I Like Him/Her

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I was rushing to class really fast. I couldn't be late again. As I ran through the halls I was jolted backwards and thrown on to a locker. I fell to the ground and my books tumbled with me.

"Nice going demon bitch." someone said.

"Leave me alone. I didn't do anything to you. Stupid ass mother fu-" He slammed my head into the lockers. I had a massive head ache right after. "Shut up demon." the guy walked away from me.

Just around the corner Adam was rushing to class. I seemed to catch his attention as he stopped next to me. "Y/N, what happened to you?" Adam said, sitting next to me. "Another bully. I'm ok though. I've been through worse." I said.

The bell rang as the halls filled with students rushing around us. "You should go to class Adam. You'll be late." I started to pick up my books. I noticed Adam helping me out. "Nah, we got math next and I hate the teacher. Mr. Blah Blah Blah is so boring." he said. I smiled as we both picked up the books.

Once I got up, I was hit with a huge headache. I stumbled to the lockers and held a hand to my face. Adam let me lean on him and helped me walk to class. "I'll stay in class for you.. I'll give you my answers so you won't have to work too hard." he said. I smiled and nuzzled my face into his shoulder.

"Adam. Y/N. Why are you too late?" our teacher asked.

"Um, I was in the bathroom." I lied.

"And you're friend?"

"I-I was waiting for her outside the bathroom." Adam blurted.

Some classmates snickered as we took our seats. I laughed at Adam's response. "Nice job, now everyone thinks your a pervert." Adam rolled his eyes and focused on the work being given to us. All class he helped me out, even though most of his answers were wrong and I had to help him. It's the thought that counts.

After class we met up with the rest of the group for lunch. James was going on one of his rants about how much work he got stuck with. He does that a lot when he's upset. I was pulled aside by Jaiden in the corner of the lunch room.

"So, you have a crush on Adam."

"What!? Now I don't!"

"Oh come on Y/N, it's pretty obvious. You never want to take off that necklace he gave you, you guys always have these inside jokes no one understands, and you tend to stare at him a little." Jaiden listed.

"Well, the necklace is really nice and it was sweet of him to give it to me, you have inside jokes with him, James, and Tim, and I stare off into space a bit."

"Well, I saw you kiss his cheek at the sleepover! How do you explain that?"

She had me there. I had nothing to back myself up with that one. "Fine, I do like Adam but you can't tell anyone! He's just super nice and he doesn't care about what others think. I wanna be like that..."

"It's alright I get it. You have my word. I just kinda wanted you to admit it!" Jaiden started to walk back to the guys.

"Hey Jaiden, can I tell you something?" She turned around and looked at me. "When Adam took me upstairs to clean up my cut, we were about to kiss but then my little brother showed up."

Jaiden freaked out and looked at me. "You we're about to kiss? Like on the lips kiss? Aww! You guys are so cute together. Did you guys ever talk about it?"

"No! I don't want to talk about. He likes another girl, were just friends." I said. "You'll never know if he never tells you." Jaiden said.


Adam's POV

Because my math skills weren't that good, Y/N said she would teach the lesson over for me. I walked into Y/N's room and was about to sit on her bed. "Adam what are you doing?"

"Sitting down?"

"Adam, you can't just plop your butt wherever you want in a girls room, especially if it's her bed. " she said shaking her head. I was really confused as to why I couldn't just sit down. "It's just a bed Y/N." I said rolling my eyes. "Wow, it's not just math you need help in. Adam, do you know what happens in beds?"


"Not just sleeping."

I raised an eyebrow at her until I realized what she was talking about. I felt my face burn as I got up. "O-Oh." I said I'm embarrassment. She bursted into laughter and pulled out a chair for me to sit in. She sat next to me she opened her math text book.

"Shit, I forgot my math book." I mumbled. "Don't worry we can share." she said. She started going over the lesson with me.

Sadly, my attention span is super small. I was more focused on her than the math. Y/N is freaking beautiful, stunning even. Her (hair color) hair with her horns peaking out of her hair. Her sparkling eyes. Her voice. I felt my hand brush against her's. Before I knew it we were holding hands whole she explained the math. She was completely flustered with me looking at her and my tail brushing against her tail. It was so cute.

"Alright so what does X equal?" she asked.


"Adam, that's the time."

"I'm sorry. I stopped paying attention. I didn't mean to." I really did feel bad. She was taking time out of her day to focus on me. I felt really bad. "Adam, it's ok. We won't stop till you get it right!" I smiled as she explained the lesson again. I tried my hardest to pay attention and learn something.

"Good job Adam! You caught up fast!" Y/N said. I smiled at her rosey red cheeks as she looked at me. "You're doing so well."

"We'll your a great teacher."

We sat in silence for a few minutes. It wasn't an awkward silence, it was really chill. I looked at her and looked her in the eye. "Hey Y/N, I need to tell you that I li-"

Before I could finish, Y/N's mom came in. "Just decided to bring in some snacks." she said. We dropped our tails and she let go of my hand. "Ok thanks Mom." she said. Her mom left the room leaving us alone again.

"What was that Adam?" she said turning back to me.

"I just wanted to say, thanks for the help." She smiled, "No problem dude!" I sighed and just kept if to myself. "Not today Adam, not today..."

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