My Water Lily (Might Gai x OC)

By wingsofwriting

71K 2.8K 841

Kira was taken from her home at a young age and forced to grow up fast as she was taught jutsu but punished w... More

Chapter 1: Escape
Chapter 2: Protect them!
Chapter 3: A Visit from The White Fang
Chapter 4: New Home
Chapter 5: My Own Room
Chapter 6: The New Hatake
Chapter 7: One Friend
Chapter 8: Father's Return
Chapter 9: Birthday
Chapter 10: Storm of Sadness
Chapter 11: Lost Control
Chapter 12: Breathe
Chapter 13: New Friends
Chapter 14: Spies
Chapter 15: Training More
Chapter 16: Taijutsu
Chapter 17: Getting Stronger
Chapter 18: Finally Genin
Chapter 19: Trees and Chakra
Chapter 20: Village Chores
Chapter 22: Catching Up
Chapter 23: Chunin Exams
Chapter 24: I'm Strong
Chapter 25: Clash Between Water and Grass
Chapter 26: Missing Nin
Chapter 27: Upcoming Mission
Chapter 28: Teammates
Chapter 29: Stay Alive
Chapter 30: Lady Tsunade
Chapter 31: Because Of Me
Chapter 32: Flowers
Chapter 33: Pictured Memories
Chapter 34: Proven
Chapter 35: Staring
Chapter 36: Jealousy
Chapter 37: Truce?
Chapter 38: Investigation
Chapter 39: Keep Holding
Chapter 40: Closer
Chapter 41: Ninken Training Begins
Chapter 42: Sudden Behavior
Chapter 43: Old Acquaintances
Chapter 44: Rescue Mission
Chapter 45: A Rageful Duel
Chapter 46: Worrying Saviors
Chapter 47: It Wasn't Your Fault
Chapter 48: Grounded
Chapter 49: Please Return
Chapter 50: I'm Leaving
Valentines Day Special
Chapter 51: My Return to the Leaf
Chapter 52: Anger Released
Chapter 53: Reunited Teammates
Chapter 54: Watchful Eyes
Chapter 55: Girl's Day Gone Wrong
Chapter 56: Nine-Tails Released
Chapter 57: Time Passes
Chapter 58: My Savior From Panic
Chapter 59: The Master's Student
Chapter 60: A Day Exploring Konoha
Chapter 61: Back to Training
Chapter 62: We're Family
Chapter 63: An Excellent Sparring Match
Chapter 64: The Worse Case Scenario
Chapter 65: New Threat to Konoha
Chapter 66: Cursed Eyes
Chapter 67: Break The Cycle
Chapter 68: I'll Watch Over You
Chapter 69: It's Not What It Looks Like
Chapter 70: Hotspring Thoughts
Chapter 71: The Unexpected Prize
Chapter 72: New Mission and Brotherly Protectiveness
Chapter 73: Journey to the Land of Rivers
Chapter 74: Love in the Garden
Chapter 75: Not According to Plan
Chapter 76: Our Job Here Is Done
Chapter 77: Uchiha
Chapter 78: Retired
Chapter 79: Let Me Take Care of You
Chapter 80: Tired Decisions
Chapter 81: Meeting Team Gai
Chapter 82: Self Rule
Chapter 83: Lessons and Love
Chapter 84: Married
Chapter 85: Together
Chapter 86: Shinobi Headband
Chapter 87: All Mine
Chapter 88: A Happy Surprise
Chapter 89: My Family
Chapter 90: Thank You

Chapter 21: Recommended

878 32 10
By wingsofwriting

"Try again," I said to Daiki.

Daiki and I were standing about ten feet away from each other on the river. We were training to keep chakra flowing through our feet to keep up above water and also perform jutsu.

Daiki nodded and did his hand signs again.

"Katon Ryuuka no Jutsu!"

He then took a deep breath and then shot a stream of fire out of his mouth towards me. I then did some hand signs as well to defend myself.

"Mizu Tate no Jutsu!"

A cylindrical barrier of water then formed around me and shielded me away from the blast. I released the jutsu once the fire was all gone.

"I think two is my limit still," Daiki commented with a sigh. "I was only taught this a month ago."

"Yeah. It only figures since Emiyo Sensei can't teach you much when it comes to Fire Release," I commented as I walked over to him, the water rippling with each step. "She uses Water and Earth."

"If this was a real fight, Kira would win," Nari pointed out as he stood to the side.

"Huh?! What makes you say that? You think I'm weak!" Daiki yelled in anger.

"No. She's a water user and you're both standing on a river. She has the ultimate source to use whatever jutsu she wants. She didn't even use her Water Manipulation technique today, which means she's going easy on you for training purposes," Nari concluded and Daiki stood there confused. "In other words, to dumb it down for you, she is more powerful because of the river."

"Ohhhhhhh. You're right!" Daiki responded with a nod of understanding now.

I giggled in amusement. Team 9 had been together for about a year now and this was a typical interaction. Nari usually was best at analyzing our skills and explaining things to Daiki who was more of a punch and ask questions later type person. I mostly helped teach them Taijustu and how to survive against water users, since Kirigakure was one of our main enemies in this war. They had been causing the most trouble.

