Mianite: A Syndisparklez Story

By Its_Lee_

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THIS....IS...A...FANFIC FOR SYNDISPARKLEZ SHIPPERS (Enjoy lovelies) "Hey uh could you like not interfere with... More

.:. Warning .:.
Chapter 2: On the Run
Chapter 3: Sparkly Bacon
Chapter 4: Soaked and Caught
Chapter 5: Missing Home
Chapter 6: Terrence
Chapter 7: Andor's Meltdown
Chapter 8: Tom no...
Chapter 9: I'm not pregnant.
Chapter 10: My Singing Brings Strong Men To Their Knees.
Chapter 11: Wag the Wizard
Chapter 12: Why are you cutting yourself?!
Chapter 13: Why is My Phone in the Microwave?
Chapter 14: Numb.
Chapter 15: Martha The Mystic
Chapter 16: Downfall of a Dear Friend.
Chapter 17: It's Too Late.
Chapter 18: The Purge Returns.
Chapter 19: My Decisions
Chapter 20: I Look Like Crap.
Chapter 21: Free The Chickens!
Chapter 22: Depression?
Chapter 23: My First Night Terror.
Chapter 24: Andor? Or Alister?
Chapter 25: GO AWAY, He's Mine Now.
Chapter 26: A Disease?
Chapter 27: Im Sorry I Hit You With a Mail Box.
Chapter 28: High
Chapter 29: Captain Sparklez, Impregnator of Gods.
Chapter 30: Witchery and Getting Stabbed
Chapter 31: Wine or Tasty Poison?
Chapter 32: What Have You Done?
Chapter 33: The Bloody Rose
Chapter 34: Helgrind and Martha.
Chapter 35: Franklin the Transparent Pig.
Chapter 36: Promises and Realization.
Chapter 37: Love You Like Im Gonna Lose You.
Chapter 38: Marriage Makes Me Cringe.
Chapter 39: Steves Capture and Sparklez's Sickness.
Chapter 40: My OCD Seems to Love Him.
Chapter 41: The Rescue Mission
Chapter 42: Andor, An Angel With No Wings.
Chapter 43: Pushed Limits and Healing
Chapter 44: Andors Wings and Toms Outburst.
Chapter 45: Tom is So Jelly.
Chapter 46: Andor's Dreams.
Chapter 48: Death Strikes.
Chapter 49: Demons Come for Us.
Chapter 50: BOOMBA!
Chapter 51: My boyfriend is on Meth?
Chapter 52: The Intervention.
Chapter 53: I Get a New Ginger Roomate.
Chapter 54: Labels and Commitment.
Chapter 55: My Life Changes.
Chapter 56: I Make a Ring in Under Five Minutes.
Chapter 57: Observation Bot.
Chapter 58: Tom goes Insane.
Chapter 59: Im Sorry I Broke Your Nose.
Chapter 60: Steve and Marthas Wedding.
Chapter 61: Confessions.
Chapter 62: Revenge is Not Sweet.
Chapter 63: I'm Selfish.
Chapter 64: Tom and Rosie
Chapter 65: The Beast has Awoken
Chapter 66: A Forbidden Love Blooms
Chapter 67: The Verdict
Chapter 68: The Tower Is Destroyed
Chapter 69: In Sickness and Health
Chapter 70: The Truth is Revealed
Chapter 71: I'm Sorry for Resisting You, Officer
Chapter 72: I've Made a Mistake
Chapter 73: Gross Feelings
Chapter 74: Journey To Urulu
Chapter 75: Nightmares and Memories of the Past
Chapter 76: Mot and Alyssa
Chapter 77: The Lu Lu Bar
Chapter 78: Tiff and Lola
Chapter 79: DG Worker and the Gossipers
Chapter 80: My Fate
Thank You.

Chapter 47: I Am Your Grandfather. Except Not Really.

4.1K 114 54
By Its_Lee_

"I need to build a house..." I blurted out, Andor and Tom looking up from their breakfast at my sudden thought.

"Why? You like to live here with me don't you?" Tom asked in a hurt voice.

"Of course I do! I just...you know, think I should get a a place that I can call home. I'll come visit you a lot I swear. I just really want a place of my own. Are you okay with it?" I asked Tom.

