My Water Lily (Might Gai x OC)

By wingsofwriting

71.1K 2.8K 841

Kira was taken from her home at a young age and forced to grow up fast as she was taught jutsu but punished w... More

Chapter 1: Escape
Chapter 2: Protect them!
Chapter 3: A Visit from The White Fang
Chapter 4: New Home
Chapter 5: My Own Room
Chapter 6: The New Hatake
Chapter 7: One Friend
Chapter 8: Father's Return
Chapter 9: Birthday
Chapter 10: Storm of Sadness
Chapter 11: Lost Control
Chapter 12: Breathe
Chapter 13: New Friends
Chapter 14: Spies
Chapter 15: Training More
Chapter 16: Taijutsu
Chapter 17: Getting Stronger
Chapter 18: Finally Genin
Chapter 19: Trees and Chakra
Chapter 20: Village Chores
Chapter 21: Recommended
Chapter 22: Catching Up
Chapter 23: Chunin Exams
Chapter 24: I'm Strong
Chapter 25: Clash Between Water and Grass
Chapter 26: Missing Nin
Chapter 27: Upcoming Mission
Chapter 28: Teammates
Chapter 29: Stay Alive
Chapter 30: Lady Tsunade
Chapter 31: Because Of Me
Chapter 32: Flowers
Chapter 33: Pictured Memories
Chapter 34: Proven
Chapter 35: Staring
Chapter 36: Jealousy
Chapter 37: Truce?
Chapter 38: Investigation
Chapter 39: Keep Holding
Chapter 40: Closer
Chapter 41: Ninken Training Begins
Chapter 42: Sudden Behavior
Chapter 43: Old Acquaintances
Chapter 44: Rescue Mission
Chapter 45: A Rageful Duel
Chapter 46: Worrying Saviors
Chapter 47: It Wasn't Your Fault
Chapter 48: Grounded
Chapter 49: Please Return
Chapter 50: I'm Leaving
Valentines Day Special
Chapter 51: My Return to the Leaf
Chapter 52: Anger Released
Chapter 53: Reunited Teammates
Chapter 54: Watchful Eyes
Chapter 55: Girl's Day Gone Wrong
Chapter 56: Nine-Tails Released
Chapter 57: Time Passes
Chapter 58: My Savior From Panic
Chapter 59: The Master's Student
Chapter 60: A Day Exploring Konoha
Chapter 61: Back to Training
Chapter 62: We're Family
Chapter 63: An Excellent Sparring Match
Chapter 64: The Worse Case Scenario
Chapter 65: New Threat to Konoha
Chapter 66: Cursed Eyes
Chapter 67: Break The Cycle
Chapter 68: I'll Watch Over You
Chapter 69: It's Not What It Looks Like
Chapter 71: The Unexpected Prize
Chapter 72: New Mission and Brotherly Protectiveness
Chapter 73: Journey to the Land of Rivers
Chapter 74: Love in the Garden
Chapter 75: Not According to Plan
Chapter 76: Our Job Here Is Done
Chapter 77: Uchiha
Chapter 78: Retired
Chapter 79: Let Me Take Care of You
Chapter 80: Tired Decisions
Chapter 81: Meeting Team Gai
Chapter 82: Self Rule
Chapter 83: Lessons and Love
Chapter 84: Married
Chapter 85: Together
Chapter 86: Shinobi Headband
Chapter 87: All Mine
Chapter 88: A Happy Surprise
Chapter 89: My Family
Chapter 90: Thank You

Chapter 70: Hotspring Thoughts

586 27 13
By wingsofwriting

Years passed since that incidental day. I was now twenty-one and Naruto was seven. He was going to be in academy soon. He wanted to become the Hokage more than anything. I encouraged him and always smiled in amusement. He reminded me so much of his parents.

I haven't been on missions in awhile but I've been working in the hospital a lot in order to make ends meet. I wasn't ready for missions quite yet, so I was starting out slow.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard knocking on the door and went to go answer it.

"Coming! Coming!"

I opened the door and was tackled in a hug.

"Kira!" Kurenai cheered.

"Kurenai! You're back from your mission," I spoke happily.

"Mhm! And as promised we're gonna take a trip to the hotsprings!" Kurenai said. "It's been so long. Is it alright that I invited the guys as well?"

