A Visit from The White Fang
Chapter 4: New Home
Chapter 5: My Own Room
Chapter 6: The New Hatake
Chapter 7: One Friend
Chapter 8: Father's Return
Chapter 9: Birthday
Chapter 10: Storm of Sadness
Chapter 11: Lost Control
Chapter 12: Breathe
Chapter 13: New Friends
Chapter 14: Spies
Chapter 15: Training More
Chapter 16: Taijutsu
Chapter 17: Getting Stronger
Chapter 18: Finally Genin
Chapter 19: Trees and Chakra
Chapter 20: Village Chores
Chapter 21: Recommended
Chapter 22: Catching Up
Chapter 23: Chunin Exams
Chapter 24: I'm Strong
Chapter 25: Clash Between Water and Grass
Chapter 26: Missing Nin
Chapter 27: Upcoming Mission
Chapter 28: Teammates
Chapter 29: Stay Alive
Chapter 30: Lady Tsunade
Chapter 31: Because Of Me
Chapter 32: Flowers
Chapter 33: Pictured Memories
Chapter 34: Proven
Chapter 35: Staring
Chapter 36: Jealousy
Chapter 37: Truce?
Chapter 38: Investigation
Chapter 39: Keep Holding
Chapter 40: Closer
Chapter 41: Ninken Training Begins
Chapter 42: Sudden Behavior
Chapter 43: Old Acquaintances
Chapter 44: Rescue Mission
Chapter 45: A Rageful Duel
Chapter 46: Worrying Saviors
Chapter 47: It Wasn't Your Fault
Chapter 48: Grounded
Chapter 49: Please Return
Chapter 50: I'm Leaving
Valentines Day Special
Chapter 51: My Return to the Leaf
Chapter 52: Anger Released
Chapter 53: Reunited Teammates
Chapter 54: Watchful Eyes
Chapter 55: Girl's Day Gone Wrong
Chapter 56: Nine-Tails Released
Chapter 57: Time Passes
Chapter 58: My Savior From Panic
Chapter 59: The Master's Student
Chapter 60: A Day Exploring Konoha
Chapter 61: Back to Training
Chapter 62: We're Family
Chapter 63: An Excellent Sparring Match
Chapter 64: The Worse Case Scenario
Chapter 65: New Threat to Konoha
Chapter 66: Cursed Eyes
Chapter 67: Break The Cycle
Chapter 68: I'll Watch Over You
Chapter 69: It's Not What It Looks Like
Chapter 70: Hotspring Thoughts
Chapter 72: New Mission and Brotherly Protectiveness
Chapter 73: Journey to the Land of Rivers
Chapter 74: Love in the Garden
Chapter 75: Not According to Plan
Chapter 76: Our Job Here Is Done
Chapter 77: Uchiha
Chapter 78: Retired
Chapter 79: Let Me Take Care of You
Chapter 80: Tired Decisions
Chapter 81: Meeting Team Gai
Chapter 82: Self Rule
Chapter 83: Lessons and Love
Chapter 84: Married
Chapter 85: Together
Chapter 86: Shinobi Headband
Chapter 87: All Mine
Chapter 88: A Happy Surprise
Chapter 89: My Family
Chapter 90: Thank You

Chapter 71: The Unexpected Prize

538 26 24
Por wingsofwriting

"I still don't get how you're feared by so many people with your anbu reputation, read.....soft core porn books..." I muttered as I stared at Kakashi from across the table. "You're lucky Naruto isn't home right now or I would beat you over the side of your head."

"It isn't porn. There's plot....and I like it, so leave me alone," Kakashi responded and looked away, his face a bit pink.

I snorted in amusement and shook my head.

"What do you think dad would say if he saw you like this? Or even better yet, Obito," I joked. "He'd probably say 'I knew Bakashi was a perv.'"

"Very amusing Kira," Kakashi replied monotonely.

"Oh come on," I said and pouted. "Oh yeah, why are you even here?"

"Lord Third is wanting to know how your progress has been with your Kekkei Genkai and I wanted check in on you," Kakashi stated.

"Oh. Well, he doesn't need to worry. I'm in full control of my Kekkei Genkai now and I've even been able to figure out how to use it for sensory purposes and healing purposes. I know it can be used for attacks and all that, but I would rather not," I explained. "Gai has been helping me out a lot. I've built my strength back up quite a bit. I'm hoping to go on missions again now. I don't exactly make a ton working at the hospital occasionally...."

"Mhm...So, you and Gai have been training together," Kakashi spoke curiously. "What all do you do?"

"Oh. Usually we'll do some basic strength exercises and them spar each other. We'll do a round where he let's me go all out and then I practice my medical jutsu on him. It's a bit mean, but it was his idea," I told him.

