Mianite: A Syndisparklez Story

By Its_Lee_

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THIS....IS...A...FANFIC FOR SYNDISPARKLEZ SHIPPERS (Enjoy lovelies) "Hey uh could you like not interfere with... More

.:. Warning .:.
Chapter 2: On the Run
Chapter 3: Sparkly Bacon
Chapter 4: Soaked and Caught
Chapter 5: Missing Home
Chapter 6: Terrence
Chapter 7: Andor's Meltdown
Chapter 8: Tom no...
Chapter 9: I'm not pregnant.
Chapter 10: My Singing Brings Strong Men To Their Knees.
Chapter 11: Wag the Wizard
Chapter 12: Why are you cutting yourself?!
Chapter 13: Why is My Phone in the Microwave?
Chapter 14: Numb.
Chapter 15: Martha The Mystic
Chapter 16: Downfall of a Dear Friend.
Chapter 17: It's Too Late.
Chapter 18: The Purge Returns.
Chapter 19: My Decisions
Chapter 20: I Look Like Crap.
Chapter 21: Free The Chickens!
Chapter 22: Depression?
Chapter 23: My First Night Terror.
Chapter 24: Andor? Or Alister?
Chapter 25: GO AWAY, He's Mine Now.
Chapter 26: A Disease?
Chapter 27: Im Sorry I Hit You With a Mail Box.
Chapter 28: High
Chapter 30: Witchery and Getting Stabbed
Chapter 31: Wine or Tasty Poison?
Chapter 32: What Have You Done?
Chapter 33: The Bloody Rose
Chapter 34: Helgrind and Martha.
Chapter 35: Franklin the Transparent Pig.
Chapter 36: Promises and Realization.
Chapter 37: Love You Like Im Gonna Lose You.
Chapter 38: Marriage Makes Me Cringe.
Chapter 39: Steves Capture and Sparklez's Sickness.
Chapter 40: My OCD Seems to Love Him.
Chapter 41: The Rescue Mission
Chapter 42: Andor, An Angel With No Wings.
Chapter 43: Pushed Limits and Healing
Chapter 44: Andors Wings and Toms Outburst.
Chapter 45: Tom is So Jelly.
Chapter 46: Andor's Dreams.
Chapter 47: I Am Your Grandfather. Except Not Really.
Chapter 48: Death Strikes.
Chapter 49: Demons Come for Us.
Chapter 50: BOOMBA!
Chapter 51: My boyfriend is on Meth?
Chapter 52: The Intervention.
Chapter 53: I Get a New Ginger Roomate.
Chapter 54: Labels and Commitment.
Chapter 55: My Life Changes.
Chapter 56: I Make a Ring in Under Five Minutes.
Chapter 57: Observation Bot.
Chapter 58: Tom goes Insane.
Chapter 59: Im Sorry I Broke Your Nose.
Chapter 60: Steve and Marthas Wedding.
Chapter 61: Confessions.
Chapter 62: Revenge is Not Sweet.
Chapter 63: I'm Selfish.
Chapter 64: Tom and Rosie
Chapter 65: The Beast has Awoken
Chapter 66: A Forbidden Love Blooms
Chapter 67: The Verdict
Chapter 68: The Tower Is Destroyed
Chapter 69: In Sickness and Health
Chapter 70: The Truth is Revealed
Chapter 71: I'm Sorry for Resisting You, Officer
Chapter 72: I've Made a Mistake
Chapter 73: Gross Feelings
Chapter 74: Journey To Urulu
Chapter 75: Nightmares and Memories of the Past
Chapter 76: Mot and Alyssa
Chapter 77: The Lu Lu Bar
Chapter 78: Tiff and Lola
Chapter 79: DG Worker and the Gossipers
Chapter 80: My Fate
Thank You.

Chapter 29: Captain Sparklez, Impregnator of Gods.

4.4K 138 121
By Its_Lee_

"Catch it you wimp! My grand mum can catch a frisbee better than you ever could!"

"Shut up Tom! You suck at this too!"

I laughed as I watched the two bicker while throwing the red frisbee around. I was laying underneath the shade of an oak tree with Wag sitting beside me, asleep.
My hands were rested underneath my head and my legs stretched out in absolute comfort.
Last night, I didn't have one nightmare or vision. Tom and I got plenty of rest and we were feeling great. So the whole group decided today was a great day to hang out since everyone was feeling so fantastic.

"Are they still playing with that infernal object?" I heard Wag mutter from underneath his dark hood.