"I mean, they'd just be on the other side anyway," I responded with a shrug and then smirked. "Did you invite them so you can try and peek on Asuma?"

"Huh? No!" Kurenai replied blushing.

I giggled.

"We'll have to be careful. I'm pretty sure Ebisu is a closeted pervert," I commented as we began to walk to the hotsprings.

"Aren't most people like that though," Kurenai pointed out.

"Mm. Yeah," I concluded. "Although, I doubt Gai is."

"What makes you say that?" Kurenai questioned.

"Well, I feel like he would've tried something at this point," I stated. "I've known him since I was five and he was seven. Plus we've slept in the same bed and nothing happened."

"What?! When did this happen??" Kurenai questioned surprised.

"Oh. Well when Kakashi's team had a mission during the time he was in charge of watching me, he had Gai watch over me for awhile," I commented. "I felt bad that he was just watching me and sitting in a chair all night isn't comfortable."

"Mhm....But I bet part of you wanted him to just cause," Kurenai stated and lightly elbowed me.

"Pffft. No," I replied as my face began to heat up.

I was having a nightmare, tossing and turning in my bed.

"Please no. Don't die! I can save you!" I yelled as my brain used my memory of Nari's death in this twisted dream.

"Kira....Kira!" A voice called out.

I shot up and my head hit something hard.

"Ahh!" I cried out as I held onto my forehead.

"I'm sorry!" Gai responded and he rubbed his forehead as well.

"It's okay," I replied and then rubbed my eyes tiredly.

"You were having a nightmare. I just wanted to make sure you were okay," Gai stated as he sat down on the edge of my bed.

I nodded and made a beconing motion with my hand for him to move closer. He looked at me confused and then scooted closer, leaning over. I reached my hand up to his forehead, green chakra flowing out as I healed his head.

"I'm not very injured! You don't have to waste chakra," Gai spoke.

"I know. I just wanted to make sure you were okay," I replied with a small smile.

His face became red and he tried to keep his cool. I was still tired but I was scared that if I fell asleep again it would be another nightmare.

"Do you always have nightmares now?" Gai asked curiously.

"I had them every night after I returned to Konoha from my last mission. I've gotten a bit better, but they still occur often," I responded.

Suddenly I remembered the one night Gai slept in my bed with me and I didn't have a nightmare. I reached over and grabbed onto his green sleeve, catching his attention.

"Do you need something?" Gai asked in worry.

"Can you....lay beside me?" I asked, my face becoming pink. "I'm scared to fall asleep..."

He stared at me for awhile and then nodded. I scooted over and laid head back down. Gai laid down beside me, a bit stiff and awkward. I reached over and pulled his arm close to me, hugging it. I was sleepy and not thinking straight, just wanting comfort so I didn't care too much on my actions.

"Kira?" Gai spoke confused and flustered.

"You're warm..." I murmured as I closed my eyes.

Gai chuckled and then moved closer, our shoulders brushing each other.

"Thank you," I murmured as I slowly fell back asleep.

"Liar," Kurenai teased and I rolled my eyes.

"Shush. Anyway, we're here," I told her as I spotted the hotsprings, and outside waiting was Genma, Ebisu, Gai, and Asuma.

"Took you long enough," Asuma spoke and I rolled my eyes.

"I wasn't told until a bit ago. Blame her," I stated and pointed at Kurenai.

Kurenai smiled guiltily and I shook my head.

"Plus, you guys are on the other side anyway. You could've gone in already," I commented.

"We were kind and decided to wait for you," Ebisu responded with a smirk.

"Gai insisted," Genma mentioned.

"It's only right for us to wait for the ladies," Gai responded with a smile.

"A gentleman as always," I complimented. "Now let's go in."

I grabbed Kurenai's arm and walked into the girl's side. We went to locker area and began to take off our clothing. I sighed as I slowly peeled away my clothes.

"Wow. You're pretty pale," Kurenai commented and lightly poked my shoulder.

"I've always been pale, but with not having missions or doing combat training I haven't been outside much," I replied with a huff.

"Mhm," she murmured and gazed over me. "Nice scars."

I became flustered and held the towel close to my mostly nude body. I still had my underwear on.

"Most are from when I was younger," I mumbled, gesturing to the ones on my back.