"So...nothing else is going on? Just training," Kakashi questioned further.

"Yeah. Do you want it to be something else?" I asked.

"Nope. As long as you two are just training everything is fine with me," Kakashi replied.

"Alright. I don't like it when you get protective like this. It's Gai we're talking about. If he hurt me it would be hurting himself more," I stated with a chuckle.

"That's not what I'm worried about," Kakashi replied. "It's none of my business anyway. How is Naruto? He's going in the academy now right?"

I nodded excitedly. "He is! I'm excited. He'll get lots of schooling and hopefully make friends. Also learn shinobi stuff which is all he wants," I said happily. "Then I'll be able to take more missions or work more at the hospital."

"I don't see you as the hospital type to be honest," Kakashi commented.

"Yeah, but helping people has been what I've always wanted to do," I responded. "They usually have me there when there is an emergency, but other than that I'm not really needed. There isn't a war going on where we need medical nin everywhere and there hasn't been too many issues in Konoha."

"That's true. I'm sure in a few years things will get frisky," Kakashi said. "That's just how it is with time and people testing boundaries."

"Mhm," I replied. "It's been seven years now since the Nine Tails attacked. We've come a long way since then."

"Yeah, but peace never seems to last," Kakashi spoke. "I'll make sure to report everything to the hokage."

"Alright. I miss your team sometimes. Yamato is so nice," I complimented. "Also, Itachi is really nice. He just recently joined your team right?"

"Yes and they're supposed to be feared you know. They're anbu after all," Kakashi mentioned.

I chuckled. "Yeah. But it takes a lot for something to scare me nowadays."

"Mmm....How are you feeling?" Kakashi asked and I sat there in silence for a minute.

"Better. It's been a long time since....he passed....and all of the others. But I'm getting better. I feel happier and spending time with everyone has helped a lot over these years," I told him.

"I'm glad," he replied and gave me a closed eyed smile.

"How about you?" I asked in return, curiously.

"I've usual. I'm still saddened but working in the anbu leaves little time to think about it," he mentioned.

"Do you enjoy being in the anbu?" I asked worriedly.

"It's not terrible and I feel useful and helpful serving under Lord Third," Kakashi replied. "There's nothing to be worried about."

I nodded and then heard someone knock at the door.

"Coming!" I called and went to answer it, Kakashi following behind since he was going to leave.

I opened the door and there stood the green beast of Konoha.

"Oh! My eternal rival!" Gai spoke excitedly. "Got some extra time to do a contest Kakashi?"

"I have a report to give, so I'll pass," Kakashi responded.

"I see. Another time then!" Gai replied with his classic smile.

I chuckled and then hugged Kakashi.

"Be safe and see you later," I told him before pulling away.

He nodded and then took off. Gai then looked to me, a determined look on his face.

"Are you ready for some more training?" Gai questioned.

"Of course!" I replied and we took off to the training grounds.

We did our usual exercises and then went to spar.

"Let's go straight into it, all out," Gai suggested.

"You sure?" I asked curiously. "What are the rules this time?"

"First person to be knocked over loses. So not just a simple hit will do," Gai responded. "You're allowed weapons. This will be a mostly taijutsu based fight, but if you feel the need I'll allow some jutsu."

"How kind," I teased and he huffed. "Do you wanna add stakes?"

"Stakes......Sure thing!" Gai responded, smiling. "It'll drive our youthfulness more!!"

"Alright. Mmmm. If I win, you have to treat me to dango for a whole month," I replied. "And I won't complain about you paying."

"Seems fair," Gai replied and then rested his hand on his chin, lightly rubbing it as he was deep in thought now. He decided to be bold. "If I win, I would like a kiss!"

My eyes widened at such a request and my face turned red.

"Huh?!" I spoke shocked.

"That is all I wish for dear Kira. Now let us spar!" He declared.

My brain was a bit fuzzy right now with such a request having shocked me to the core. Does he know about my crush on him?? Is he teasing me? Why would he ask this?

"Kira? You ready?" Gai asked worriedly.

"Uh...Y-yeah! I'm ready," I finally replied and then did a hand sign, using water jutsu to create my sword.

"Let's begin!" He responded.

He suddenly pulled out his nunchucks and raced towards me. I braced myself as he swung his weapon at me. I slashed my sword at it, blocking the attack and going for another slash towards him. He blocked it and I huffed. I kept up my attacks, left and right but he kept blocking it.

Eventually, he used his nunchucks to latch onto my sword, forcing us into a stand still. I narrowed my eyes as I began to think of a way outside this situation. Suddenly, my sword disappeared, turning back into water and I went in for a blow. I channeled chakra into my fist and hurled it at him. Since he was caught off guard from the sudden disappearance of my weapon, I was able to land the hit. He went back flying, but was able to land on his two feet and compose himself. He smiled and then raced back at me.

