Mianite: A Syndisparklez Story

By Its_Lee_

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THIS....IS...A...FANFIC FOR SYNDISPARKLEZ SHIPPERS (Enjoy lovelies) "Hey uh could you like not interfere with... More

.:. Warning .:.
Chapter 2: On the Run
Chapter 3: Sparkly Bacon
Chapter 4: Soaked and Caught
Chapter 5: Missing Home
Chapter 6: Terrence
Chapter 7: Andor's Meltdown
Chapter 8: Tom no...
Chapter 9: I'm not pregnant.
Chapter 10: My Singing Brings Strong Men To Their Knees.
Chapter 11: Wag the Wizard
Chapter 12: Why are you cutting yourself?!
Chapter 13: Why is My Phone in the Microwave?
Chapter 14: Numb.
Chapter 15: Martha The Mystic
Chapter 16: Downfall of a Dear Friend.
Chapter 17: It's Too Late.
Chapter 18: The Purge Returns.
Chapter 19: My Decisions
Chapter 20: I Look Like Crap.
Chapter 21: Free The Chickens!
Chapter 22: Depression?
Chapter 23: My First Night Terror.
Chapter 24: Andor? Or Alister?
Chapter 25: GO AWAY, He's Mine Now.
Chapter 26: A Disease?
Chapter 27: Im Sorry I Hit You With a Mail Box.
Chapter 28: High
Chapter 29: Captain Sparklez, Impregnator of Gods.
Chapter 30: Witchery and Getting Stabbed
Chapter 31: Wine or Tasty Poison?
Chapter 32: What Have You Done?
Chapter 33: The Bloody Rose
Chapter 34: Helgrind and Martha.
Chapter 35: Franklin the Transparent Pig.
Chapter 36: Promises and Realization.
Chapter 37: Love You Like Im Gonna Lose You.
Chapter 38: Marriage Makes Me Cringe.
Chapter 39: Steves Capture and Sparklez's Sickness.
Chapter 40: My OCD Seems to Love Him.
Chapter 41: The Rescue Mission
Chapter 42: Andor, An Angel With No Wings.
Chapter 43: Pushed Limits and Healing
Chapter 45: Tom is So Jelly.
Chapter 46: Andor's Dreams.
Chapter 47: I Am Your Grandfather. Except Not Really.
Chapter 48: Death Strikes.
Chapter 49: Demons Come for Us.
Chapter 50: BOOMBA!
Chapter 51: My boyfriend is on Meth?
Chapter 52: The Intervention.
Chapter 53: I Get a New Ginger Roomate.
Chapter 54: Labels and Commitment.
Chapter 55: My Life Changes.
Chapter 56: I Make a Ring in Under Five Minutes.
Chapter 57: Observation Bot.
Chapter 58: Tom goes Insane.
Chapter 59: Im Sorry I Broke Your Nose.
Chapter 60: Steve and Marthas Wedding.
Chapter 61: Confessions.
Chapter 62: Revenge is Not Sweet.
Chapter 63: I'm Selfish.
Chapter 64: Tom and Rosie
Chapter 65: The Beast has Awoken
Chapter 66: A Forbidden Love Blooms
Chapter 67: The Verdict
Chapter 68: The Tower Is Destroyed
Chapter 69: In Sickness and Health
Chapter 70: The Truth is Revealed
Chapter 71: I'm Sorry for Resisting You, Officer
Chapter 72: I've Made a Mistake
Chapter 73: Gross Feelings
Chapter 74: Journey To Urulu
Chapter 75: Nightmares and Memories of the Past
Chapter 76: Mot and Alyssa
Chapter 77: The Lu Lu Bar
Chapter 78: Tiff and Lola
Chapter 79: DG Worker and the Gossipers
Chapter 80: My Fate
Thank You.

Chapter 44: Andors Wings and Toms Outburst.

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By Its_Lee_

Sparklez p.o.v.
I glanced at Andor, who was picking at his apples with a metal fork. His head rested on his hand, his eyes staring absent mindedly at the food.

"Thought you'd be hungry...did they feed you anything in that prison?" I asked.

"Just various dull colors of tasteless slop. I suppose my body is not ready to consume normal food again..." He sighed and sat up in his seat, careful not to hit his back on the chair. "I apologize...I know you struggled with creating this meal."

It was true. Tom hadn't got out of bed and it was twelve o'clock. So I decided to try and cook Andor and I breakfast, and I learned that you cannot stick a fork in a toaster. A small fire occurred, and I pretty much panicked while Andor put it out with a bottle of shaving cream we had in the filing cabinet. Apparently you can't put water on an electrical fire.

"It's cool...you're smarter than me at this whole cooking thing anyway," I laughed.

He chuckled and laid his fork down on the plate.

His smile faded a bit as he tried to stretch his shoulders, but winced and stopped immediately.

"...Do you miss your wings Andor?"