"The frisbee? Yes, and they really do suck at it."

"Watch this..." He raised his hand out from his body and began to circle his fingers around, causing a tiny wind essence form in his hand.
He flung the essence towards the frisbee, causing it to go completely in the other direction, into the statue of taint.

"Wow, great job Tucker!" Tom groaned as he rolled his eyes.

"It wasn't my bad aim this time! I blame nature!" Tucker threw his hands up in defense.

"Mother nature sure does hate your as-"


I heard the loudest thud I'd ever heard in my entire life. The ground I was sitting on began to shake, Tom and Tucker fell as it did. I saw Sonja run over to us from her house with a terrified expression on her face.


My mind started to race, my head was getting huge waves of pain, my eye sight began to lose focus.
I was going to have another vision.
I heard Tom yell my name as I began to twitch violently. I didn't have control over my body, I tried to yell for help, but I couldn't move or speak willingly.

"The hold it's had on me has gone on far enough...I must rise. Help me rise hero. Please."

Ianites whispers were like music to my brain. I stood, without thinking it, and began walking towards the statue. I was still twitching and my body was burning as if my skin was on fire. I could see my friends trying to get to me, to stop me, but they kept falling from the quakes. My body faced the abomination of taint. My mind seems to fuse together as I prayed for my lady, my body collapsing onto my knees.

"Rise my lady, rise," I whispered.

The earthquakes grew stronger as a silhouette of white bloomed from the taint. Her figure shaped its shadow, her body twisting from the taint.
I gasped hard as I felt my body being released. I fell flat on my stomach with my right hand supporting me and my left over my accelerating heart.
She's here. She woke up.
My lady was free.
"Where are you...I can help you..." I whispered to the white silhouette form above the taint.
"Two...four...six...eight...two...four...six...eight..." I heard her whisper.
My mind went straight to the end.

I heard footsteps approach as the quakes died down.
"Jordan! What just happened?! Why does the statue have a lady on it?!"
Tucker bombarded me with questions.

"She's...she's in the end."

I picked myself up and ran. My mind was no where else. She needed my help.

"Sparklez! Wait!" I heard Tom yell.

The end portal was only a few miles away. I would get there very fast.
I could hear my friends footsteps behind me as I ran to the portal. They were coming with me.
I jumped down the hole that led into the portal room. When I approached the portal I jumped in immediantly. No second thoughts.
I teleported to the end and began to take off for the coordinates when I felt a hand wrap around my wrist.

"Wait up man! We wanna help her just as much as you do, tell us the coordinates of where she is!"

"2468, -2468," I mumbled. I didn't want to wait. She needed me.

"Alright, let's go! Every one stick together and don't split up, we could get lost in this abyss."
The End was pretty much like a dark labyrinth, it was hard to find your way back out.

"Does everyone have flying abilities?" I heard Wag ask.

"Dangit, I forgot my angel ring..." I mentally cursed myself.

The others flew off and Tom stayed behind. He wrapped his hand around my waist and began to fly up, following everyone else.
"Thanks..." I said quietly.

"You're welcome Sparkley pants."

It seemed like forever as we shifted our way through the dark End. Only little specs of islands were the only land nearby. The rest was just utter darkness.
I heard Tucker yell something up ahead, but I couldn't hear it. Everyone in front of us began to fly downward, Tom as caught off balance and accidentally flew past the downward slope.
He cursed under his breath and circled back around towards the slope.

I saw it, where she was.
It was small and secluded, hidden in the endstone of a small island.
I heard our friends talking as we landed. Everyone was crowded around the door way of the small little home.
I pushed my way through them, I needed to see her.
I finally shoved pass Wag and there she sat.

She was in a wooden chair, bent over with her hair covering her face. She was shivering from the cold house and she was wearing the dress I had seen her wear many times, except this one was ripped and torn.
"My-my lady?"
She slowly raised her head and used her right hand to pull back her hair.
Her eyes. They were so beautiful. I had never seen them before.
Whenever I saw Ianite, she was either wearing a blind fold or her hair was covering her face. I never had seen her eyes before.
I stared in amazement and she stared back at me with her beautiful purple eyes.
She began breathing fast, her face brightened.
She stood from her chair and I could feel the others begin to back a way as she stood.
She walked to me and placed her hand on my cheek.
"Sp-sparks? Is that really you?" She whispered.
"Yes, do you remember me?"
"Sparks! Oh my Sparks! How I've missed you!"
She sobbed as she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me.

