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It was a few months after Y/N broke her ankle. It was healing quicky and she was starting to miss walking normally. But at last, it was time for her check up. Of course, that wasn't going to be ok with Adam.

"You're going where!?" Adam asked in a panic.

"To my doctor's office. I need to see if I can take off this stupid cast."

"Is that nurse dude gonna be there?"

"Probably. He is kinda my personal nurse. He has been for a while now. Is that a problem?"

"N-no! I just think I should go with you. Just in case you need help."

Y/N rolled her eyes. She knew that Adam just wanted to make sure Nurse Bryon kept his distance from her. It was nice of him for caring, but she really didn't need him. "Fine. You can come, but for emotional support. I was there for you when you had jaw surgery." Adam gladly took the offer and drove Y/N to the office.


Y/N sat on the bed in her room. Adam sat in the chair next to her. Suddenly, Nurse Bryon walked into the room. "Hello Y/N, nice to see you doing well." he said. Y/N shook his hand willingly. Adam glared at the nurse again. "And it seems you have a friend again. Wonderful..."

"Oh this is Adam." Y/N introduced. "He's just here for emotional support and for the free ride. Anyway, can I finally take this cast off yet?"

"We'll see. First, let's take a new x-ray." Nurse Bryon helped Y/N down and walked her into the room. Adam followed closely behind, watching in case the nurse got too close. When they got to the room Y/N went alone and the two guys stood outside of the room.

When the x-ray was clear the nurse gave it to the doctor and left. "Thank God he's gone." Adam muttered. Y/N lightly shoved Adam. "Come on, he didn't do anything wrong. Just chill dude. I wasn't watching over your nurse.

"That's because he was a dude and you know I'm straight." Adam said proudly.

"Do I though?" Y/N questioned. Adam blushed and lightly pushed Y/N. She giggled as he covered her cheek with kisses. Adam ran his fingers through her hair and horns. "Come on, not here. Let's go back to my room."

The doctor came and explained that Y/N was good to go with her ankle, but was prescribed some physical therapy. The couple were happy with the good news, especially Y/N, who was sick of her itchy, drawn on, cast.

Nurse Bryon came back with a sharp object in hand. "Ok, time to take off that cast." he said. Y/N's happiness faded fast once she saw the sharp object. Adam held her shoulder and looked at her. "It's ok, I'm here for you and Nurse Bryon knows what he's doing. And if you want I can hold your hand while they take the cast off." Adam said calmly.

Y/N held Adam's hand and squeezed it a little as she got the cast token off. Adam happily glared at the nurse. He could see the anger in his eyes even though he was focusing on Y/N.

"Ok, now that it's off I need to go over a few things with Y/N. Adam can you please step out for a minute?"

"What? Why? What are you gonna ask her?" Adam said defensively.

"Adam." Y/N whined. "Just go. You don't need to watch over me I can take care of myself." Adam sighed and walked out of the room in defeat, but left the door cracked just in case.

"Good, now that he's gone, your obviously going to need physical help for your ankle. Can you walk around normally?" the nurse asked. Y/N stood up and walked around the room a little. "Yup."

"Good. You feeling better?"

"Yeah. Much better. Thanks for everything."

"No problem. There's just one more question that I'd like to ask." The nurse walked over and pinned Y/N to a wall. "Would you want to go out on a date with me?" he asked.

Y/N quicky pushed him back. "I'm sorry, I can't. I'm not interested." She nervously tried to walk out of the room.

"Why? You're not actually seeing that idiot I'm the glasses are you?"

"Hey! That's my boyfriend your talking about. He's the sweetest person I know. He's funny, talented, and awesome to be around. And yeah he may not be the smartest tool in the shed but he tries his best and he's super loyal to me. I would happily be with him rather than with you." Y/N yelled.

Adam was standing outside listening to every word she said. He blushed a little, knowing that Y/N felt that way about him. She stormed out of the room and stood next to Adam. "Come on, just give me a chance." the nurse begged pulling on Y/N's tail. She slapped him across the face. "Get out of my sight of you'll be on a cast." The nurse walked off quicky, in fear of what the shorter demon could do.

Adam lightly tapped her on the shoulder. "I guess I owe you an apology. You obviously can take care of yourself and don't need me watching you. Plus, you looked kinda hot taking on that jerk." Adam admitted. Y/N pecked his cheek, "Thanks Adam."


Adam and Y/N got to Y/N's house. The two were sitting on her bed on their phones. "You know I'm still wondering?" Y/N started, "Why did he want to go out with me anyway? I'm not that impressive."

"Are you kidding me? Of course he wanted to go out with you!" Adam said. "You're probably the most kindest strongest, smartest person he ever met. You're probably the bravest person he knows. Not to mention that you're beautiful, probably the most beautiful person I, I-I mean he has ever seen. How could he not fall for you?"

Y/N stared at Adam in awe. "You really think of me like that?"

"Yeah... Do you think of me the way you told him back in the office?"

"You heard that?"

"Yeah, it honestly made my day..."

"Well yeah, of course I do."

Adam rested his forehead on Y/N's. The two stared into each other's eyes. "I love you." Adam whispered. "I love you too." Y/N whispered back. The two shared a passionate kiss and then a few rough ones before it became a small make out session. Then they cuddled in bed while watching YouTube.

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