"Yes. They were something I was most fond of...I'd had them for so long. I can't remember living without them. But I suppose I will adjust...it's this pain that makes me long for them again."

I saddened at his words.
I remember when I created my wings, it was amazing when I first out them on. It's like the wings had grown into my skin, like they were a part of me.

I felt guilty sitting here with my wings while his had been ripped cruelly and painfully away from him.

I should make him some wings, I think I still remember how.

"If you don't mind, I wish to go see my aunt. Do you know which house she lives in now?"

"Actually I think she and Steve are next door, but if you do go, knock on the door first. They might be doing things..."

"Understood. Do you wish to join me?" He raised up from the table and sat his dishes in the sink.

"Nah. I think I'll stay here and try to get some stuff done, you go ahead without me."

I was almost done. The wings weren't exactly the same as his old ones, but they worked at least. They were angel wings, white and feathery. All I needed now was to soul bound them so he wouldn't lose them again.

I pulled out one of the dusty books from my chest, putting it on the stand.

"What are you doing?" A voice sounded from behind me.
I turned to see Tom staring at the wings and then back at me.

"I'm making wings...for Andor."

"You really think thats a good idea? Do you have no concept of people's feelings?" He spat.

So he was still angry at me. To be honest, I didn't really care at the moment. All I cared about was getting Andor's wings finished.

I ignored him and flipped to the page in my book where the soul bound spell was written out.

"So let's see what you've done to help him so far, you've skewered his back, caused him to have a seizure, and now you're going to remind him of the fateful day that his wings were forcibly ripped from his back flesh. What a great friend you are Sparklez, good boyfriend too," he said sarcastically.

I read the script that showed the words I needed to say for the spell. I read them off in a low voice, focusing on the wings as I did.

Just as it was almost done, a hand picked up the book and threw it across the room.
"Will you stop looking at that stupid book?!" He yelled angrily.

I closed my eyes and let out a deep breath.
"You can push me around, call me names, throw my stuff, but please just let me do this for Andor. He needs something good out of all of this. Please don't ruin it."

I walked across the room and picked up my book. I spoke the final words, and watched as the wings glowed and shone.

"Why do you care so much about him?" Toms voice had lowered.

"...he's saved me in more ways than one. Just like you. It's sad to think you wanna give that up just because I don't wanna do something you wanna do."

I picked up the wings and pushed pass Tom, not bothering to hear his response.
I knocked on the door to Cherry Ridge Farms 2.0
The door opened a few moments later, Martha's groggy face answered.

"Jordan! Hello! Please come in, we are discussing inheritance with Andor!" She smiled and showed me in.
I walked into the living room of the house, Andor was sitting in an arm chair and Steve was spread out in the couch. He looked equally tired as Martha.

"But why must I rule the town? Why not you? Or Martha?"

"Andor mate, ye a Prince. When a king leaves, a Prince becomes king. It just the way it works."

"It should not work that way...someone who is capable of being a leader should be the king."

"Ye don't think ye make a good leader?"

"No. No I don't. Too much has happened, I don't think I'll be able to lead properly. I'm sorry...I just can't."
Steve sighed and scratched his head, deep in thought.

"I'll find someone else I guess...but in the meantime, ye better start building back up the town. It's a wreck since the taint..."

Andor turned his head to me and smiled a greeting.
"Hello Jordan, did you finish your errands?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry to interrupt this conversation, but can you step outside with me for a bit?"

I had the angel ring in my bag, hiding it from Andor.

"I don't see why not..." Andor replied confused, he walked out the door with me.
I sat my bag down on the ground as I heard Martha and Steve come out of the house too.

"They're uh...not exactly the same as the others...but they work. I hope you like them."

I pulled out the angel ring and handed it to Andor.

He stared at it confused.

"What is this?" He asked, examining the ring.

"Try it on, you'll see."

He took the ring from me and placed it on his ring finger.

Almost immediately, white feathery wings began to grow from his back. Martha gasped and smiled, she knew what it was. Steve grinned at the sight, hugging Martha close to him.

The wings finally grew out the rest of the way, Andor craned his neck towards his back.

His eyes widened, his mouth hung open.
"I...I can feel my skin healing! My nerves growing back! The muscles connecting!" He said excitedly.

"Do...do you like it?" I asked nervously. I hope what Tom said wouldn't be true.

He smiled, and then smiled bigger and bigger. He laughed as he spun around, trying to get a full glimpse at his new wings. They fluttered wildly, making gentle flapping noises. Andor looked so happy. It made me feel so much better to see him like this.

"Well, why don't you try them out dearie?" Martha asked Andor.

"O-okay!" He exclaimed.

The wings fluttered furiously, and he jumped up.
It was only for a brief moment, but it worked. His body lifted up into the air, and stayed for a few seconds.

When he touched the ground again, he began to tear up. He was still laughing and smiling though, beaming at his new wings.

