My Water Lily (Might Gai x OC)

By wingsofwriting

71.1K 2.8K 841

Kira was taken from her home at a young age and forced to grow up fast as she was taught jutsu but punished w... More

Chapter 1: Escape
Chapter 2: Protect them!
Chapter 3: A Visit from The White Fang
Chapter 4: New Home
Chapter 5: My Own Room
Chapter 6: The New Hatake
Chapter 7: One Friend
Chapter 8: Father's Return
Chapter 9: Birthday
Chapter 10: Storm of Sadness
Chapter 11: Lost Control
Chapter 12: Breathe
Chapter 13: New Friends
Chapter 14: Spies
Chapter 15: Training More
Chapter 16: Taijutsu
Chapter 17: Getting Stronger
Chapter 18: Finally Genin
Chapter 19: Trees and Chakra
Chapter 20: Village Chores
Chapter 21: Recommended
Chapter 22: Catching Up
Chapter 23: Chunin Exams
Chapter 24: I'm Strong
Chapter 25: Clash Between Water and Grass
Chapter 26: Missing Nin
Chapter 27: Upcoming Mission
Chapter 28: Teammates
Chapter 29: Stay Alive
Chapter 30: Lady Tsunade
Chapter 31: Because Of Me
Chapter 32: Flowers
Chapter 33: Pictured Memories
Chapter 34: Proven
Chapter 35: Staring
Chapter 36: Jealousy
Chapter 37: Truce?
Chapter 38: Investigation
Chapter 39: Keep Holding
Chapter 40: Closer
Chapter 41: Ninken Training Begins
Chapter 42: Sudden Behavior
Chapter 43: Old Acquaintances
Chapter 44: Rescue Mission
Chapter 45: A Rageful Duel
Chapter 46: Worrying Saviors
Chapter 47: It Wasn't Your Fault
Chapter 48: Grounded
Chapter 49: Please Return
Chapter 50: I'm Leaving
Valentines Day Special
Chapter 51: My Return to the Leaf
Chapter 52: Anger Released
Chapter 53: Reunited Teammates
Chapter 55: Girl's Day Gone Wrong
Chapter 56: Nine-Tails Released
Chapter 57: Time Passes
Chapter 58: My Savior From Panic
Chapter 59: The Master's Student
Chapter 60: A Day Exploring Konoha
Chapter 61: Back to Training
Chapter 62: We're Family
Chapter 63: An Excellent Sparring Match
Chapter 64: The Worse Case Scenario
Chapter 65: New Threat to Konoha
Chapter 66: Cursed Eyes
Chapter 67: Break The Cycle
Chapter 68: I'll Watch Over You
Chapter 69: It's Not What It Looks Like
Chapter 70: Hotspring Thoughts
Chapter 71: The Unexpected Prize
Chapter 72: New Mission and Brotherly Protectiveness
Chapter 73: Journey to the Land of Rivers
Chapter 74: Love in the Garden
Chapter 75: Not According to Plan
Chapter 76: Our Job Here Is Done
Chapter 77: Uchiha
Chapter 78: Retired
Chapter 79: Let Me Take Care of You
Chapter 80: Tired Decisions
Chapter 81: Meeting Team Gai
Chapter 82: Self Rule
Chapter 83: Lessons and Love
Chapter 84: Married
Chapter 85: Together
Chapter 86: Shinobi Headband
Chapter 87: All Mine
Chapter 88: A Happy Surprise
Chapter 89: My Family
Chapter 90: Thank You

Chapter 54: Watchful Eyes

574 24 3
By wingsofwriting

Months passed by. I helped Kushina around the house more and making sure her pregnancy was going well. I've been on a few missions here and there, but I think Minato prefers it when I stay around Kushina so I can help watch over her. He really cares about her.

"I'm home!" I called out.

I had just gotten back from my most recent mission. It was an A rank where I had to escort a noble along with keeping them out of trouble. It was pretty frustrating.

"Welcome home!" Kushina called back.

I walked into the kitchen as I stretched my arms.

