Chocolates and Roses (Scrapped)

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I throw myself on to my bed and cover myself in blankets and pillows. Finally I had cleaned my entire house. It definitely wasn't easy since it's so dirty. Really should be cleaned more but it's so much work! Plus, the only reason I did it today in such a hurry was because I'd have a visitor. My friend Adam would be coming over to spend Valentine's Day with me since neither of us have anyone to spend the day with. I already got him a present set up for him and a whole day pf movies and games planned which I didn't need to do but fuck it you know?

I felt myself slowly begin to drift into a nap as I heard a doorbell ring. Suddenly, I realized that I was still in my pajamas. Quickly, I changed into something much nicer, a light sweater with a buttoned shirt, some pants, and some comfy and soft shoes. I dashed downstairs, my feet making the room shake as I yanked the massive door open.

"Adam! Great to see you!" I said quietly.

"Hey Y/N..!" Adam said softly. He was dressed in a gray sweater with white and red stripes, and black jeans with a collar that poked out from under his sweater.

"Happy Valentine's Day bud!" I said with open arms, pulling him into a soft hug. He returned the hug and snuggled into my neck a bit. The hug stayed for longer than expected but he was comfy so I let it happen. "Happy Valentine's shortie."

We both awkwardly chuckled and I let Adam sit on my couch, I noticed he had a bag with him and I immediately began to wonder what was inside that Earth destroying piece of plastic.

"Hey what's that?" I asked quietly.

"Oh! Well uh I thought I could bring something we could eat together! See these are steaks shaped like roses! I saw them at he store and I thought it would be funny if we could cook them so I was wondering..."

"Oh yeah sure! They're adorable Adam! I hope they're tasty too!" I say excitedly as I take the roses to de-frost in the kitchen since they were still cold. I suggested some video games to play while we waited for everything to defrost. Adam agreed as we started up a game of Super Smash Bros.

A couple of rounds of Adam relentless beating me up and winning, I suggested Adam watch a show or movie while I start seasoning the food. We we're both aware that Adam wasn't a very good chief and would probably burn down my kitchen by accident. Adam took the opportunity to switch to an anime while I was in the kitchen. Once I was finished as out there food in to cook, I sat back next to him.

"Isn't this a romance anime?" I asked him as I sat down.

"Maybe but I think it's pretty cool. Plus it's in season."

"Valentines Day is so fucking lousy anyways."

( I couldn't think of anything else but I still wanted to put something out here so have this. Sorry :')

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