Martha was smiling sadly, Steve looking at Andor proudly.
Andor looked to me and tackled me into a hug.

"Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!" He squeezed me tighter and tighter.

"It was no problem man, you deserved these wings."

"I don't feel the pain! I don't feel the horrible aches! Thank you Jordan! Thank you so much..." he cried into my chest.
Martha looked like she was about to cry, smiling at me like I'd just saved the world or something.
Andor raised back up and faced me, tears still dribbling down his cheeks.

"What can I do to repay you?! I'll do anything at all!"

"No no, you don't need to do anything. You've done enough already. Seeing you happy is a reward all by itself," I laughed.

"Wait...what if I gave you the deed to the town? You could become king! You're good at leadership and battle! You could do it!"

Me? A king? I could be a princess maybe, but never a king. I'm too...weird.

"No that's okay. I'm not really cut out to be a ruler or anything...sorry. You don't need to give me anything Andor, really," I replied nervously.

"Oh please, you must want something! Just name it and I'll get it for you somehow!"

"...there is something you could maybe do for me. You don't have to if you don't want to though, it's just a small favor."

I don't know if he wanted to do this.

"Absolutely! Anything you wish!"
Sorry about the late upload. I slept in and I feel FANTASTIC
I was gonna go to the movies but my friends flaked on me so IM HOME ALONE!
You guys should like, talk to me on tumblr or something. I miss talking to each and every one of you all the time xD
My tumblr is Zune_bug32 or Zune_bug I can't remember which ones my username or my actual name xD

I'm just gonna be chillin all day listening to Ed Sheeran, SO HITME UP FOR QUESTIONS OR CONVERSATIONS YO!
I can't wait for summer break, I feel like I haven't had a day to myself in weeks. Being an author is hard work xD


Don't get me wrong, I love my family. Both of my families are awesome. But a whole day with them? It's a disaster xD
It's kinda sad how when we grow up, we start to dread holidays because we have to spend time with our families. I remember I used to love going to my families houses and playing with my cousins.

Now I can't stand them xD

There's like one cousin my age I actually like spending time with and it's Sarah, but she lives like ten miles away from me and she plays a lot of sports so we don't get to hang a lot. WHICH MAKES ME SAD.

My other cousins have boyfriends (or baby daddy's / baby momas xD) and they don't really talk to me much any more. My brother and I are the only ones that don't have relationships right now (on my moms family side) isn't that bizarre? XD

My moms side of the family are like the classic stern "don't do stupid crap" kinda people, the loving and nurturing type. Who guide me when I need help deciding what I wanna do in life or when I just need a second opinion on an important decision. When there are holidays and I go to this families house, I don't really try to speak at all. I either get interrupted, ignored, or looked at like I've grown a second head. Then they're all like "how come you never talk anymore Nikole?"
Sometimes I wanna scream at them, 'because you never listen.' XD

So let me tell you why I don't talk to most of my cousins,

I had a cousin(on my moms side) who was a little older than me by a couple of years, but we were best friends for awhile. She got a boyfriend and kinda drifted away from our family. He hurt her a lot, and we didn't find this out till a little while later when she broke up with him. Sometimes she visits my house, but I really don't have anything much to say to her. We haven't had an honest conversation in years.

Another one of my cousins, from my moms side, also used to be best friends with me! She and I did everything together, since we lived no more than three blocks away from eachother.
Then. She grew up. And I didn't want her to.
She left me behind and made new friends, other best friends. She moved, went to another school, got a new boyfriend whom she spent every living moment with. He wasn't nice to me, and sometimes he was really cruel to her. He was just like the dude my older cousin had dated before, a no good abuser.

So I didn't try to talk to her while he was around.

That's a big part if why I was having sad thoughts awhile back. Everyone was drifting away.

But I'm over it now, I understand that she was just ready to leave the childish games I liked to play and move on to bigger things and popular people.

My dad's family however, are like the craziest people I know. They are the kinda people you meet in public places and your just like 'these people are mental'. I love them xD

I remember going to walmart last Christmas and we stood there in the toys aisle for hours trying to decide which deck of cards we wanted to buy for a card game. I wanted goldfish (because I suck at every other card game), Sarah wanted Uno, and the others wanted a simple card deck xD. That was one of the funniest moments in my life xD

Sarah's brother is also a very dear cousin of mine. He's like the less dorky version of CaptainSparklez, and my brother is his side kick. They are gaming brothers xD
Sarah's older sister, is much like an older sister to me. She's hilarious and sassy and doesn't mind to embarrass her poor quite as a mouse husband in front of everyone xD

I love both families, some are a little less interested in me than the other, but I love em' both <3

Anyway, thats some of my family members. Sorry if this authors note was a bit sad, I just like talking to you guys about these things. You are all so supportive of my feelings and dreams. So thanks for reading the story and listening to my lecture! I'll be going now, leave a favorite if you enjoyed, thanks!
- Lee

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