He sat his fork down and frowned slightly. "I guess so...I'll miss you though."

"Me too. Would you guys wanna help me build the house?" Maybe this would cheer Tom up a bit.

"Er...I'm not good with architecture. Why do you think I live in a tree?" He laughed.

I laughed as well and looked to Andor.
"What about you? You wanna help out?"

"I'm not sure if I'll be of any help, but yes I will assist you." He smiled brightly.
"Jordan, that's a terrific idea! Stevie and I should build a house of our own! I am growing very tired of sleeping on straw beds...a real bed would certainly enhance our passion making!" Martha squealed in delight and ran from the front door to pester Steve about building the house.

We had asked her if she wanted to help us build a house, but she seemed to only want one of her own.

"I sometimes wonder what age she is. She doesn't seem that older than I, behavior wise,"
Andor chuckled as he adjusted his dark grey iron chest plate.

When Andor came back yesterday evening, he brought lots of things with him. He had found his old armor, some wooden swords, old poetry books that were his favorites, and a pretty good lot of clothes. Clothes that actual made him look like a Prince, not a homeless kid. He said his room hadn't been destroyed when he visited the castle, and he had found a bunch of his belongings.

He also had found Helgrinds crown and his, both of which he brought back with him. He said he would give it to whomever took the throne next. Which we still didn't know.

We walked a good distance away from Toms little island, heading towards the town. I couldn't make a decision on to where I would put the house I was about to built, so I asked Andor. He knew more about this place than I did.
"Where do you think I should build the house? I don't want it too far away from Toms tree but sorta close to Tucker and Sonja and Wag."

"I know of a place where you can build your creation, follow me." He walked ahead of me and began heading towards a giant hill, not too far away from the town.

I didn't particularly want my house on a hill, since it would be really inconvenient to get off of it. But I guess I should trust Andor's judgement.

He began to slowly make his way up the top of the hill, me following even slower behind him. It was really hot today, and my fore head and palms were getting clammy and sweaty as we climbed. My shirt began sticking to chest, but finally we reached the top of the grassy green hill.

I could see why he suggested this place.

The view, almost made me wanna cry. But I wasn't going to, that would be weird.

The sky looked like a painting almost, the yellow and orange blue colors all blending together perfectly. The ocean seemed to swirl with the beautiful colors, the wind blowing the water into calm mists. The clouds mixed with the yellows and oranges as the sun began rising ever so slowly. Green pastures surrounded the ocean, covered with flowers. Each a unique color and shape. Gentle went blew against my face and I sighed at the sight. This all looked like a dream, a dream too good to be true.

"Andor...this place is beautiful."
He smiled, his green and blue eyes shining from the suns light, his dark brown hair blowing gentle with the wind.

"You should see when it is at sunset, it almost looks like an image from a child's imagination. It is a long walk, but the sight is breathtaking to say the least. I hope you decide to reside here. I have always loved this place. I'm glad you love it as well. Father and I used to play here when I was a child. It was before...before my mother and sister passed. He was still happy and he still loved me." His smile faded but he kept his eyes on the sunrise.

"I'm sorry about what's happened to you Andor. You didn't deserve any of it. And I'm sorry for not coming sooner. I tried to come as soon as I could...but there was just too many things happening at once. I uh...have to admit...that I kinda...I kinda forgot about you for a day. I felt horrible about it, I couldn't believe I just-"

"No no...it's fine. Eventually, I will be forgotten by everyone. I have decided that already. It's best that I leave soon, so that no one else grows to me. But I suppose that's not the only reason I wish to leave, there are many others. Every piece of land here, has a memory. You can point out any location and I can tell you what I've done there before. That's why it pains me so much to be here. This kingdom...it used to be one of the grandest of them all. Everyone was happy, everything was balanced. Not one citizen would say otherwise. I remember when I was friends with Alister, he gave me the boomerang that I've had for so long. He was one of my greatest friends. He is a prime example of what happened when Ianite left and Dianite was killed. Everyone panicked, not only because their gods were gone, but because the taint had set in. They either fled, somewhere unknown, or they followed the Mianite. The pain I went through in that prison was just a mere slap compared to what I went through as my father changed...I apologize, I should not have babbled on for so long..." He sighed and turned from the sunrise, and looked to the town. It was nothing more than a ruin now.

