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Adam's POV

I casually walked up to Y/N's door and rang the doorbell. I was used to being greeted with a smile and a kiss but not today. "It's open!" I heard her yell. I walked into the house and saw her frantically looking for something. "Huh? Y/N, what are you doing?" I asked in confusion.

"My necklace! My necklace is missing!" she said. It was that stupid necklace I got her a few years back. She still cares about that thing? "I had it on for one second and it's gone the next! Can you help me find it?" she asked. I walked inside and started looking around for it.

We looked everywhere, the bathrooms, her office, her bedroom, the closets The necklace was no where to be found. We both collapsed on her couch as we rested for a bit. "I can't believe it's gone. How did I even lose it? I always have it on me!" she mumbled.

"Maybe it just slipped off you're neck and you didn't notice. It happens all the time."

"Maybe, I could re-trace my steps from today and find out where it is!" Y/N said. She got up and grabbed her keys.

"Do we really have to do this today? It's gonna rain in like an hour." I said pointing to the dark clouds forming above us. "It'll be quick, now let's go!" she said in enthusiasm. She grabbed my hand and pulled me outside. Looks like we're not going to have our date after all.



The first place I went to was the park. I walked through here so it was easier for me to get to the grocery store and laundromat. This was where the search began! I started looking around for my necklace.

"Why are you even trying here? Anyone could of stolen it. Actually when you think about it, maybe a bird ate it thinking it was food. Actually, it could of gotten swept away and thrown in the trash."

"Adam quit being so negative. Yes those things could of happened but there's also a chance that he necklace is still here and I can find it. Plus, it's sunny out and the clouds have gone away. Maybe there is no rain." I heard Adam sigh and started looking around with me. After a few minutes, there was nothing so we went to the next place : the laundromat.

"Ugh, can't we just go get lunch Y/N? I'm hungry!" Adam whined. I ignored his cried and went straight to the lost and found. I asked around for the necklace but no hope. "You giving up yet?" Adam asked. "Nope, I'm going to Game Stop. Come on." I grabbed his hand and pulled him with me.

I was checking all the shelves at my local Game Stop, still nothing. I looked over to see if Adam made any progress. Instead of seeing my boyfriend trying to help me out, he was on his phone. "Adam aren't you going to help me look?"

"No, because it's some stupid necklace I got you for you're 16th birthday. It's not important. You can live without it and I can buy you a new one. Simple. You didn't need to blow off our whole day for something so small."

"But it's not small Adam! That necklace was my favorite thing in the world. It was how I realized I liked you. It gave me confidence to keep going even though things were so hard. For once, I felt like someone still cared about me in a deeper way. I'm sorry we missed our original plans and I'm sorry for dragging you around but you can't just tell me that the necklace didn't mean something. You can buy me a new one but you can't replace the way I felt about it."

I turned around and tried to keep looking for the necklace. "Come on," Adam mumbled. "if you're gonna look for something you gotta do it right." He got down on the ground and pulled out his flashlight on his phone. I smiled and got down next to him.


We walked outside the store. I felt absolutely disappointed. "It's not here. It's gone, forever." I whispered. Adam grabbed my hand and lifted up my chin. "It's ok, you got me though." he said, "And it's hard to lose me." I giggled and pecked him on the lips.

Suddenly, I felt a raindrop hit my horn. "Damn it." I said. Adam took off his sweater and gave it to me. "Come on, let's get going before it gets too heavy." I put on Adam's sweater and we run through the rain.

Once we finally got to my house, Adam was soaking wet. He started to shiver as I pulled down his hood. "I'll go get you a towel and I'll make some hot chocolate, maybe some soup too. " Adam sat down on the couch as I got ready to start cooking.

Once I got to the bathroom and grabbed a towel I noticed something sparkling in the corner of my eye. Next to my towel, was my damn necklace. "Adam! Adam I found it!" I squealed. I ran downstairs and showed him my necklace. "I just of forgotten to put it on after my shower this morning...."

I looked at Adam who was shivering on the couch. All day, I made him go on a wild goose chase for something that was in my house this whole time. "Man, I'm stupid." We both started laughing as I handed Adam the towel.

I made some warm chicken noodle soup and some hot chocolate and placed them infront of Adam. He quickly started eating and enjoying the meal. I sat next to him and leaned on him. "Thanks for helping me today Adam. You're the best." I said. "Yeah yeah, I'm a saint. I'm just glad I could help."

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