"How are you feeling?" I asked curiously as I gazed over at her.

She was about a month or so away from her due date now. It was pretty worrying considering she was a jinchuriki.

"I'm feeling fine, you have no reason to worry over me," she responded simply.

"Well, I'm technically a medical ninja. It's my job," I commented with a smile and then bent down to greet Daiko, lightly scratching his ears.

I felt another presence though, outside on the balcony. It was faint as if someone was definitely trying to hide themself. I walked over towards the window and stealthily checked outside. There was someone sitting out there with a black cloak and mask.

An anbu....

But, it's not just any anbu.

I immediately went to the door and stepped outside, approaching them.

"Kakashi?" I called and they seemed to stiffen.

I was soon face to face with a mask that covered their face as they seemed to stare at me.

"Rin...." he muttered as if shocked and confused.

"No....Kakashi it's me. Kira," I responded as I moved closer. "Kira Hatake."


He immediately moved and pulled me into a hug. I was shocked since it all happened so fast, but I hugged him back. Even though I've been back in Konoha for months I still hadn't been able to see him, and now he's right in front of me. I held onto him tightly and buried my face into his cloak.

"You're home," he murmured softly.

"Yeah and I'm not leaving again," I told him. "I'm so've been through so much while I've been away."

"So you know..." he spoke as he pulled away from the hug, finally taking off his anbu mask.

"I do," I replied. "How...How are you?"

"I....don't know," Kakashi murmured. "Minato-sensei thought putting me in the anbu would help me cope with Rin's death more."

"I'm guessing you still don't really. Feel too different about it," I commented.

"It still haunts me...How I couldn't keep her safe..." he stated. "I'm...getting better....I know that. Gai still pesters me still."

"Good," I replied. "I told him to watch after you afterall before I left years ago."

He didn't respond and just sat there awhile longer.

"Minato had me assigned to watch Kushina for awhile," he spoke. "I'm guessing it was because you were away."

"Could be," I responded. "He just wants to make sure she's okay."

"I'm....happy you're back," he stated.

"I'm glad. Make sure to visit when you're not too busy or else I'll track you down myself," I commented.

"Seems I can't completely hide my presence from you still," he replied with a chuckle.

"Nope. We grew up together. You can't hide from me," I teased him.

We chatted for awhile longer before I decided to head back inside. I was so glad I got to see him again.

A couple days later I came out of my room and was confused to see a random white haired at our breakfast table.

"Uh....Hey mom. Why is there a weird old man in our house?" I questioned softly as I walked over to her.

"Kushina? Did you have another kid and not tell me about it?" He accused as he stood up abruptly.

I have gotten in the habit of calling Kushina mom now since I've been living with her and have lived with her before. She treats me as one of her own basically and she doesn't mind that I call her mom. She finds it endearing.

"She looks nothing like me, Jiraiya! As if I couldn't hide such a thing for this long!" Kushina argued as she became angry.

"Calm down dear please," Minato spoke softly as he approached his angry wife, not wanting her to get into rage mode especially since she's pregnant.

"Oh, so you're the legendary sannin Jiraiya," I commented as I stepped away from the couple and approached the man.

"Ah. You've heard of me. You must be a fan," Jiraiya spoke as he began to smirk.

"No. I've just heard about you from Master Tsunade," I replied with a shrug. "She has mixed opinions on you honestly."

"Tsunade?!?!?" The sannin exclaimed confused.

"Jiraiya. This is Kira. A jonin of the Leaf and one of Tsunade's pupils," Minato introduced.

"Tsunade's pupils..." he spoke warily. "What has she told you?"

"Uhh....You're strong and smart, but act like a half-wit most of the time. I'd say more but that wouldn't be nice," I replied.

"At least she thinks I'm smart and strong," Jiraiya spoke as he stood in a somewhat depressed state.

"I guess this is one way to introduce you two," Minato responded with a chuckle as he ruffled my hair. "Kira is quite an exceptional jonin and I have a lot of faith in her."

"I'm guessing you weren't taught just medical stuff by her," Jiraiya stated nervously.