"It's cool. I like hearing about your past. It's interesting and kinda sad..."

"What of your past Jordan? What did you do in your early childhood?"

"To be honest...I don't really know. Before this, before the land I lived in and sorta left, I lived in a tree alone. I can't remember anything else before that...my childhoods a mystery to me. It's really weird..." I chuckled nervously.

"Nonsense, how did you find the land you lived in?"

"Uh...I was running from someone who was trying to kill me. Still don't know who he was, but he died nonetheless. I killed him, and my tree caught on fire, one of the supporting beams broke, and I fell into a river. I ended up at the land of Mianite, and I met Tom when I washed up on the beach. I was kinda terrified because who wouldn't be if you came face to face with a zombie who can talk?"

Andor laughed. "Yes, I would be very much afraid. May I ask you something personal? About your past?"

"Sure dude. What is it?"

"Who is...who is Capsize?"

My muscles tensed at her name.

My smile faded as I remembered her face. The normal one, and the dead one.

"I'm sorry, I should not have asked that. I've caused you discomfort." Andor rushed to apologize at his question.

"It's okay, I need to get over her anyway. Where did you hear about her?"

"Well, you mumbled her name quite a lot in your sleep. I was just wondering if she was a friend or..."

"She was my...um. Crush? I don't know. We weren't really together, but I loved her. She passed away though..."

I was still trying to follow Ianites orders, to avoid anything that had anything to do with telling him who I actually was, or who his grandparents were.

"How did she pass? An accident? Pardon my rudeness, you do not have to answer that."

"She uh...was killed by a guy who was...evil-ish."

I'm a terrible liar.

"Who was this man? Did he pay for his crimes?" Now he was interested, and I think he knew I was lying.

"He was just a random dude. And yeah he did. Let's go build that house, shall we?" I began to walk off, but Andor words stopped me.

"You do not have to lie to me Jordan. I am your friend, not your enemy." His tone was solemn.
I sighed. I should tell him the truth. He's not a kid, he's an adult like me. I'm sure he can handle the truth.

"That is not a good idea hero..."

"Listen to my sister, don't tell him. He cannot know yet..."

So now you're interested in me? When I'm about to tell a secret? He deserves to know.

"Please, don't tell him. He couldn't bare it!"

"You best not Sparkle, you'll pay dearly for it when I get arms..."

Shut it. He needs to know.

"Andor..." I took in a deep breath.

I can't mess this up.

"Yes Jordan? What is it?"

I faced him, and let out the breath I'd been holding.

"IMYOURGRANDFATHER!" The words clumped together and they weren't necessarily true.

"Wh-what? My grandfather?" He was shocked.

"No! I'm your like other dimension grandfather, I'm not this dimension grandfather because your dimension grandfather disappeared and your grandmother is Ianite and she only left because your grandfather left and his name was Spark! Her sub conscious was the taint taking over and she came back a couple days ago! She cleared the taint! We still don't know where your dimension grandfather and Ianite thinks I look exactly like him which I do! And my friends look exactly like his friends and I-"

"Jordan stop! Please! I cannot understand what you are saying, other dimensions? What are you talking about?"

"I'm from another dimension! And in this dimension, there's someone like me. He's your grandfather. Your grandmother is Ianite. There are gods in my dimension, as there are here. My dimension Dianite killed Capsize." I paused and looked at his reaction. One of his eye brows scrunched up as he questioned what I just said. His eyes showed disbelief.

He didn't seem to believe it.

"If you are who you say you are, then where did you come from? And where did my so called grandfather go? This sounds like a tall tale Jordan. "

He didn't believe me.

"I...I don't know. I just...we came from..." My voice faltered. What was the point in telling him if he didn't believe me?

"We told you..." Ianites voice in my head sang.

My shoulders slumped as I realized he didn't believe me. That I was just acting like a crazy person.

"Forget it. You don't believe me any way. I shouldn't have even told you..." I sighed and began to walk back down the mountain.

"Your pocket Sparkle, reach into your pocket and show him." Dianites voice boomed.

My pocket?

