Happy New Year

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( I know January is almost over. I know this is late. Shut up! Just shhh. Read the story. Quiet. No speak. Talking stop. End discussion. Human interaction shall cease. Also I'm still probably gonna make a Christmas post...shhh)

Adam's POV

It was New Year's Eve, the time of year when people gather around to celebrate the next 365 days coming up. It's a time for people to make promises they most likely won't keep and to party hard till Midnight. James was hosting our annual New Year's party. A bunch of friends in the area were coming over to ring in the New Year with us. I felt myself become increasingly excited as the hours went by until the party.

As I worked on my next video, I heard my phone ring. I was quick to answer when I realized it was James. "Hey man! You ready for the big party tonight?" James asked me.

"Oh hell yeah! We're gonna have so much fun! By the way, who's coming this year?"

"The usual. Jaiden, Maaz, Rush, PJ, Tim, Rebecca. But also a couple of new people like Illy, Laddi, Zach, Christian, and Y/N!"

My heart skipped a beat as soon as I heard Y/N's name. I've liked her since the day we met back at Vidcon. Ever since we try to meet up and talk to each other as much as possible. She's the best and I love being around her. Just thinking about her beautiful face made my cheeks feel warmer. "Y-Y/N?"

"Yup! I knew you would be excited to hear she was coming. She just moved over here a few months ago so this is the perfect opportunity for her to hang out with all of us. My New Years resolution is to invite her out with us more often." James chuckled.

"Yeah me too. I really wanna start hanging out with her I bit more. She's really fun to be around and really cute too."

There was a moment of silence between James and I. It made my skin crawl knowing that he was probably planning something of was going to tease me for my feelings for Y/N even though he had a girlfriend of his own at this point. He finally broke the silence with a small suggestion, "What if you asked her out?"

My face became an even more bright shade of pink at his suggestion, "James I could never!"

"Come on Adam! You've been crushing on Y/N for two years now. It's about time you ask her out. That should be your New Years Revolution. Stop being a baby and tell Y/N you think she's hot. You can start by asking her out as your date to my party."

"First, I never said she was hot. Second, no one else is coming with a date. Why should I ask her to be mine if this is supposed to be a friendly get together?"

"Relax Adam, you won't be the only one. My girlfriend is coming over so we'll both have dates to the party. No one's is gonna find it weird ether because they don't know you like her that way. They're probably gonna think you guys just decided to come over together. Plus, asking her out would at least give her a hint, letting her know you're interested in being more than just friends. It's the perfect plan, trust me!"

I thought about all of James' points. He's not wrong, all of these things would make a good impression on Y/N. However she could say no or see this as just another friendly hang out like we always do. I don't want to start the new year off with me getting my ass rejected and ruining a relationship with someone I really care about.

"So," James said, interrupting my train of thought, "What do you say Adam?"


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