I turn my head with a look of satisfaction when I see food filling up the table.

Catherine says, with a smile that reminds me of a snake, "The cook must have been busy trying to make sure that you build up your strength."

"Of course."

Catherine laughs, pointing to the food. "You should eat well so you can get well soon. Although the Healing God has cast a spell on you, you must eat all of it well to get better."

Wow, look at you.

In an attempt to put even more pressure on me, she even repeats, "You have to eat it all."

When I was in Korea, I didn't know many wicked people.

Yet here...the children of Satan are everywhere, and they need to be defeated.

"Yes, thank you."

I smile bitterly and hold up my fork. "Tell the cook I'll eat well, Catherine."

"Yes, madam."

Sighing, I cut a little bit of the lamb and put it into mouth.

As I chew it as if I am trying to blow out smoke, like I'm feeling nauseous, I could see Catherine's eyes heading toward the maids behind me.

Maybe she thought this would be my first and last bite.

But—I once again wrinkle my forehead with a deep sigh, slice the lamb and put it in my mouth. The tenderness of the lamb, which practically melts in the mouth, oozes out with its juice.

It's delicious.

The rich flavor at the tip of the tongue, like the aftertaste, shows that this the best, young lamb.

Maybe Catherine would have eaten this if I didn't finish it.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to have such luxurious ingredients to eat without Charles.

Thanks to him, I'm able to eat this well.

The fresh salad on the side is also cut and put into the mouth.

Is this lemon juice?

I think she sprayed lemon juice on purpose to prevent Abella from eating, but I rather like how refreshing my mouth feels.

Then, I decide that I should at least leave one of Abella's tastes alone.


Sighing, I push the salad bowl forward slightly. Then I cut the lamb, frowning as if I couldn't eat it.


At first, I cut the end slightly, but now, I put the knife on the side where the juice is.

"... ..."

I could feel the maids who came in to wait on me exchanging glances among themselves, along with Catherine's stiff expression.

This is ridiculous.

It's painful.

I purposely pick out foods that I couldn't touch, but I ate them so well.

Just like when I woke up.

Didn't they tell me to eat breakfast like an emperor?

Of course, I don't think the emperor would eat like this.

I frown, and with a shrug, continue to unhappily cut the meat.

"Hmm." I put the shredded meat into my mouth to munch. This lamb has a very different flavor.

Wow, this is really good.

Shivering all over, I wanted to express this delicious taste to everyone because this savory meat is so juicy, and tender that beef can't even compare.

It's so delicious!

If I were in Korea, I would have wiggle my shoulders and waved my hands up and down, but what I can do now is, I can only laugh because I'm the one who shouldn't be able to eat this food.


It's so hard to hold back the excitement, especially since I have been munching deliciously but have to make a bad expression instead. It's very difficult have a distaste for it, even though I ate it all up without leaving a trace behind.


This is so delicious! It's the best!

Sigh—I'm full.

Let's sit down in the bedroom, and pats my belly since it was such a satisfactory meal.

A young maid, who stands guard after the other maids have fled because of the earlier morning's fuss, asks bluntly. "Would you like some tea?"

Did you say Pope?

I always remember that she does chores that others were reluctant to do.

Abella also remembered her as such. Though blunt, Abella has been treated well at least on the day Pope served.

"Yes, thank you."


From Abella's memory, Pope's nodding her head with a blunt expression turns familiar, making me laugh.

To be honest, she's a much more comfortable presence because she's more sincere. However, Pope doesn't seem to care about my assessment of her.

"This is the new tea leaf."

With a no nonsense look on her face, she puts the teacup on the table. Other maids used to shake their hands, as if they were possessed of tea leaves that were more expensive than gold powder, but Pope's very calm.

Adding expensive sugar is also without problem.

I'm quite satisfied.

"Your grace."

"Ah, yes."

"We couldn't add the milk today because there's a problem with it."


I'm disappointed to hear that there's no milk because I was quite looking forward to black tea with milk and sugar.

I can't help it.

It isn't something that I could always take out of the refrigerator like in Korea.


The moment I raise my hand to hold a cup of tea, swallowing my regret, something happens.


Somehow I feel pain running from my neck to my shoulders.

Why, am I sick?





Note: Longships were seagoing vessels made and used for trade, exploring, and raiding.

I really thought she was poisoned by Pope. What great irony would that have been... Lol.

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