I stopped and reached my hand into both of my pockets. My left hand felt a piece of paper, and I pulled it out.

It was a photo. A family photo. Of everyone in the gods family. Including Andor and Spark.

"Wait, I have proof!"

I ran back to him and held out the photo. Andor's skeptical face glanced at it and he took it hesitantly. His eyes squinted, but then widened when he saw the photo.

The photo showed the three gods beside eachother, but surrounded by Ianites family. Ianite stood I front of Spark, smiling as widely as she could. Spark was holding her by the waist with a small smile on his face. Martha, still at a semi teenage age, was standing beside Steve who was also a teenager.
Steve was kissing her cheek and she was grinning. The gods had serious expressions on their faces, both their hands were clasped together.

They clearly hated each other.

Helgrind stood in front of them, a crown planted on the top of his head. In his arms, a small child. He couldn't have been any younger than three years old. Andor was hugging his fathers neck, a sweet smile on his pale small face. The king was smiling at him, proud to be his father. Beside them were two girls, one way younger than the other. The older had blonde silky hair and blue eyes, she also wore a crown atop her head. The girl in front of her was at least 8 years old. She had Andor's blue green eyes and chestnut hair that went past her shoulders. She wore a small tiara, her lips in a large smile much like her mothers.

Andor's finger traced over the young girls face, he shuddered and his breaths were shaken.

"Fr-Freya..." His voice cracked.
His eyes went back to Spark. He was wearing his grey shirt and green shorts, his green glasses pulled down to his nose so that you could see his blue eyes.

"You...you are telling the truth. He is beside her...beside my family...I'm lady Ianites grandson...oh my..."

He smiled, his teeth showing as he stared at the picture. He began laughing and he held the picture close to his heart as he closed his eyes.
"It all makes sense now...fathers distant looks when I asked about our family...his anger towards Ianite...how did I not see it? Jordan I apologize for not believing your words...it just seemed so bizarre...I-I need to think on this. I am going to the town to rummage through my fathers things. I must find out more of this...I will be back tomorrow."

He ran down the hill and I watched as he crossed the ruined bridge and into the town, until his figure disappeared.

At least he believed me. That's all I had wanted.

Ianite appeared in front of me, an angry expression on her face.

I threw up my hands in defeat.
"Im sorry! He needed to know! He can't go away not knowing who his family is!"

She turned to the sky and pointed at it, as if she were accusing it of something.
"And you brother! I expected you to follow my wishes!"

"Oh hush sister, look how happy the boy is. He's been through too much not to know about us. Besides, you haven't been exactly supportive of your followers lately, have you?" Dianites voice accused.

"I'm only trying to protect them!" She fired back with venom in her voice.

"Protect them? You've nearly killed them. You could have saved Andor, but you didn't. You could've explained to them why they were feeling each others emotions, but you didn't. You could have told your only grand child left who his family was and actually face him for the first time in ten years, but you didn't. I'm beginning to doubt your idea of 'protection'."

Ianites face grew a dark shade of red as she listened to her brothers words.

Then she huffed angrily and pulled her purple hair out of her face.
"I suppose...I have been lacking in guiding you Jordan. I apologize."

"It's okay m'lady."

"I'll be here if...you need anything more. I am sorry I ignored your praying. It was foolish of me. I must go now and tend to some other matters. But I am here."

Her figure smeared away again.
I looked towards the village, trying to find Andor. But I saw nothing. I hope he comes home soon.

"He's fine Sparkley Jowels, I'll look after the kid so you can build your 'house'. Here, this might be of assistance to you."

Out of thin air, a wand appeared. I grabbed it from the air, and examined it.

"Uh, what does it do?"

"It's a builders wand. Your wizard friends use them to create things. You can have your house done by the end of the night with this thing. Just return it to me when you're finished, they're hard to make."

"Sure thing Dianite. Thanks for saving my butt back there..."

"Yes...my sister can be a little over protective sometimes. Even with that Spark boy, she got so angry when he ignored her directions. I liked Spark, good man. Always willing to help Mot and I with new ideas in the industry. I'd better go now, before sister chastises me. Goodbye Sparkle."

The voice faded, and I was left alone.

I guess I should get started.

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