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Adam was meeting up with James and Jaiden for the day. They were planning to catch up with each other as Adam couldn't stop talking about Y/N. "Hey guys what you all talking about?" Jaiden asked as she sat next to them.

"We're talking about Adam's girlfriend." James said. Adam looked away in embarrassment. "Oh so that Y/N you've been talking about for the last week."

"She's not my girlfriend. We're just friends from back in the day and we started hanging out again. Nothing more, nothing less."

"Did you have a crush on her back then?"

"No! I don't have a crush on her now ethier. Crushes are for kids and I'm an adult. I'm not in love with Y/N. I've just haven't had someone to hang out with who wasn't an animator or wanted me for my fame. It's a big deal for me especially since she's...her. I mean she's talented, funny, organization, beautiful-." Adam heard himself this time and put his hand over his mouth. "Shit, I do like her."

"It's ok Adam, having feelings for someone is normal." Jaiden said as she suddenly was struck with an idea. "How about we have a movie night? We all can go to the movies and hang out. We get to meet Y/N and Adam can confess to her."

Adam didn't feel to comfortable with the idea. "How about we just focus on having a fun night? If Adam feels like confessing than he confesses. James suggested. Adam seemed to be more comfortable with that and the three planned for the movie night.

"Hey Y/N, you free tonight?" Adam asked. He was on the phone with Y/N.

"Yeah, why you ask? You wanna come over?"

"Well yeah but more than that. James, Jaiden and I were planning to go to the movies tonight and I was hoping that you would come with us."

"Wait- TheOdd1sOut and JaidenAnimations!? You want me to meet them!?"

"Yeah, I told them about you and there really excited to meet you."

"I'm in!"

Later that night James and Jaiden came over to pick up Y/N and Adam. Once they all finally met they got along pretty well. Y/N was calm while meeting the animators, which still surprised Adam, and James and Jaiden seemed to be calm around Adam's crush. Beside some glares by them, Jaiden and James were pretty cool about the whole things. Y/N gave an excited look to Adam which made his heart swore. So far he was having a ton of fun.

Once they got to the movie theater James and Adam stood in line for food while the girls went and got good seats. "How ya feeling Adam?" James asked tapping on his shoulder. "Feeling pretty good! Everyone is getting along nicely and we're all having a good time." Adam said.

"Hey Jameson, can I tell you a secret?"

"Sure Adam."

"I t-think Y/N is the beautiful girl I've ever known. I really want her to be the one so this has to go amazingly." Adam said as his face was tinted with red blush.

"She really makes you happy doesn't she?" James asked. Adam nodded. "Well, she's gonna love you buddy and she's so lucky to have you."

As they got the popcorn and soda they took there seats next to the girls and enjoyed the movie. Adam wasn't really focused on the movie though, he was looking at Y/N for most of it. She seemed to notice him at some points but he would always turn away before she could find out. Jaiden saw this and tried to signal Adam to make a move. Shyly, Adam moved his hand closer to Y/N's as he held it in his. When Y/N looked up at him, Adam just smiled nervously, Y/N did the same. She didn't move her hand though, rather she held it close as the night went on.

After the movie, Adam and Y/N were relaxing in the back seat. She leaned onto his shoulder as Adam wrapped his arms around her. He finally made a decision : he was going to confess to Y/N.

"Tonight was awesome Adam." Y/N said as the two walked to her house. "Thanks for inviting me."

"No problem. It was really fun, we should do this again."

"Yeah...we should..." Y/N said with a twinkle in her eye.

Adam started to panic as he looked at her. So many things were all happening at once. It was a little too much for him. "I-I lOvE yoU!" Adam word vomited. Y/N had the most confessed look on her face. "It was nice hanging out by." Adam said slamming the door and running back into the car. He almost jumped into James' car.

"How did it g-"

"DRIVE!" Adam yelled.

Too scared to question it, James started to drive off. Jaiden looked back to check on Adam who was to upset to respond. He has his hat over his face and his hood up so no one would see him getting teary eyed. Y/N wouldn't like him after that, he was so embarrassed as he tired to not sob out loud. He was starting to give up on his feeling.

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