The Family for Me

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Man I hate Thanksgiving.

Like I get it, shoving food into your mouth is fun and all but with a group of people? No way. It's not that I'm an introvert, it's just that I have a really bad history with Thanksgiving. My mom was very strict when it came to Thanksgiving. Everyone had to act proper when family came over. That means I would be forced into wearing these tight clothes, talk to people I've never met, and have to be watched over by everyone. If I even did one thing wrong, my mom would flip. Once I accidentally tripped and spilled gravy on the floor and myself and my mom snapped at me everytime I tried to talk to her for a week.

It was always like this. My mom and I always had a toxic relationship to the point when I was 16 I ran away from home. That's when I met my current boyfriend Adam. His parents let me stay with them for a while during that time. Ever since, Adam has stuck by me. We've been roommates from every house we ever set foot in. We were inseparable, no wonder we fell in love. Even though I love Adam's family, I still hate Thanksgiving. Too many bad memories of one of the most painful moments of my life. Lucky for me, Adam knew that.

"Which shirt should I wear? White or black?" Adam asked. I shrugged as I kicked back in bed, still in my pajamas.

"Come on Y/N, at least get dressed. I know you don't like this holiday but you should still look good. We're having it at my place this year and I want to make sure everything is perfect."

"I know Mr. Fancy Pants," I said, getting up and giving Adam a sly look. "And you'll do an amazing job. I'm sorry if I haven't been taking this that seriously it's just, it makes me feel like I'm trapped again. But, I'll do the best that I can to help you before everyone is here."

"Thanks sweetie~" Adam whispered.

"By the way, you look really cute in white. White with a black jacket should do nicely." I say, pecking his cheek and watching his cheeks turn a light pink. He's really cute.


After an hour of helping Adam set up for dinner, the door bell rang. This was my sign to go hide in my room and pretend I don't exist. Adam normally finds a way to sneak up dinner incase I'm starving to death. All I have to do is next him and he'll try whatever he can to make sure I'm eating.'

Downstairs, I hear them all talking to each other and giving hugs the way people on on holidays. Something about how grown up and mature Adam looks I think. Part of me wishes that I could join them but, it's a family holiday and I'm not family. I don't even need one. I'm perfectly happy with just Adam and I, and that's the next thing the stated to go on about : How adorable of a couple we are.

I heard Adam's shy chuckle as his parents talked about me. "Oh that sweet Y/N, you better be treating her well honey. She's one of those people you'll never forget." His mom said. I heard his siblings Caleb and Allie chucking in the background. "And go easy on her, your still a little young for kids," his Dad added.

I could almost imagine the amount of red Adam's face must be. Almost as red as mine. We've only been dating for a couple of months, we've never even thought of's whatever. It's just harmless teasing.

I lied back for a couple of hours and eventually was about to take a nap. I was peacefully in my habitat. I woke up to the feeling of an empty stomach, which was very uncomfortable for me. I didn't have any snacks to keep my down for another hour or so. I grabbed my phone and texted Adam but he didn't respond. I decided to call him, didn't respond. After a couple of minutes, my stomach was annoying me so I decided to sneak down and see if any food was left over.

Lucky for me, they haven't even touched the food yet, leaving plenty of choices. I should quickly be making it out. I grabbed a plate and some silverware and stared at everything: The warm mashed potatoes, the hot corn on the sob, the steaming sweet potatoes, the delicious cranberry sauce, and the giant turkey with stuffing. I could also smell a huge apple pie being baked in the oven. I hope they brought ice cream to top it and a sprinkle of cinnamon, maybe some whipped cream. I love apple pie.

My mouth watered as I tried to make a dent in the food until, "Y/N you're here!" I heard Adam's mom cheer. I turned around from the meal and saw the kind woman pull me into a hug. Adam popped in as the rest of his family was shocked by my arrival. I gave Adam a worried glare as I tried my best to hug his mom, being as nice as I could.

"Adam said you were out of town this year? What are you doing in the kitchen?" Caleb asked.

I tried to come up with some kind of explanation to my presents but I could come up with any. I looked to Adam to save me but he shrugged.

"Well whatever the reason may be, now you can spend Thanksgiving with us. We were just about to have dinner!" Allie said, catching me up. The rest of the family nodded seeming excited.

"Oh...I-I would love to but...I'm not even dressed. Plus, I'm sure you all would rather have a meal together without a ran-do coming in," I suggested.

"Nonsense you must sit with us. Mark, Caleb, Adam, you three can help bring the food over while I set up Y/N seat at the table." Adam's mom ordered. They all got to work moving around. Once the table was set, we all sat down as Adam looks over to me and takes my hand, "You doing okay?" He whispers. I shrug and squeeze his hand as I look at the family who's way too excited to have me here.

"Isn't this nice? Our whole family together at the same place celebrating a holiday." Adam's Dad said cheerfully. It only made me feel more guilty.

"Yeah...except me. Sorry about that again." I mumbled.

"What do you mean Y/N? Of course you're apart of our family." Adam's Dad said. I perked up in confusion and shock.

"You don't remember how half o was to have another girl in our house. It was great talking to about pretty much anything we wanted." Allie said.

"Also you were a pretty amazing gamer. We used to hang out all the time before Adam over here took all the attention." Caleb added. Adam stuck his tongue out at him, he responded the same.

"And you were such a lovely helper. Why it was like having another daughter. You may not be blood related but, you've always felt like family to us."

I teared up a little bad I looked around the table. "'ve all been so nice to me ever since I ran away. Now here I am, hiding away in my room instead of being grateful for all of you. You're the family that...I always wanted for myself and I was lucky enough to meet you. I'm really sorry for now coming down earlier...this holiday just...brings back bad memories and..."

"You don't need to say any more, we understand. Just know that, we love you very much and you're welcome for any and all holidays." Adam's Mom said.

I couldn't of smiled brighter. I love Thanksgiving.

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