"Younger. Like in the war?" Kurenai questioned.

"No......when I was three and four," I replied. "Still at the Mist."

"Oh....OH!" Kurenai realized and then grabbed me in an embrace. "Sorry Kira. I forget sometimes."

"It's okay. That was years ago. Things are way better now," I reassured her. "Some of them are from my time in Konoha. I have two on my abdomen and a couple on my arms, mostly from shurikens from an ememy."

"What's your scars on your abdomen from," she asked.

"Oh. One is from the war, we fought in a village west of Konoha. Couple of Earth shinobi attacked my team. They were able to stab me. It was the day Daiki died," I explained. "The other is from my last mission. Emiyo stabbed me while I was talking to her. Don't worry. I got her pretty good later.....since....she's dead.."

"I'm sorry, Kira," Kurenai murmured.

"Don't be. They're just reminders," I told her. "I tried my best and sometimes things don't work out."

I finished stripping and wrapped the towel around myself.

"Let's not sour the mood. Come on. Time to enjoy the hotsprings and relax," I replied more cheerily and headed out.

I slowly slid myself into the steaming water and let out a content sigh. We enjoyed the warm water for however long we wanted.

"'ve been hanging out with Gai a lot recently," Kurenai murmured.

"That's nothing new," I commented. "I'm feeling dejavu right now. Haven't we had this conversation already?"

"Maybe...." Kurenai responded. "But we're both adults now and I'm just wondering if your feelings towards him have changed at all."

"Feelings....Like in more of a...romantic way?" I asked curiously.

"Mhm," Kurenai replied and nodded.

I thought about it for awhile. Gai was one of the kindest, caring people I knew. I've known him since we were kids. He's grown a lot since this. He's ways taller than me now and....muscular....and more charming. Holding his calloused hands feels nice and when he lays in bed with me he's warm....

I began to feel my face heat up and slowly sank further into the hotsprings water.

"Kira?" Kurenai questioned confused at my actions.

I looked away guiltily and embarrassed and she smiled in triumph.

"I was right!" She cheered.

"Shhhh!" I hissed. "Look....Maybe I've liked him a bit more than I thought. Since we were younger, I always saw him as dependable and a safe place. I guess that grew into something more over time...."

"Hehehe," Kurenai chuckled evilly and I narrowed my eyes.

"You're making me regret saying anything," I muttered. "Don't tell anyone!"

"I won't! I promise," Kurenai responded and pretended to zip her lips.

"Good," I responded.

We eventually left and got dressed again before departing. We guessed the guys had already left at some point. I said goodbye to Kurenai and then went to go on my way, but came face to chest with Gai. I jumped back and then smiled sheepishly.

"You startled me," I spoke with a small chuckle.

"My apologies. I'm surprised I was able to startle you," Gai commented. "You've got excellent sensory skills afterall."

"Usually if I feel something is off I'll be more attentive to sensing it. But here I don't feel any threats. So, I wasn't really trying to sense you," I explained. "Plus it takes a bit of chakra usually."

"Ohhhh. That makes sense," Gai replied and then smirked. "I think I could be pretty threatening."

"Maybe to other villages and rouge ninja. But to me, not so much," I stated and lightly hit his arm. "Why are you still here anyway?"

"I wanted to walk you home," he responded.

My cheeks were pink instantly.

"Oh. Okay sure!" I replied with a small smile.

We then began to walk back to my apartment, doing my best to keep up with Gai's strides.

"Did you enjoy the hotsprings?" Gai questioned curiously.

"Mhm. It was really nice," I replied. "I was able to just relax."

"I'm glad!" Gai responded cheerfully. "By the way, would you want to do some training tomorrow?"

"Training..." I murmured. "It's been so long huh...."

"Yes! But if you start now you'll be able to get back in shape and no time!" Gai exclaimed. "I believe in you!"

I chuckled. "Thanks Gai. I'll take you up on that offer."

"Excellent!" He replied and gave a thumbs up.

"See you tomorrow," I said and then leaned up, kissing his cheek before racing to the apartment as I smiled to myself.

Another update my lovelies!!!

Things are starting to heat up. Hehehehehe

Hope you enjoyed the chapter and I'll be publishing another one this Thursday!

Thanks for reading and love ya!!

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