A Day Out

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Adam and Y/N we're talking about demon stuff on a hill. Normally, they would be with their friends but, today they wanted to spend some alone time with each other.

"Hey Adam, so your parents ever treat you differently because your a demon?" Y/N asked.

"No. My family has a long line of demons in it. So it's kinda weird not to be a demon. Sorry."

"It's alright. It's not your fault my mom hates me."

"And it's not yours either. I may not know what it's like being bullied my your parent but I know what it's like to be bullied." Adam said holdings Y/N's hand. She blushed and smiled at her demon friend.

"So, collage is coming up soon. Are you going to one?"

"To be honest, I wanna drop out. James is making cartoons on the internet and I kinda wanna do something like that. I wanna be an animator too. But if my mom heard about it, she would flip. She would throw me out and force to go."

"How about when I get a place for myself, you move in with me? We can animate together and have a great time. And you can just tell your mom you're in college or something." Adam suggested.

"I'd like that. It sounds fun and better than living with my mom. I'd miss Tyler though. I loved my little brother but he's in like the 3rd grade and still needs me to tuck him in at night because my mom doesn't.

"He's a really cool kid, I'm sure he'll grow up great. Plus, if your mom cares she'll take better care of him."

Adam got up and saw an ice cream truck go by. "I'll be back." he said. He let go of Y/N's hand and bought a snow cone. He came back and gave her one. "I only had enough for one so I thought that maybe we could share." he said.

"It's alright, I don't mind sharing." Y/N said as the two started to eat the snow cone together. "Hey Adam, can I ask you something?" He nodded while finishing the cone. "Do you like anyone?"

Adam froze and looked over at her. "Well, I-" he looked into her eyes and just gave in. "Yeah, I like this girl. It's whatever though. I'll tell her how I feel when I'm ready. What about you?"

"There's this guy, and he's in our friend group, that's I'm saying." Y/N said.

Y/N checked her back pocket and realized her wallet was gone. "Adam I think I lost my wallet. It had my necklace in it!" she panicked.

"Don't worry, I have it. I just pickpocketed you." Adam said. He quickly got up and started to run off. "Adam!" Y/N yelled and chased him. The two ran through the hills for a few minutes until Adam got tackled by Y/N. The two rolled down and fell. Y/N fell on top of Adam. She awkwardly got off of him as Adam started laughing.

"Oh, the sun is setting. You wanna watch?" Adam asked.

"Sure, it is a beautiful day today."

"That's because your in it." Adam blurted out. His face was practically red and he looked down in embarrassment. Y/N pecked his cheek and leaned on to Adam's shoulder. Adam wrapped his arms around her as the two watched the sun set.

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