She kissed me.

What in gods name is happening?

"Wait what? What?!" I heard Sonja shout.

She pulled away and looked happily into my eyes.
But then her eyes started to dart towards my glasses and clothes.
She unwrapped her arms from me and slowly backed away.

"You...you aren't sparks...not my Sparks...who are you?! What have you done to my spark plug?!" She yelled angrily at me.

"I-I don't know! I'm your follower! CaptainSparklez!"

"No you're not! You're not him! Spark acts nothing like you! You imposter! How dare you impersonate him! I should kill you for impersonating my Sparks!"
She screamed at me.

What had I done wrong? Why was she talking about this Sparks guy?

She strikes me against the face and I winced as I felt her hand connect with my jaw. For a goddess, she had a very powerful fist. I fell flat on my back and she stood over me, ready to beat the ever loving crap out of me.
I raised my hand up in fear.

"Stop, please! I just wanna help you! I don't know who Sparks is but I know my name is Jordan! Please you have to remember me! I'm your follower! From the land of Mianite? Please!"
I heard pounding footsteps as I heard Tom rush over to check on me.

"Are you insane woman?! He dedicates his life to you and you slap him in the face?! What's wrong with you?! He's the one who saved your sorry ass from the taint, you witch!" He hissed.
Ianite face softened, her hand fell back to her side. She looked at me as if she had just realized something.

"Oh my...I know what's happened here...you are from another universe. Not this one...you aren't Sparks, you are another sparks..."

She raised her hand to her mouth and guilt spread over her face.
She knelt down beside me and held my cheek.
"I'm so sorry! I struck without proper justification! Oh my, are you alright?!"

"Another universe? What does that mean?"

"There is another you, and it is my Sparks. Just as there is another me. Are you okay then? Do you need to ice it?"

"No...Tom why are we in another universe? Why would our Ianite bring us here?"

"I don't know. I'm so confused," he said puzzled.

"Welp then that's it. We're never going home," Sonja sighed as she sat down on the wooden floor.

"I'm sure there must be someway we can get back to the land," Wag assured her.

"Another universe...I can't believe it...does that mean there are other us?" Tucker questioned.

"I suppose there is. You all look very much like my Spark plugs friends."

"So wait, who is Sparklez to you? Your follower or boyfriend?" Wag asked confused.

"Spark was my lover. He gave me my children, he created this town for me. He was my soul mate. But years ago he disappeared, along with his friends, and no one could find them. It's what caused me to go into this sleep..."

The kitchen was silent for a moment.

Tucker and Tom burst out laughing and clutched their stomachs. Sonja giggled too and Wag just shook his head and smiled.

"What? What's so funny about her husband disappearing?"

"It's-HAHA! It's not that!" Tucker wheezed out.
"CaptainSparklez, impregnator of Gods!" Tom yelled.

Everyone started cackling at the joke. But I still didn't think it was funny. She lost her love, just like I did. I know how much that hurt.

I turned to her, I could tell she was offended by the joke. Her eyes were down to the floor and her hair covering part of her face again.

"I'm sorry. They are complete idiots. I know how it feels to lose a loved one, I'm...proud of you for coming back. It must have been really challenging to do."

She smiled brightly and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"You must have been the one praying for my return. I should be proud of you, your dreams, prayers, and visions have helped me in so many ways. Thank you, hero."
She hugged me gently, her skin was so cold. No wonder she was shivering.
When she pulled away I took off my black jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders.

"You're freezing. You can keep that for awhile...if you want."

"Don't get her pregnant again Sparklez!" Sonja laughed. The laughter from everyone else ensued. I rolled my eyes and groaned. My friends are idiots.
Ianite giggled. "Indeed they are. But that's why you love them so."

"You can read my mind?" I asked amazed.

"Yes, but only the minds of those who follow me. I can't read those hooligans minds, and maybe I should be thankful for that." She rolled her eyes.

'So...were you the one giving me the visions and weird dreams?' I thought to myself.

"No, well it was not my actual being that gave you them. My subconscious might have, and I apologize for that. My subconscious likes to torture me and put me down, and that would include torturing my own loyal followers to make me angry. Don't worry, they won't be bothering you any longer. I'll make sure of it." She gave me a reassuring smile.

Wow, she could really read my mind.

"Indeed!" She laughed.

"Okay okay, we're sorry for laughing. It's just that the thought of Sparklez boning anyone is very unlikely, he's still a virgin," Tom laughed.