"Yeah. I'm also very proficient in water release along with others things," I stated. "I'm very strong too."

"I see....A small tsunade then," he murmured.

"Why is Jiraiya here anyway," I questioned, turning to look at Minato and Kushina.

"We were asking him permission to use the name in one of his books," Minato commented. "And...He'll be the child's Godfather."

"What am I to the child then?" I asked curiously.

"You'll be Naruto's big sister," Kushina responded with a smile.

"Me...a big sister," I murmured surprised by her response but then smiled happily. "I promise to be a good big sister."

"I know you will be," Kushina complimented in amusement.

"This is all very precious and all, but I have a few more things I'd like to talk to Minato about," Jiraiya commented.

I nodded and then side hugged Kushina.

"I'll be home later, I'm heading to the hospital to work today," I called as I raced off.

"Alright. Stay safe!" Kushina called after me.

I worked the hospital for most of the day. I mostly shadowed several people to get a feel for how the system worked and everything. I've been taught all of what Tsunade could possibly teach me, but in many eyes I was still some kid. I'll be head of this department in no time I bet. Probably shouldn't be cocky.

When I went to check on a patient, I looked over in surprise when I saw two familiar shapes. Nari walked in with an arm around Gai, helping him walk.

"Kira!" Nari called.

"What did you two do?" I scolded when I walked over.

They both looked pretty roughed up.

"We just got back from a mission and Gai decided to take the more dangerous path...." Nari stated. "It had rained yesterday....and he slipped...."

"I'm fine! Honestly!" Gai replied as he moved away from Nari. "See nothing is wrong."

He then went to walk away but then fell on his face. Nari and I stood there, both tired of his antics.

"Help me take him to a room," I ordered.

Nari and I eventually got him laid out on a bed as I began to look over his injuries.

"He's gonna be okay. He's sprained his ankle and is pretty bruised everywhere," I informed Nari as I created green aura in my hand, beginning to heal his ankle.

"That's good," Nari responded as he sat down in a chair. "Kira, how would you like to go to dinner again?"

"Huh? Oh yeah! That'd be fun! I had a great time last time," I responded with a smile.

Nari sighed. 'I still don't think she gets it.'

"Let's get ichiraku ramen this time and I'll pay!" I responded.

"Can I join?" Gai questioned as he sat up a bit.

"No," Nari immediately responded.

"Aw...why not...." Gai whined.

"Aren't you going to go challenge Kakashi or something?" Nari questioned.

"I could....." Gai said and began to ponder.

"You can do that and we can grab ramen sometime too Gai," I suggested.

"Nice!" Gai announced as he pumped a fist into the air.

"Now," I began as I stepped away from finishing healing Gai's ankle. "Take it easy for a bit with that ankle. I know you're tough and everything and as much as I enjoy seeing you, I don't want you to make a habit out of coming to the hospital."

"Yes Ma'am!" Gai replied and saluted me.

I chuckled and lightly ruffled his black hair. He smiled at my action, becoming a bit flustered.

"Alright you two. I have more work I need to do. Make sure to sign out and everything, and I'll see you later for ramen Nari!" I called as I exited the room.

Nari waved goodbye and then glanced over at Gai, who only smirked.

"You like herrr," he teased.

Nari's cheeks became a bit pink and he turned way.

"What of it," he shot back. "You have similar feelings towards her."

"Huh...." Gai responded shocked. "I mean....I care about her a lot but my feelings with that stuff are unsure."

"Maybe you should figure it out," Nari commented.

"Or maybe you should take your shot while you have the chance," Gai pointed out which surprised Nari. "I'm not here to stand in your way. We're friends."

Nari nodded and began to try to think of a way to tell me how he feels.

What!? Another chapter!? Another day in a row. I know what you're thinking. She's crazy. The answer is yes.

It's just cause publishing these helps me get motivated to write me and I love writing these chapter so much. I just wanna share them all!!!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Gai was only in here for a bit but there will be more!!!

Probably will publish again tomorrow! Hehe!!!

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