"He said, when you live in a lie long enough, it eventually becomes truth. We get lost in the comfort provided by the sun that we forget the light can blind us as easily as the deepest darkness. You must not see with your eyes but your soul, only then will you be free from the blinding lights and empty darkness. Only with a balanced body, mind and spirit will you step into the true world. Do you know what this means?"

The guards paid him no mind but one curious guard asked him, "what are you getting at?" The others looked at him sternly. It is a strict rule not to interact in any form with this inmate outside of protocol unless they absolutely have to. But then they remembered he's a new guy so they ignored it.

The man stayed silent for a few seconds. He took a deep breath and then spoke. "I am no longer blind! I have stepped into the True World and as one of the chosen I shall lead the other chosen to the new promised land!"

The man abruptly rose to his feet, twisting his torso to face the steel door as both his palms ripped apart the air.

If Lei Bao was here, he would be enthralled. Everyone one of the man's movements were clean and refined. His every action contained so much power that a vacuum formed around him. This is the pinnacle of martial arts he so desperately wished to reach.

And if Shi Feng were to witness this he would be shocked also. Shi Feng would have noticed hints of some of God's Domain complex combat techniques in the man's attack.

As the man's palms slammed into the door, a shock wave spread to each corner of the door. Long web like cracks appeared on the see through floor. Anyone would be terrified but not this man.

Suddenly the heavy steel door flew from the wall and slammed the four guards in front of it. The guards flew with the heavy steel door. Only the guard that spoke before managed to barely dodge. The inmate had just done something beyond human capabilities, none of them could believe it.

The man slowly walked out of his used to be cage, not one hint of joy or sadness on his face.

The man glanced to the side and noticed one of the guards. The guard looked a mess and coughed heavily. The man didn't pay him no mind as he raised his hand ready to strike.

But before he could slam his fist, the guard quickly spoke, "Boss! Wait! Wait! It's me, Old Shen!"

The man quickly halted his strike. He helped the guard up as he said, "Old Shen?! It really is you. But what are you doing here?"

Old Shen finished coughing then spoke in a joyful tone, "what other reason would we be here for. Cough, cough. Those bastards from the organization may have abandoned you but not us Boss."

A subtle smile appeared on the man's face. "I knew I was right to choose you. But you just said we, not I. Are there more of the others with you?"

Old Shen chuckled a little, "about half the staff working here are our men. We had to take things slow so as to not look suspicious and rise to higher positions, but it looks like you didn't need our help."

"Nonsense. Your plan clearly exceeds mine. I'll leave this break out to you."

"You can count on me Boss. When we get out of here we'll head to one of the Atlas Group's Sky Cities. It's not as good as the Green God's Company upper zones but you will be able to recover faster there than anywhere else.

I see you also managed to reach that realm. You should start playing God's Domain to solidify your foundations and improve faster," Old Shen said as they walked.

"God's Domain?" The man asked with a skeptical look on his face.

Shen explained. "It's the newest virtual reality video game, and the whole world is practically playing it by now. It's been out for around a year."

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