Unfortunately, Gai's father had a run in with the seven swordsman of the Mist and it didn't end well. It had happened less than a month after the Chunin exams last year.


"Gai!" I called as I raced over to him.

I hadn't seen him a whole lot after his most recent mission and hadn't come to help me practice Taijutsu in a couple days. I was worried about him.

"Gai! Are you alright? You haven't come to training in awhile," I asked him worriedly as I stared at the green clothed shinobi.

He stood there with his head held down, staring at the dirt. His fists were clenched and his body was shaking a bit.

"....Gai...." I murmured confused.

"My father.....died...." he muttered and my eyes widened.

"Dai....." I spoke in shock. "He....Gai....I'm so sorry."

"My team was on a mission and we got attacked by the seven swordsmen of the Mist...." he explained. "My father....He arrived and used himself as a distraction for my team to get away safely.......He used the eight inner gates and.....He was able to take four of the swordmen down before he....he...."

I then hugged him tightly, wrapping my arms securely around his body and I felt him stiffen.

"I'm sorry Gai.....I know what it's like to lose someone, but I'm here for you," I told him. "I was told by my father before he past that 'There will be times where you feel hopeless, but know there is always hope. Look to your loved ones and friends. They care and they will give you hope.' Remember, you have my support Gai!"

Gai rested his head on my shoulder and hugged me close to him. After a couple minutes, I pulled away and lightly fixed his red scarf. He was wiping his eyes and then smiled at me.

"Thank you Kira. You're the best," he told me and I smiled.

"Thank you Gai," I responded. "Your father is a hero and you'll become the strongest shinobi ever."

"You're right. I'll just work even harder and challenge my rival more!" Gai announced.

"Yeah!" I replied and smiled, happy that Gai was back to his usual self.


After that incident I've been helping Gai train harder, training myself in the process. It was harder to keep up with him since I hadn't been training as long, but I was their to support him.

I was seven now, soon to be eight. I'd advanced more in my water techniques thanks to Emiyo Sensei's teachings. Thanks to Gai as well, I've excelled well in Taijutsu. Genjutsu wasn't really my strength.

"You all done training today?" A voice called which caused all of us to look over.

Emiyo Sensei approached us and smiled in amusement.

"Looks like you all have improved quite a bit," Emiyo Sensei pointed out. "Nari, you're Byakugan strength has improved greatly along with your gentle fist technique. Daiki, you've begun to grasp a lot more of your fire techniques and have done really well in your attacks. Kira, your water techniques have exceeded my expectations and your taijutsu has improved greatly. The reason I bring this up is because....I've recommended all of you for the Chunin Exams!"

"What?! Really!?" Daiki cheered as his eyes lit up. "Emiyo Sensei you're the best."

"The Chunin exams....." I murmured softly.

"That's right," Emiyo Sensei spoke in amusement and smiled. "It's up to you on whether you want to take it though, but I believe you're all ready."

"Isn't the exam split into three parts?" Nari questioned.

"That's correct. You'll have to continue working hard in order to pass," she replied with a wink. "Don't be late either."

"Yeah Nari," Daiki stated.

"She was talking about you, Daiki," Nari responded monotonously and Daiki glared at him.

"Come on you two. Let's call it quits for the day and go eat some ramen," I suggested as I wrapped my arms around them both with a smile. "My treat."

"Well....If you insist," Daiki spoke with a small smirk.

"Kira. You're being too nice and Daiki will eat to the brink where you'll end up broke," Nari stated and he looked down at me.

"Alright. I'll pay for both your first bowls, but after that you guys are paying," I stated.

"Awwww...Nari...Why did you have to ruin me getting endless free food...." Daiki complained saddened.

"Just because she is nice doesn't mean you should abuse that. She can kick your ass. I'm doing you a favor," Nari commented and began to walk off. "Let's go. I'm hungry."

Daiki and I nodded and followed after him after saying our goodbyes to Emiyo Sensei. We all sat down at Ichiraku Ramen and began to eat.

"Thank you for the food!" Daiki called and began to dig in.

"Not so fast Daiki. Savor your food," I scolded him.

"He'll never change, Kira," Nari responded softly. "Just focus on your meal."

I nodded and went back to eating. Afterwards, Nari offered to walk me home since the Hyuga compound was in that direction anyway.

"Do you think we'll actually pass?" I asked him curiously.

"Well, I think you have a high chance of passing. With your prior experience and all you've already been prepared for these types of things," Nari commented honestly. "Mist ninja are troublesome after all."

"You calling me troublesome, Nari?" I teased with a smirk.

"Of course not. Why would you ever think such a thing," Nari replied sarcastically and we both chuckled. "I might be able to get through, but I doubt Daiki will."

"What makes you say that?" I asked him curiously.

"I know you encourage him because he is your friend, but he hasn't developed as much as we have over the past year," Nari informed me. "Though he is determined and has shown promise in fire release, he still isn't as strong."

"You may be right, but as long as he does his best. I'll be glad," I told him with a smile. "And you'll do great too."

"Mhm," Nari replied with a nod. "We'll part ways here. Goodnight Kira."

"Night Nari!" I called and then raced back home.

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