The Gift (Male Reader)

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Adam's POV

I took the ring out of my pocket and just started at it. This small diamond in silver we call jewelry was going to change my life forever. My boyfriend, Y/N, the hottest and cutest guy in the entire world, was hopefully going to wear this. I wanna marry him, I want to know that he'll be mine forever and I'll be his. I want to start a family with him. I want to begin the rest of our lives together.

The thing is I'm nervous as hell. I've been trying to find the right time to propose, and I have. I get too nervous to get a word out and end up messing the whole thing up. Tonight we're going out for a Valentines Day dinner. I'm taking him out for a carriage ride around the park after we finish our meal. I can't chicken out this time.

"Hey Adam!" Y/N called.

I hid the ring back into my pocket and looked up into his glimmering eyes. God those eyes. They're diamonds already.

"Hey horny, ready to go on that date~?"

"Whatever shortie. You look really handsome by the way."

"Heh...thanks" he said, blushing lightly as I took his hand and walked him on our way.


After dinner we waited by the place I was told to meet the carriage. I will pretty anxious since it was running late and Y/N was confused on what I was planning.

"Come on Addy~! Give me a hint on what your planning! We've been waiting here for like an hour and nothing happened. This is boring." he complained.

"Be patient baby. My surprise should be coming any minute now. Just sit tight." I whispered, brushing his hair to the side. He giggled like a kid who just got a nee you kn Christmas until his eyes caught sight of the carriage. The driver apologized for being late but I let it slide. Ether way, Y/N was happy.

"Oh my gosh! Adam this is so cool! We're riding in this!?" He asked.

I love his enthusiasm. "Yeah of course! Let me help you inside stinky~"

Once we both got in safe and sound the driver got the horses to move. Y/N couldn't help but let their eyes wonder around ever path. I knew he would love this.

"This is the best ride I've ever been on Addy."

"Really? Cause this is the second best ride over been on?"

"What ride could top this?"

I raised an eye brown and glanced down at Y/N's waist.

"Cut that our horny!!!" He yelled, playfully punching my arm.

I laughed and wagged my tail out of the flustered excitement. "Okay okay I'm sorry! I'm sorry."

After a while of us cuddling we finally made it back to our spot. We thank the driver and hop off the carriage ride. "Adam that was the best surprise in the world. You're so caring ever since the day I met you. You always took good care of me and listened to all of my struggles. You made me feel better and helped me become more confident. You are the best boyfriend I could ask for...which is why I want to surprise you with this."

Y/N got down on one knee and slide his hand into his pocket. My cheeks flushed as my heart pounded. Small tears were in the corners of my eyes as I gasped.


I walked into the jewelry store and slide my ring on the counter. "I'd like to return this engagement ring."

The women at the counter gave me a sorrowful look, "I'm so sorry Mister."

"No no! It's okay really." I said, holding up the engagement ring on my finger. "He asked me first."

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