I dodged each attack from his nunchecks and occasionally went for some opening, missing each time unfortunately. Soon he jumped into the air, doing his signature move, the leaf hurricane. I jumped back but the force of wind caught me a bit, I stumbled back but was still on my feet. I debated on turning the tide in my direction. He did say I could do some jutsu and I've been waiting for an opportunity to perform this one. It had took me awhile to adjust to it and attune my senses, but I figured with my set of skills this jutsu was helpful.

I made a hand sign and smirked.

"Kirigakure no Jutsu!"

Suddenly, mist began to slowly fill the area. Gai's eyes widened at the sudden change in the environment. I disappeared into the mist and watched from afar as he prepared for any sort of attack.

As much as I hate the Mist, it's still where I originally came from. Konoha was my home, but it doesn't hurt to use some Mist techniques. Took me a long time to master this one.

I began to sneak around, debating on my next course of action. I should be fair and attack with taijutsu next.

I snuck behind and leaped into the air, going to land an blow on him. He jumped back just in time and my fist hit the ground, causing a giant crevice to form in the earth. I immediately got up and raced after him, throwing blow after blow. At this point he had put aside the nunchucks since I wasn't using my weapon either. He blocked every punch and kick I threw. I then leaped back, disappearing in the Mist. What should I do now??

I was surprised though when suddenly, Gai performed a Severe Leaf Hurricane, which cleared a bunch of the Mist away. I stood there shocked by his course of action. When he spotted me, he smiled and raced over to fight some more. I focused on defending myself, using my chakra to fight against his strength. It was difficult, especially when a fight goes on this long.

I then remembered the stakes we set, which caused me to freeze a bit. That was a mistake and suddenly I was sent back flying by a Leaf Hurricane kick. My back hit the tree and I gasped at the impact.

Well, I lost....Why did I have to be so distracted.....

"You alright Kira!?" Gai immediately called as he raced to my side.

"Yeah. Quite a kick as always," I complimented as I sat up a bit in pain. "It doesn't help that you have weights in there either."

My hand glowed green and I began to heal my wounds to the best extent. Once I was alright, I motioned for Gai to sit down next to me so I could heal him.

He knew the drill and sat down. I moved to sit in front of him and pressed my hand against his chest where I had hit him earlier, beginning to heal any possible wounds I inflicted. My face a bit flustered, my mind still thinking of the stakes. Now that I've lost....I guess I have to kiss him?

Haven't I wanted to kiss him for awhile anyway?! So it's a win win?? But I also lost a fight which isn't fun and his prize is a kiss from me. What is up with him!!

Suddenly, his hand encircled mine, the one I was using to heal him. My eyes went up to his confused and he smiled.

"I think I would like my prize now," Gai spoke with a smile on his face.

Cheeky bastard, I thought as I was irked now by the situation. Hmmmm....He said kiss but didn't specify where though....

I smirked and then leaned forward, kissing his forehead. He looked at me surprised and huffed in annoyance. I chuckled in triumph.

"You didn't specify where," I teased.

"You know where!" Gai responded.

"Well, too late. You only asked for one kiss," I replied with a smirk.

I folded my arms and closed my eyes as I smirked pridefully at my geniusness. Suddenly I felt a tug on my arm, pulling me forward. My eyes widened and next thing I know....


I was shocked by the kiss and was still staring eyes widened when he pulled away. I blinked a few times in confusion and he just smiled. My face heated up, but then I threw caution to the wind, grabbing his collar and pulling him to me. Now he was surprised. I kissed him and closed my eyes as I felt the contact of our lips once again. He reciprocated the kiss and we sat there for awhile, kissing and holding each other.

One of his hands wrapped around my waste, pulling me closer to him, basically having me in his lap now. His other hand rested gently against the side of my face, lightly brushing his thumb against my cheek. My face felt like it was on fire and my heart was going to beat out of my chest.

This felt....nice...

I then pulled away when things were starting to get a bit more heated, my face flustered as I looked away from Gai. I got up and backed away with a hand on my lips, still a bit star struck by the events that occurred.

"Kira," Gai spoke as he stood up. "Are you okay?"

"Huh? Oh yeah! That kiss was sure umm...Well! You got your reward for beating me huh..." I responded nervously. "Well, I should....probably go home now. Naruto probably needs me."

"Wait!" Gai called but I was already racing off.

I needed time to process! So much just happened and I.......I want it to happen again!

Hello! Hello!

I meant to publish this yesterday but I was out seeing the Jujutsu Kaisen 0 movie! It was really rad! I loved it!! It made me want to write a jjk fic!

Anyway! Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

Gai really went for it ;)

I'll publish again next Tuesday! Until then, have a lovely weekend!!!

Thanks for reading!

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