Oh my god.

I put my hands over my face and groaned loudly.
I was still a virgin, but he didn't have to point that out, especially in front of my goddess.
"Oh Spark was quite awkward when we first made love, but over time he came more...aggressive," She giggled.

My face was a deep shade of red as my whole group of friends laughed until tears came to their eyes. I'm so done.

I walked out of the small house and into the tiny little forest of ender plants. I saw an old log laying on the ground and I sat down on it with my hands rubbing my eyes. The mere thought of me making love with Ianite made me feel so embarrassed and weird that I felt like puking.

I heard a poofing sound in front of me, and thinking it was an enderman, I stood up and pulled my sword out of its holster.

"Whoa whoa! I came to apologize! Please be nice!"
Ianites hands went up defensively as she backed away slowly.

"Oh. Sorry." I sat back down on the log and put my sword away.

"I shouldn't have made any jokes of intimacy, I made you uncomfortable. Would you be so kind as to forgive my perverted mind?"

I laughed when she said the last part. "Yeah sure. It's just me being awkward and stuck up anyway. Tom says I can never take a joke."

"Well you just laughed at mine, I think you can take them. You are just very polite and kind is all, and I admire that. It's a quality that I don't posses as much...I should also apologize again for striking you. I thought you were some brat impersonating my Spark Plug and I was angry."

"It's cool, I can understand why you would think that."

"Well since things have been mended, I must go."

"Where are you going? Don't go back to the taint, please. You're stronger than-"

"Oh no! I'm not going to the taint or my subconscious. I'm going to find some fresh clothing and maybe meditate for awhile."

"Oh that's cool. Can I maybe...ask a favor of you?"

"Of course! What would that be?"

"Is there any way you can slow the taint down a bit? It's starting to make its way into my friends houses and-"

"Oh my goodness! I almost forgot! Come with me!"
She grabbed my forearm as indigo smoke surrounded us, indicating we were teleporting.

We arrived on the mainland, near the giant taint creature.
She faced the creature with a hard look on her face.

"It's time I stop hiding and face the cruel world. Be gone you abomination!"
She spread her hands and purple lightening struck the taint structure. Gusts of lavender dust and wind appeared out of no where and surrounded the monster, completely engulfing it. I watched her eyes light up and her hair float up into the air as she summoned more wind, dust, and lightning.
The clouds opened up and the taint was sucked up into them, the wind went faster and so did the dust as one by one the tainted blocks disappeared into thin air.
And then, just as soon as it began, it had ended.
The taint monster was gone, everything was gone. The dead grass and dried dirt was all that remained of it. A lone red frisbee was really the only thing left on the dead land.

"That. Was the greatest thing. I have ever seen."

"Oh it was nothing! But I wouldn't advise getting me irritated, or I might let the sky filter you as well..." She smiled deviously.

"Never will I make you angry. And if I do, please have mercy on me."

"I'll consider it, hero." She turned time and wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my cheek. I hugged her back, it was the polite thing to do...I guess.

Then she vanished, and I was standing alone with a scarlet red face.

Needless to say, I kind of liked this Ianite better.
*clears throat* okay, my spirit animal aside, hello lovelies! I've missed you so! It feels like it's been years since I last read a comment...sadness.

So the state trip was pretty great, but I was miserable the whole time because of some drama from home and on the trip. I didn't really get a lot of sleep (which means none) because of said drama, so I decided hey! Why not write out my emotions into my gay fanfiction book! *makes sparkle rainbow with her hands*

Guys I'm not gonna lie to you, I feel like utter crap. This weekend sucked and I really wanted to go home as soon as I arrived. My so called friends did not do a single thing to comfort me or help my situation, not giving a flying stanky crap about me. (Sorry I use the word crap all the time. I don't like saying cursey things...LOL!) Which made me feel even worse.

Anyway, let's get all that depressing stuff aside. I just needed to share this junk with people who actually might care a little about me. I love you guys... ;(

I'm now turning on my happy switch.


I missed the streams a bunch, and I'm glad Jordan edits them or else I wouldn't have had time to watch any videos of Mianite xD


And the best news yet, Wags face is still beautiful. Goodnight everyone!
I'll be wallowing in self pity for the night if you need me!

Have a wonderful day tomorrow! Leave a favorite if you enjoyed, thanks! -Lee
(P.s: there might be a few spelling errors because I was writing this while having an emotional break down. My bad guys, I'm terrible at this <3)

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